Alive and living

I have read over and over about using plenty of lube. My lube of choice is called Probe. I have developed a pretty good routine which works well for me. I first clean out my anus using about 4 to 6 oz of warm water. I use a small bulb similar with something you would clean wax from your ears with. I relax and release this water sitting on a toilet. ( Ya I know sounds gross but it works ) Next I use a little dropper tube I got a Walgreens free from the Pharmacy. I insert with about 3 to 4 oz of probe. Last comes the aneros of my choice. I have found getting ready greatly enhances my results. Lube is the key. I generally start off with Eupho and finish with Progasm. Each time I switch toys I add a little lube. My results have been amazing since I have started this routine. More lube = more sensitivity. Also, I can't say this enough……….guys if you have BPH symptoms then using these devices can really reduce most all symptoms. 2 Years ago I was told I had an enlarged prostate and I was having many issues. I just had my yearly checkup and I am now being told every thing feels normal. Lucky me!

Curious responses & Deepening Depression

Had another session a couple evenings ago. My technique to try that time was to flex my PC muscles for as long as I was able so that it pushed my prostrate right against the Helix. This was pretty successful. It was much easier to get to a point of having Mini-O's and one a little greater than a mini. Although there was a fair amount of strain involved which seems to me to not be the way to super-O's. I say this because during my last mini-O of the session, as it kicked in, I found that if I had continued to flex my PC muscles, I'm pretty sure it would have initiated the ejaculation response. Yet once the orgasm did start, and I felt close to ejaculating, I just let go and relaxed all muscles and had a wonderfully weird orgasm. It felt light and airy. As if the without the ejaculation it lacked a certain depth, or meatyness to it. Still enjoyable, but not so intense as to rock my world… yet! 😀 I do think that this technique is of temporary help to me by showing me what it feels like to have a dry orgasm. And that at some point I won't have to strain and carefully control my muscles to get there.

On the other hand. Even though I had a good session with some nice pleasurable mini-O's. I didn't seem all that excited or enthusiastic about it like I was when I first started experiencing pleasurable sensations from Aneros usage.

Oct 9 – Nov 12

Still averaging 3 to 4 times a week, still averaging 2 hours a session.

Past months highlights. At the end of one session when I decided to ‘finish off’, I came twice in quick succession – maybe 3 or 4 minutes apart. I didn’t ever do that even as teenager. Had one more mini p-wave this week. Surprised the heck out of me and then it went away.

Past months lowlights. Not enough time? Had some gas a couple times? Lost weight because I don’t each lunch, pizza or spicy food and I drink less?

Observations: Don’ts – Watch what you eat! As you get older, darn near anything can give you gas. Avoid spicy food the night before a big planned session. Aneros and drinking doesn’t work either. Don’t eat half a pizza and then think you can have a great session. All in all, this thing is less tolerant than sex with the missus but a lot more available.

Do’s: Use it with the missus any chance you get! Try things you read about in the forum.

Thoughts while using: Is anybody writing a book on this thing? How many aneros units have been sold? I wonder what it would be like to go on a rollercoaster with this thing in me? What about standing in front of some speakers at a concert? I was thinking of suggesting in the forum that we, as a group, start a ‘Full Moon Club’ where all the forum members around the world have sessions on days and nights with a full moon. That way, collectively, we generate Coherent Orgasmic Energy Waves that circle the earth. Still trying to think of a schnazzy anacronym for it though.

More Learning

Hey People,

Had another session last night. Unfortunately I started too late, and lost some sleep because of it. I tried a suggestion I read from one of Rumel's posts about warming up the Aneros in a coffee cup with hot water in it. It does work well. I thought I had let it cool enough before insertion. I had tested it on the inside of my wrists. But I found it to still be too hot. So I removed it for a bit and let it cool. Next time I'll just try warm water in the cup. The downside to warming the Aneros this way is that the shea butter I use for lube, melts when applied to a warm Aneros. Making it a bit more messy, and possibly not as well lubed as it could be. Although I did not experience any issues with dryness or lack of lube last night.

The session was somewhat moderate in pleasurable sensations. It took me a long time to relax and clear my mind. You know how it goes, the end of the day sometimes all kinds of things are floating around in your head. It wasn't until I had dozed off for a bit, and then woken up that the sensations became more intense.


Hello People,

After having used a forum thread of mine to relate my experiences over the past few weeks. I figured it would be more appropriate to continue in the blogs section, as that is pretty much what my thread in the forum section has turned into. So any experiences of mine prior to any entries here in the blog section can be viewed at the following link.

A Week

My MGX arrived 3 days ago.
The Helix has had the most use because it arrived first.
I feel that the MGX with its more pointed front hits the spot.
The position that gives the most sensation is seated in a soft chair.

While seated with the Mgx last night I hit the jackpot for the first time.
While seated I can wiggle my hips slowly which teases the tip across my prostate.
After about an hour of occasional wiggeling and walking up and down the stairs
I felt the feelings get stronger.

At first I thought I was urinating or passing some fluid.
I thought all is washable so I carried on.
I dont think I was moving or I was afraid to move(in case I broke the magic spell).
After 20 to 30 seconds the sensation stopped.
I was flaccid during this experience.

Next my erection built and built.
When fully erect I started to orgasm.
Holy Cow !
I was not a normal pump, pump, pump orgasm.
It was a slow and sustained orgasm which lasted 30 to 40 seconds.
It was a feeling unlike any other I have ever experienced.

The times are just a guess as time does not matter or count when you are in Aneros country.
I thought I would have a mess to clean up but no, completly dry apart from 2 drops of pre cum.
Suprised ? You bet !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.
I will be there again tonight hoping.
I dont know what type of orgasm it was. A UFO ?(Unidentified F****** Orgasm) LOL

Cast Off

Well it is indeed a strange world.
4 weeks after ordering the Helix and 2 days after ordering the MGX the Helix arrives this morning.
Also an e mail telling me the MGX has been dispatched.

Upon opening the package i was pleased to see the Helix was smaller than I had imagined it to be. I was a bit worried that it would be too big.

So I did the day,s business as quickly as possible.
I told the wife I need about 2 hours of quiet for my forst try.
Gave her some money to get her nails done.

In this part of the world there is a wash down hose by the toilet.
Very useful for a flush out inside.
Shower and lube with KY.

Set the cd going with Hypnareosession.
The Helix slid in nicely, very surprised.

I set my sights low but the burden of expectation will always be with you.
You would have to be a pretty remarkable person to expect a zero result and be happy with that outcome.

There is a lot going on the first time out both physically and mentally.

Trying to follow Alanas instructions is demanding.
Breathing, imagine an ember, projecting images.
Trying to stay relaxed.
It did help having the cd.

The physical outcome was some small drops of clear fluid
and some shaking of my legs.
I had three bouts of shaking, one of which was quite strong.
Also an itching feeling inside.

Wednesday Weirdness

Great week. Had an excellent three hour session Monday with the MGX. It climaxed with about an hour of really intense p-waves and dry-os. Although now, looking at the wiki, I think I might possibly be having super-os. They feel like full fledged orgasms, but they're not full body encompassing or taking me over the moon as I've seen described. Whatever they are, it's fantastic! Strangely I've never had any involuntary muscle movements.

An odd thing about this session is that it was so intense, it made me kinda disoriented the rest of the day. You know the feeling of butterflies in the stomach? This was butterflies going crazy in the stomach, intestines, colon, penis, etc. That along with shortness of breath and a more pronounced heartbeat. Really strange and exciting.

That out of the way, I decided to do sessions twice a week, after my Monday and Thursday showers. Thursday couldn't come fast enough, however. My prostate was all aflutter on Wednesday. Finally I couldn't stand it and put the larger Peridise in. Bizarrely, the sensations stopped. Once it was removed, the feelings came back! It felt so good when rubbing my "sweet spot."

Recipe for success

Won't go into details of the session so much. This is more of a reminder of combination of lubes lately leading up to exquisite sessions.

I recently purchased several lubes from cheaplubes: Probe, which I had been using, now in larger quantity; Maximus, heard this is highly recommended on this site; Stroke 29, for the non-aneros sessions (good stuff!).

I had initially tried a session with just Maximus, but it wasn't all that great. While I believe it was mostly due to stress and exhaustion prior, I do not believe that Maximus alone works well for me. It is very thick, and did not seem to break down into slipperiness like Probe does.

The last two sessions however, I think I stumbled onto a very prosperous combination for myself. I first freeze a small quantity of Coconut oil in the size of a marble; once solid I go ahead and insert fully into my anus. This melts and provides some internal lubrication. I then fill an old spice jar partially with Probe and immerse the Eupho in this. I can twirl it around and fully coat it without losing any of the lube. While that is being coated, I take a small dollop (size of index fingerprint) of Maximus and sort of push it just in the anal opening, one more small drop to coat the outer area as well. Then take out the Eupho, let excess Probe drain back into the spice jar, and insert.

First try

So I got the Helix today.

I`ll try to quickly sum up what happened.

I inserted the helix, and after about 30 minutes of getting used to it and doing breathing exercises, I decided to switch from lying on my back/side to the "Kneeling on floor while torso is draped atop bed." So far all I had to show for was precum all over the place.

After about 15 minutes, I began to shake. Again and again, like in one of the videos I`ve seen on here. And suddently I started to orgasm. After a while I think I had a big one, because I it was so overpowering and I then relaxed completely. I then removed the aneros, and jerked myself off. It was good, but nothing like the "internal" orgasms.

Since I live in a dorm, I doubt I will risk using the aneros too often. I tried to be as quiet as possible, but I am sure I made a lot of noise when the shaking started. Damn…

So in perhaps 2-3 weeks I will give it another shot. It was awesome.

Expert, what milestones did I reach?