Since mt last blog i had been having some sessions with the Classic & in between also doing Kegels.I had been away from the sessions for a while & with the Kegel exercises i was enjoying quite strong wet orgasms and noted good & fuller ejaculations.I had wanted to go back to the Classic for more sessions and made a return to it just before Christmas.I was missing that nice “full feeling” experience of the Classic when its inside my anus..& also on the day i was also feeling quite hot & aroused, maybe with all the run-around that happens coming up to the Christmas. I did get a good lie-in on the day and was feeling very relaxed. It was strange but i felt a hunger for the Classic? I had a nice warm shower
and douche but the douching brought on an erection
in the shower. I did not want to cum so i kept cool and soon the erection subsided.It was in the afternoon so i got prepared for my session with the Classic. I have my sessions on the bed lying on my back,so i put out my pillows,towels,and everything else ready to hand. I have a nice comfy “T” shirt that i wear on top but from the waist down im naked. With pillows placed on the bed to raise my back & anus & with my legs apart i lubed up on my
hole and onto the Classic.Taking a deep breath & MMmmmmmmm -so nice feeling the Classic slide in..
My erotic thoughts were going thru my mind and as normal as it happens i got an erection. Wow was i feeling hot! I had experienced some waves of pleasure on my previous sessions but this time they were feeling more intense? I let these waves wash thru me and at the same time i was applying gentle anal contractions onto the classic.Unawares to me this action started to make these “new” wave patterns much more intense? I lay there engorged in this pleasure.As the waves peaked they made me moan. Now they started taking on a “cyclic” pattern
of their own! At peak level I moaned, i really did..
I just lay there -and let things happen! I never felt anything like this kept going…
-the “recycling waves” of pure pleasure going right thru me. They would build deep in my pelvis and “burn-outwards” thru my whole body.. OOOOoooooooo.
The strangest thing then happened the Classic made an “involuntary spurt of contractions” I don’t know how this happened? all i do know is that shortly after this a fookin “HUGH” wave began to build!! My
erotic thoughts went into this “massive” buildup. This monster wave shook my whole being. It felt like an atomic bomb going off! I felt so hot and my face went contorted, my whole body went into an uncontrolled convulsion{s}( I could’nt breath properly? I really felt & thought i was going to suffocate… My tightly clenched fists gripped the bed! It forced me to CRY OUT… AAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGgggggggggg.. I was totally swamped in this so-called “SUPER 0” I remember as the massive waves peak feeling the Classic involuntary pumping inside of me! It was a total “out of body experience” I never-ever- felt anything like this!
With the strength of this “Super 0” it caused me to push my head deep into the pillow.When i recovered i looked to see if i had shot cum but there was’nt any {except some ooozing precum} WoW!
Tag: P-waves
Recovery from bliss
I was advised that I would feel my Super-O for a few days and I have. This morning on the way to work my Perineum or "sweet spot" had a deep down tingle causing me to shift in my vanpool seat while I secretly grinned. An occasional involuntary contraction was added every once in awhile. I'd been pretty good about refraining from frequent riding but I wasn't too strict about it. So tonight I decided to treat myself. I dusted off two of my favorite toys, my penis plug and my go-to friend Progasm.
Progasm quickly as his custom filled me and took charge. It wasn't long as I concentrated on his bumps and nudges he began to vibrate my sweet spot internally, oh that felt good. So, I let him continue with his tricks and P-waves began to radiate through my loins moving my hips to keep up with them. Sub-consciously I keep trying to relax but, those wonderful waves they are so compelling.
As things finally began to slow down, Progasm took over again and a series of cascading Dry-O's permeated my mid-region. I had been told my first sessions following a Super would be filled with them and they are right. This cascading effect of sensations creates such a craving for more. I have more time off soon. I so want Super 2 the sequel to arrive.
Ravished/Ravaged by my PG ice and loving it )the Ravishing and the PG
this is a partial recording almost in real time of what happened to me this morning at 3am when i awoke from 2-3 hours of sleep with my PG in. I know that half of it is unintelligible, but i’m leaving it as is, including the caps locks, because i was typing while this event was still going on.
Woke from 3 hours of sleep with Pgice in . had fallen asleep after having a few p waves with the device in. had been chating about nothing with the gang and needed to get to sleep but decided to put PG in ’cause it was its turn.
Woke at 3am to its presence and a pwave that just started to feel like a purring/flowing at base penis. Was erect, then not and then felling of lowing got more intense and nonstop and I was dry the whole time then felt like that instant before ejac that is so exquisitely pleasureable but then it ends but it didn’t it kept going and I felt I was peeing the bed bt I was dry and then I fel thte PG DOING ITS THING, MOVING AND TOUCNIM=NG ME INSIDE AND THEN IT GOT STRONGER AND I COULDN’T WOULDNTT MOVEE AND IT GO TSTRONGER AND 30 MIN LATER I WAS MOAINGNA DN THAT MADE IT MORE AND JUST KEPT ON KEPT ON . And then I felt that I would really pee the bed but hadn’t and then I felt I would have a wet O but I didn’t and I finally got up and peed in the tub ’cause I was afraid I would miss the toilet and the peeing felt like an intense pwave and almost like ejac and then I came back to bed and it started up in earnest. And I took off tshirt and socks and the PG began to do it again to me and I was sure that I was going to ejac but it didn’t and I fel ttmyself writhing in pleasure slowly and lifting my legs up and grabbing my feet and then straightening them and then stroke the backs of my thighs and moaning and then grabbing and hugging my pillow and writhing and tthen I actually pulled the PG up in me voluntarily and the pleasure jumped and I was moaning and then became motionless and felt those waves of fake ejaculation again, except now there were drops of pre-cum.
I’m now on my knees as I type this and up to this point everything I’ve typed has been while these huge wave of pleasure, almost painful have been happening and I want to tell everyone, so I’m going to get on the chat.
And I’ll edit this in the morning so it’s readable, but I’m going to leave this word flow so you get the sense of intense pleasure that’s ohh coming again.
And there is a dull headache there but it’s passed.
My penis is now limp and it feels like it’s been flowing nonstop but only a few drops. I don’t want to check it ’cause that might interfere with the feeling which is like a thrill )not an emotional thrill but a physical “purring” in the perineum.(
And the feelings are setlling into a dull pleasure sense at the base of the penis and going back in and up inside.
Now I will see if anyones on the chat. ….
It says someone’s there and a guest walked in but no body responded to me, so I got off. Still having pwaves, but “normal ones” now. And I have to take out the device and get an hour or so more sleep before work.
Super O has arrived
After a pleasurable session with Progasm yet nothing out of the ordinary, I switched to Peridise and logged onto Chat. I noticed an often seen tag and proceeded to private chat. Simple polite conversation and questions rallied back and forth. We chatted as I rode and the Peridise picked up on the stimulating conversations.
He began to tickle, and caress, and vibrate as our conversation heated up. I began to describe the sensations and my new companion offered suggestions and direction and winks. This chat also includes a new flow thru penis plug and I described it how it works and what it was doing to me at the time. Each description led to more activity between Paridise, me, and my chat partner. As things were getting intense my partner insinuated that the plug was helping and I so agreed and described how it was vibrating inside my cock making my tip tingle in unison with the Paridise.
P-waves, Pre-cum, Dry o's, began to flow and cascade through my loins. They continued to cycle adding more and more sensations and levels of want for more. The fluid running through the plug warmed it and tickled the urethra. Things were building to levels I've never experienced before and my chatting partner kept encouraging me by letting me know yes I'm "headed" in the right direction. I experienced more than one wet orgasm intensified by the plug as it ramped up the velocity of the cum as it exited and warmed its hollow design.
Thanks Drummel what a combination!
I asked for suggested combinations for rides and Drummel you found a ride that is most memorable, thanks. Drummel suggested the following order with the addition of my fetish penis plug. MGX, Progasm, Eupro, my plug, then Muse.
I started this truly memorable ride cleaning out and using EVOO as lubrication, I wanted an extra fluid movement with the first two. MGX upon the stimulation of my nipples began to vibrate within my anal canal as my nipples grew. The vibrations were weak but, they were there so, I slowed my breathing to concentrate and he noticed. The vibrations began to cycle and MGX moved from side to side within me touching me kissing my prostate, loving the attention it was being given. We danced together under my sheets like it was our first dance a dance with a hint we would become even more intimate soon. I pulled him close to my loins. He shuttered in response and we continued our dance. After at least an hour together we parted.
He's distracting me
I couldn't sleep someone has affected my concentration. But, I want to experience distraction. I start by inserting my other toy of choice, my penis plug. It stimulates me to just above flaccid. I also choose to begin with my Eurpho Syn, we join, we are one, we move, we dance. He's still there. Eurpho is oh so quietly tickling my prostate and a hint of p-waves touch my anus. I relax, a few more waves move me, Eurpho responds. After 45 minutes of his gentle caress we depart ways.
I introduce Maximus to my anal canal, as usual his girth fills me he takes over. I appreciated this aspect of him. Maximus moves slowly but with purpose touching me with more assurance and my sphincter moves him. We start to rise together in concert simultaneously as I lift my hips from the bed keeping in time with his strokes. He is determined to distract me. My body is slowly beginning to vibrate in s-waves appreciating this attention, he wants more of me, and I let him have all of me, I need him right now. He is introducing me to a new set of sensations I can't describe. But my plan is to incorporate 4 Aneros tonight with my plug so, Maximus reluctantly gives way to MGX.
Maximus in tandum with Progasm
I continue my quest with more than one of these toys of pleasure, tonight the mighty Maximus and the gentler yet no less mighty Progasm. In this journey my libido has definitely affected my multiple ride sessions. I’ve enjoyed the normal chat room conversations each evening and blogged following new discoveries.
This evening was no different joining in the open chat room for a bit. I received a private chat request and let’s just say the conversation ended with pleasurable liquidity. I cooled down for a bit and began my normal cleansing routine. I started with Maximus and my breathing machine. Maximus filled me and moved as we communed in concert with each other. He prepared my prostate with gentle waves and vibrations through me. And as my course though the more than one adventure he slowed his movements signaling me to switch to Progasm.
Now Progasm has always known when I’ve been ready for fun and he didn’t disappoint. As I began to move him he slowly would touch the now tender prostate knowing just what to do. He would tickle and he would touch and he would slowly slide all in unison with my CPAP machine. He began to slowly build P-waves that would crash over my loins like waves on the shoreline. He teased me bringing me up and down.
About 40 hours of Aneros session time now, time to share again
So I have had about 20 sessions since I have started my glorious journey with Aneros products and I feel it's time to share some of my personal findings!
Sit back and relax, I will probably be as wordy as I ever am! Enjoy!
I'm not sure where to start this exactly so I will talk it out as I go, I guess =D
If you have kept up with my previous blog posts you will get an idea of where I was at. Well let me assure you it as only gotten better with time. I cannot claim to be rewired, but my good lord has the experience and the pleasure been absolutely breathtaking!
I have continued my sessions moving forward with lighter contractions, on RARELY really deep contractions anymore (Unless I am going for a Super-T)
I gotta say…. sticking with the light contractions, alternating between direct anal contractions and PC contractions has sky rocketed my pleasure levels! P-waves a plenty, oooh my goodness! I haven't had any Super-O's yet, or any hands free dry-o's, but I don't even care. The build up has been glorious!
Since I have started I have added 5 more models to my collection. I have outlined each of them in the forums, but I will touch base here to keep this from being pages long, and I will include the link to the thread it's in as well.
Can ejaculate HF but not sure next step
Hi! 21 yr old male here.
I've had the helix classic for a while now. I like it a lot and it has always made my traditional orgasms a whole lot better but recently I have been trying harder to get hands free orgasms (HF) or super O's or prostate orgasms or just more powerful orgasms in general.
I can make myself ejaculate and orgasm without touching my dick but I don't think I'm doing it correctly. I put in my helix after not masturbating or having sex for a few days and then go through the process of letting my sphincter adjust and then the deep breathing and clenching and all that jazz. And it feels good, especially when I start with light holds and just try to hold those as long as possible. Then I watch porn and browse some of my favorite dirty sub reddits (all the while not touching my cock- I lie on my left side with my knees up or I lie on my back with a pillow underneath me to boost up my butt) and I try to focus on the feelings in my prostate. It all feels really really good but sometimes I have a hard time making sure to keep my sphincter clenched or I find that I'm flexing my cock instead of my ass or my abs instead of my ass. Regardless I feel something welling up inside of me and if I put my balls in between my thighs (really just separate my cock from my balls via my thighs) and extended my legs or sometimes just by squeezing my thighs I ejaculate. Sometimes I don't even need to do that, it happens anyways It feels amazing and I love it, but I know it's not a super O.
Not sure what I experienced, wondering what happened
after smoking quite a bit I was fairly stoned and I decided to have a go with the aneros and to my surprise I got somewhere with it I'm just not sure what to call it, what I felt was what I think were some p waves I started breathing heavy and shaking it felt like I had just been in a fight with because it felt like a had a lot of adrenalin in my system right after. Any idea how close I was…or how far
This is as far as I have gotten with it