Launching an A Less Session

I am in my 8th year of Super O – MMO practice. The progression of my experience with super o has been like walking through a carefully contorted maze. Each turn brings me to another unknown place; that place opens to endless other places to reveal kaleidoscopic orgasmic pleasures that flow in torrents. It has been a never ending journey of discovery. Through it all, the most delightful discovery was the realization of my ability to use my mind to drive mmo and generate extreme pleasure. That pleasure is so intense it tests the limits of my body’s ability to cope with intense ecstasy.

Each session I do I learn some new technique or trick to amplify the erotic pleasure I feel. Often during a session I will drive orgasmic pleasure to a new spot in my body or I will use my mind to guide that pleasure to express itself in a new or intriguing way. However, one of the things that has been really positive for me is the ease in which I can initiate trembling pleasure spasms from a less or inserted sessions.

Last night was one of those A less sessions that followed two days without mmo. Two days of denied mmo pleasure results in torrents of orgasmic spasms that make my legs tremble when I eventually do a session. So last night when J came to bed with a tee shirt and slinky panties clinging tightly to the smooth soft skin of her derriere, I knew that my session later in the soft quiet night of our bed was going to be juicy and sensually surreal.

Recovery from bliss

I was advised that I would feel my Super-O for a few days and I have. This morning on the way to work my Perineum or "sweet spot" had a deep down tingle causing me to shift in my vanpool seat while I secretly grinned. An occasional involuntary contraction was added every once in awhile. I'd been pretty good about refraining from frequent riding but I wasn't too strict about it. So tonight I decided to treat myself. I dusted off two of my favorite toys, my penis plug and my go-to friend Progasm.

Progasm quickly as his custom filled me and took charge. It wasn't long as I concentrated on his bumps and nudges he began to vibrate my sweet spot internally, oh that felt good. So, I let him continue with his tricks and P-waves began to radiate through my loins moving my hips to keep up with them. Sub-consciously I keep trying to relax but, those wonderful waves they are so compelling.

As things finally began to slow down, Progasm took over again and a series of cascading Dry-O's permeated my mid-region. I had been told my first sessions following a Super would be filled with them and they are right. This cascading effect of sensations creates such a craving for more. I have more time off soon. I so want Super 2 the sequel to arrive.

Need some guidance

I have been experimenting with prostrate stimulation for around of year and been using this…

Sometimes even getting my wife to use her fingers, and to use a small dido, but haven't experienced the super o.

I feel like it's gotten me to cum, but nothing beyond that type of pleasure.

I am just looking for the right one for me. I know that's hard, but just some help.

Super O has arrived

After a pleasurable session with Progasm yet nothing out of the ordinary, I switched to Peridise and logged onto Chat. I noticed an often seen tag and proceeded to private chat. Simple polite conversation and questions rallied back and forth. We chatted as I rode and the Peridise picked up on the stimulating conversations.

He began to tickle, and caress, and vibrate as our conversation heated up. I began to describe the sensations and my new companion offered suggestions and direction and winks. This chat also includes a new flow thru penis plug and I described it how it works and what it was doing to me at the time. Each description led to more activity between Paridise, me, and my chat partner. As things were getting intense my partner insinuated that the plug was helping and I so agreed and described how it was vibrating inside my cock making my tip tingle in unison with the Paridise.

P-waves, Pre-cum, Dry o's, began to flow and cascade through my loins. They continued to cycle adding more and more sensations and levels of want for more. The fluid running through the plug warmed it and tickled the urethra. Things were building to levels I've never experienced before and my chatting partner kept encouraging me by letting me know yes I'm "headed" in the right direction. I experienced more than one wet orgasm intensified by the plug as it ramped up the velocity of the cum as it exited and warmed its hollow design.

Did I just Super-O?

This was my second time using the aneros and I'm unsure wether or not it was a full on super-o, let me describe the feelings I had with it:

First off, I was in my bed listening to this, a hands free orgasm hypnosis wearing headphones. The first maybe 5 minutes I feel pretty much nothing but after that my sphincter muscle started contracting which felt nice, this intensified for a bit followed by a sense of drifting away and then rocking back and forth.

After a while my muscles start tensing up, like all over my body, my stomach, chest, neck, hell even my face was tense, I almost couldn't move my arms but it still felt soooo good, almost overwhelming. At this point I was spazzing a bit in the bed. I was breathing so fast and heavy and by this point the hypnosis audio was just background noise.

But then it didn't develop much further, it still felt amazing and I kept breathing heavily and the tenseness was still there only slowly declining.

Afterwards I just laid there, kind of exhausted but not "satisfied" as I'm used to with traditional orgasms and actually still a bit horny. During all this I never got hard and I didn't cum, nor pre-cum.

I'm wondering if I had my first full on Super-O or if there's even more to it, what do you think?

About 40 hours of Aneros session time now, time to share again

So I have had about 20 sessions since I have started my glorious journey with Aneros products and I feel it's time to share some of my personal findings!

Sit back and relax, I will probably be as wordy as I ever am! Enjoy!

I'm not sure where to start this exactly so I will talk it out as I go, I guess =D

If you have kept up with my previous blog posts you will get an idea of where I was at. Well let me assure you it as only gotten better with time. I cannot claim to be rewired, but my good lord has the experience and the pleasure been absolutely breathtaking!

I have continued my sessions moving forward with lighter contractions, on RARELY really deep contractions anymore (Unless I am going for a Super-T)

I gotta say…. sticking with the light contractions, alternating between direct anal contractions and PC contractions has sky rocketed my pleasure levels! P-waves a plenty, oooh my goodness! I haven't had any Super-O's yet, or any hands free dry-o's, but I don't even care. The build up has been glorious!

Since I have started I have added 5 more models to my collection. I have outlined each of them in the forums, but I will touch base here to keep this from being pages long, and I will include the link to the thread it's in as well.

Can ejaculate HF but not sure next step

Hi! 21 yr old male here.

I've had the helix classic for a while now. I like it a lot and it has always made my traditional orgasms a whole lot better but recently I have been trying harder to get hands free orgasms (HF) or super O's or prostate orgasms or just more powerful orgasms in general.

I can make myself ejaculate and orgasm without touching my dick but I don't think I'm doing it correctly. I put in my helix after not masturbating or having sex for a few days and then go through the process of letting my sphincter adjust and then the deep breathing and clenching and all that jazz. And it feels good, especially when I start with light holds and just try to hold those as long as possible. Then I watch porn and browse some of my favorite dirty sub reddits (all the while not touching my cock- I lie on my left side with my knees up or I lie on my back with a pillow underneath me to boost up my butt) and I try to focus on the feelings in my prostate. It all feels really really good but sometimes I have a hard time making sure to keep my sphincter clenched or I find that I'm flexing my cock instead of my ass or my abs instead of my ass. Regardless I feel something welling up inside of me and if I put my balls in between my thighs (really just separate my cock from my balls via my thighs) and extended my legs or sometimes just by squeezing my thighs I ejaculate. Sometimes I don't even need to do that, it happens anyways It feels amazing and I love it, but I know it's not a super O.

An easy way towards a new type of TO (involving stimulation of the FRONT side of the prostate).

I have to say that I am surprised by how popular some of my recent threads have been ("priming the prostate" "societal pressure" etc.). Not sure how to feel about this, except to say that I hope my threads have been useful to you all.

Along those lines, I thought that I would mention another phenomenon that I discovered by trial and error. Well… actually there was a fair amount of logic involved – and my intuition just happened to be right. Let me explain.

During a recent session (which I have since duplicated), I got to that familiar point, where I could feel that my prostate was extremely aroused. I had not achieved a Super O yet, but I did get some good P-waves in. By that point, I felt that things were really started to drag on… so I decided to end the session in typical fashion: with a traditional orgasm (TO).

This time, however, I decided to switch up my TO technique a little bit. Whereas I typically reach TO like a normal person (stroking my entire shaft, and the head), I decided to see what would happen if I had a TO that was induced by stimulation of the base of my penis only. Hell, why not? That whole area was already engorged.

Aneroless ejaculation

I've owned an aneros progasm for nearly a year, however I have been exploring the back door for years. I have had other prostate massagers prior to the progasm and also currently own a nexus revo 2. Both so much fun.

I can reach hands free ejaculation anytime, with or without anything inserted.

I have incredible sensations. But nothing is ever as intense as when I ejaculate hands free.

My deepest curiosity is if I am missing something.

Is it likely that I am experiencing numerous super o 's prior to finally ejaculating?

Or am I ejaculating before actually making it to the super o?

leading up to my hands free ejaculations all my 'orgasms' feel like they just aren't reaching the cusp of something. They are just a building sensation until I finally ejaculate.

When I ejaculate hands free, with or without an aneros, I experience a small refractory period of about 10 minutes )if I ejaculate hands onm I could be done for days! – exaggeration (.

My refractory is less if it is an anerosless ejaculation.

So some days ; I ejaculate aneroless and handsfree, then go to aneros and a super T, then feel unsatisfied the rest of the day but can't get back on the horse so to speak unless I just do regular masturbation and ejaculation.

Silent Seduction

As usual I have to put in my disclaimer…this is total fantasy. I was inspired by somebody but not fact…only fiction. Hopefully it will get some of your sessions off to a good start.

I swing the door open before he even has a chance to knock. I look up at him, "Come in." He does and sits down. He's sick, I hand him a tissue. He takes it and blows his nose, I stand there and watch him. Funny how sometimes even the most disgusting things in life can be interesting. He's sitting there blowing green goo out of his nose but its such a real moment in time, it helps me to remember he's not a total fantasy. It doesn't turn me on…but it doesn't repulse me either. Once he's finished I take the tissue to throw it away, I see him watching me in my peripheral vision. When I come back he seems comfortable, quietly relaxing, I sit next to him. I feel him looking at me, I look over at him not truly believing he's here. He trails his finger down my arm leaving goose bumps in his wake. I slid closer to him nestling into his side wrapping my arms around his torso. He feels nice warm, soft, but not too soft. I avert my gaze away from his eyes, not wanting to make it too painfully obvious how aroused he's making me. Instead I elect to caress from his chest down to his tummy and back. He puts his arm around me resting his hand on my hip. I notice he's rubbing the cotton material of my undies…I smile to myself. I wasn't expecting him so I was only wearing a t-shirt and panties. Its then that I remember how much he says he likes cotton guess he was serious because there is a suspicious bulge in his pants that wasn't there before.