Curious responses & Deepening Depression

Had another session a couple evenings ago. My technique to try that time was to flex my PC muscles for as long as I was able so that it pushed my prostrate right against the Helix. This was pretty successful. It was much easier to get to a point of having Mini-O's and one a little greater than a mini. Although there was a fair amount of strain involved which seems to me to not be the way to super-O's. I say this because during my last mini-O of the session, as it kicked in, I found that if I had continued to flex my PC muscles, I'm pretty sure it would have initiated the ejaculation response. Yet once the orgasm did start, and I felt close to ejaculating, I just let go and relaxed all muscles and had a wonderfully weird orgasm. It felt light and airy. As if the without the ejaculation it lacked a certain depth, or meatyness to it. Still enjoyable, but not so intense as to rock my world… yet! 😀 I do think that this technique is of temporary help to me by showing me what it feels like to have a dry orgasm. And that at some point I won't have to strain and carefully control my muscles to get there.

On the other hand. Even though I had a good session with some nice pleasurable mini-O's. I didn't seem all that excited or enthusiastic about it like I was when I first started experiencing pleasurable sensations from Aneros usage.

More Learning

Hey People,

Had another session last night. Unfortunately I started too late, and lost some sleep because of it. I tried a suggestion I read from one of Rumel's posts about warming up the Aneros in a coffee cup with hot water in it. It does work well. I thought I had let it cool enough before insertion. I had tested it on the inside of my wrists. But I found it to still be too hot. So I removed it for a bit and let it cool. Next time I'll just try warm water in the cup. The downside to warming the Aneros this way is that the shea butter I use for lube, melts when applied to a warm Aneros. Making it a bit more messy, and possibly not as well lubed as it could be. Although I did not experience any issues with dryness or lack of lube last night.

The session was somewhat moderate in pleasurable sensations. It took me a long time to relax and clear my mind. You know how it goes, the end of the day sometimes all kinds of things are floating around in your head. It wasn't until I had dozed off for a bit, and then woken up that the sensations became more intense.

So THAT is what the Super-O feels like!

Several times when I've been using the gizmo (maybe once or twice a week for the past 6 weeks or so), I've been tried to match the sensations I was feeling with what's been described on this site: 'Is that a mini-O? A dry orgasm? An involuntary??'

My most recent session answered some of these questions definitively, after I had four dry-gasms (cumming, but not ejaculating) followed by what could only be the Super Orgasm. If it WAS 'only' a mini-O, my poor heart might not be able to take much more of this! And all without an erection, cock stimulation or ejaculation – absolutely incredible!

I'd spent most of the day at work doing overtime and X was visiting his mum. I decided to have my first long session and to film clips of it. My second clip on Xtube is part of this particular session and my next clip will highlight the wonderous feelings I was having towards the end.

To be honest, after an hour or so of rolling around I was getting bored, thirsty and hungry. So I took the Progasm out, had a bite to eat, drank some ice water and relaxed. I ended up on my PC looking at some profiles and vids which got me feeling frisky again, so I edged a bit (working my cock close to orgasm, then letting ago). I also copied over my own videoclip to make room for more filming.

A proper wank

The other morning before work I tried an experiment. What if I was truly aroused and having a wank when using the Progasm? Bear in mind all my other solo sessions involved me lying in bed with no stimulation other than my imagination.

So I popped the Progasm in first thing, had breakfast and then selected a DVD. Out of solidarity for the evacuees of Hurricane Gustav I chose Gale Force, about the sexploits of a gang taking shelter in a warehouse during a storm.

Not only was I able to get wrapped up in a good porno, I was in a different position, on my side on the settee. After awhile I stretched across the floor on the carpet, with a cushion under my chest. It wasn't long before some leg trembling started. I also propped myself on my elbows and rocked my torso from side to side, which set off some shivering. The only trouble I found with lying flat on the flat is that the twitching caused me to hit the floor hard. If I'd been on the bed it would've been more comfortable, plus hanging my feet or arms off the bed allows for more leverage in my limbs.

It started me thinking about the way horses are able to shiver a particular part of their body when a fly lands on it. The fly causes an itch and the horse shakes their hide underneath it so the fly takes off again. I wonder if it's all about learning how to use involuntary muscle movements to our favour, like it's the only way to satisfy that itch.

Couldn't resist another go

X was out with some mates of ours (remember, I had been hungover most of the afternoon) and I spent the evening by myself starting the blog. Typing up my blog entries last night, reading through the comments and looking at some Xtube clips left me feeling frisky.

It's clear that I'm turned on by hearing about other people's experiences with this thing, but putting the gizmo in does not give me an erection, even when I'm feeling aroused.

It's also obvious that some people put a lot of thought into choosing a lube. We've got three:

1 – Palmers coconut butter lotion. Smells lovely, stays slick, does the business whether it's a wank or some bareback bumming (we don't use condoms with each other).

2 – Boots aqueous cream. Thicker and stickier. Good for lubing up toys.

3 – Some nasty water-based lube for use with condoms when we have company around.

Most times I've been using the Palmers, but this last night I used the aqueous cream. I noticed no difference.

All I wanted out of the session was to have a good wank to take the edge off. I had moved the tabs further apart again because I'm still not sure the perineum tab is working the right spot. I experimented with putting it in the wrong way round and although that provided a subtle difference in sensation, I had the same problem with the tab jabbing me and didn't keep with it.


Nothing! Not even a twitch. But it gets worse. I sent off for another toy on this silly quest. Somebody please stop me. This is nuts.

I read in the forums about the slightest touch so I have sent off for it. Now I will be laying around with plastic up my butt and wires hanging off of me. next I will probably be sending off for KSMO then I will be laying around with plastic up my butt and wires hanging off of me groaning and moaning like a bear rubbing my stomach doing some kinda "running antelope" tantric thing I read in here. This is getting nuts.

At some point I have got to just laugh and point "Ok Aneros guys! You jokesters got me good. I bought your whole product line, Slightest touch (that was made for chicks) and Grunt like a bear and play with yourself KSMO and was stupid enough to blog about it publicly online.

I'm frustrated. It's not going fast enough for me.

Anyway I have discovered that I can control my pc muscle and anal muscles independently of one another. I did not realize that you can do that. I thought that if I flexed one the other flexed too. Also I have noticed my pc muscle is getting stronger and I can flex it faster off and on. I do this in class when I'm bored with the speaker and it produces a warm fuzzy feeling in my lower abdomen. I suspect it helps the speaker too seeing someone enjoy their lecture.

Two more great sessions

I've had two more noteworthy sessions since my last blog. Two nights ago, I inserted the MGX while watching tv in my recliner. I recently removed the tail to facilitate this position. I did the relaxation with deep breathing for about ten minutes. I mentally decided that I would do very small contractions and to focus more on anal squeezes then PC contractions. This eventually produced small 'tremors' that grew in both frequency and intensity. After about 30 minutes of these wonderful feelings, I had an erection and decided to just finish up with a traditional orgasm. I began stroking myself and as I was building up, the 'tremors' started again with even greater intensity. I noticed that I could use a very light touch when stroking myself and could feel the orgasm building deep inside. When I finally orgasmed, it was during the fluttering and involuntary contraction stage and the MGX just seem to bury itself deeper then it had ever gone – WOW. I would definitely have to classify this one as a Super T.

Sweet Sensations

The last week has brought me a lot of progress in my exploration, starting with the fact that my body has developed a sweet spot that can give me pleasure – without the Aneros! Rubbing or gently pressing on a small area behind my scrotum while contracting my PC muscles produces a nice, low level tingly sensation (not always, however). One night I decided to try playing around with this, and the building sensations brought me to a nice and powerful penile orgasm.

This new sensitivity has been a nice development – it even brought me towards what was the best session ever last Monday morning. Backing up, a couple of nights earlier I brought out the MGX for a little try. Even though I wasn't feeling super horny, I thought it would be worth it to get some practice in. Well, I had it in for about an hour, doing the usual motions, and I wasn't feeling anything at all. Nada. It didn't make me feel bad, though. Mostly it proves that you have to be at least a little aroused going in for it to work.

Questions along the way

First time poster here and a little background. I am a 49 y/o newbie. I purchased my first Aneros about a month ago and am very happy with my toy(s). First 3 or 4 sessions even after reading quite a bit of the forums and blogs, were fairly uneventful, but also a lot of fun! After about a week I had a series of what I will call body shakes that would last for several minutes at a time. I was on my back with my feet flat and my legs begin shaking. It would alternate between my knees flapping side to side, to huge shudders; all great feelings, but I still don't know how to define this within the Aneros glossary of terms. It wasn't a sexual feeling, but a new and different sensation that I enjoyed exploring.

I found out that when I'm interrupted in a session, it is fairly easy to get back on-track without having to go through the initial relaxation phase.

Back to more and more reading of the great posters on this forum and even more exploration and experimentation of these 'body shakes'. Like many others, I decided to order a couple of other products. I chose the Helix and the Peridise starter kit.

I love the Peridise starter because without the p-tabs, I can insert and sit comfortably in my recliner and practice late at night without others even knowing. I can easily shut down if interrupted and have found it fairly easy to start back up. Both of these guys have allowed me to continue play with increasing results.

Night Play

It's been about three weeks that I've been using the MGX and things are going swimmingly. One night last week I tried using it at night instead of the usual daytime. Usually I avoid that time since I don't want to wake the partner up with the sounds of a shaking bed! (we have separate bedrooms, by the way)

At first, nothing much happened and I considered giving it up for the night. But — having no light makes a big, big difference in terms of clearing your mind and focusing on the various feelings you get. After awhile I was generating a general "warm" feeling all through my midsection. I was doing my usual on my side with gentle pelvic thrusts and a contraction when my midsection was pointing out. I remember at this particular session that I was really getting the hang of controlling the muscles down there. I was getting a better understanding of which ones need to move which way to touch the sweet spot. Pretty soon I was getting the most pleasurable sensations yet. An incredible building went on for about five minutes. Instead of fantasizing about something concrete, I focused on the MGX itself and imagined it was a tongue and my body was a lollipop that got turned on by being licked. Strange as it sounds, that got me pretty hot! After that 5 minute wave of pleasure, I switched sides and couldn't quite replicate the sensation (although I did get some pretty good mini waves going).