Session #4. (The "Big Change" session) This post is a journal of three 'sub-sessions' that alternated between the Helix (with a 'tab cover') and the SGX. Total time was 135 minutes. 5/15/09
Session #4a: Giving up on contractions Helix. Over an hour
This is probably what most guys manage in Session #1 or #2. I just move at snail speed.
I had planned this as a Friday afternoon adventure but was awakened at 2 a.m. by someone scratching on my arm (wasn't the dog!) So, being an 'all-american' gent I made the wrong assumption and asserted myself (she said, "not now and maybe, not anytime today.") So, there we were at 2 a.m., wide awake with fresh coffee and, sense there's little chance for sex, I'm trying to negotiate a time slot for some solo Helix-play. Also asking whether she wanted me to save some of life's essence to share after the Helix play. Or, should I just finish myself off after the session. Her answer was that my attitude appreared 'too academic' for her to get involved. She definitely didn't want an Aneros discussion and her tone was, 'testy.'
I decided to not 'shoot the wad' and would just enjoy the Aneros ride. Perhaps a couple of house bouquets in the afternoon would put me back in her good graces. (note to any reader under the age of 50: In a few years, skip long-stem roses and go for 'house bouquets.' Easy to get at a drive-through florist and the price is a fraction of what you'd pay for roses.)