“Ultimate Aless Orgasm: Where Did This Come From? “

Happy Birthday Goldenboy!

I was awakened in the early AM with a (nocturnal) erection that was very strong and lasted at least 45 minutes. I decided to check-out some PC items like I usually do. Listening for a while to erotic music, binaurals, etc. but nothing seemed to be “clicking”. So after about 30 minutes or so, I decided to pack-it-up and return to bed. I thought perhaps I could do a few contractions and lure myself back to sleep. Wow! What happened next blew my mind! Let me explain…….


When I got back into bed, I decided to perform some light kegels and REVERSE kegels. I kept this up for a while and it felt so good. I continued to feel the waves of pleasure starting to build and I thought that I may experience something more….I feel paralyzed from the imminent pleasure and can’t move.

“A Cornucopia of Erotic Delights”

Background: Following a hot day (~90 degrees), I am still feeling very horny. I have refrained from ejaculation all week (since Last Sunday) and am starting to climb the walls. I will get an outpouring of semen tomorrow night (my wife promises!). In the meantime, I need to hold-out and find some erotic release any way I can….


I retired early and felt the need for a Eupho session. I quickly lubed-up and got into position. Within THREE MINUTES, I am experiencing the most powerful involuntary anal fuck imaginable. This was unusual for me since it also contained an abundance of involuntary REVERSE KEGELS which I seldom feel. I am actually moaning and crying in bed right from the start and (thank God!) a fan was running to muffle my ecstasy. I still needed to bury my head beneath my pillow. I am surprised that this Eupho session only lasted a short time (~15 minutes) but boy was it powerful! My experience with Eupho generally is more reserved and relaxed. But not this time!


Upon removal of the Eupho, I felt that I was ‘opened-up’ for more anal delights, so I decided to do a quick Peridise (Large) session. It went in very easily since I was already opened. Much to my surprise, I am experiencing auto REVERSE KEGELS with the Peridise as well! This is a mind-blowing feeling. I continued the Peridise delight for about 25 minutes or so and that was enough for now. As I am drifting off to sleep, I am experiencing some quivering in my anus and thought that I may be headed for an anal orgasm. But that did not occur.

“50 Ways to F*** You: A Powerful Fantasy”

[This fantasy sequence is somewhat graphic]

Background: I am awakened in the very early AM with a POWERFUL erection: so strong, in fact, I think I have been ‘drugged’ with Viagra! This erection lasted at least 30 minutes and would not subside. I went onto my PC as I usually do in the early AM and finished-up early. I decided to get back to bed and catch a few winks. Or so I thought…….

As before, I just did a ‘few’ anal/PC contractions since I remembered a previous Aless ‘session’ that produced a couple of Super-O’s! I just wanted to see if I could achieve that same result 24 hours later.

I began a few contractions to start (I am laying in my favorite right side position) and almost immediately, I began to convulse my body and I felt a quivering feeling in my prostate. I began moaning with every breath, which is now beginning to grow stronger with every inhalation. I have never fallen-into a fantasy as quickly as this one. I am again being anally penetrated by my male lover as he wraps his firm torso around mine. He glides his wet cock into me and starts with some light thrusts that become deeper and more forceful with every stroke, but extremely pleasurable for me. With every stroke, I contract my anal muscles in sync with his movements. I am feeling a pleasure in my anus and rectum that just can’t be described, only felt. I feel it from the tips of my fingers to the ends of my toes. I can’t hold back the stronger moans (and some expletives too). I want to scream. What happened next was truly mind-blowing:

Aneros session for Saturday morning, April 22, 2016, Kegels and Reverse Kegels

Hi guys,

This morning I had a most satisfying session with my favorite models: Helix Classic, Maximus, Tempo, and Progasm Classic.

My routine these days in sessions is that with Helix Classic, Maximus, and Progasm Classic is to insert those models while lying on my right side. I allow myself a few minutes to accommodate each of those models and then switch on my back with my butt on a pillow. That is when the real “action” takes place. But recently that there is greater contact when I bring my knees up to my chest. Here in this position, I do a few Kegels and Reverse Kegels that my buddy HopefulMMOer has spoken much about. Kegels and Reverse Kegels with Aneros real fuel intense P-waves, mini-O’s, dry O’s, etc., ingredients which may trigger a Super-O, and even MMO’s! What was so exciting about this morning, besides working with Kegels and Reverse Kegels with these three aforementioned Aneros models is that I focused upon subtle “actions” and sensations giving rise to subtle, yet rich and intense pleasure!

Yet, Tempo has his important place in all my sessions too. I can sit at my PC with Tempo inserted and do the Kegels and Reverse Kegels as well as other actions described above.

Now while typing this blog entry, I savoring the afterglow of Aless. I am Kegeling and Reverse Kegeling. If I want to, I can achieve a Super-O and much, much more which I intend to do on this rainy Saturday!

“Didn’t Know This Was Possible”

It started out so innocently……I was researching online whole-body orgasms for men. It seemed intriguing. I knew that this basically was what we Aneros guys call a “Super-O” and it seemed to be triggered down in the prostate, typically with our Aneros prostate stimulators. I had finished with my online “research” and decided to perform an experiment.

I got back into bed (it is very early AM) and decided to get in my favorite right-side position as if I was starting an Aneros session. I began to perform some light PC/anal contractions and didn’t think much about it. I thought I would just drift back to sleep. Then the most amazing thing happened!

I began to “visualize” the pleasure (P-waves) in my head and (within 10 minutes or so) believe it or not…..I started to feel them very strongly! Was this real or was it a dream? It was real! Before I knew it, the pleasure waves seemed to grow more intense and were concentrated within my anal/rectal area and probably my prostate. OMG! Suddenly, I am falling into a fantasy…… I am being penetrated anally and am beginning to thrust in the bed in sync with my breathing, which now has become much more pronounced and regular…I am starting to MOAN as if I may be headed for an orgasm! Then it happened!

“A Helix Ride Like No Other”

[This description is somewhat graphic and does contain profanity]

Contrary to my better judgment on my last post, I had the time to do a shortened session with Helix. I was not aroused in any way and thought I would just do a ‘quick do-nothing’ session and call it a night. Well! This session was anything but ordinary! Let me explain……

I quickly lubed-up and the Helix felt so good going in. I got into my usual right-side position so as not to stimulate my penis. It wasn’t too long before I distinctly felt my pulse through the Helix. I have felt it before but this time it was especially strong. After a while (about 5 minutes I believe) I got the urge to start doing some very strong anal/PC contractions just to ‘start things up’. Well, they started up all right! I began to experience a combination of auto-fuck contractions combined with my own strong contractions and they were beginning to get intensely pleasurable! I rolled over on my stomach and began to thrust my chest up and down, up and down, in synchronous motion with my breathing. The Helix is moving in and out with every breath. OMG! With each movement of my chest, I am feeling a most-pleasurable ache (like a strong P-wave) that was only getting stronger! It went on and on……and on and on…..

With each ache, I was letting out a moan: OOH!….OOH!,,,,OOH!,,,,OOH!,,,,,,The moans became muffled SCREAMS under my pillow. I could not stop them. You get the picture!

“The Call Of The Eupho: A Wild Ride!”

Since I have not had an Aneros session in almost 2 weeks, I have been getting my stim through other means, usually porn or erotic auditory stim. Early this AM, I began to search for and listen to erotically-stimulating music. One in particular which I liked was called “Erotic Massage”. It was about an hour long. I had the time, I settled-in for a nice relaxing ‘listen’, set the volume very low and began to sink-into the relaxing melody. I didn’t realize it at the time but this audio track must have contained some very-carefully embedded ‘tones’ which were very stimulating. Not so much as for a penile erection (I know the feeling well) but it was a more ‘all-over’ erotic feeling. I became very aroused ALL OVER MY BODY. I felt the need to caress my nipples and torso and other parts of my body. Yes I was feeling it in my groin and had a mostly-full erection (about 3/4 I believe). But near the end, I felt ready for sex! Since it was early AM, and I was still feeling unfulfilled and horny, I decided to go for an Aneros session (for which I have longed for a while). My body was ready.

I retreated to my bedroom, selected the Eupho (somehow I knew this was the one), lubed-up and laid on my usual right side position.

“Deep Subconscious Relaxation: An Adjunct to Aneros”

Following a day of sexual “tension”, I felt it was necessary to “cool-down”. I searched for some ‘relaxation’ audios and discovered one by Paul Santisi: “Deep Mental Subconscious Mind Relaxation Massage”. It was about 1 hour and 10 minutes long. I didn’t know what to expect and I have never listened to anything like this before. But I decided to “do it”! I set the headphone volume VERY LOW, got comfortable on a nearby sofa, turned off the lights, closed my eyes, and began to relax.

“Relax” is not the right word for what I experienced. This audio, as I discovered later, contains the so-called ‘Solfeggio Frequencies” as well as binaural and high-alpha beats. Also included are soothing water, rain, wind and thunder sounds. The combination of soothing sounds sure does relax the inner mind. It is hard to describe–you have to experience it. Near the end of the ‘session’ I began to experience ‘visions’ of people I long forgot (but must have been buried in my subconscious mind!). For example, past friends, neighbors, lovers (!) and so on. It is as if these long-forgotten memories were brought to the surface in a most quiet way.

When this session was over, I felt completely at ease both mentally as well as physically. I can truly say that this was one of the most relaxing moments I have ever experienced. What is amazing is that this is not self-hypnosis. It is a truly calming, inner mind experience and I would recommend it highly. I certainly will do it again!

“An Experiment: Male Arousal—How Far Can I Wind The Clock?”

Following a successful Peridise session, I had the opportunity to “try” a ‘non-stimulating’ ‘do-nothing’ short session with my Helix. I lubed-up and inserted and–wow!–it felt good!. I decided in advance that this was to be a ‘short session’ perhaps 30 minutes or so and would involve no effort on my part. I couldn’t be more wrong! Right away, I could feel my heartbeat through the Helix. And almost immediately, the Helix went into ‘auto-fuck’ mode All I could do was ‘ride-it-out!’ In between auto-contractions, I was able to ‘sneak-in’ some of my own. But not too many! These autos continued for the duration of this session, probably 45 minutes or so. I did not experience any prostate orgasms from this ride, however. I decided to end the session and call it a night. Note I did not ejaculate at this time.


The following morning, I decided again to ‘dose’ on binaural beats — for male arousal and then for ejaculation. Perhaps it’s just me, but I like the way I feel from these audio sessions. I expected to ejaculate during the second listening session, but I dd not. So I thought to myself, since I am already aroused (I had a LOT of precum from these binaurals) why don’t I get back into bed and perhaps do some anal and PC contractions and see where that leads me? So I got back into bed and started to do some very light (whisper) contractions. What happened next blew me away!

Birthday Aneros Session, March 30, 2016

Hi guys,

Today I am celebrating my 67th birthday. I observed it in part with my first Aneros session in over two months. There are two reasons for this long hiatus between sessions. First, we had a rather cold winter, and second, lingering affects from the flu. I just did not feel up for sessions on cold winter mornings. I felt despondent about thrown into old age.

I decided to have a birthday session, nevertheless as good luck for the coming year in some many ways, especially as to my general health.

The major take away from this morning's session that after long Aneros usage, you never quite forget how so good the various models feel working away in you. I call this Aneros muscle memory.

I used my most favorite Aneros models this morning: Helix Classic, Maximus, Tempo, and Progasm Classic.

Helix Classic for a long time has been a session opener. I began my Aneros journey in early June 2012 with Helix Syn which I believe is a good introduction to anal play for guys totally unfamiliar to that experience as me. I like Helix Classic better because that model provides more direct stimulation. This morning I opened myself up to new sensations from Helix Classic and was richly rewarded.

Next Maximus worked his magic in same fashion. The pleasure grew as the session progressed. With both these models, I began with lying on my side with my legs in sitting fashion, but switched to lying on my back with my butt placed on a pillow. Lying on my back, I've discovered, provided even more direct stimulation to my anal musculature and prostate.