Another twist in the road of my journey – late July and early August

Since this is more of a journal I'll be updating my experiences semi-regularly. Skip to the end of the blog for the latest entry.

I found that I had unintentionally hijacked the topic in the"weed" forum discussion with my Salvia Divinorum experiences and thought that my descriptions of my experiences were more appropriate in a blog. So here it is. I'll keep updating it as I go.

June 25
salvia divinorum looks interesting; quick acting, short duration, not addictive, meditative affects, no hangover. I'm going to try it.

Wikipedia says "Mazatec shamans have a long and continuous tradition of religious use of Salvia divinorum, using it to facilitate visionary states of consciousness during spiritual healing sessions.[1] Most of the plant's local common names allude to the Mazatec belief that the plant is an incarnation of the Virgin Mary, with its ritual use also invoking that relationship"

June 26
Here's a poetic description of the Salvia Divinorum experience from the Pharmako/poeia by Dale Pendel:

"It's like a mirror with no frame: some don't see it at all; some do, but don't like what they see.

It's like cat paws, soft cat paws pressing, or like a bunch of bird tongues lapping the mind. Or like tiny fingers, the way ivy fingers reach out to climb a wall . . .

Fantasies, Kaleidoscopes and Ecstasy

Peppered throughout my writings are descriptions of prostate derived orgasms, or MMO’s as I call them as kaleidoscopic. In Aneros circles MMO’s are commonly refer to as super Os. Sometimes guys refer to the sensation of MMOs as pleasure waves )which I sometimes do as well(; however in many of my recent sessions I have been perceiving MMO’s as chains of kaleidoscopic orgasms that sensually morph from one ecstatic feeling to the next as they unfold. Each wave of pleasure reveals excruciating ecstatic sensations. Just as a kaleidoscope morphs and transforms one elegant richly detailed vision to another so does an MMO; the rhythmically pulsing spasms of orgasm transfigure themselves unfurling lush orgasmic sensations as they do. And just as I struggle to see and absorb the deeply vibrant images in a kaleidoscope, so do I also struggle to experience and savor the intense and overwhelming sensations of an MMO.

With my eyes closed I can sense the sensually erotic colors of pleasurable sensation. I do not really see the colorful vibrancy and chilling detail of an MMO but instead I envision it viscerally. I feel it as the enticing chill of ecstasy and as agonizing euphoria of cascading pleasure. It moves throughout my anal tract eventually permeating my entire body, its alluring fingers stroking my anal canal, tugging on my cock, squeezing my prostate, and coaxing my anus, teasing it to flex and spasm in paroxysms of erotic bliss. It makes my entire body quiver and my cock drip precum as I succumb to the exquisite echoes of orgasmic rapture.

Starting to let go of myself and my fears.

This past week I had contact with my family in a way that stirred up anger and fear, which led to renewed feelings of self-loathing and doubt. Much of this anger and fear is about my parents and how they treated me in the past. The self-loathing came from seeing my parents as "evil" beings and seeing myself (unconsciously) as an extension of them.

That contact with my family ended on Friday. I have been reading about Buddhism and practicing Buddhist meditations lately, so I began that practice again on Friday in an attempt to "recover." I also attempted to have a session Friday night. While it was intense and pleasurable (especially since it had been a week since my last ejaculation) I found I wasn't able to "break through" into that special place where I am perfectly loved and accepted. In particular, at the gateway to that place I found an incredible loneliness and need for validation.

On Saturday I began reading some Buddhist discourse on fear and the nature of fear. Much of what I read talked about how many of our fears are an extension of the original fear of abandonment and death we develop when we leave the womb, since at that time being abandoned means death. I began to see how these ideas were at play in my relationship with my parents and my pattern of self-doubt. My parents are the type to love people conditionally, and I started to see why the fear of losing them caused me so much pain. I saw that that fear of abandonment was tied to my fears around death and survival. The book I was reading recommended meditative exercises where the inner (fearful) child was allowed to express these fears, and the adult self then comforted the inner child–reminding it that it can now survive on its own and give itself love.

Saturday Morning Syn

I woke up Saturday morning in the mood for a session, so I got up, took a shower and cleaned myself inside and out. My Helix Syn was already in the bathroom so I thought I would go ahead and insert it so as not to disturb my girlfriend, who I thought was still sleeping. All the lube supplies were in the bedroom, so I searched to see what was available in the bathroom. Ended up finding some petroleum jelly and vitamin E oil, so went with that…

To this point, I have had limited success with the Helix Syn. It was my first Aneros device, and was lucky to experience some minor contractions and sensations on only it's second use, but it was nowhere in comparison to the experiences with the Tempo and Progasm Jr.

Helix Syn inserted, into bed, I start by relaxing and just clearing my mind of everything, including the Helix Syn inside me. I find if I try and concentrate on it too soon, I clench up and things just don't move along. Instead of then starting out with the Kegel exercises, I like to use slow gentle hip thrusts to try and move the Helix up and down over my prostrate. The slower the better, you can also incorporate slow breathing to help further manipulate the device in rhythm with your hip movements.

Thought I Was Here Before

A had a revelation yesterday. What I thought I was experiencing wasn't quite as it seemed. I had had many super O's over the past few months, but now it seems that they weren't originating where I thought. The ones where I used my nipples to orgasm certainly were centered in the prostate, but the ones where I relied solely on the Aneros weren't. I now think that they were anal orgasms rather than solely produced from the prostate. I believe this because I finally reached a level that I thought was already experiencing.

The anal orgasms never felt quite the same as the nipple induced orgasms. They weren't as intense, but they could last longer and were more steady. A session on Friday gave me a hint as to this other level of sensation from the prostate. I started out with a Peridise then had a decent session switching to the Helix. For some reason I thought I'd try the Progasm afterwards despite it being uncomfortable 3/4 of the time. This time I discovered one way that I could avoid the discomfort. When I made sure my anus was relaxed the Progasm got more comfortable and there was more sensation from the prostate than I usually get from the Helix.

Curious about the Tempo!

Having some limited success )first 2 sessions( with the Helix Syn and over the top Super-Os with the Progasm Jr, I was curious how the Tempo would do, so naturally that was the plan for last night. I lubed up and the Tempo slid right in without much of a fight from me. Really didn't feel it like the PJ )Progasm Jr.(, but I could tell it was there. It just barely touches the prostate and the muscles around it, so it sort of tickles, or at least that is as close to describing the sensation as I can. Within a few minutes, I can feel the waves starting to build. Unlike the PJ, it wasn't WHAM! It was more like a freight train in the distance down the track, you could sense it coming, but couldn't judge the speed. The waves slowly built up until suddenly WHAM, WHAM, WHAM, I was doubled over again in contractions, my month was opened, but I couldn't speak or yell. I keep mouthing the word wow wow wow. It must have gone on for 30 minutes, slow build up, then POW, a number of super-o's in a row. I was doing almost nothing, not thinking of anything in particular, not doing any exercises, just enjoying the ride from the Tempo!

My girlfriend comes in and I tell her that I have "borrowed" her Tempo, and she can see that I'm convulsing, she comes to bed and says, "you're hot". But of course, I've already had a 30 minute workout!

Progasm Jr and Tempo — A whole new level for couples!

Not completely satisfied with the Helix Syn, due mainly to my penchant for being a gadget freak more than anything, I decided to stop by a local Adult toy store and pick up a Progasm Jr and Tempo.

I was very fortunate to experience some mini-Os with the Helix Syn on only the 2nd session, but was not prepared for the immediate results offered by the Progasm Jr! Quick lesson here, if you have not experienced any results with another model, TRY THE PROGASM JR!

As before, I told my girlfriend I was going to lay down, relax and "start my therapy", to which this time she did not roll her eyes!

While the Helix Syn is not compatible with silicone lubes, the Progasm Jr is, which is fortunate as it is slightly bigger and longer than the Helix Syn. So this time used the silicone lube on the PJ )Progasm Jr(. Laid down at 9:40PM with my relaxing music, and again started out on my stomach. IN LESS THAN 5 minutes, the contractions started coming in waves, each set getting stronger and stronger. I have up to this point not done anything, no movement, no exercises, the PJ just "knows" where to go and immediately pushes my easy button!

A lesson about loving others and myself.

About half an hour ago, I concluded the most profound session I've ever experienced. I have never written an account of a session before, so bare with me as I try to describe what was a deeply emotional and enlightening experience.

I'll start with a little background about myself. I'm a 30 year old single bisexual man living on the West Coast USA. I have been riding for about 2 years. I began riding after I read about Super-Os on the Internet and thought, "who wouldn't want to soup up their orgasms?" My journey began in hedonism, but as with so many others my path has twisted into a spiritual forest.

This twist began with my first Super-O this past November, or rather, the glow of love I found inside that Super-O. The past few years of my life have also been a quest to build self-compassion and heal old wounds, which is why I felt the need to nurture and explore that glow. Soon, my quest to sink deeper into the emotional dimensions of the Super-O and my life's spiritual quest were intertwined. I spoke with members about their spiritual experiences with the Aneros and tried to foster connection, began to meditate both in and out of sessions, and generally worked on loving and accepting myself. As time has passed, I developed the ability to have powerful a-less sessions, which made it easier to incorporate the practice into my life's journey.

Nice peridise video

I took a video of a session that came out better than expected. I could call it "Howling at the Moon".

I kept up a running commentary from lubing and insertion. Had a number of good SuperO's, finished off with a wet one. Not bad for an obese 70-year-old with ED and two inches or so of his pecker buried in belly fat.

I'm an iPod novice.

Tried to post it on the Videos forum, it selected ok, compressed, but failed because of size. What's the best way to make it available without revealing my trueness name?

Beyond …

My hole yearned to embrace an aneros — it had been since Monday. I yawned; and immediately, my old frame was gripped in a full-body orgasm. I had 30 minutes at most; butt, it would be worth it. I quickly lubed my ass and eupho, bent my knees halfway to my chest, and slowly slid my cool, cool eupho in through my yearning sphincters. I immediately focused on sharing these moments with my God — in praise, intense and total praise and thanksgiving I fully believe my creation is no hap-hazard quirk of chance, rather a carefully thought out work of intricate creation — deep within the darkness of my mother's womb.

The winter here in Maine was harsh; and, my body was wracked with repeated viruses. It has been just over two weeks since the last virus left me unconscious on our bathroom floor. Needless to say, my aneros sessions have been few and far between. I have come to cherish each and every one of them as nothing short of a blessing — I take none of them for granted!

Shortly after my eupho slid firmly up against my prostate, my ass tightened, my left breast convulsed and my prostate started to orgasm — nothing unusual. What was unusual developed when my first O did not release; but, instead recycled and caused my ass and prostate to continue to ratchet to another level of tightness — no refractory period!