Background: Following a hot day (~90 degrees), I am still feeling very horny. I have refrained from ejaculation all week (since Last Sunday) and am starting to climb the walls. I will get an outpouring of semen tomorrow night (my wife promises!). In the meantime, I need to hold-out and find some erotic release any way I can….
I retired early and felt the need for a Eupho session. I quickly lubed-up and got into position. Within THREE MINUTES, I am experiencing the most powerful involuntary anal fuck imaginable. This was unusual for me since it also contained an abundance of involuntary REVERSE KEGELS which I seldom feel. I am actually moaning and crying in bed right from the start and (thank God!) a fan was running to muffle my ecstasy. I still needed to bury my head beneath my pillow. I am surprised that this Eupho session only lasted a short time (~15 minutes) but boy was it powerful! My experience with Eupho generally is more reserved and relaxed. But not this time!
Upon removal of the Eupho, I felt that I was ‘opened-up’ for more anal delights, so I decided to do a quick Peridise (Large) session. It went in very easily since I was already opened. Much to my surprise, I am experiencing auto REVERSE KEGELS with the Peridise as well! This is a mind-blowing feeling. I continued the Peridise delight for about 25 minutes or so and that was enough for now. As I am drifting off to sleep, I am experiencing some quivering in my anus and thought that I may be headed for an anal orgasm. But that did not occur.