Super-O zone

During yesterday's chat I was reminded of the experience of Jill Bolte Taylor, a brain scientist who analyzed the effects of her own stroke:

Watching her intriguing and wonderfully articulate talk again, I was struck by her description of her dips into "right-hemisphere consciousness"—because it is very similar to how I was feeling after one of my marathon Aneros sessions (blog title "Fifth session—wonderful and bizarre"). Yet more evidence of how all things are connected…

Also during yesterday's chat I was starting to get onto a mini-orgasmic high, and after it ended decided to pop in the Helix. Well, during the ensuing session I think I definitely reached a new plateau…

It started out innocently enough: some music, some erotic pictures, some dim lighting… usually the first 30 minutes or so are not very intense, just some (mostly involuntary) contractions while I explore the sensuality of the human body with my mind.

Soon though I started to feel the little tickling sensation around my prostate that wanted to become something more. I focused my awareness on it, and by doing so it began to blossom… mini-Os, then dry-Os… At some point there was no further use in looking at erotic material, as it was all absorbed into my mind and there was much more it seemed I was able to do with it there. My eyes shut (or turned back into my head, I'm not sure which) and I was adrift in pre-orgasmic waves of pleasure and erotic thought.

Aneros arsenal

In the short time I’ve been here (a couple of months) I’ve have managed to acquire four different Aneros models. First was the helix. It’s first few sessions didn’t do much, so I went bigger, way bigger, all the way to the progasm. Well, the progasm didn’t work out very well at all… for me it was much too large, too uncomfortable, it just seemed to sit there and not do much. Back to the helix it was.

Then a couple of weeks later I ordered the MGX. I really liked its shape and length, it hit the prostate quite nicely, but the ribbed stem chafed the ol’ hole and seemed to limit its mobility.

So, it was back to the tried and true helix. Once I got several more sessions under my belt it started to work quite well for me…I went on to have my first super-o with this model.

And lastly in my Aneros arsenal is the eupho. I test rode (I’m a motorcycle guy) the eupho for the first time this morning. First thing I noticed is that it was super mobile and with just the right contraction it hit my prostate’s “on” button dead center. Once I found and held that perfect contraction it was off to super-O city! And the funny thing is, once the eupho was working its magic it didn’t feel like it was moving much at all.

I can’t stop smiling!

A Four Hour Orgasm….

Last night getting to sleep, the walk down the steps into Hypnagogia was great fun. Have you or your partner ever broken into laughter while halfway to sleep? The lower steps were almost completely covered with brightly coloured kitsch teapots shaped like little cottage cabins. Hypnagogia itself was a riot of images, colours, interactions, flow…

Mrs. a and I had had a fun discussion in bed, but were too tired for a lengthy session and went right to sleep.

This morning we woke up and, after morning ablutions, got back into bed and were reading and talking when I suddenly got a significant and persistent energy bloom in my lower abdomen, right perineum, testicle, public bone area, and growing!!! I felt the possibility of it expanding and tried mentally to open to that, or encourage the expansion.

Sometimes when I do that the energies are not strong enough or there is some blockage, and they just dissipate away… Butt not today!

After a brief pause when I thought they had disappeared, softly and in scattered points of energetic flares they started up, all around and throughout my body, at first most clearly in the extremities, around the perimeter. In a few minutes I was in the throws of a full body, campfires everywhere, Mitochondrial Orgasm again! Hallelujah!

The Great Fish Oil Experiment

The last couple of weeks have been spent on the same plateau and with even a little retrenchment thrown in for good measure. During this time, there also seems to have been an explosion of new and talented forum players who walked right into their super-o’s with no regard to milestones. Congratulations fellas! Am I envious? You bet. But us grinders have got other things to appreciate that only taking our time can bring.

How different my experience would be if I’d gotten whole body orgasms right out of the chute. If I had been one of the lucky ones who didn’t even have time to finish the wiki before they moved on, I certainly wouldn’t have gotten the breadth of pleasurable and spiritual knowledge that there is on this board. I’d a been out of here.

On the other hand, if I’m actually that guy on the poster who’s “life is just to serve as warning to others”, then I’d better get on with chronicling it!

So, I’m off to try the next thing. I went down to GNC and bought me a bucket of fish oil. I got their triple strength formula and then I had to go and get some stand alone DHA pills to swing the EPA to DHA ratio to a robust 1.485. Another $50 toll on the Aneros Super Highway. I’m already two days in. My ramp up plan calls for increasing the dosage to my recommended level of 3735 of EPA and 2515 of DHA over the next two weeks. This will bring everything to a frothing peak right at the next Full Moon Club meeting on March 11th. I’m on my annual alcohol and nicotine purge for the next 7 weeks, so we’ll see if that helps too. Got some high quality dark chocolate just in case!

Lube makes a difference

On advice from the forum, I picked up some Probe Thick Rich at Walgreens. Without a doubt, the choice of lube makes a big difference.

Up until now I had been using ID Glide; it had a tendency not to stay where I wanted it to stay, and was difficult to apply in the right amount to be comfortable during my sessions, and did not seem to last very long.

A little of the Probe lube went a long way, and lasted for hours. It's a little messy, but with some care that's not much of a problem. I'm already a big fan.

I had a very enjoyable session with a number of intense, prolonged body-shaking orgasms.

Not much else to report; how many times can I say what a pleasure the Aneros is?

Another morning session…

I’ve experienced some intestinal cramping in just about every session I’ve done so far so today I changed up a couple things. One, I skipped the anal douche, and two; I used Surgilube instead of Maximus lube. And guess what… cramping appears to be thing of the past! All I need to do now is narrow it down to either the douche or the Maximus. I suspect the douche is what’s causing the cramping…we shall soon see.

Another thing I changed up is how I approach my sessions. I feel I’ve been somewhat “short circuiting” my sessions by thinking too much about the path to the super-O. So from now on I’m going to attempt to put the super-O (or any other O) out of my mind and just enjoy the journey for what it is. If one day the super-O does show up on my doorstep that’ll be terrific, if not, that’s just fine too.

Just like the last session, today’s session generated very few involuntaries, but with the super-O thoughts banished from my mind I was able to concentrate more fully on the subtle movements of my Aneros. Every breath, every contraction, every movement, no matter how slight, produced the most exquisite feelings in my anus and prostate. It’s now been several hours since this morning’s session and I’m still floating on cloud nine.

I continue to be totally amazed how a little piece of plastic can generate such nice feelings. The Aneros has truly changed my life for the better.

Sixth session: Sensual bliss

I spent part of the day reading about chakras and their traditional mystical interpretations. I am definitely at a point where I can feel something—an energy—moving around and through my body. And, I can intensify the feeling just by focusing my awareness on it with the intent to do so.

I wonder if that's all that's really been happening around the prostate, which is near the root chakra considered to be at the base of the spine. By moving the energy around there with my awareness, I can eventually induce an orgasm. It's relatively easy to do this because the energy has a sexual, pleasurable quality to it, making it trivial to identify and immensely enjoyable to dwell upon. (It is actually the second chakra, below the navel, that is supposed to be connected with sexual response; perhaps this helps explain the effectiveness of e.g. the male deer exercise…)

The other energies I've been experiencing do not have the same sexual quality to them. Yet they are clearly present around the other chakras, and must have a similar relationship with the nervous system of the body as does the root chakra, as they're able to induce the same muscle spasms I'd experienced when first starting with the Aneros.

I don't experience spasms as much any more, at least as far as they are associated with prostate massage, and I think this is an effect of the "rewiring" process—another way to look at it might be an opening up of energy channels. My other chakras are (or were) not as open yet, and so the energy has been jolting and shocking my nervous system causing convulsions.

Non-orgasmic orgasm?

Yesterday was a good day. I got some things accomplished, and was feeling good.

Upon retiring to bed, still bemused by my newfound ability to voluntarily induce pleasure, I did so and experienced a few dry-Os. Not to get too involved in a session though, and since I had gotten rock hard, I decided to whip up an ejaculation… it was a very nice release.

I still had some tingling pleasure sensations afterward, and I started to notice something else too. My entire body was covered with scintillating energy… not orgasmic energy, but something else. I don't think it was the same as the soothing energy I experienced a few days ago either; I don't really know what it was. Orgasmic energy for me seems to center around the prostate area, but I couldn't place a source for this new energy I was feeling. Maybe the throat? It just seemed to be everywhere—my shoulders, face, chest… less so it seemed in my legs, but I could feel it there too.

But what really got my attention is that I could control it. By raising this new energy with my focused awareness in the same way I've learned to raise orgasmic energy, it would intensify. It felt nice, as if I were vibrating. But the surprising thing is that if I raised it to a high enough level, my physical body would start to experience involuntary muscle spasms, just like my first experience with the Aneros!

Fast forward a couple of weeks

During the past couple of weeks I’ve discovered quite a few things that work for me. (And some that don’t).

1. As mentioned quite often in these forums and blogs, trying for a session every day is not productive, I’ve found I need to take a day or two off between sessions to make any progress.
2. So far my best sessions have been in the early morning (7:00 ~ 8:00 am) shortly after breakfast, kicked back in my recliner, mostly fully clothed.
3. The relaxation / deep breathing exercises work well for me, but the suggested 20 to 30 deep breathing / contraction exercises seemed to make me numb. I don’t know, maybe I was contracting much too hard and wearing myself out. I still may do a couple of hard or medium-hard contractions, but it mostly depends upon the feedback I’m getting at the moment on whether I do them or not.

This morning I had my best ever session…

Took a nice dump after breakfast, gave myself a quickie douche, lubed up the hole with a couple-three of cc of Maximus lube, lubed up and inserted my handle-less helix and headed for the recliner.

The other day while browsing the forums I saw where someone mentioned they took a towel, folded it in half length-wise, and then rolled both ends towards the center stopping when the rolls were the same width as their butt cheeks. When placed under the butt there is then plenty of room for the Aneros to maneuver. Today I tried this, and it was a winner.

Lets get started

I’m a little late in starting my blog, but guess it’s better than not starting at all. Anyway, a little background on me. I’m 66 years-old and have been retired for about three years. I’m happily married (35 years) and straight, and reside in southern California. I gotta’ tell ya, being retired is the cats meow, it’s kind of like being kid again, except now I’m a lot smarter (at least I think I’m a lot smarter!) and have more $$.

I ran across the Aneros product about a month back while searching the web for sex toys to spice up the wife’s and my sex life. I was really intrigued by the Aneros and decided to order a helix. (Thinking more about me than the wife at that point, but it has turned out to be good for both of us).

The first couple of times I used the helix were total busts, nothing at all really happened other than a pleasant feeling of having the Aneros up my bum. (I’m not exactly an anal play virgin).
The third go-around with the helix involved a love making session with the wife. Oooh-boy, was that sweet! I don’t think I’ve come that hard for a couple of decades! The wet spot was huge! In fact, the wife commented afterwards that it was just like being young again.