New positions and techniques

I was able to have a session last night. Although I had to change up my technique to try and avoid having hands free super-T's. I want super-O's instead! 😀

I laid on my back with my legs straight and spread apart a bit. I find this to be a better position for me as the position with my legs bent and feet flat that a lot of guys use here, the Helix does not touch my prostrate very well. And it also makes it more difficult for my anal muscles to manipulate the Helix.

I found out rather quickly that my penis is highly sensitized during Aneros sessions, even when flaccid. So the bed covers became an issue. They had to be pulled down so nothing would touch my penis. But then I found that even the movement of my flaccid penis flopping all around as I convulsed caused too much sensation in that area. So I put on my underwear, and that seemed to work. But it left shea butter stains on the backside of them. 🙁

I can't wait to try another session on Friday. 😀

Tried Shea Butter!

Keep trying new things, right? After a wonderful Vegas vacation and 5 aneros free days, I thought I’d give one of the forum suggestions a try. Thanks to Love_is’s fine description of Shea Butter usage I went out and bought some. Found some 100% pure Shea Butter at the local Whole Foods. I dug out about a teaspoon full and shaped two little balls about the size of raisons and stuffed them in manually. I then spread a thin coating over the Helix and it slid in easily. I even tasted a little Butter first – if you can’t eat it, you shouldn’t insert it. I don’t think it would be very appetizing on toast but it didn’t gag me either.

I had been using Maximus lube for the last couple of months with fine results, but let me tell ya, the Shea Butter is the schnizzel.

Some comparisons:
Maximus is liquid, Shea Butter is solid at room temp – like cold butter in the refrigerator.
Maximus disappears after two hours, Shea Butter (just a small amount) lasted the entire 2.5 hours session and was still going strong!
Maximus is better right off the get go, I gave Shea Butter an extra ten minutes to soften.
– I usually get involuntaries quickly with Maximus, took much longer with the Butter.
– Though one times usage is not enough to form a qualitative session sample, I got no gas with the Butter. Maximus, maybe because I’m injecting 4 ml. of the stuff, can bring on a reaction. The Butter never mad my stomach flutter. It was a very gastric event free session. This, and the long lasting lube overcome the slower start in my mind.

Lack of arousal and interest

So tonight was a scheduled night for an Aneros session. I'm not feeling at all aroused or into even trying. I'm not sure if it is either from my onsetting depression, or my marathon four ejaculations on Sunday consisting of three hands free super-T's and one via masturbation. Could be both. I'm not all that worried about it. But I am a little bit bummed to not be getting the practice in. Well, I'm not going to force anything. So I'll wait until I'm interested and aroused.

ed's journey

just used my 20 mm peridise after no sessions for 4 or 5 weeks–went a lot better than i expected after so long a layoff–almost got to the super stage but had to stop cause of huge need to piss–was well worth it to stop–had to stop a second time for the same reason–for some strange reason had 2 huge pisses from this session but the feelings were quite nice–my feelings seem to be getting more subtle–at first the lack of sharp distinction made me think that i was losing my ability to feel but now i see that the feelings are getting more subtle but probably remain as powerful in their ability to get me to the super-o stage–don't know yet as i still have not had my second super-o yet

Alive and living

I have read over and over about using plenty of lube. My lube of choice is called Probe. I have developed a pretty good routine which works well for me. I first clean out my anus using about 4 to 6 oz of warm water. I use a small bulb similar with something you would clean wax from your ears with. I relax and release this water sitting on a toilet. ( Ya I know sounds gross but it works ) Next I use a little dropper tube I got a Walgreens free from the Pharmacy. I insert with about 3 to 4 oz of probe. Last comes the aneros of my choice. I have found getting ready greatly enhances my results. Lube is the key. I generally start off with Eupho and finish with Progasm. Each time I switch toys I add a little lube. My results have been amazing since I have started this routine. More lube = more sensitivity. Also, I can't say this enough……….guys if you have BPH symptoms then using these devices can really reduce most all symptoms. 2 Years ago I was told I had an enlarged prostate and I was having many issues. I just had my yearly checkup and I am now being told every thing feels normal. Lucky me!

A new way of cumming

After the success I had with an electrifying orgasm just from rubbing the pelvic ridge between my cock and belly button while the Progasm was in, I reflected on the fact that I most enjoy using the Progasm when lying face down. This must have something to do with that same spot being rubbed.

Since then I have on several occasions been able to cum, just by rubbing that spot, without using the Prograsm at all. Some people have mentioned this is a way women sometimes masturbate. I wouldn't know, but it works for me!

I've seen it described as the pelvic massage portion of 'the male deer' technique, as described in-depth on this page:-

But instead of sitting, I lie flat on my back. Instead of using my palm to make circular movements, I hold my hands flat and stroke quickly with my fingers. Most times I keep my pants on (jock, briefs, whatever) as otherwise my cock might slap around just a bit too much.

Usually within less than 5 minutes I feel a hot pleasure wave build up, crest and wash over me just like a traditional orgasm. Except oftentimes my cock is not always hard and I never ejaculate spunk. Instead, it's more like pre-cum, but LOTS of it which leaves my pants soaked.

No Luck Yet

Well it's been a while since I've posted, 3 months to be exact. Well I have had many sessions with not much luck.

I have enjoyed every bit I learn with each session but no orgasmic feelings yet.

Just have to stick with it.

Curious responses & Deepening Depression

Had another session a couple evenings ago. My technique to try that time was to flex my PC muscles for as long as I was able so that it pushed my prostrate right against the Helix. This was pretty successful. It was much easier to get to a point of having Mini-O's and one a little greater than a mini. Although there was a fair amount of strain involved which seems to me to not be the way to super-O's. I say this because during my last mini-O of the session, as it kicked in, I found that if I had continued to flex my PC muscles, I'm pretty sure it would have initiated the ejaculation response. Yet once the orgasm did start, and I felt close to ejaculating, I just let go and relaxed all muscles and had a wonderfully weird orgasm. It felt light and airy. As if the without the ejaculation it lacked a certain depth, or meatyness to it. Still enjoyable, but not so intense as to rock my world… yet! 😀 I do think that this technique is of temporary help to me by showing me what it feels like to have a dry orgasm. And that at some point I won't have to strain and carefully control my muscles to get there.

On the other hand. Even though I had a good session with some nice pleasurable mini-O's. I didn't seem all that excited or enthusiastic about it like I was when I first started experiencing pleasurable sensations from Aneros usage.

Oct 9 – Nov 12

Still averaging 3 to 4 times a week, still averaging 2 hours a session.

Past months highlights. At the end of one session when I decided to ‘finish off’, I came twice in quick succession – maybe 3 or 4 minutes apart. I didn’t ever do that even as teenager. Had one more mini p-wave this week. Surprised the heck out of me and then it went away.

Past months lowlights. Not enough time? Had some gas a couple times? Lost weight because I don’t each lunch, pizza or spicy food and I drink less?

Observations: Don’ts – Watch what you eat! As you get older, darn near anything can give you gas. Avoid spicy food the night before a big planned session. Aneros and drinking doesn’t work either. Don’t eat half a pizza and then think you can have a great session. All in all, this thing is less tolerant than sex with the missus but a lot more available.

Do’s: Use it with the missus any chance you get! Try things you read about in the forum.

Thoughts while using: Is anybody writing a book on this thing? How many aneros units have been sold? I wonder what it would be like to go on a rollercoaster with this thing in me? What about standing in front of some speakers at a concert? I was thinking of suggesting in the forum that we, as a group, start a ‘Full Moon Club’ where all the forum members around the world have sessions on days and nights with a full moon. That way, collectively, we generate Coherent Orgasmic Energy Waves that circle the earth. Still trying to think of a schnazzy anacronym for it though.

More Learning

Hey People,

Had another session last night. Unfortunately I started too late, and lost some sleep because of it. I tried a suggestion I read from one of Rumel's posts about warming up the Aneros in a coffee cup with hot water in it. It does work well. I thought I had let it cool enough before insertion. I had tested it on the inside of my wrists. But I found it to still be too hot. So I removed it for a bit and let it cool. Next time I'll just try warm water in the cup. The downside to warming the Aneros this way is that the shea butter I use for lube, melts when applied to a warm Aneros. Making it a bit more messy, and possibly not as well lubed as it could be. Although I did not experience any issues with dryness or lack of lube last night.

The session was somewhat moderate in pleasurable sensations. It took me a long time to relax and clear my mind. You know how it goes, the end of the day sometimes all kinds of things are floating around in your head. It wasn't until I had dozed off for a bit, and then woken up that the sensations became more intense.