“(Almost) HFWO With Peridise”

[Sorry, this blog is a day-late due to Aneros website issues]

Well, it was a new 5 days for semen retention. My wife gave me a great handjob a couple of days ago. One problem: due to my
DE, I was unable to ejaculate. I tried after ‘our’ session for about 5 minutes but, alas, no-go! To top-off everything, I have been horny all week.

This morning, I was up REALLY EARLY and decided that I was going ‘off’ one way or another and in style! I set myself up to dose on an orgy of binaural beats: prostate health, erectile dysfunction, ejaculation (two), male orgasm, erotic lounge music; you name it, I did it! I had my tissues nearby since I really thought I would need them. But, alas, still no-go!

After about 4 hours with no ejaculation, I am feeling a little sleepy so I retired to my (private) bedroom and decided to finish-myself-off with a Peridise (Large) session. I used Slippery Stuff Gel since I used it recently and liked it. I inserted it most of the way, rolled-over on my side and relaxed……

“Ride-Em Cowboy”

Following my AM session with Peridise and Helix, I still did not feel satisfied. Well, the stars aligned this morning. My wife was out of the house, I just cleaned-out my bowels as much as possible and felt ready for another session. I felt the need for something large and decided (WTF) to try Progasm Jr. I didn’t have too much success in some recent rides with it, and realize that it has been a full 3 MONTHS since I last rode it.

I felt ready and decided on Slippery Stuff Gel as the lube. I laid over, lubed-up the Progasm Jr and started the perilous journey in. Much to my surprise, it went in extremely easily and I felt it pull-in almost like it was being guided in by an unknown force. It went all the way in and stayed in! Saying that it felt good is a gross understatement! My prostate never felt any better!

“Discovering Tantric Sex”

I have heard of the term “tantric sex” but never really knew what it was. Until last night……

My wife and I had a ‘romantic encounter’ that began in the usual way. She spooned me for a while (which felt really good! — I was hard as rock!) and then we changed positions. However, when I ‘spooned’ her, the most amazing thing happened! I suddenly felt no obligation to climax. Instead, I concentrated on pleasuring her and feeling her sexual energy. Let me explain……

This encounter seemed more than just foreplay. First off, I was in no hurry to get-off nor did I want to. When we spooned, I felt a great sense of sexual energy surrounding my wife and I began to completely ‘envelope’ her physically. I was in no hurry. I concentrated on her breathing which, I know now, is the beginning of tantric sex. Without getting too graphic, suffice it to say that I explored every inch of her body. I took my time and I know that she enjoyed the pleasure. At one point, my erection was strong and I demonstrated that to her without saying a word. She got the message!

As I said before, I took my time and I had no intention to climax. All the attention was on the sexual energy surrounding us in that moment. This encounter, it would appear, lasted well over an hour! It probably could have gone on for another hour. Since there was no expectation of ejaculation, the realm of sexual ‘pleasures’ was almost unending.

“Eupho Dance & HOWO”

What a session! First, a little background. I had been ‘dosing’ on some penis stimulation binaurals for about 45 minutes so I was hard, wet and horny. Since it still was early AM, I decided to “do” a quick non-stimulating ‘session’ with my Eupho and maybe finish-off with an ejaculation later-on. What could be the harm? As it turned out, plenty! Let me explain……

I lubed-up, got the Eupho where it belonged and turning over on my favorite right side position, I relaxed and waited. Well, about 3 minutes in, the Eupho made up its own mind that IT was going to “finish-me-off” whether I liked it or not. So for the next 40 minutes or so, it was a quiet march for me to the ‘edge–of–the-cliff’! Let me further explain……

“A New Way To The Super-O?”

[Please do not read ahead of the story as it contains a spoiler. Some readers may find this story to be slightly disturbing.]

I have been having difficulty achieving a whole-body "Super Orgasm" in my Aneros sessions and it felt like I hit a "brick wall" in my progress. I have the Eupho and I like it, but so far, I have been unable to progress to anything resembling a Super-O!

I was intrigued when I found out about a "new" technique to help guys like me achieve this important milestone. It involves a combination of relaxation meds and hypnotic orgasmic suggestion. The best part of this is that it is FREE! Apparently, this technique is in the "trial" stage and volunteers were needed to "validate" the process!

This special "session" was to be held in a local "clinic" not far from where I live. I made arrangement to participate. I was to be prepared to spend the night and to bring my favorite Aneros model and some lube. I like my Eupho so I brought it along with Boy Butter.

I showed-up on a Saturday night about 8PM. This was to be an "overnight" session. There were about three other guys there also participating but I didn't know any of them. We all met in a "conference room" beforehand and the "moderator" explained to us how this "session" was going to work. We would go to one of the clinics' "private rooms" (which were set-up like small bedrooms each with a bed, table, light). We were to get relaxed (I generally do my Aneros sessions in the nude), and insert the Aneros as we normally do.

An Interesting Session with PS-NEW

This "ride" with PS-NEW was different. I started out just doing 15-20 minutes of total relaxation. Wow! It wasn't 10 minutes when I started to get the 'auto-F' contractions! They started and stopped in a seemingly clock-like pattern. I began moaning almost immediately, put my head under my pillow to contain some of the moans and began to "fall-into" this fantasy…..

I am in a hospital getting a prostate "procedure" using a newly-developed and automated robotic prostate "tool". I am told to lie completely still. It will take about 45 minutes for this "tool" to complete the procedure.

[time passes]

I am able to (mostly) stay still during the entire procedure. However, the 'auto-F' contractions are beginning to intensify and increase in frequency. It felt like the "tool" is beginning to work on my prostate more now. I am feeling more sensations and am moaning more….it feels like I am experiencing a prostate orgasm!

When the 45 minutes were completed, the "tool" was removed and a new "post-treatment" tool (Peridise) was inserted. I was again to remain very still for a minimum of 30 minutes more.

I began to experience significant 'in-out' involuntary movement of this "tool" and was told that this was completely normal and is necessary for the prostate to 'heal' properly after the procedure. Toward the end, it felt like I was building-up to a HFWO. I was told up front that this post-treatment may be a little intense since my prostate was stimulated during the procedure. That was an understatement!

“A New Way To The Super-O”

I have been having difficulty achieving a whole-body “Super Orgasm” in my Aneros sessions and it felt like I hit a “brick wall” in my progress. I have the Eupho and I like it, but so far, I have been unable to progress to anything resembling a Super-O!

I was intrigued when I found out about a “new” technique to help guys like me achieve this important milestone. It involves a combination of relaxation meds and hypnotic orgasmic suggestion. The best part of this is that it is FREE! Apparently, this technique is in the “trial” stage and volunteers were needed to “validate” the process!

This special “session” was to be held in a local “clinic” not far from where I live. I made arrangement to participate. I was to be prepared to spend the night and to bring my favorite Aneros model and some lube. I like my Eupho so I brought it along with Boy Butter.

I showed-up on a Saturday night about 8PM. This was to be an “overnight” session. There were about three other guys there also participating but I didn’t know any of them. We all met in a “conference room” beforehand and the “moderator” explained to us how this “session” was going to work. We would go to one of the clinics’ “private rooms” (which were set-up like small bedrooms each with a bed, table, light). We were to get relaxed (I generally do my Aneros sessions in the nude), and insert the Aneros as we normally do.

Still on the Journey

Hey everyone,
I'm still on the Journey and only a few minor things to report.

Firstly, I have sessions nearly everyday but the weekends are a family bust- which makes the Monday or Tuesday a little special.

Secondly, I continue to not obtain the erection and the mental excitement is less fantasy and more direct visual (eg searching for the right porn) which is a distraction but fun too since I can tie p-waves directly with the right visual.

Thirdly, have had several HFWOs – running probably 10% but seem to be more frequent- about 1/2 of those generate an actual moan of pleasure and the distinct feeling of ejaculation from my penis tip is amazing- and a mix of amazing pleasure and disappointment that its wet (but hey! Still HF). I try to limit my hip thrusting which brings on the HFWO along with nip stim, and move internally.

Most importantly, there is progress as the buildup of sensations is within a few minutes vs the previous normal of about 40.

I really look forward to my sessions and try not to super-T but once or twice a week.

Happy hunting!

Concentration & Abstaining

I should probably mention again that my blog only really receives entries on new developments. Given that I'm somewhat at the end-point of my journey, it's less and less apparent that new sensations and heights come up. But hey! Great sessions nonetheless.

Otherwise there has been a new direction I've taken on my approach to orgasms, these past few weeks; focusing on fantasising. Just admitting this brings a tinge of dirty and reclusive guilt. Still, I think all men use fantasy one way or another.

How the gears turn for me is that I focus on a mixture of sensations and fantasy. It's a dance between the mind and body. Now, the Aneros has been out of commission for roughly a month now due to continuing issues with the ass — and will continue for at least another. In response, sensations have taken a back seat. I have been concentrating a lot more on maintaing a fantasy in the brain, without breaking focus. The side-goal here is to get a hands-free wet orgasm. )HFWO(

It's lead to some of the most INTENSE rush of orgasms yet, though fantasising wasn't the ticket by itself. Abstaining for a few weeks from ejaculation had built up a lot of my arousal, so naturally that has to help.