Finally – my first session

So, here I was, my body had something boiling, buzzing, pounding, swelling, arousing trapped on the inside. Relaxing helped a little but it still was intense and returned by itself. I even got myself an awake hands-free ejaculation for the first time in my life. This happened as I laid on my back and was using only my breathing. It felt good of course, being a new experience, like having a sex dream while still being awake.

My Aneros Helix arrived quickly on the Wednesday after my order was placed, but I didn't rush to pick it up. By this time I hadn't slept more than one nights worth for five days, so I asked a doctor about it. Luckily he was discreet on the topic and advised me to use my old insomnia medicine which I hadn't needed for many years. So I did, and after two nights with these pills, I fell asleep without it on the third night. I also picked up the Helix package the same Friday, and it had been delivered in good order.

I used the weekend and some more days this week to regain some lost sleep and avoided further anal or prostate stimulation. Today was Friday again, and I had the entire afternoon free, so I decided to finally try my Helix package. I took a twilight walk, prepared my bed with towels and stuff according to the wiki, and turned on a couple old porno movies in the background. I use these mainly for the nice moaning sounds, to get in a good mood. Already five PM, it was time for personal preparations.


Just to bring you up to date. I’m not ready yet to declare what I make of all this or what my theories are of how to provoke what I’ve experienced, so I’m just going to lay out what’s been happening.

I did order the Helix, and found a good price ($45) on The problem is that it took a week for the seller to ship it, and after almost another week, it’s still not here. If you have patience and price is a big factor, a reseller may be a good choice, but if your need is urgent, maybe you should order directly from the manufacturer.

I lost a few days after my last post because of some personal difficulties that took away any incentive for pursuing pleasure for a while. But after a few days, things returned to normal and I resumed my interest in the Aneros.

My next couple of tries with the device were kind of disappointing. I could get the involuntaries and some P-waves, but they easily faded. It was fun trying, but I didn’t pick up where I left off.

Joy of Soft Penis Sex Part 4: Solo Soft or with Partner – Are you ready to play your Mangina?

Enjoying the unique special orgasmic feelings of aneros sessions with voluntary and sustained Full Penis Retraction, as well as the great added bounce of sessions using the Male Clitoris Massage technique described too in earlier posts here and by others as well in threads in the Forum, I felt it worthwhile exploring our pliable male anatomy even a little further.

As we know from experience, shaft skin is separate from the actual penis shaft and moves independently, below the fixed attachment points at the glans and at the base of the visible part of the penis merging with the lower abdomen/scrotal skin. So, when the penis is full retracted that shaft skin usually partly retracts too and the rest piles up at the opening into the internal penis chamber.

What happens if you gently finger your way into the pile of shaft skin and take it with your finger down into the internal penis "missile silo"? How far do you get in? Does it produce any positive feelings? What all can you contact down in there? This may be old hat for some or many, but new to me.

One morning on a solo family business trip, I awoke in my lodging room at 4:30 and felt the significant energies buzz that has been part of my life now for several months.

intimate moment

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Joined: 18 Oct 2009
Posts: 6
Location: indiana
Posted: Fri Oct 30, 2009 8:37 am Post subject: sharing a very intimate moment……..


i would like to thank those who have welcomed me to the forum…i was asked whether i had removed the handle to my aneros…yes, somewhat….im using the 'maximus' model, which is one of 3 that i have….knowing that each model offers a different type of 'thumper' (that's what i like to call it), i've also found that each can also offer it's own individual pressure point/points on my prostate…i was introduced to the 'maximus' through a good friend here, 'toobadsochad'…upon receiving the maximus, i could tell 'immediately' that i was now getting the stimulation of the prostate that was somewhat missing before in my helix, as well as my sgx…i do not use the aneros sitting, so therefore, im not bothered by the handle. the only reason i parciallly removed the handle was so as to no interfer with hitting the mattress when im laying on my back….otherwise, the handle causes no problems…..
im going to share, with you, a very intimate moment in my life….this just happened this past sunday afternoon….totally unexpected….i know this will be a somewhat long post, but i feel i need to communicate this experience with all who are or may be heading to the same boat, that of diminished sexual ability for vaginal intercourse…..
im a 54 year old man, in good general, overall health….ive been married to the same woman for 30 years, and we have 3 grown children and one grandson…life with my wife has been very good in the last few weeks, but it has not always been so….nothing seriously bad, but there have been the 'moments' , that perhaps all marriages go through….there are quite a few roadblocks and potholes that can try to kick you off the road, and sex is one of those, which, if not attended to, can really create lots of tensions, hard feelings, and a general feeling of worthlessness…..i would like to share my story, now….of how the aneros has opened up new sexual intimacy and love in my marriage….when sex was 'new' in our marriage, and we were much younger,, it didnt matter really how we got off….we tried all the positions, did each other at a whim, had sex carefree with no concerns..

Less is More

Session 2 – Thurs 29 Oct

Began with the primary aim of exploring movement of the Helix and Progasm – any other experiences that came bye would be a bonus.

Firstly with Helix and laying on tummy. Trying to push it out and then draw it back in – used a little manual assistance to get the feel of it moving out and, in particular, firstly how far it had moved
and secondly how far it could be pushed out and still be pulled in again (ie where was the point of no return). I found this point when the Helix was rather explosively expelled!!

After this exercise and some practice at moving the device aroud and experiencing a range of prostate stimulation I rested for awhile and started contracting my buttock muscles. This began some involuntary contractions – a new experience and it stopped after a short time, but was enough to wet my appetite to try again a little later. Well WOW, it progressed from involuntary buttock activity to include involuntary thrusting like motions and as the involuntary muscular activity came to a fairly abrupt end there was pulsing of the perineum region like that of an ejaculation, but I did NOT ejaculate. I guess this was my first dry-O – a very pleasant and unexpected at this eary stage of using the aneros. New experience 1 for the session!!

On Your Marks …

Session 1 – pm Wed 28 Oct and am 29 Oct

Progasm and Helix arrived today. Session began with wife in attendance. Used Helix, 1cc KY liquid inserted rectum and liberal coating of KY jelly on Helix. Easy entry and little uncomfortable feeling. Breathing for about 10min then introduced contraction with each (most) breaths. On back and then RHS. Pleasant feelings prostate and perineum area.

After 1 hr 10min changed to Progasm with the aim of finding out how it would fit and would it be uncomfortable (not experienced anal user). It was obviously tighter but entry was not difficult and after 10 minutes or so began mild anal contractions similar to sequence above. Much stronger stimulation, especially of prostate. Dropped to sleep, probably 20min to half an hour, awoke to VERY pleasant feelings – prostate area like a small centre of warmth. Tried several positions and then on back with knees up put the B brothers and William between legs and then closed legs and put down flat so flaccid penis and scrotum tensioned. With some movement of hips and contracting anal and PC muscles became very aroused – only 30seconds or so.

Wife arrived in bed, cuddled her with Progasm still in place. Progasm effects very much happening in background to normal feelings.

Continued in isolation – tried various positions and speeds of contraction. Finally tried tensioned penis position (as above) but this time continued too long and fell over the cliff with a very pleasant hands-free ejaculation. Removed Progasm, end 3hr session

The Driving Force

Last night I had an experience, which was new, although I’m sure I have been close to this on a few occasions before.

For most of the past month I have been experimenting with the use of the Eupho and the Maximus, so last night’s session was the first with the Helix since the end of last month. By way of preparation, I inserted a small plug of unrefined Shea Butter into my anus and followed that with an eye-dropper filled with ‘Wet Stuff’. I also covered the Helix with a thin coating of Shea butter.

Soon after beginning my session, and having rested for about a quarter of an hour after insertion, I became aware that the Helix was driving muscles deep inside my rectum, that were pulling quite forcibly on the device and literally pushing it into my prostate. There was almost no effort on my part, but within seconds, I could feel what I am now sure was a prostate orgasm that continued without variation for about two minutes. A conscious effort was required to come down from that state, but as soon as I relaxed, the process began again. This happened repeatedly over the next half hour.

I had been lying on my right side, so decided to take a break by rolling over onto my left side. Within about three or four minutes, the whole process began again. If anything, the orgasms seemed even stronger than before. Following about half an hour on my left side, I moved again, this time onto my back. Lo and behold, within a few minutes, it started up again, although this time the orgasms didn’t feel quite as strong.

Joy of Soft Penis Sex Part 3: Solo Soft – The Wheel of the Galaxy – Full Penis Retraction

Following an early morning Quickie session recently, like the one described in Part 2, mrs. a had to get up and leave for an appointment. The difference this time was using my Helix instead of mrs. a's finger. We had begun this session with mrs. a lubing my anus/rectum and my Helix and inserting it lovingly into me. The Helix had been unusually quite mobile and massaged me to Super-Os and the great Super-T climax with her.

She climbed out over the colourful landscape d'amour we created earlier that morning with our recently acquired Liberator Shapes. I had long had the hunch that they might be the answer to the muscle pain and cramping that I get in too many desirable positions for sex. And was that hunch correct!! The Wedge and the Ramp and Whirls allow us now to do many things now for as long as we want, things that I previously could only sustain for a couple of minutes. This Quickie had included an extended time of cunnilingus by me comfortably and artfully bringing her to repeated full body, highly vocal, opening orgasms. Then into penis/G-spot and all the energetic orgasmic variations…

Just ordered my first Aneros – why I decided to give it a try

I discovered the Aneros website just last week, so this weekend I haven't spent much time on anything besides obsessively reading up on the subject and having breaks for food, sleep and bathroom. Haven't left the house since Friday and it is now Monday noon. But let's start from the beginning of my end.

In 1998, when I was 23, after having tried some lubed backdoor fingering, I got my first anal toy. This was a rod of thai jelly beads with double ends, one larger and one smaller with five beads each size.

I have got myself ten or so different toys over the past decade. In retrospect, these probably were more for the female body even though marketed as they would fit both. Their effects often disappointed me, but with a few exceptions, so at least they made me curious to try other toys once in a while.

The rod of beads for example gave good pleasure while slow-thrusting and if left inside, they could make my ejaculation stronger. Sometimes I also could take my hand(s) off my penis right before the finish line and the beads inside would take me across, with less friction and more pure pleasure as a result. This is still my favourite toy, probably because it bends, which many other toys don't.

Where I'm coming from

10/24/2009 3:20:35 PM

Ten years ago I bought an Aneros. At the time, I believe they had only one model, what’s now called the “Classic.” I read the directions and experimented with it over a period of weeks, but I had no success. It was trouble to fool with, since you had preparation and clean-up time involved, and that had always steered me away from any kind of anal play, so I eventually left it in the nightstand drawer. Every couple of years I’d pull it out and try it again, but I never made any progross toward the special sexual thrills it was supposed to convey.

In the past year, however, I’ve begun to enjoy anal play more and more. I’ve gotten over some of my aversion to it on hygienic grounds, and I’ve begun to add light touching or insertion of fingers to my masturbation routine fairly often. Then something I read somewhere made me think that prostate massage just might be beneficial for my erratic PSA scores. No looming health crisis, thankfully, but a urologist who worries about me (bless his heart). And I remembered the massage therapist who once told me I carried a lot of tension around my anus. So I thought again of the long-disused Aneros, and I fished it out and went to the web to read about it again, since I’d long ago lost the directions.