I don't get it

Hi guys,

Please someone help. I do receive a much greater sensation as result

of having the mgx in me, but this "involuntary contractions of the anal

canal thing" really eludes me. Any help would be appreciated.

ed's journey

last night i put the 20 mm peridise in and went out to the garage to watch the red sox–posts have mentioned wearing it while watching tv but if didn't work for me–too much clothing restriction and pressure from the chair–thie next morning i put in the 20 mm but after initial movement it became stuck–had a bm and reapplied–better but still not satisfactory so took it out and put in my mgx–hadn't used it much since my peridise came but liked it better–seemed to move more than before the peridise and got some good stuff from it that i hadn't gotten before–all in all i believe that the peridise is a good starter if you're not having luck with the larger massagers–my peridise started right off with movement that my massagers never gave me and i have learned a lot about how to start a movement and how to control it which i think will be directly converted to massager action–also it has built up my muscle power and control–all in all i think they are great starters and great in themselves–it still remains to be seen if they give different o's as i have not progressed far enough with either the peridise or massager to compare

Energies and Transformations

The following is a post on my blog at the KSMO site but it all applies here too. It is a further example of our couples practice that has merged Aneros and KSMO so closely.

I had my first session, after an earlier brief experimental one, with my new Helix a few days ago and have had after effects and general Butt Buzz since then, which was part of energizing this morning's love nest described below! Helix is my new best friend; but that is before Eupho has a real session! So it remains to be seen…

"After sensing a misunderstanding in the Aneros Chat focused on KSMO, and having the very good discussion in our Evening KSMO Chat later on the 10th, I have been reflecting a lot on the nature of what I have experienced over the last year and a bit, referring back to the Three Models post earlier.

The question is, how expansive, transformable and transformative are the energies that can be tapped and directed using the Key Sound?

I would really appreciate thoughts and points of view from other perspectives.

This morning, mrs. a and I stayed in bed after waking early and had a wonderful time. After early delights and some traditional p>v intercourse we settled down to our intent which was focused more on her prostate (G-spot), still penile/vaginal rather that our mutual manual Wedding Band position.

ed's journey

well, i've had a lot of no advancement sessions and maybe even some one or two steps backwards sessions since the last post–tried cutting back the hot glue and also reshaping it–got feelings going but could never complete the loop to self generating feelings–very frustrating after thinking i had cracked it!–finally decided that the p-tab just wasn't hitting my spot and that the pressure on my perineum was too great–i discovered the post on the forum about external prostate massage exercises and after doing them i saw that my prostate responded better to soft, subtle poking rather than hard, aggressive poking, so i thought that this would be true for the p-tab too–therefore i removed all of the hot glue from the mgx and the helix and tried them again–success!– what i had been missing in closing the loop was the feedback from the external pressure on my perineum, just as i had thought–maybe it should have been obvious to me earlier cause i could generate the feelings i was after but could not get them to self generate–anyway now i could get the loop closed and now i had to learn how to start the feelings and how to control and vary them–i have always been greatly confused about contractions and complete relaxation and when to do one and when to do the other–now what is working for me is almost complete relaxation to get a little flutter going and then very, very light contractions to keep them going once started–also i can now use anal and pc contractions for different effects–after a flutter starts i can capture it with a slight anal contraction and place the prostate massager in different spots on my prostate to generate different sensations by varying the anal contraction to move the massager up and down my prostate–then when i like the sensation from the degree of contraction and the placement on my prostate i can use my pc contraction to "play a tune" that pleases me on that spot–different spots on the prostate feel different and different intensities of pc contractions feel different too–so using this and varying the frequency of the pc contractions i can find what i like and then maintain this pleasurable activity until i discover something else to amuse myself–if the feelings go away i simply relax as much as i can and then "capture" the next pleasant feeling that comes along with another slight anal contraction–in this way i can try to maintain pleasure and start pleasure almost as long as i want– i haven't gotten the out of control, i guess it's a super o, response yet but now again i feel that i am closer–last week i wondered if i would ever get here and so close–i can't say enough for those external prostate massages as posted in the forum–i do them in the morning, before getting out of bed and they make my prostate all warm and alive–they feel like the echos one has the day after an aneros session without the aneros–i recommend them to everyone–they will wake up one's prostate and get it conditioned for aneros activity–also they will teach one what to look for when searching for pleasant prostate feelings and where they are located–part of the learning process is knowing what you are looking for–this is hard as one needs to feel it himself and to identify it and then to see what controls it, and someone else cannot do this for you–today i had all the models in and out and i stopped several times and did other things, etc, and i was able to start again whenever i got back to bed–i inserted whatever model i wanted to use and took right off into my pleasure–i knew when something wasn't going to work and so changed the p-tab location and then i also knew when something would work and simply waited for it to happen–i think now i will know when simply lying there will be productive and when it won't–i used to waste a lot of time waiting for things that never happened and i think now i won't–also i think that now i can try a different approach if something isn't working–hope this helps someone


March 10, 2005

And it certainly is a journey. After about 6 sessions, every one has been different. I find that the sessions either in the morning or later in the evening produce a more pleasurable experience. In my 3rd or 4th session, I had an event that was pretty interesting. The MGX that I use started to twitch after about an hour that seemed to have flipped a switch and my heart went from calm to almost jumping out of my chest within about 5 seconds. That went on for maybe 90 seconds, but I was unable to take it over the top. Interesting though, one of my first thoughts after it happened was of the people who I have read postings from who are pretty skeptical about the whole process. I definitely tapped into something that I had no idea was there before.

I guess that I am going to be one of those individuals who take a bit longer than other. Patience and dedication to the effort will be the course of action. I've got to say that this forum is certainly been a motivator and I appreciate everyone's experiences. I seem to have better luck laying flat on my back.

I look forward to being able to report back with some really good news.


April 2, 2005


ed's journey

did some more work on the size and shape of the hot glue and inserted it just to see if it hit the spot even though i had 2 good sessions today already–it was a bit better, even though i didn't prelube beforehand cause of all the sessions i had already had today–i will have to try the helix again as i've been copying the mgx glue without trying it–have been getting some action from echos, all very nice–a bit of both but mostly prostate ones

ed's journey

good session, much better than the last several sessions–trimmed back the hot glue and reshaped it–also prelubed before insertion, which i will have to do all the time–had some nice anal feelings with a lot of in and out of the mgx–quite pleasant–not too violent so i could enjoy them and not let them get out of control like when it darts without warning deep into my ass–had mostly anal but a few prostate feelings, the ones i like that feel like rubbing down my prostate, warm and cozy–the anal feelings were of the mgx going slowly in and out with not too much movement–almost pure bliss!–i was able to sustain them for more than 1/2 hr, but they never got really big, at least not too big for me to handle–also after they subsided i was able to start them again with a slight anal contraction after complete relaxation–i even took a pee break and after calmly lying there until relaxed i started them again with the slight contraction, then i could keep everything going with shallow, low abdominal breathing–i liked it and thought that i had lost it this last week–i must have a session without too many days in between (2 at the most, i think) so that i don't loose the gift–really interested to see what happens tomorrow as i usually go downhill after a good session like today–it will be interesting to see if i have "echo" sessions the next times i lie down without the aneros inserted

ed's journey

today's session with the mgx didn't go anywhere–took it out halfway and cut off some hot glue and relubed it–got a little better but i think the hot glue amount and location are not right–when it's hitting the right spot with the right amount of aggressiveness it's very obvious and this certainly is not right–nothing remotely resembling any waves or hot blips

ed's journey

well, i was finally able to hold off having a session for a few days–funny though, i didn't have any echo sessions without the aneros even though i lay down several times each day and tried to feel the waves–i had some slight waves, but not long lasting nor large–it was completely the opposite of what i expected and had been experiencing–added some more hot glue to the mgx and helix but based on today's test with the mgx i think i may have gone beyond the limit for adding stimulation–i will have to continue the experiment with less and maybe a different shape on the tab–when it is right it immediately starts my heart racing upon insertion and sends waves through my prostate–i think that i may have configured the tip so that it hits in a slightly different place, farther from my anus, the distance or dig in may still be right–anyway today's session was pretty tame and i don't think i will lay off so long between sessions again–maybe every day for a few days and then every other day for a few sessions will be the right mix–only time will tell–i laid off cause i thought that i may have worn out my prostate with so much stimulation, although it was never sore, just less responsive–i tried the progasm for the last 10 minutes just to see what would happen and the answer was not much

ed's journey

i know i said i'd wait several days for another session but i didn't–i wondered what the helix would be like after this progress with my mgx and so i tried it out–not too much happening so i decided to add some hot glue to the p-tab like on my mgx–well i tried it out at 2:40 this afternoon and it was better than in the morning without the glue–also tried the last 10 minutes with no massager and i really think i get more action empty than with the aneros in–now i will wait at least 2 days before another aneros session but i bet i'll get some action empty without even trying before then whenever i lie on my back–i feel some thumping in my prostate right now while sitting and writing this–i had warm feelings and cozy feelings in my prostate several times today while shopping and standing around holding a shopping basket–it seems that my wiring is coming along fine