Two more great sessions

I've had two more noteworthy sessions since my last blog. Two nights ago, I inserted the MGX while watching tv in my recliner. I recently removed the tail to facilitate this position. I did the relaxation with deep breathing for about ten minutes. I mentally decided that I would do very small contractions and to focus more on anal squeezes then PC contractions. This eventually produced small 'tremors' that grew in both frequency and intensity. After about 30 minutes of these wonderful feelings, I had an erection and decided to just finish up with a traditional orgasm. I began stroking myself and as I was building up, the 'tremors' started again with even greater intensity. I noticed that I could use a very light touch when stroking myself and could feel the orgasm building deep inside. When I finally orgasmed, it was during the fluttering and involuntary contraction stage and the MGX just seem to bury itself deeper then it had ever gone – WOW. I would definitely have to classify this one as a Super T.

Sweet Sensations

The last week has brought me a lot of progress in my exploration, starting with the fact that my body has developed a sweet spot that can give me pleasure – without the Aneros! Rubbing or gently pressing on a small area behind my scrotum while contracting my PC muscles produces a nice, low level tingly sensation (not always, however). One night I decided to try playing around with this, and the building sensations brought me to a nice and powerful penile orgasm.

This new sensitivity has been a nice development – it even brought me towards what was the best session ever last Monday morning. Backing up, a couple of nights earlier I brought out the MGX for a little try. Even though I wasn't feeling super horny, I thought it would be worth it to get some practice in. Well, I had it in for about an hour, doing the usual motions, and I wasn't feeling anything at all. Nada. It didn't make me feel bad, though. Mostly it proves that you have to be at least a little aroused going in for it to work.

Tantra and Bio-Electric Sex

We recently acquired Davis and Ellen Ramsdale's book Sexual Energy Ecstasy, a wonderful compendium of information and experience. We were really taken aback when we came to page 304-307, "BIO-ELECTRIC SEX", and found such a detailed description of essentially the practice we have stumbled into intuitively during our explorations with Aneros and KSMO.

Many of the benefits explained here have certainly worked for us, with no prior knowledge or expectations, no "belief" or debate!

The "Scissors" position recommended and illustrated for bio-electric is our favourite over many years, as it minimizes the stress and distraction of pain from my old injuries etc.

After reading about this, my wife and I had a great session of energy generation and sharing based on the techniques I've developed with my Aneros (MGX alone initially) "polishing the knob" and its extensions, and with the Key Sound to trigger, amplify and direct the orgasmic energies tied to the aneros muscle memory training. The reading has helped her sense of this energy generation feeling and she generated significant energy that I could feel happening and that we could share!

This information and the much related material in the book are wonderful help for couples on a Tantric and/or Tao path with Aneros. Here is more detail from a recent post on my KSMO Blog of the same title:

Night Play

It's been about three weeks that I've been using the MGX and things are going swimmingly. One night last week I tried using it at night instead of the usual daytime. Usually I avoid that time since I don't want to wake the partner up with the sounds of a shaking bed! (we have separate bedrooms, by the way)

At first, nothing much happened and I considered giving it up for the night. But — having no light makes a big, big difference in terms of clearing your mind and focusing on the various feelings you get. After awhile I was generating a general "warm" feeling all through my midsection. I was doing my usual on my side with gentle pelvic thrusts and a contraction when my midsection was pointing out. I remember at this particular session that I was really getting the hang of controlling the muscles down there. I was getting a better understanding of which ones need to move which way to touch the sweet spot. Pretty soon I was getting the most pleasurable sensations yet. An incredible building went on for about five minutes. Instead of fantasizing about something concrete, I focused on the MGX itself and imagined it was a tongue and my body was a lollipop that got turned on by being licked. Strange as it sounds, that got me pretty hot! After that 5 minute wave of pleasure, I switched sides and couldn't quite replicate the sensation (although I did get some pretty good mini waves going).

ed's journey

had a session today with a double lube before insertion to make sure i had movement–i have movement, although not as much as before, but what i lack is the same feeling from the movement that i enjoyed–now it feels like pressure or just poking or rubbing and not pleasurable poking or rubbing like it used to feel–i can make the aneros move but it doesn't give me much feeling on my prostate–i only hope that i can condition it to feel more pleasurable like it used to do–used the mgx first for 30 minutes and then the 16 mm peridise for 20–i like to use the smaller device after starting with the larger as it seems that my ass has to grab more to get a hold on it than it does when i start off with the smaller first–it seems to be move active trying to control it, to get a "hand" on it

Further Exploration

I've had two more encounters with my MGX since writing the last blog entry. Both were great and very similar to each other, although with each use I'm getting a better understanding of my own body's sensations and how I can use the Aneros to build on them.

On Friday afternoon, I had a bit of extra time to spare so I gave the ol plastic a spin. After a short period of just resting on my side with the MGX inserted, breathing deeply, I started doing some light sphincter contractions. Surprisingly I wasn't feeling much of anything for about 20 minutes and considered giving up. I tried a few minutes on my back, then on my other side, and wasn't getting much other than a low-level, pleasant feeling. Finally I flopped back on my left side and did some squeeze and release movements involving clinching my glute muscles. That did the trick. Eventually these movements evolved into doing some small rotations of my pelvis, lightly squeezing the sphincter when my "O" shaped motions caused my middle to point forward. I also moved around some interior muscles, although at this point I don't really know what I'm doing there. Man, that felt good. I felt a tingle growing and growing inside me. I started moving faster until the bed was shaking like crazy. What emerged was a wonderful buzz that felt like I was almost ready to cum, but sustained over a 15-20 minute period. I don't know if it was a mini-o or wave or whatever, but it sure felt good. At some point I felt ready to stop, then I said to myself "no, I wanna keep going" – and I rode another 15-20 minute wave of pleasure. Eventually I rested on my back and jacked off to a fantastic orgasm, noting that my cum this time was much thicker and whiter than usual.

First Few Sessions: Whoa

I first found out about the Aneros a couple of weeks ago in an online forum. Curiosity piqued, I eventually found out more at this very website and immediately bought an MGX at a locally owned sex toy shop. It seemed a bit pricy, but after reading all the stuff about how wonderful it was, what did I have to lose? Turns out it was a wise investment.

I couldn't wait to try it out the next morning after the partner went to work. Having had a lot of anal experience, the lubed MGX slid right up there nicely. It felt odd at first, but good! I laid on the bed and did some breathing exercises to calm me now. Unfortunately for some reason (nervousness?), I was easily distracted and the session wasn't as good as it could have been. I got into some sphincter-tightening and eventually built up a nice, low-level tingly feeling, but that was about it. Mostly this time was spent getting used to the aneros. At one point I started thinking sexy thoughts and my dick went from soft to rock hard in about two seconds – interesting. Since I had held off for several days, it ended with a nice but not mind blowing penile orgasm.

First Day

Read about this site before and filed it away in the back of my mind. Then stumbled on it again this week and really studied it. The forums and Blogs caught my attention the most. My thinking was that if so many Men felt so strongly about this product that they would post to a public forum, well there must be some truth to it.

The girlfriend and I have played with prostate massage in the past (a year ago) and I can remember thinking to myself "No human being can feel this good. We were never made to feel this good." I Saw colors and lost total track of where my arms and legs were in relation to the rest of me. Lost my hearing while it was happening too. An overwhelming human experience. The down side, She has had an arm injury in the past with some nerve damage and could not keep it up. It was tiring for her and I could see that I could want this several times a week and for hours. I would not ask her for that. Amazing woman though she would try in a heartbeat for me. So I filed that experience away as possible special thing to ask for on my birthday. Nothing more.

Then I studied this site. I got some hope, what if based on my past experience I could have that again. without putting anyone else through hell for it. Wow. I got the Progasm and the Mgx.

ed's journey

had two separate sessions yesterday after laying off for three days–believe that was too much time off–stopped first session after about 40 min as there was no action of the device after initial movement–believe i needed a bm before starting which i didn't do–used the helix, followed by the 20 mm peridise–seem to have regressed from last week–had second session a few hours after the first and after a good bm–believe that loosens things up so massager can move more freely–still didn't progress beyond initial feelings and think i am caught at one of those "one step back" positions–started with mgx and then 16 mm peridise, which didn't have the desired effect i wanted–will try again tomorrow, i guess–something great happens, followed by a step back, then a plateau of some kind, finally followed by a step forward, seemingly from out of left field–oh well, nobody said it would be easy–ever onward!

ed's journey

started out with the mgx, thinking it's good to go from larger to smaller–not much action so went to 16 mm peridise–moved well but not going anywhere so ended session early to watch red sox