How long does your session last before HFWO?

For those who get HFWOs, how long is your session before you reach that point ? My sessions usually last about 1-1.5 hours, I feel like people have said that before they get HFWO they have dry orgasms. I’m wondering if I am not having long enough sessions to get to that point . Also if it did take a certain amount of time and then got shorter or longer , let me know

Sucking in too much

Sometimes when I put the aneros in ( I use the Progasm) I feel like it goes in too much. When this happens the prongs of the Progasm press into me hard, making it in comfortable. Once it’s in for a while I am able to relax and it gets better but I would prefer it not to happen at all Does anyone have any tips so this doesn’t happen?

Not into it when constantly pulsing PC muscle

Does anyone else not benefit from the pc muscle clenching ? I find that my best sessions are when I get into a deep meditative like state and barely clench (if at all). Maybe the muscle exercises help at a different stage than I am at but trying to create a rhythm of clenching takes my mind out of it and doesn’t let me focus on my prostate. Is anyone like this or was like this?

Any thoughts on using the aneros during work/chores/gaming?

I was wondering what peoples experiences was with keeping an aneros in during work or throughout the day. Does it make it harder to use the aneros during a session because it’s just a normal thing now? Has it helped your sessions? I have a trident and a Progasm. I was thinking of keeping the Progasm in throughout the day because it’s the one I mostly use.

I also have been thinking about keeping it in while I game because i usually smoke weed during that time and I don’t smoke during work or during the daytime. Any thoughts on that?

Does anyone pulse their pc muscle?

I know that people contract their pc muscle but I was wondering the rate of the contractions. I found that quickly pressing the outside of my pc muscle got me close to orgasm, so I figure something similar would be helpful for the aneros. However in reality, it seemed like the rate might be too quick and I was focusing too much on the act of contracting. Also for those who pulse, how quickly and how hard are you contracting?

Different techniques with different models?

I current have the helix trident and the Progasm and I haven’t had much luck recently with the trident. I have had all of my full body contractions with the Progasm. I was wondering if people used different amounts of clenching or other techniques depending on which model they are using. Many people often give advice for what they do but I wonder if their advice would be more accurate or helpful if it was the same model.

Any tips with Nipple play?

I have seen that a lot of people have had great success with using nipple play to get to super o’s and overall just enhance the experience. I am someone who has not had a lot of experience with this and am just starting out. I feel like I get to a certain point with nipple play and then it starts to hurt, almost like a splinter. Not much, but enough to take me out of it. If I stop for a 30 sec or so and then start again, it is fine. Any tips for getting over this? I have just been trying to push passed it recently but I am not sure if others had this before.

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Feeling frozen in place

I was wonder if anyone else has had this experience. When I close my eyes and use my aneros I sometimes get to a place where I feel frozen in place. I had done hypnosis in the past and it is similar to that feeling. Is there something I should do when I get to this feeling ? It frequently leads to a prostate orgasm but usually when I feel it, it happens all of a sudden when watching porn. Not usually just from laying and breathing. This time it did not turn into anything. Looking for some tips on where to go from there. It is good feeling not sexual or anything but almost like I’m stoned.

Questions on the Progasm

How are the tabs for the progasm? I have the helix trident and after a while they can get uncomfortable. I haven’t seen much about those tabs but wanted to ask directly. Also what have been your experiences with the Progasm vs the Progasm jr? I understand the jr is smaller but I’m wondering if people prefer that. Since I have been using the helix trident for a while, I am leaning more towards Progasm because I feel like it is more likely to be a different experience from the helix trident than the jr is.

Does smoking weed help improve your sober sessions?

I was wondering if people found that when they have sessions where they smoke or something that it helps their next sessions where they are sober. I have had a few sessions with weed but I am not sure if they have helped my sober sessions.

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