Hi guys,
I think guys and gals who have had that first time sexually that went well often experience an afterglow which is to be savored and treasured.
I know this was true when I masturbated and achieved my very first full-fledged orgasm complete with ejaculation of semen around age 14. No one helped me. It just happened of its own accord. Thus began long journey as a masturbator through the years to even now!
Likewise as a sophomore in college when my college roommate and I engaged in mutual masturbation and cock sucking. I had a profound afterglow which lasted whole night long. Also some years later, when a guy and I got together for a more serious affair that lasted some months. While I never became promiscuous by long stretch, sexual encounters of this type had a profound influence upon me.
Many years later at age 63, I began my Aneros journey with Helix Syn in early June, 2012. In the two years which followed, I developed an Aneros routine that enabled me to enjoy my various models more and more. Getting Tempo just before Thanksgiving 2013 caused my sessions into a much higher level of fun and pleasure. So whenever I have sessions now, I focus on the fun and pleasure that my Aneros models avail me now. I seldom have dud sessions. Invariably I came away from my sessions with profound Aless.