Things are moving along in interesting ways … first off, my "sweet spot" has now moved from behind the scrotum to just above the penis. Don't know why. I still get slight tinglies massaging behind the scrotum, but rubbing my finger in little circles just above the penis, along with muscle contractions, drives my prostate into a flutter of loveliness. I can do this in bed, sitting at the computer or watching TV and it gives me the same wonderful reaction.
With this in mind, I set out to do another session of exploring without the Aneros. Last week, I lied on my back and rubbed the sweet spot, seeing if I could "train" it to move up my body as outlined in the Male Deer Exercise. Before I was noticing that I could get it to go about an inch up my torso, so I decided to set aside a couple of hours and try it. Sure enough, the exercise did work. I was able to slowly move the spot up the groin, to the belly button and even higher all the way up to my sternum! It was amazing, to think that you can awaken the prostate by twirling your finger inside the belly button! I remember at one point I was rubbing around thinking "it couldn't have gone north of the belly button." Then I touched the skin above that spot and it sent me into ecstacy (wow). The sensations were less pronounced on the upper belly up to the chest, but they were still there. It's strange to think how this works (mind control?), but it made for a pretty thrilling night nonetheless.