Mood Setter

Well a couple of times I've been asked what I listen to music wise to get turned on. Its kind of hard to say in just a few words so I decided I'd put up a playlist. Now keep in mind this is not one of those types of playlists that is subliminal and has all these specific frequencies and all that…honestly having a very diverse musical background…that crap annoys me and just makes me want to turn it off. I guess because its just sounds designed to relax you…however I dont need weird sounds to relax me…I can relax in silence…I'm pretty laid back to begin with. So this is for the music heads like me.

Now this playlist really can serve a multitude of purposes. I use it primarily as a mood setter before a session….however I dont get up and turn it off…I just let it play, however at a point I do forget its there. This playlist can be used to set the mood before or during sex as well…the songs I have are certified panty droppers…if you dont know what that means…consult with me lol. Sometimes I really believe that men dont take time to get women in the mood…lots of time music helps…stop being lazy guys. Ok on to the list:

Emotional Session Experiment

This is a little different for me. This is a session i had, but i'll weave in my mental imagery as well. Quick note though )more for myself than others(, the guy in this imagery…STOP THINKING ABOUT HIM YOU IDIOT )yes i talk to myself like this ALL the time I need the harshness in order for me to stop being a nitwit(. This is NOT healthy…

Over and Done with….

5:45 am: I got in my car and headed home. Before walking outside I looked over my shoulder, one last glimpse, he's standing there. I feel my heart pause for a second. I take a deep breath and force myself to keep moving. My throat is tight, my feet feel heavy, my palms are sweaty. What I'd like more than anything is to run back into his arms and never let him go. I cant do that, we already talked about this. I'm at my car, I put my bag in the trunk, then get inside. I start my car and back out. As I pass the front door I look for him, don't see him. Eyes forward…I'm headed "home".

Back to "normal" life for me and far away from the fairy tale the last day and a half has been. Back to being alone. Back to sleeping alone. Back to cumming alone. Back to dreaming about a life I wont have. Tears continue to fall down my face, I have to learn to control this unnatural attachment to forbidden fruit. He wont miss me so why do I miss him? I'll be the one still feeling how perfectly he fit me, remembering how he touched all the right spots inside me effortlessly. Being a woman sucks, giving someone your body, the deepest part of you knowing its just sex for them really blows. Knowing its only a matter of time before he feels relatively the same thing with somebody else…really fucking sucks. However, its not my ploy to change him. I love him just the way he is, I want him happy, he's so much fun happy.

On the Job Benefits

So when chatting with a fellow chatter here, he mentioned a hot fantasy he had while traveling that starred him and a sexy flight attendant. He brought back to mind a fantasy I'd really pretty much forgotten about. So to him thanks for reminding me about this, hope you enjoy!!!

I have a fascination with having sex in various forms of transportation, but what's funny is I've never had sex in any mode of transportation. Not even a car. I'll have to fix that one day. I've also never put a face to the man in this fantasy either. I never really wanted to, but right before sitting down to right this one it made sense to do so. So to him…thanks for giving my character more meaning and charisma.

So I'm sitting on my private jet finishing up some work. We've already landed, my car is waiting to take me to the hotel. I hear a sound come from the front of the plane. The pilot steps out of the cockpit. His eyes meet mine, he smiles. I smile back at him, "I'm almost done, do you have a few minutes to spare, then I'll be out of your way." He simply nods and retreats back to the cockpit. He's tall…handsome…has a quiet debonair aura to him. His stellar credentials made him a top candidate for this job…his humor makes him a dream to be around…his killer looks sealed the deal. After all it doesn’t hurt to have some eye candy to think about when you're miles off the ground.

Mentally Induced Role Reversal.

He walks in the door from work wearing his uniform. It always turns me on to see him wearing it, the wheels in my mind start to spin uncontrollably. I want to make tonight special for him, we havent done what I'm thinking of in a while. I walk up meeting him at the door, reach up and place my arms around him, and kiss his soft lips. He always gets to me, its hard to let go, I love being near him. After a few minutes of kissing I ask, "How was work?" He simply looks at me and says, "Work." I take his hand and lead him to the dinner table, "Well I'm glad you are home. Dinner is ready." He sat down, I knelt at his feet taking his shoes off. After putting his shoes in the closet I returned, fixed our plates and took them to the table. I sat his plate down, he pulled out my chair )he is always such a gentleman(, I sat with my plate, and he returned to his seat.

Fantasy Pre-cursor

Okay it's fantasy time again! Anybody who has talked to me probably knows that pegging is on my to do list. I've been given the WTF look so many times I've lost count. I've been asked why that's even o my radar on an equal number of times. Disclaimer…all of this is my opinion which in my world is the only one that matters…if you disagree thats fine just do so respectfully…as I dont take shit from anybody.

Most men assume its a dominance trip that I'm on. For me )although the idea of dominating a man can be a turn on( it has nothing to do with dominance. It does however have everything to do with intimacy. I probably just lost half of my reading audience but…for those still reading I promise it makes sense.

My view on men and their asses is very similar to the view I have of mine. I honestly feel that a lot of a man's power and true masculinity resides in his ability to be comfortable with his ass and the pleasure it renders him. I feel only a truly open, confident, understanding, and pleasure driven women are knowing of this face and make sure it is in their repertoire if need be. That's not to say I think woman should exploit this concept. I think that pegging is an act that should be approached with lots of respect and a moderate level of caution.


So I've been interested in trying anal sex for a while. I had a couple of failed attempts by not so worthy men in my past. Those occurrences taught me a valuable lesson, my ass is special and so should be the man who is invited into it.

So I'd say my husband definitely fits the bill for "special". He has my complete trust, and I know he wont put his excitement/pleasure before mine. however…we've had a small challenge in this area. Honestly I've been scared shitless (no pun intended) of him taking my ass. I'm not one to boast but my hubby is not one to take lightly in the endowment department. Mentally and visually 11" length and 2.25" in diameter is quite a bit to take on. Vaginally he is a challenge. I dont have much of a choice but to allow myself to relax completely so that everything fits. I must admit i like that. Its amazing how accommodating the human body can be, still it's a stretch (damn puns…). For a long time I thought to myself (when he would bring up anal sex) you're not putting that anywhere near my ass! Yet the more I push myself mentally, the more the idea became more arousing. Just the idea of him opening me up, and visualizing him moving inside me made me at least want to try.

Just a little fantasy…

This is just a quick fantasy that I've had in my head lately. I figured I might want to jot it down, and what better place than here.

Usually I'm not a big porn watcher…for lots of reasons, however erotic stories usually do it for me and get my mind working. However during a session I don't really want to read in most cases, so I'll read a little if I know I plan to have one later or something…my mind usually takes off after that point.

He and I are both naked…kissing. He's sitting in a chair…I'm in his lap facing him. My fingers entwined in his hair as we kiss deeply, passionately. His arms are around me caressing my back, holding me close to him. My chest is pressed against his, I can feel him breathing, I can even feel his heart beating. I'm sure he feels me breathing, and my pounding heart as well. There is a mirror across the room that we can see our reflection in. His erection is between us, hard, throbbing, and dripping. Without breaking our kiss I shifted my hips taking him into me. Now I'm skewered by his engorged manhood. I relax into him, around him. He's a very adept man when it comes to energy, so then I feel him "shoot" his energy into me. It feels almost like a jolt of lightening. I gave him his energy back, then mixed a little of mine in. The energy exchange continues for a while…

Just a little fantasy…

This is just a quick fantasy that I've had in my head lately. I figured I might want to jot it down, and what better place than here.

Usually I'm not a big porn watcher…for lots of reasons, however erotic stories usually do it for me and get my mind working. However during a session I don't really want to read in most cases, so I'll read a little if I know I plan to have one later or something…my mind usually takes off after that point.

He and I are both naked…kissing. He's sitting in a chair…I'm in his lap facing him. My fingers entwined in his hair as we kiss deeply, passionately. His arms are around me caressing my back, holding me close to him. My chest is pressed against his, I can feel him breathing, I can even feel his heart beating. I'm sure he feels me breathing, and my pounding heart as well. There is a mirror across the room that we can see our reflection in. His erection is between us, hard, throbbing, and dripping. Without breaking our kiss I shifted my hips taking him into me. Now I'm skewered by his engorged manhood. I relax into him, around him. He's a very adept man when it comes to energy, I feel the energy pass from him into me.

This isnt done…i'll finish it later.

Talk About Prostate Massage

So my mind had been running wild with fantasies for a couple of days and I decided to make a move. I approached my husband that morning and asked him what e had planned for the rest of the day. He didn't have much to do except get a haircut. I let him know that I'd like to have a little play time later. He smiled and agreed.