“A New Way To The Super-O”

I have been having difficulty achieving a whole-body “Super Orgasm” in my Aneros sessions and it felt like I hit a “brick wall” in my progress. I have the Eupho and I like it, but so far, I have been unable to progress to anything resembling a Super-O!

I was intrigued when I found out about a “new” technique to help guys like me achieve this important milestone. It involves a combination of relaxation meds and hypnotic orgasmic suggestion. The best part of this is that it is FREE! Apparently, this technique is in the “trial” stage and volunteers were needed to “validate” the process!

This special “session” was to be held in a local “clinic” not far from where I live. I made arrangement to participate. I was to be prepared to spend the night and to bring my favorite Aneros model and some lube. I like my Eupho so I brought it along with Boy Butter.

I showed-up on a Saturday night about 8PM. This was to be an “overnight” session. There were about three other guys there also participating but I didn’t know any of them. We all met in a “conference room” beforehand and the “moderator” explained to us how this “session” was going to work. We would go to one of the clinics’ “private rooms” (which were set-up like small bedrooms each with a bed, table, light). We were to get relaxed (I generally do my Aneros sessions in the nude), and insert the Aneros as we normally do.

Eupho With A “Twist”

I never expected to be blogging this ride! But there were several "new" elements in it that are worth noting……

This ride began with the Eupho and I wasn't expecting a whole lot to report. I have had some great Super-Os with it. I lubed-up and began the ride…..

For some reason, I started this session out as a "do-nothing" session. However, as in past sessions, I got almost an immediate erection and a couple of powerful abdominal contractions. I felt that my prostate "wants to play"! So I decided to do about three very strong contractions and "hold" them for about 30 seconds each. WOW! I must have "started the engine" since from that point on, the Eupho was on 'AutoFuck' mode! It wasn't 15 minutes into this ride that I experienced a moderate "whole-body" orgasm. Considerable moaning (somewhat muffled) and some shaking and twisting on the bed. This was followed not too long after by a "half-strength" O. After that, it seemed that although I felt the P-waves, there were no more Os in the "wings".

For some reason (don't ask me why) I got the "urge" to try a new position with this Eupho ride. I went up on the bed on all "fours" doggy-style with my cock and balls suspended beneath me. The auto-contractions were continuing, although somewhat lighter than before. I don't know why, but I began to "thrust" in the bed in this position and I felt more of a "tickle" on the prostate. I experimented with this position and began to roll my hips in a rhythmic fashion. When I did this a certain way, I felt a more distinct "tickle" on the prostate. It felt good! I kept this up for a while (with my eyes closed) and then got a very stimulating sensation:

Oh My! What A “Do-Nothing” Ride!

Oh My! Where to start? I found myself alone in the house for at least two hours so I "planned ahead" for an uninterrupted "ride" on Progasm Jr. I had not really used it much to-date since I usually felt that it "filled me up" a little too much. Tonight was different.

I decided in advance that I would make this session a "do-nothing" session and I just planned to relax with Progasm Jr. nicely snuggled in my you-know-what. I lubed up nicely and took my time with insertion. It is a little more difficult than the helix or eupho. Once in, I just turned over on my stomach and relaxed for about 15 to 20 minutes.

Very relaxing so far…..and I got an almost immediate erection with precum. Not a bad feeling!

But then, something happened to disturb this peaceful ride…..

I began to auto-contract ever so slightly. I could feel the Pro Jr. very slightly "tickling" my prostate with P-waves and I could even feel it with every pulse.

Every now and then, also, I began to experience a powerful abdominal spasm. Oh yeah, the moaning, THE MOANING seemed to be non-stop during this ride. Since I was alone in the house (except for the dogs) I didn't have to muffle my moans and I didn't. The moans became so loud at times that I believe that they actually helped increase the auto-contractions.

“A Wild Eupho Ride”

I thought I would try Progasm Jr for this ride. I lubed-up and inserted it very slowly. However, It became clear that I could not "retain" it (probably due to a "full" upper rectum). So, since I was already nicely "lubed", I went for the Eupho. Here is the ride……..

The Eupho went in very easily (I had extra lube in me from Progasm Jr) and I began to immediately feel very light "tickling" P-waves and something stronger right away. I had some light moaning as well. I continued with the light contractions for perhaps 45 minutes when I felt an orgasm beginning to build (probably just a Dry-O I thought). This seemed too easy with the Eupho and only light contractions. Much to my surprise, it was a Super-O that lasted, I believe, a full 20 MINUTES!

This Super-O began like a recent one, with some involuntary whole-body "shakes" which seemed to come over me "sequentially". These were followed and "intertwined" with whole-body convulsions, also sequential to start. Once I began these, there was no letup FOR A FULL 20 MINUTES! I literally was shaking, twisting and moaning all at the same time. The anal contractions, I believe, became automatic and they went on with the shaking and twisting for the duration of this orgasm. Several times during this orgasm, I distinctly felt my penis erecting hard.


This Eupho Session Was A “Dud” – Or Was It?

Nothing unusual about this Eupho session. I did have a major distraction from television the entire ride. However, I managed the best I could. As with previous Eupho sessions, it took a while to get the prostate "buzzing". Even after about an hour, there still was no orgasm. I did feel only one Dry-O during the latter part of this session.

One interesting thing which I did in this session was put my finger at the "back end" of my anus and "explore" a little. The lube was really slippery and my finger was able to glide back and forth within the anal opening with ease. It felt so good! However, I actually felt like it was "accelerating" an ejaculation, though, not a prostate orgasm. I didn't know if the stimulation of the anal nerves was going to trigger a penile ejaculation, but it sure felt so. I did this only for about a minute or so then stopped it. I did not want to "short-circuit" a prostate orgasm.

Since it was obvious that nothing else would come of this session, I ended it and chalked it up as a "dud".

Note: As is usual for most of these sessions, I awoke about five hours later with a most powerful erection and precum. As I am sitting here, I am feeling a slight ache in the lower abdomen and a "twinge" in the prostate followed by another erection. The head of the penis is wet. The testicles are starting to get very sensitive and I am experiencing a toe-curling spasm in the prostate region. I think I'll go back to bed…….

Multiple Whole Body Super Orgasms! (The Ride Of My Life!)

This was my "second ride" with the Eupho. Believe me, I never expected this!

Let me explain…..

I like the feelings I get from Eupho. Very subtle, not too direct and the sensations vary with the frequency and strength of the contractions. I was progressing with this session quite well but not expecting very much since it was only my second "ride" with the Eupho. I had been in this session and feeling great pleasure waves (and I was lightly moaning throughout which is unusual for me) for about an hour with only slightly orgasmic sensations. I expected nothing more from this session and thought about ending it.

Then, I remember the next events quite vividly: as I was about to stop the contractions, I felt them building up to a more regular cadence, almost involuntarily. The orgasmic sensations continued to build and build. I suddenly remember becoming rock-hard in only about 5 to 10 seconds. Around the same time, the next thing I remember was starting to experience some involuntary and powerful muscle contractions (but not shaking), first with my lower legs, then my mid-torso, then my shoulders, then my arms, and then my head, until my entire body was experiencing an involuntary "spasm" which I could not stop. I remember "contorting" on the bed like a "slinky"! I believe that this went on for at least several minutes. I did not experience any "memory lapse" or coma-like altered state like I did during my first Super-O. This one was quite different. I don't remember any moaning at this time.

“Eupho – First Ride”

I ordered the Eupho and was eagerly anticipating my first ride. Here it is….

When I first looked at the Eupho, I noticed that although it is about the same length as the Helix which I already have, it has a smaller diameter at the tip (head). My first impression was that this stimulator could not be nearly as powerful as the Helix with which I already have experienced a Super-O! Was I wrong!

Let me explain….

The Eupho goes in just like the Helix. Once in, I did not really notice anything different. However, after about a 10 minutes relaxation period, I started to do some light anal contractions. What I noticed immediately is that there is more movement possible with the Eupho than with the Helix. Also, since the head is smaller, the Eupho "massages" only portions of the prostate at a time. By performing stronger contractions (and even reverse kegels RKs), you stimulate dirrerent parts of the prostate. You can "jump" the Eupho around on the prostate just by varying your contraction technique and get different sensations with every part stimulated. In this way, you are "teasing" the prostate, I feel, and although the feeling may not be initially as robust as that of the Progasm Jr. or even the Helix, it is as if the prostate were slowly being "teased" into an orgasm.

Progress -Trying new things with my sessions

Ive had several sessions since my last post- a few were noteworthy for one reason or another.
On one occasion the anticipation of having the house to myself was such a delicious feeling. I began having aless in the car on the way home just thinking about the session I was going to have. When I had finally prepped I remember really savouring the insertion of the progasm- my ass was SO HUNGRY for it and at about halfway it just sort of gulped and pulled it in tight and involuntarily clenched down on it. It was all I could do to try to relax and breathe.
Another session I used the HypnoAneros tracks for the first time instead of watching porn and found it to be a real turn on.
All of my sessions now culminate in heavy leaking without erection, many p waves and deep aching deliciousness and euphoric surges often with a wonderful warmth in my heart region. Many times I will let the progasm do its thing while I concentrate on breathing deeply-and then at some point manually stimulate my perenium to climax.
I always enjoy aless for a day or so after my sessions now too.
Am seriously considering adding some variation with a new model -perhaps a Eupho or Helix Syn . Will be trying shea butter as a new lube instead of the KY and other things I have tried. Coconut oil has been good to me too -but I have cleaned out my wifes supply in a short time..

Recovery from the flu & New Years with Aneros!

Hi guys,

I had my last Aneros session early Saturday morning, December 19, nearly two weeks ago. Right after the session I became sick with a "mild" flu which left me weak for some days, until now! It has become cold once again here DC with much colder weather to arrive early next week.

During my convalescence, I had periods of Aless which bordered on the painful. So I suspended sessions with Aneros, all the while feeling like an old man and out of sorts.

This morning I rose before sunrise and then went to my neighborhood 7 Eleven for coffee and a couple doughnuts. I then returned home to have my breakfast. Then I laid down to take a rest, feeling blah. Then I was hit with a desire to have an Aneros session finally! This morning I wanted to use the MGX, a model in my collection which I hadn't tried since November 2013. The MGX is distinctive in that its stem is ribbed, a feature which was designed to stimulate and exercise the anal muscles. That is when Aneros lust hit me. So I examined my MGX and noticed that it is just as large as Helix Classic.

I proceeded with my session feeling more and more excited and energized as I prepared for it. It felt like old times. I didn't feel so debilitated after all. The MGX hits and stimulates areas of my anal and prostate areas in a new and exciting way. Thus the MGX joins my Aneros first team of Eupho Classic, Helix Classic, Maximus. Tempo, and Progasm Classic.