I'm different. I can feel and people are now starting to notice. The smile has gotten wider. I have a extra spring in my step. I am just filled with extra joy. I have a ora around me that is shining bright and is blinding everyone I come in contact with. My phoenix has spread his wings and emerged into everyday life and is here to stay. My old life is calling back to me but I'm so far gone that I can't go back even if I tried. My phoenix has me on a track to pure blissfulness and I can't disobey.
A lot of guys in the chat and forums always ask me how I got this way and I don't have a answer for them. I don't even know how I got here. It's like my body was made for this. Like my body been urning for this feeling and I finally have mastered it. I'm so different. I don't even recognize my self anymore. It's good but also has it's down falls.
I'm so happy
I have lost weight
I'm more energetic
I can handle stressful situations better
I have stronger orgasms
I have a heavy flow of cum in my orgasms
I'm not shy anymore
I'm a lot more talkative
Get work done in a timely fashion
Have a closer relationship with my dad
I pre-cum a lot more
Have longer orgasms