Marathon session

)Starting with this blog entry, I go into much more detail on each session. This session, along with the next 3, were originally transcribed to paper immediately after the session ended.(

Started for the 1st hour w/o the vibrator on, doing the usual warm-up contractions and breathing exercises. From there I tried contractions of various strengths. For the first time without the vibrator on, I felt a few small orgasms. I continue to make progress here.

At around 9:50p I turned on the vibrator, starting with low-steady. While it felt nice, I didn't feel close to getting any orgasms. I shifted to medium-steady and while it felt a bit better, I still wasn't getting anywhere. After about 20 minutes, I moved to High-Steady. Once again it felt better, but I still wasn't getting close to orgasm. I decided to be patient and try different levels of contractions. I was eventually rewarded with a number of moderate strength orgasms. Kept at it for the rest of the session, dropping down to Medium-Steady for a bit. Orgasms )small to moderate( came at a steady pace. Towards the end, I felt a really strong orgasm start to come on and thought maybe I was about to have my first Super-O. As it turned out, all I was feeling was the Vice slipping out. Odd. :(

One Note: I was feeling a bit sore towards the end; not sure if it was fatigue or if I was going too rough. Once I removed the Vice, I felt fine. Guessing fatigue.

Vibrating vs. Classic

Looking to find which type of prostate massager gives the most intense stations the fastest. I know reaching the super o takes patience and a lot of time but I'm just curious to hear what you all have to say.


I started this blog as a convenient way to track the progress I am making towards my first Super-O and beyond. But it also occurred to me that others may be reading it as well, so I suppose I should take a moment to introduce myself. As you can probably surmise from my username, my name is Chris. I am currently in my mid-40s and have been using anal devices for over 20 years. The vast majority of that time, they were used as a way to boost traditional orgasms. So much so that in recent years, I find that I have trouble having an orgasm without one. While I had heard of Aneros for quite some time, I really didn't pay too much attention to them as they were always so much more expensive than the alternatives I ended up using. Plus, I preferred vibrating anal toys, which Aneros did not offer )until relatively recently(.
The last couple anal devices I purchased stopped working relatively quickly, clearly due to their poor quality. So I decided I would be better off biting the bullet and picking up a higher quality option. I looked into several vibrating anal toys, including the Aneros Vice which I eventually decided on. As I mentioned previously, I knew the Aneros brand and it's reputation for high quality products and that really was the deciding factor for me. While I purchased it solely as a means to heighten my traditional orgasms, I soon discovered a whole new world that became available to me. This blog is my way to keepy track of my adventures as I travel down this new, unknown path.

Am I doing something wrong?

Throwaway for privacy issues… So I bought the helix syn and have used it twice. I put it in watch my desired porn or browse my desired reddits and just kind of sit there and relax. I do the contractions and eventually go faster and faster. I get a really good feeling that is hard to describe but it feels great and I try to focus on that. Both times I have had a regular hands free orgasm where I ejaculate. Im guessing this isnt a prostate O or a super O.(Not sure if there is a difference) Both times I stopped after I ejaculate. Do I need to keep going after I cum? Or should i be doing something different. Basically I am contracting my muscle and feeling it push against my prostate which feels amazing, but I am not sure if maybe I should be doing something different?

I achieved MMO after two weeks. Posting my methodology in case it works for someone.

There is a lot of advice out there on achieving Multiple Male Orgasms that works to varying degrees for different people. I have heard that it takes some people months or years to achieve MMO, so I figured I would post my experience and see if it is of any help.

When I first got my Progasm, I was beating up my prostate with it because I had the misconception many people seem to have that a prostate orgasm works the same way a regular one does. It took me a bunch of failed attempts to get the message that no, I was not guaranteed an O just because I started messing around down there. The worst part about it was that it really feels like you are making progress when you are doing that, and if you keep working it as hard as you can, that "hurts so good" feeling will turn into super O's. They never do.

Am I on the right track?

Hello everyone,

Back in September I bought the Helix Syn as my first toy. Ever since I've gotten it, during good sessions I get a feeling of my body sort of "building up" to something, but not sure what. It seems as though this is a build up to the super-O? However just as it gets good, the feeling just…disappears. As if it didn't happen. The build ups make me feel like I'm ready to explode.

It feels good and everything when that happens, and I love using the toy even when I'm not actively trying for the super-O because I LOVE the way it feels on my prostate (indescribable feeling, warm, tingly as it rocks back and forth, but I'm sure you veterans know all about it). However, it's kind of disappointing because for such a big build up that makes me moan involuntarily nothing really happens.

I don't use the toy super often, usually just when I get that "itch" that needs to be scratched maybe once a week. I have had a dry, hands-free traditional orgasm from it, and that time it felt as though my ass wouldn't let go of the toy. Once in a while I'll feel my eyes rolling back as that build up I describe happens, or a feeling of vertigo. I've also tried using a Vice, to see if the vibration keeping stimulation while I'm built up would do anything, but I've had very little success in even getting too built up by that toy.

More Admissions

Two of the most amazing and wonderful things about this orgasmic journey I am on is the awakening of my sexual response and the expansion of my sexual interest, gender wise. For most of my life arousal has consisted of getting an erection when looking at naked women and feeling the desperate need to ejaculate to seek relief from the sweet frustration that accompanies arousal and erection. By its nature arousal for me was 100% cock and female focused. Ejaculation was a much desired but fleeting experience. I remember after I discovered orgasm when I was young I used to fantasize how amazing it would be if I could sustain the sensation of an orgasm for more than those extremely pleasurable seconds of pumping bliss. In the absence of that skill I replaced the fantasy with the reality of unending masturbation; I would tug to orgasm a dozen times in a day. Sadly though, the more times I came the less pleasurable each successive ejaculation became.

For years fantasies of anal penetration intrigued me; occasionally I would watch videos of guys masturbating with curious fascination as I got modest erections. I experimented with home fabricated devices for anal penetration; in the places that I lived, sex toy stores were not around every corner. I could best describe those early anal penetration experiences as not thrilling, except for the visual aspect of seeing an object penetrate me.

Aneros Helix user

I've been using the helix for about 3 months now. I never got the Super O yet, but feel I'm really close. I tried laying on my back with pillows under my legs. I get the best feeling on my knees bent over with my head down. I've tried something different last week. I bent over on my knees leaning into a computer chair and that felt good too. I'm not sure if this is working against my relaxing though.

After coming close for about a two hour session, I used a massager on the helix and that worked out pretty good. After about an hour of that, i sat in the chair with the helix in and used the massager on my prenium. I held the massager tight against my prostate from the outside. I suddenly had an orgasm which hardly had any cum. It was definitely different. Was that a regular traditional orgasm or something close to the Super O?


I'm starting to believe that I can't make this Aneros experience work unless I keep it secret from my partner. That is… it's use. I'm not gonna super-o in front of him. I look like a seizure case. Plus, I want him to try it out, use it right, but he gives up so fast. First it was about piquing his interest, but he doesn't know what to expect. Now it's about my own journey with the device. What disturbs me is that I may be starting to prefer working with Aneros than sex with him.

My Second Encounter

Last night in a chat with Brine he asked me to do an entry describing my second liaison with a guy. Brine and a few others have asked about my twice venture into male – male sexual intimacy in the last two years. It is difficult to describe the experience without putting it into context. In a recent chat Brine and few of us were explaining MMO / Super O to a newbie. Brine commented that it was an integrated physical – mental – spiritual thing. He is absolutely right.

For the last 20 years I have been engaged in a discovery process to understand my sexuality. I dipped my toes into Tantra, Zen, Kundalini, edging, anal penetration and erotic massage to name a few. There were also workshops, strip clubs, gay bars, books, pod casts and myriad toys and porn. The frustration of all of them was that they all seemed to fall short or they required a life change to really engage. I was not ready to become a monk or a sex worker LOL.

Then 8 years ago quite by chance I was surfing the net looking for porn when I wound up on the Aneros site. I ordered my first toy exactly 8 years ago this month. That following year was dedicated to learning to use it. When I had ben successful for 8 months or so the rewiring process started. I am guessing that by the end of that year I was rewired. My sexual response, spirituality, physical – sexual capability, and mental state were all synched and in a sense I was sexually reborn.