Peridise bliss!

I had a spectacular session tonight! I started with the Progasm and had a few nice mini-O's. But after about 40 minutes I had to stop, as this was the second night in a row of Progasm use. So my prostate was a little sore at this point.

It didn't really want to stop. So I removed the Progasm and inserted the larger of the two Peridise from the advance set. I remembered one user telling me the he used the Peridise on off nights when his prostrate was a bit sensitive from the previous nights use of the Progasm.

Keep in mind this all happens in bed with me laying on my side. I found I didn't get much of any response from just relaxing and doing nothing. But shortly thereafter I learned that very hard voluntary anal contractions gave me the most exquisitely pleasurable feelings which turned into the most amazing mini and dry-O that I've had so far!!! And I was able to have them one after another. I can't count how many I had. I basically kept going until I couldn't make them happen anymore! *huge gigantic grin*

And I never once ejaculated! And it seemed the further I got into the session, the more I desired these new feelings. Rather than the release of ejaculating. Even though I would have to stop for a few minutes between every 2 or 3 orgasm to get my penis to go flaccid as it rubs against the mattress when laying on my side.

Achievement Unlocked: Super O while lying on Stomach

So I finally figured out why I couldn't get things going well on my stomach.

Turns out I need to have my head either level or below my hips. Having a pillow under my head somehow messes with the angle of the aneros and doesn't allow for good contact with the perineum and/or the prostate.

So I raised my pelvis up on a pillow with my head on the mattress and bam Super O in no time.

I decided to remove it and just lie flat on the mattress and again Super O and a second in a 1hr session.

This has been frustrating me ever since I've had the aneros because IMO this is the best position to have a super O in because you're already prone and don't have to exert yourself to maintain a position when the twitches start coming fast and furious. Just lay there and enjoy it.

I may be spending more time in my room in the near future

Doin’ it on the floor

Yes, Mistress Aneros continues to bring out the best in me, our most recent session was most enjoyable….in spite of the fact that we “did it” right there on the workshop floor. I’m gonna’ have to get one of those nice thick camping pads; a couple of blankets on the concrete floor are not very comfy. (And I got the bruises to prove it)! The big plus about the workshop is that it’s a really private place, I have no worries whatsoever about anyone “catching us in the act.”

The opening chapter of my most recent session began with the Eupho. I started off on my back, knees up, legs spread open a little, and feet flat on the floor. I inserted the well lubed Eupho and began my relaxation / deep breathing routine. During this time I like to ratchet-up my sexual energy level by fantasizing just how pleasurable that first PC contraction (and subsequent contractions) is going to feel. Maybe this is one of those classic left brain / right brain scenarios… on the one hand I want to immediately start some gentle PC contractions and go for the instant gratification, but on the other hand I know that the longer I can put off starting the contractions the better they are going to feel when I do start them. What a dilemma!

Tales of the Everglades Wanker

I have wanted to write this blog for awhile but every time I log on read others blogs and that seems to occupy my time. So today my mind seems to be reflecting on where aneros fits into my life. As I read others blogs I always think back and try to relate as to my experiences. I remember when I was younger trying to explain to someone what it's like to get stoned. It's just like that with the prostate orgasm. Unless you've been there it just can't be described. It involves so much more than one feeling. How do you explain something on all those levels where someone who hasn't experience it says, "oh ya, now I get it." It's just something that has to be experienced. I read some blogs where people experience orgasm on the first try. Then you have the ones who are "grinders" (you know who you are) 🙂 as was I. My advice to those of you, just keep grinding. It worked for me. One guy stated he had hands free ejaculations using his aneros…Hey guy, lucky you. I can only hope. There are people here that drop personal notes from time to time. For this group being a bunch of guys, it's a nice touch. As for the ladies, there are actually some here also. It's fun reading the ladies take on this whole aneros thing. Oh well I am rambling here. Aneros has been a great addition in my life and I couldn't imagine it not being part of it. This is so personal. I certainly enjoy sex with my wife but this adds a little more fulfillment. Oh well hope you all don't mind the rambling. "AIN'T LIFE GRAND"

First few attempts while not futile were not great

Well, let me start with a bit of background, I am a mid thirties white male physician in the North GA Mountains, I have began experiencing occasional prostatis. PSA levels not elevated, my urologist friend suggested prostate massage when it is inflammed. He suggested the Aneros and told me that he uses on for preventative prostate health and that I should consider it, and that the only side effects he has seen so far are mind blowing waves of pleasure and orgasms. So of course I ordered one right away, personally had never heard of it before or would have already had one. I am no stranger to anal play, my wife, who is also a physician, has massaged my prostate before while taking my cock in her mouth, and it is amazing.

So, about 2 weeks ago it finally arrived, I rushed home having the afternoon to myself and eagerly opened the package to find a much smaller that I had imagined looking Helix. Thank goodness for that too, as a single finger is the most I have had back there at one time. I began with a double fleet enema to make sure I was clean, then had a nice hot shower, injected approx 6ml of Astroglide silicone based, lubed MrHelix and inserted. OK, now I fully understand what you guys mean when you say it is simply drawn in by your anus, wowwww, that was good, so far so good.

M/F Couples Mutuality: Mutual Ejaculation Orgasms

Mrs. a and I are so charged and thrilled with the erotic > ecstatic energies and the floating bliss we have discovered within us together on this Aneros/KSMO "training wheels" adventure.

The times when our energies combine to create a full "flowing waters of the goddess" ejaculatory orgasm for mrs. a, and we then bring me to a rollicking rocking rocket of a Super-T, and "we all flow together when we flow" as we did about a week ago a few days after the Full Moon Club, are so swirling and mutually engulfing and energies sharing inside and outside that they are always a highlight for weeks and months, even if we do not specifically pursue them in most sessions. They can be physically exhausting and are NOT still-body floating! – they are active body soaking!!!

For example, our ecstatic Full Moon Club session previous to this latest Super-MEOs (Super-Mutual Ejaculation Orgasms) event, after some initial jumping Super-Os, was ssssoooooo…. such beautiful and all-enveloping bliss ecstasy energies that as we returned to Earth, there was no need, desire, or thought of Super-T-ing and we carried that still-body flowing joy with us for several days, even into the Super-MEOs session above.

At our age the still-body flowing joy is such a gift and where we seem to fly more frequently. Yet we always love to visit the full flowing waters and semen, and touch our youth from time to time…

My first session

So, yesterday morning my Helix arrived safe and sound and I decided to try it out straight away! Taking advice from the wiki, I went to the bathroom then used plenty of lube before insertion and gave myself time to relax after the initial excitement of what this journey might bring!

I inserted the Helix and could feel it pressing against my prostate, I now understand that 'needing to crap and pee at the same time' sensation. But that didn't last for long. I didn't do anything much for 10 minutes or so, just let the aneros sit there for the time being.

After that point I started contracting my sphincter muscles, I continued doing so in a regular fashion for the duration of my 2 hour session. During that time I experienced a number of things. The first was after half an hour or so, I secreted a couple of beads of pre-cum, my penis was pretty much inert the whole time so this was a new thing for me! I experienced a few muscle twitches in my thighs. I also felt a dull tense sensation across my lower belly/rectum area on a couple of occasions, certainly nothing intense, but noticeable none the less.

Oily Fish Moon

Maxed on fish oil (now push the pedal down!)

I completed my 15 day ramp up from 0 to 6250 mg of fish oil per my original plan just in time for the Full Moon Club lollapalooza. I’ll let you be the judge, since success can only be based on results…

First of all, I was able to get my wife in on the action! We have a weekly Sunday night meeting to discuss the week ahead and the FMC made the agenda for Wednesday at 9. On Wednesday, after getting the house all settled down, I lubed up, chose the Helix, and got into bed naked. “Oh right”, she says “It’s the Full Moon”, and she waved her fingers in the air and made a scary Halloween sound.

Now this is the first time I’ve just laid next to her and had a session – we’ve enjoyed the Aneros during couple play on numerous occasions, but this time I wasn’t expecting anything I just needed my space in the bed (especially since this full moon thing is timed perfectly for her cycle). Regardless, she started right in on me; touching, sucking, licking and stroking. 45 minutes. I finally got my “large muscle quaking” groove going – despite telling her distinctly “I bet you can’t make me jerk like that again”. Near 10:00, she launched me. The wonderful thing about it is that for those first 45 minutes, before she changed her focus, in spite of all her efforts, she did not trigger the traditional orgasm reflex. In the final five minutes, that was a different story.