I finally created an account after lurking for a few years, i have wanted to for awhile and for some reason decided that i would wait untill i acheived the Super-O. Achievement Unlocked! I'll start by saying that i am in no way new to anal play (small town gay kid, not much to do haha) I bought my first Aneros (Progasm Jr) about 4 months ago and almost immediately got to the point of having P-waves and involuntaries which was fantastic, but i knew i could go higher and there was no way my sexual curiosity was going to let me stay complacent. I started trying all kinds of things starting with reading a lot on the forums and on reddit about what other people were doing. I tried laying on my back, side, stomach, doggy style, sitting in a chair, standing and breathing really deeply, standing against a wall, standing with one foot propped up on a chair, really hard contractions, really soft contractions, no contractions (do nothing method) Nothing was getting me over the edge so i said screw it and bought the Progasm Classic, i think its a full inch longer than the Jr but im not sure, and some different lube. The Progasm got me ever closer and i also started inviting the only girl i have ever had the hotts for to my sessions, Mary Jane. 1 week ago today as i sat at my desk i could just tell that tonight is the night. When i got home from work i did things around the house and played with my dog untill he fell asleep all the while i knew "tonight's the night" i headed to my room and as soon as my door shut i started ripping of my clothes lubed up and inserted Mr Progasm ( whom i nicknamed Grant by the way) and right as i laid down i realized that i had forgot to take a puff before i started so i reached for my dugout and took a couple big rips. i laid on my right side and just waited for the weed to take effect and right as i started to feel it i started with light contractions, then a little harder. the pressure started to build and i just focussed in on the feeling and kept steady on my contractions. Building, building holy, shit this feels good, my hands were running all over my body, everything was like it was amplified to the max, i was so in tune with what was going on with my body it was incredible. I noticed that i couldn't control my breathing, i was gasping from the pleasure that was coming from my ass, I knew i it wasnt a Super-O yet but remember "tonight's the night" The pleasure was still building and at this point i was already practically comatose, then all of a sudden my eyes (not kidding) rolled back into my head and i knew i was there. it was Absolutely insane, so much so that i had to grab a shirt from my bedroom floor to stick in my mouth to muffle the moans ( i have roommates) i dont know how long it lasted but it wasnt long enough so when it subsided i started contracting and no more than two minutes later i had to grab my shirt again. This went on for an hour, an hour of sheer drooling, eyes rolling, i cant beleive this is real pleasure, i was a slave to it after i couldnt take anymore i pulled it out and cleaned up and just sat in the afterglow of it, i didn't jerk off, i didnt need to, totally satisfied but i started thinking about how i had inserted Grant before taking a rip of pot and if this had anything to do with it so i tried again the next night, insert before inhale and same thing happend ( Holy shit where's my shirt?!?!) I did this 5 nights in a row, each session lasting longer than the night before and last night was able to do it without smoking any pot!. Does anybody else feel like it's a lot easier once you've had your first one? Anyway thanks for reading my first post but not last post about my first but definetly not last SUPER-O!!!!
Tag: Super-O
Vice Vice Baby!
The Vice has been an absolute champ this week. I used it 3 times since my last blog post, and all three times I ended the session saying to myself that THAT session was the best session I've ever had so far with the Vice. Can't wait until tomorrow! :(
The 3rd of those three sessions was especially remarkable, since it was SO much better than the previous session )and former 'Best Session Ever' champion(. I actually had a bit of a headache and had intended to lay down for a bit and let the headache pass. I figured while I was laying there, I would insert the Vice and see if anything came of it. I didn't really do any breathing exercises like I normally do. I just laid down and relaxed the best that I could. I actually fell asleep for about 20-30 minutes and when I woke, I felt a bit of a tingling down there )and the headache was mostly gone!(. Did some contraction which felt nice, but nothing really came of it. After about an hour )from the time I laid down(, I turned on the vibrator.
A rose by any other name…….
I had about 5-6 sessions since the incredible success I wrote about in my last blog post. For the most part, they were all enjoyable and I achieved quite a number of what I am calling "Super Os". Rather than go into details on any one of them, I'll simply summarize my thoughts regarding those sessions.
-I'm at the point now where I know the 'path' to a Super O. Meaning, I know roughly what I need to do to achieve one. For me, it's finding a 'spot' )see my previous blog posts for what this means( and trying to hold it there as long as possible. That usually means adjusting the strength of my contraction to maintain the spot. If I am successful, I start to feel smaller orgasms, then eventually P-Waves. At that point, the P-Waves will continue for a while and I will eventually feel my entire pelvic area vibrate until finally the explosive orgasm hits. It doesn't always work out that way, but when it does, that path is pretty consistent.
New user report – my first few weeks
I am not new to anal play (I have dabbled before as I am straight but kinky) but I am new to the aneros line of products.
I have the MGX classic, the helix syn, and the Vice (I bought them all so I would have options)
So far no hands-free orgasms or anything crazy. Just some mild prostate pleasure, some super horniness, and some kickass penile orgasms.
The MGX fits just right but I dont like the way the hard plastic tab rubs me. The Helix is nice because of the material but I didn't feel much from it. The Vice is amazing but I am worried that if I spend too much time with that one, I won't get to the super-o.
should i buy another model? Which would be a good buy for my next one?
Vibration – Session tips for newb
Hey all, I am pretty experienced with butt play and have used dildos for a long time. When I stumbled upon the aneros website I laughed when I read about the super – T as it is what got me interested in dildos in the first place. I found that if I hit the right spot and manipulate it just right I get really intense waves of pleasure. No orgasm though.
Of course in hear about the super-o and got really excited and purchased a vibrating model.
So, in my first few sessions I have gotten some really incredible feelings – I have tried the vibrations on max and min – but sadly no true orgasms. Part of the problem is I tend to start kind of grinding my hips against it, which it seems is counter productive from what I've read.
Sorry for the above just looking for feedback, now on to the question:
When using the vibrator do you leave it on? Is it better to begin without it as a newb? Can it desensitize?
How bad is the grinding?
Thanks in advance.
Lessons learned
Since my last blog post, I've had 3 more Aneros sessions. The first two were somewhat disappointing, but ended up providing me with valuable lessons that will help me going forward. The 3rd session, well……
The 1st of these sessions was with the Vice. I did the usual warmups and played around with various contractions with the vibrator off. I'm at an odd point in my Aneros life with the vibrator-less sessions. I can feel my prostate harden and everything else that leads up to an orgasm, but I don't get the intense pleasurable feelings i do with the vibrator turned on. I am guessing that is because the Aneros is pressing against the prostate, but not really rubbing against it. It could also be that I'm trying to compare apples and oranges and that I need to keep the sensations I feel with the vibrator on separate than the feeling without it on.
After about an hour of this, I turned the vibrator on to Light-Steady. Did my usual routine of slowly increasing my contraction until I find a 'spot' and hold it there for a while. In this case, I found that 'spot' very quickly with a low strength contraction. If felt much different than the super orgasm (not ready to call it a Super-O yet) i experienced the previous session. I felt the sensations centered in the anus as opposed to the prostate. It still felt very pleasurable and I left it there for quite some time. However, I wanted to feel the same thing I felt in the last session, so I decided to end that and increase the vibration. That ended up being a big mistake. I didn't feel anything but very small orgasms the rest of the session, with both Medium and Strong vibration sessions. And when I tried to bring the vibration down to Light-Steady to find what I found earlier, I was unable to.
Boom! goes the dynamite.
After taking a day off yesterday, decided to give the Vice a go today. After the usual warmups, I started with the vibrator off for about 30 min. Tried various levels of contractions and some nice feelings. Even got some P-Waves going, which is unusual with the Vice sans vibrator. After 30 min, turned the vibrator on to Light-Steady. In previous sessions, Light-Steady felt pretty good, but I always seemed to be just at the edge of an orgasm without crossing over. This time, it finally crossed the line. Several mild Os and plenty of nice feelings.
After about 20 minutes, I changed the vibrator setting to Medium-Steady. Did my usual routine of starting with a small baseline contraction and gradually increasing it until I felt 'something'. Then holding it there for a bit. As usual, this produced a couple nice orgasms, but the Vice felt like it wanted to do more. So I increased the contraction strength some more and was rewarded with some fairly strong orgasms. Decided to push my luck and increase my contraction strength about as hard I could and still hold it. After about 30 seconds, my prostate exploded. By far the strongest orgasms I have felt since I started using the Aneros…and they were coming one right after the other. I didn't count, but probably about 4-5 in a row. I had to stop as I felt like I was about to pass out. Not sure if this was a Super O or just a really strong prostate orgasm, but it sure felt pretty super.
The consolations of Aless
Hi guys,
The Aneros, as you know, was invented to promote good prostate health in men. Along with this benefit, it was discovered among many Aneros users that the Aneros has sexual benefits as well, such as Super-O's, MMO's, and sustained sexual energy of continuous P-waves which is also known as Aneros-lessness or Aless outside of actual Aneros sessions.
Many guys report that achieve a continuous, sustained Aless which is always there. I am one of those guys.
It has gotten to the point that my Aless is always there, although often in the background. However the intensity of my Aless varies. It comes and goes in intensity of sexual sweetness.
While I long for my very first Super-O, the Aneros has taught subtlety and nuance. The Aneros has enabled me to get in touch with my body like never before. The Aneros has opened to me a sensuality that I have not know in my whole life!
New guy here, any tips?
I've never done any anal or prostate play, other than an occasional finger when I was discovering my body years ago. I got the helix on the suggestion of a friend who said it worked wonders for him. I've got good tone in the muscles down there, I wa into yoga for years and kegels have an esoteric use and I learned how to use those muscles well.
I've read some explanations of how to use it, and that I'm supposed to relax and let the muscles do their thing. Any tips for a beginner?
I'm not on a quest for the super o right off the bat, I'm more just interested to feel new sensations. Should I try it with an erection? Should I stick to being flaccid when I use it? How much time realistically should I set aside for a session? I usually read erotic stories when I masturbate, which isn't very often. Would that help me relax and make things go smoother?
Edit: more questions. Is there a different methology to getting dry orgasms? Is it okay to have a regular one while working with the prostate massager, or does that kind of mess up the rewiring process? How exactly does the milking thing work?
Aless foreplay, a hot Aneros session, Aless postplay
Hi guys,
Upon awakening this morning around 7 a.m., I was horny and hungry for a session. For many months, I have had Aless of varying intensities and sweet sensations. This morning I had an Aless in which my prostate and surrounding musculature felt that there was an Aneros tool inserted. But no! So I concentrated upon all this while still in bed.
Some minutes later I hoped on the Net and logged into Aneros Forum and found @neros's post on how to capitalize upon Aless as a way to reach Super-O's and MMO's as well as in sessions.
@neros gave the following three steps of harnessing Aless energy for greater use: [1] First use an erotic impression or fantasy to awaken Aless for service. [2] Then focus on the Aless sensations and energy as localized in your awakened prostate, anal musculature, anus, perineum, scrotum, and even in your penis. [3] Let the sexual energy permeate not only your groin, but also your abdomen, chest, and other areas of your body. Focus and meditate upon all these delicious sexual sensations. Once you have done those three steps, you are well on your way in your Aless toward experiencing Super-O's and MMO's.
I used this use of Aless to serve as foreplay for my session this morning.
I used in order Helix Classic, Progasm Classic, Tempo and Maximus. It seemed that my session was on a much higher level than ever before. All four models ride so intensely like never before.