Making good progress

These past 2 weeks I’ve picked up my helix trident after a few weeks off. It took a few sessions to get back into the swing of things, but in my last session I had a new sensation.

Since I came back to my helix trident, I have been using the “do nothing” approach as much as possible. In my last session I was listening to Shibby’s files and found myself reaching the end of the file.

During this part she was basically telling the listener “if there was a time to climax, it would be now.” At this point I felt my body give in to Shibby’s instructions and I began to feel this sensation starting in my limbs. It was half way between pins and needles, and a vibrating feeling. It felt really strange but I went with it anyway, this feeling spread throughout my whole body and eventually I relaxed so much to the point where I literally couldn’t produce a single thought during this moment and my body was just on autopilot whilst floating in this state.

This lasted 1-2 minutes and was amazing, however I knew that I could have done more in the moment regarding contractions. But I didn’t wanna ruin it by going overboard so I just let it play out.

I’ve heard people describe a dry orgasm and what I felt was similar but different, I didn’t feel like I was cumming but at the same time it was different from my regular p waves.

My favourite TG Aneros video and my first HFWO

[Here you go](; you’ll know whether TG videos appeal to you or not. The angle is brilliant; you can really see what she’s doing with her body, and I’d love to see more Aneros videos like that.

I am very happy to say that I had my first honest-to-goodness HFWO with my old-school combination of an MGX and KY jelly (or, as I suppose we should now call it, Kynect). [This timeline]( helps me believe that it was probably 2004-5 when I got my first Aneros, an MGX at a point when I didn’t think there was more than one model; I’ve recently enjoyed returning to it after a long run with a Helix and a few tries with a Progasm. I really like the rocking technique used in the video; while I’ve got some movement of the Aneros from just my internal muscles, and enough to generate P-waves when I’m lucky, the degree of rocking here caused enough motion and massage to actually get me over the edge, and I really enjoyed both rocking and moaning along to the video and feeling like I was experiencing the same things at the same time as she was. There was a couple of weeks’ worth inside my nuts, and I felt a lot flow down the inside of my leg; not the rumoured immense squirty quantities of prostate fluid, but more than a usual load.

No feeling

So I picked up my Aneros Helix Syn Trident about a week ago, and must have had about 5 sessions between now and then.

I started off using the mindgasm videos as a tutorial on how to do some contractions, but after about 2 sessions worked out that I can just put it in, and do nothing for about 10 mins and I will start twitching and contracting.

Whilst I have had some nice tingles and a few very subtle feelings from my prostate, I’m not really feeling much. The latest session I did (I’d had a few days break from my session before that) I started to experience the floating feeling that people have talked about, and also had some leg spasms, but I didn’t really feel anything in terms of actual pleasure, especially in the prostate area.

I do my sessions after having a shower so I’m relaxed, and also listen to some binaural audios as it tends to help me focus, I also haven’t jerked off the entire time (which is unusual for me as I usually jerk off at least once a day at least) which has made me especially horny.

I just wanted to know if there was anything to do to increase the actual pleasure I am feeling during the sessions, or if I’m expecting too much too quickly.

Thanks for any replies 🙂

Eupho tips tricks

Just ordered the white plastic eupho. Looking for something more mobile with more lube options.

I currently have the helix syn trident. It works ok but seems to use a lot of lube to stay slippery and it doesn’t like coconut oil.

Anyone with experience with the white plastic version of the eupho have any tips for a good first ride? Do nothing, flex, position, etc.

Have had the autofuck feeling on rare occasion from my current model and hoping the eupho will be more capable.

thigh pain after prostate milking

Had my first session with the aneros helix trident last night and today I woke up with pain in the inner part of left thigh. I’m starting to think I may have went a bit overboard with my muscle contractions to have the aneros massage the prostate. I was experimenting as much as I could. After about 2 hours I just finished off by masterbating the ol’ fashion way with it inside.

Has anyone ever felt this kind of pain before?

Attempting to get past hfwo, avoiding penis stimulation

I’ve been using my aneros helix and progasm for a few years, and made a bit of progress (don’t get much free time) I get some great sensations which I think are p waves but after a couple it always seems to end in a hfwo, with my cock completely soft, which is always enjoyable but I feel like I’m missing out on getting further with the p waves. I often find I’m doing a lot of thrusting which feels great on my prostate but my cock flaps about and I think this stimulation is making me cum. Has anyone come up with a solution, I’m thinking maybe some briefs or maybe a jock strap but not sure if this will feel weird or make it worse as it will be touching my dick or stopping the motion of the aneros.

Thank you

I’ve been lurking for a few months and I just want to thank this community. I recently received a Helix Syn V and have been loving it these past few days. I have had it in since getting to the office at 11this morning just to get used to having it in for long periods of time. I decided to talk a walk to the local coffee shop a few blocks away and what an adventure I had! I barely noticed it while I was sitting in my chair, but once I set off walking I could feel it rub my prostate with every step. By the time I got there I was letting out a little groan every time I put my foot down. I made it back to the office with enough precum in my boxers to soak a little through my pants. I’m very very happy with my purchase and if it wasn’t for you all I would have never known about it.

Helix Syn Trident or V?

Pretty much the title. Been debating getting one for a while and decided to pull trigger. Everything I see says Helix Syn Trident is a good starter but would it be better to just go and get the vibe?

First experience with pleasurable shaking.

Hello. I own the Helix Syn Trident and have been using it for about a year and have been making slow but steady progress.

Last night, it was late and I was tired, but I felt like giving it a go, so I did.

Recently I’ve been focusing on staying relaxed throughout a session and allowing sensations to happen without trying to actively grow them. Very recently I’ve begun to experience spasms and pulsing in my sphincter and pc muscle, and last night I actively and continually relaxed even as the spasms happened.

As the sensation grew I felt a slight warmth and tingles spread around my pelvis, I felt a little high and meditative. Then my legs started to completely vibrate all on their own and it actually felt warm and nice still.

I’ve had shaking before, but it was always a distraction and not pleasurable at all. This is the first time it felt nice, like it was part of the experience in a good way.

A short time later, the shaking and sensation slowly subsided and I was too tired (sleepy) to continue.

I am pretty excited to try again this weekend! : )