My current 'Journey' session

rook: 6 ft. / 180lb / 45gm prostate / MBTI=ESTJ / 7 mo. into journey

First off guys and gals — there's no Super-O at the end of this tunnel but some pretty intense scenes along the path. I've attempted eight of these sessions during the last two months Five have yielded multiple waves and those have ended in one or two mini-Os. So, I'd call it repeatable for me.

This session avoids direct voluntary anal contractions. I build arousal with my hands and trigger from my foot. I've borrowed from popo's foot stim technique: – –

It took five months for the experts J4, artform, Arctic Wolves, Love-is, rummel, and others to get the idea across that 'trying' isn't the way to get there.

Coaching new Super-O candidates must be like shepherding a bunch of neophyte flight students — when the instructors get together they drink and ponder why all newbies make and then repeat the same mistakes. Upfront, coaches and instructors can tell a newbie that they must avoid 'forcing it.' The newbie then says, "I understand" then marches off smartly and 'forces it.'

The Forum recently addressed the idea that there were other trigger points on our bodies that may be 'cultivated' to improve our sensual experience.

The same week the Forum was considering alternate stim locations I attended a business client's seasonal marketing kick-off. The motivational speaker opened her pitch with some 'touch point' examples — specifically the sensuality of fingertips. We were told to 'touch' our inner self via our fingertips. — got me thinking.


Hi, I'm rook (unpromoted shogi-hisha).
Height: 6 ft.
Weight 180lb
Prostate: 45gm
Current Wiring: Monogamous-reproductive
Age: 70s
MBTI: ESTJ (goes with the name)
First insertion: Feb 2009 (for foreplay)
Started Journey: May 2009
Prior Anal Play: nil (now making up for lost time)
Toybox: Helix, MGX, Eupho, SGX, modified Progasm, tailless SGX
Favorite Lube: Pastuerized 70/30 mix of Shea Butter and Coconut Oil (tks alv).
Other Interests: Aviation, Restraints

I use Aneros tools three ways:
— Journey (orgasmic) sessions. Strictly with the Eupho. I employ meditation or physical relaxation techniques or audio.
— 'Ano-rectal' (fun and fitness) sessions: These, using Helix or MGX sometimes finish with an SGX or Progasm. My intent is to build and maintain perineum, prostate and the anal muscle and tissue, Also great to explore new moves, sensations and better arousal techniques. These make up for my having missed 65 years of anal play. Think of these as practice in the "Three R's" (raunchy, raucous and reprehensible). 🙂
— I pack an SGX during foreplay (cool tool to maintain arousal.) Also use one to maintain an good sense of DanTien during TaiChi. Recently I tried some easy trampoline with the SGX — no conclusions.

I also do Aneros-less sessions.

J4, Love-is, helixbill, Arctic Wolves, artform and darwin all contributed valuable info, tips, suggestions and an occasional kick in the posterior to move me to where I am. Thanks guys. And a special thanks to Zaneblue for her diet and supplement suggestions. …rook

doctoro aneros alive

Been awhile since I have been on.I have had no trouble with pleasure given by the MGX aneros.I think ,the Super O is misunderstood from my sessions. I do experience precum release from the prostrate and plenty of pleasurable feelings.At the 25 minute point I ejaculate however.This is hands free of course.Once when the sexual energy was high I came twice.It was an amazing night but has only happened once.Lord I just should have kept going but wow!From my readings the Super O is a dry muscle convulsing experience.I am into meditation and am intrigued with the sense of arousal both physically and spiritually I have received from this product.

Aneros SGX (Opinions)?

I just bought the Aneros SGX and I was wondering if anybody had any testimonials for this product or thoughts they would like to share about the SGX model?

Joy of Soft Penis Sex Part 6: Solo & Partner Soft: Reprise of the earlier Male Clitoris Massage

In an earlier blog post here, Great Maintenance Orgasms, I mentioned and described the Male Clitoris Massage, the original exploration of the fully retracted penis, prior to the self-retracting, using a manual retraction technique.

This is from an earlier introductory post in a thread of mine of mine "Full Penis Retraction for External Prostate Massage":

>>> I occasionally practice full retraction of my penis and fold the bunched up shaft skin at the surface to help restrain my penis from its natural tendency to be stimulated by this and return semi-erect. I lightly carress this folded, now very labial skin, applying a gentle pressure. The subtle movement is a fabulous massage of my prostate! Very slight engorgement of the penis in there just adds "fullness" and a bit more pressure at the prostate.

Makes one reflect on a key fact of our genital anatomy; that our penises are semi-autonomous double-ender "flesh-dildoes" that are perpetually making love to their host.

We are the only species with a non-retracting penis, which has produced myriad cultural responses as to what to do with the thing when not in use! But it still is an inheritance from our penis-retracting ancestors and it can be manually retracted and so used occasionally as yet another enhancement to this aneros practice. <<<

That thread then goes into more anatomical detail and the reports by several other guys of their successes with this technique.

Becoming a seasoned vet

Well I have to say that my body has made this transformation and I have become very familiar with the process of reaching a prostate orgasm. I find the process pretty much effortless and very satisfying to say the least. My journey has passed through so many levels and I do continue to reach different levels on a weekly basis. I have tried everything from manually moving my Aneros tool to adding e-stim at one point. Each attempt added new sensations and brought me down different paths. In the end I have found using just my Aneros toystools to be the most satisfying experience to date. I have found lately that is I rotate my Aneros models during use I reach the most exquisite levels of satisfaction. I usually start with my Eupho and after driving me to unimaginable levels of ecstasy I then insert my Helix and again off I go on a completely different ride and to new heights. I am truly amazed at what these tools do to the male human body. Not only do I feel a great inner peace but also a total physical well being. I never look at porn or anything else to reach these levels. My body now is excited enough just looking forward to my sessions. Usually within 10 minutes prostate contractions begin with just relaxing and letting it happen. Recently I had a partial ejaculation during a session and I didn't even know it happened until I looked. The feeling was intense. I always follow up my session either being with my wife or taking care of myself. To me it gives me total releasesatisfaction. I have not been here much lately basically because I have needed less and less support here. I just want all here to know whatever your reason for being here……….enjoy this journey that we call life!!

A change

So I've been in somewhat of an Aneros lull lately, likely due to events going on in my life right now that are stressful. So I've hardly had any Aneros sessions all month long. And likewise have not masturbated very much at all either. So today I felt aroused enough to try an Aneros session after looking at some porn on the computer. My Progasm strangely hasn't been doing much of anything for me lately. So I experimented by starting with my Helix in hopes that a different model would produce some pleasurable sensations. And boy was I right!

Something has changed during this lull that I don't think I noticed until today. I basically haven't been having any tingling in my perineum or butt buzz like I've normally been having both within and without a session for many, many months now. But today I noticed when I started looking at the porn and getting aroused. I felt this new energetic sensation in my prostate that was different than what I've felt before. And when I started my Aneros session with the Helix, I found by just relaxing and doing absolutely nothing, this pleasurable energetic sensation would grow and gently radiate through me. It was a very nice feeling and had none of that sense of urgency to make it "over the top" in terms of orgasm/pleasure. I just relaxed, enjoyed it, and eventually dozed off, and felt very rested when I woke up. I found myself surprised that there really was something to the relax and do nothing approach! LOL

Latest developments

A brief report on several weeks of exploration.

I’ve learned that many factors affect my access to pleasure. Lack of sleep, diet, relationships, problems at work can all be obstacles. I find that they aren’t insurmountable, but they make the process more exacting.

My Helios finally arrived, and its arrival coincided with a period of difficulties in the various areas I’ve enumerated. For a couple of weeks I experimented with it, but the results were not much more than gently pleasurable. I even went back briefly to the Classic to see if maybe the problem wasn’t that the Helios didn’t suit me as well as it does most men. But apparently it was the confluence of factors, not the Helix itself, since the Classic didn’t do for me what it had done before, either.

Then one afternoon things changed. For whatever reason, when I first inserted the Helios, I immediately achieved that stillness that seemed to be for me the precondition of a good experience. In short order I began to have waves of pleasure and minor convulsions, and I enjoyed myself tremendously. The waves repeated for over an hour, with varying degrees of shuddering. I lay first on one side and then on the other.

Then I moved to a prone position, with a pillow under the small of my back. After several minutes I felt this seemed to reduce the waves of pleasure, so I started to explore other sensations.

Joy of Soft Penis Sex Part 5: Solo Soft: The Master Organist and The Sultan of BagJazz!

The Master Organist

The benefits of this manoeuvre ( man+oeuvre ["work(s) of an artist!"] ) are many and varied, both in energies management, storage and movement, but also in energies generation, unique dry orgasmic opportunities and various combinations simultaneously.

Hands on Your Keyboard

This unique position is placing your hands palm down on your lower abdomen, with you middle fingers in the groove between your groin and inner thighs, your index fingers on top of the middle fingers. This leaves your thumbs on your lower abdomen along with your likely flaccid penis. Your ring and little fingers rest on your inner thighs.
Your middle/index fingers' first knuckles or so is over the main ligament connector that bridges from your leg into the pelvic connection near your scrotum. Your middle and index fingers are therefore able to move/massage the sides of your mound containing the inner penis and the testicular retraction canals.
Your scrotum and balls are on top of the mound, lightly brushed by your briefs or sheets or…

Energies Management

The great thing from an energies point of view is that you can feel and shift the yin chi in the perineum/scrotal-plus area felt with the middle and index finger tips, and the yang chi lower abdomen/pubic-bone area felt by the thumbs. I can even feel high power currents through the vagus and possibly pudendal nerves through the lower abdominal muscle and skin with my thumbs.
Finally you feel the potential for energies transfer and storage into the legs through the ring and little fingers. I have been able to make those energy transfers effectively. This shifting and balancing of energies is a great advantage when you are feeling highly charged with chi throughout your system. Along with appropriate grounding if necessary, this storage can enable you to hold great energies in reserve.

Ticklish Affair

Greetings. Had an excellent session with the largest Peridise last night.

I didn't intend to drag out an Aneros again, but I was doing my usual rubbing and muscular squeezing and the p-waves kept getting stronger until I was in a horny state. I couldn't fall asleep like this! I fetched the largest Peridise in the beginniners set, since it was reliably comfortable (and I haven't had much luck with the smaller one). Ten minutes after insertion, my body alternated between mini-os and dry orgasms like some super sexed up roller coaster ride. No super-o this time, but it was very pleasurable. What made this session different was that I drank a cup of tea earlier that night and my bladder was full. It produced a fluttery, ticklish sensation that was wonderful. Pre-Aneros, I've noticed that you can get more sensitive ejaculations when you have to pee, but with the Peridise it took things to a new level.

This would be a good topic for the discussion forums. "Dry Os on a full bladder"? I love it!