Leg Tingles

Hi there i am about 20 months into my journey,no super o’s as yet but lots of pleasurable feelings. Just recently i have noticed when trying to sleep apart from the Prostate buzzing i have noticed Tingling in my legs i am wondering if this is part of the journey or something else, With the Prostate buzzing and the leg tingles i am finding sleeping a bit of a challenge,is this part of the process and if so does it calm down eventually.

Should I get another one?

New owner here. Bought the Progasm Ice because I wanted a full feeling. I have no issues with the size, but I feel like my prostate is way lower than where the Progasm “points” at. I’ve used it now for like 3-5 times and I only feel like I’m hitting my prostate when I don’t insert the toy fully in and then push it towards my stomach. I did this today and a bit of fluid came out of my penis. Should I buy another aneros or still give the Progasm a chance. Maybe I’m using it wrong?

Core exercises enhanced my pleasure or was anterior pelvic tilt blocking progress?

I was doing some exercises to fix my anterior pelvic tilt (glute bridges, posterior tilting, lunges, etc.). It’s only been a few days so I’m not sure exactly what happened, but I started having intense tremors in my pelvis. I think these are involuntary contractions. It’s so easy to relax and build pleasure from them. It was actually kind of hard to make go to sleep cuz they were so distracting. I’ve been playing around with Aneros for 4 months and progress was stagnating. I mostly worked on building control and awareness of all the separate muscles, but it was really hard to get involuntaries, or build up any intense pleasure. Aneros strengthens the pelvic floor, but I guess it’s also important to pay attention to the glutes and abdominals since they are close by they might play a part in prostate orgasms. Or maybe this is more specific to my experience since my APT was making it impossible to relax some of my muscles.

Does hight matter when choosing an aneros massager?

I know that people have varying success with different kinds of models because of their prostate being located a bit higher or lower then usual.
So I was thinking since I am only 5’4 feet tall that my prostate may be located a bit lower the average.
I am a broke college student and can’t really afford to try different models.
Should I get the Aneros Jr. Since its a bit shorter than the other models?
Or am I overthinking?

Vice 2

Have decided that I do indeed like vibrations going on up where the sun don’t shine, when before I didn’t. So I bought the Vice 2 after reading from someone he didn’t get anywhere with the Helix but as soon as he put the Vice2 in, his P life took an amazing change for the better. So the thing is I’m not sure how to use the vibrations. Do others flex so it’s basically stationery next to the prostate with barely to no movement at all? Or do you put the vibration on and then just use it the same as a non-vibrating one? And do you move it (if at all) to the “beat”?

I’ve had mine in all afternoon and I can’t work out which option would be best

Thanks in advance

Beginner who struggled with the Progasm on the first try, found success in the end: a lube and warm sensation question.

So, after a good 2 hours of trying, and mostly just trying to fit the damn thing inside of me, it finally went in after using Vaseline I luckily still had instead of KY Jelly water based lube. I ruined it by deciding “okay, guess I should jack off now” when I felt like I was laying there long enough, and while the end result of that felt really good, I read a post on here saying that I’m not supposed to touch my dick at all for the super O.

Now for the questions: Should lube have been an issue, is a specific type of lube needed for something like the Progasm in general, or was my technique bad/hole too tight out of little use? What’s funny is I took to Pornhub to see how a guy did it, and the dude just slid it right in fully without any issue. Is there a technique to that, or was it my attempt at pushing in and out and breathing for an hour that helped it get in deeper?

As for the warm sensation, when I read about it, it was described in the thread that the best sign that I’m hitting the prostate is a warm/burning feeling in the abdomen. However, what I felt instead felt like it was coming from what I guess was the anal cavity like where I was pushing the Progasm towards. Upon feeling that, I didn’t know if it was my prostate saying I found it, or my brain saying stop pushing it there or something bad will happen. Nothing bad happened, so I guess I found it? I also couldn’t tell if I was shaking and sucking my gut in because of spoiling myself on that happening, or if my body actually did that on its own. Leaning towards the latter, but not sure still.

Beginner tips needed

I’ve just started experimenting with anal play after becoming bored of normal masturbation. I’ve only ever used my fingers with a condom on them and have never felt any pleasure, I’ve only used anal stimulation to aid my external penis orgasm. Where should I start in order to feel pleasure from my ass and prostate before I go out and buy an Aneros product. Any tips are much appreciated!

Edit: I also am 18 and still live with my family so purchasing any toys is something I’m not too keen on. However I still have plenty of home alone time to explore and experiment.

Levator Prostatae Muscle Contractions.

In my quest for a better way to strengthen my pelvic floor ie. kegel exercises, a few weeks ago, I stumbled across an article about the Levator Prostatae Muscle. In males it’s the most medial fibers of the levator ani (pubococcygeus) muscle. It extends from the pubis into the fascia of the prostate. Yes!

With a little practice and attention to the sensation, have learned how to isolate this muscle and contract it while relaxing all other muscles in my pelvic aria.

Levator Prostatae Muscle Contractions, LPMC as I’m calling it, is when this muscle is repetitively contracted or “pulled”, my pelvis rotates ever so slightly and I can feel my prostate being lifted just a bit. Along with proper breathing, the feeling I get is like a pair of small, silk gloved hands caressing the sides of my prostate. Oh, Yes! And with this imagery in mind, the white gloves, after a while, I “come” to an incredibly sweet and trembling orgasm. Possibly the best ever. And then comes the wave of dopamine that completely washes over my body. Oh, yees! And now I need a nap.

The beauty of this is that it’s hands free, no ejaculation, no clean up, no cover up and no refractory period. All the fun, no baggage. My only draw back, at this point, is like any other muscle, it gets exhausted after a while and I need a little rest. However, I’ve been able to orgasm seven times in a three day period, so…

Holy shit! 3rd try ever and super o (I think!)

After having posted the other day about trying to get past HFWO, I went back for my third ever aneros session yesterday and holy shit I’ve never experienced anything like that – uncontrollable shaking, completely lost and the most intense feeling through my prostate, pretty much forgot my penis existed – I think it was multiple super o??? But need help understanding!

I’m very experienced with achieving HFWO and prostate play, but new to aneros. Yesterday, did my third ever session with the helix syn trident, I go for the do nothing method which naturally leads to involuntary contractions etc for me. Within about 8 mins I had HFWO, felt pretty much done after that as usual. But left aneros and after refactory period, probably about 10 mins later, started feeling something.

All of a sudden, uncontrollable shaking, quite pleasurable and then followed by contractions in prostate – this came in several waves and got more intense with each one but never felt like a release, just constant pleasure but like I was on the edge of feeling an orgasmic release. This carried on for ages, each wave would pass, I’d get a little break and then out of nowhere I’d start shaking again and all I could do was focus on the pleasure. Then a huge one came, completely lost control and the feeling was SO intense, I was gripping the bed so hard I thought it would snap, went on for easily a minute and I just had no idea when it would stop, then gradually subsided following by really pleasurable intense pumping from my prostate. By this point I’ve totally forgotten my penis even exists. This went on in cycles like that for ages, eventually just had to pull the aneros out because there was no end in sight!

I’m finding it hard to discern which models are actually vibrators or not!

I’m not new to massaging in the sense that I have this metal, crescent shaped, bulbous-ended prostate massager I’ve been using for a while, but I am new in terms of Aneros and other similar types. So I’m looking to get one.

I would like a vibrating model, so I’ve been looking at the Vice 2. But I also want a model that is best for achieving Super O, and I’ve seen some articles say that the Vice 2 isn’t the best for Super O.

So then I started looking at other models and I have a tough time figuring out which ones are vibrators or not? Does anyone know of a chart which includes a category that would let me know (like battery, charge time, etc)