I slept-through the night wearing only PJs. Got up about 4 AM with the usual erection. I decided to put-on my SD Ultra Pro Carbon “chastity cup” and go back to bed. When I did, my brain engaged in a most-interesting “life fantasy”. This is what I remember…..
Life Fantasy
This fantasy was directed at all the guys, young and old, who may be apprehensive about trying out a “chastity cup”. Is that you? If so, there are a number of alternative scenarios you may consider. Here are a few that came to mind….
You put them on just like a pair of regular underwear. When you do, imagine the possibilities:
• You can wear this underwear to a movie; that may help prevent unintentional and /or unwanted advances towards your date.
• You are given a special pair of “underwear” at the hospital while you are checked-into your room. The nurses and orderlies don’t need to see your aroused package while you are there lying in bed.
• You are young and going-out on a date: your mom gives you a pair of underwear so she doesn’t have to worry about your overcharged libido.
• You are going to the urologist for a check-up and your doctor doesn’t want you to possibly stroke yourself to an ejaculation at home before your appointment, so you comply.
• You are flying on an airplane and you don’t want to demonstrate an unintentional erection to your beautiful companion in the next seat.
• Going swimming? Going to the beach? Have a nice package and want to show it off? Just put-on a bulge-enhancing jockstrap underneath your suit! You’ll get attention.