First time with Progasm

So my black Progasm arrived today.
I gave it a try earlier tonight. It's definitely bigger, and was slightly more challenging to insert. Only because I'm not familiar yet with how to tilt it on insertion like I do with my MGX and Helix. The thicker stem certainly makes for a fuller feeling in the anus. And seems to require less effort with conscious anal contractions. It feels nice. And I got a lot of mini-O's from it.

Then I thought I would remove it and try my Helix. I chuckled after inserting it as it felt like I had inserted a toothpick compared to the Progasm. It seemed that once I was stretched open by the Progasm it was difficult for pleasurable feelings to occur with the Helix. So I reinserted the Progasm and had some more mini-O's.

Then I thought the session was over and started removing the Progasm. And found that the sensation of pulling it out was quite pleasurable. So I slowly and gently moved it in and out of my ass for a while using my hand. Then when I was done doing that I sunk it back in and almost immediately my body went into some sort of orgasm overdrive! Almost like manually fucking my ass with the Progasm had increased my arousal level. My prostrate was so sensitive. I think I may have had a super-O, but am not entirely sure. It was stronger than anything else I have had to date yet. Unfortunately shortly after it happened, while I was still convulsing in pleasure my torso had shifted so I was humping the bed, and that little bit of friction on my flaccid penis made me have a super-T. But I didn't care. LOL
A very interesting and pleasurable session.

News, and Thoughts


I just ordered a black Progasm! hee, hee
I can't wait to try it. I should have it by tomorrow.
I ordered it in the black color because I find that my white MGX and Helix have gotten stains on them that will not completely remove with normal washing. To me it's the same logic that goes with wearing white underwear. Why bother when you can just use a more appropriate color.



I've been noticing some of the changes in me since I've started getting pleasurable results from my Aneros sessions back in October. What strikes me as the most interesting, is that I no longer have this need or desire to masturbate frequently like I used to. And looking at porn on the Internet does not interest me as much as it used to. And I'm ok with all of this. A very different change in me. It's like I've been lifted above the "baseness" of those habits and/or desires.

Even with the imagined fantasies I use during Aneros sessions. I tend to prefer thinking up more stuff that displays affection and closeness with a loved one, rather than more nasty raw images/ideas.

Wow! Back to loving the Helix!

Hey People,

I had another session tonight. I decided I would try the Helix only tonight, as lately I've been into trying to relax, focus on breathing, and just breathing in general through whatever happens. Sort of the do nothing/meditative style of session. At least initially. That seems to be just the beginning part, and then from there it gets really hot and heavy! LOL

But I'm definitely liking the Helix all over again. I feel like I can get a better prostrate massage with less effort than the MGX. Although I do miss the ribbed stem on the MGX for the wonderful anal stimulation it provides.

Within a few minutes of insertion I started to have involuntary contractions. Being so used to the slimmer MGX lately. The Helix made me feel really full and snug back there. I had a whole bunch of really nice feeling mini-O's! Yay! I think I'm starting to understand what other users here have said about feeling like they are circling the drain towards super-O's. But haven't quite made it down the center yet.

Onwards and upwards!

Well! I received my MGX last week and yesterday evening was the first chance I had to try it out.

I was a bit apprehensive about inserting it into my anus as I imagined it was going to be a bit painful. I carfully washed my passage and used a finger to lube it with KY Jelly and then spread vaseline along the length of the MGX and I am pleased to say it slipped in without a problem and I was amazed how it was suddenly sucked up there once past a certain point. It felt comfortable from the start but I relaxed for about 10 minutes befor trying contractions. Over the course of the time I had it in I felt a few slight body spasms but nothing outstanding and most of the time it felt like I needed to pee when I contracted.

I tried out various positions but the one that felt like it was making most contact with my prostate was the one suggested on the packaging, i.e. on my side with bottom leg straight out and top leg at a 90 degree angle, so I mainly kept to that.

I hope to get in about 2-3 sessions per week, so I will keep my progress posted when it occurs.

Edging, and More Edging

This is a first. I actually started to write a blog entry on my great session from last night, but thinking about it gave me a buzz — so I had to have another quick session. When it's good, it's good!

But I'm getting ahead of myself. About three weeks ago, I discovered the joy of holding back. I was having a crappy, stressful week and couldn't jerk off for a while. By the time I was ready for the MGX on Friday it was 4 or 5 days since my last ejaculation. Although having a few dud sessions lately got me down, something stirring down there was telling me this one would be different. And it was. Mini-os, dry-os, Cheeri-os and just about every other kind of -o for about two hours with very little down time. The difference this time was that I was trying to re-create the fantastic super-T experience I wrote about a couple of blog entries ago. I know that Aneros tells users NOT to stimulate the penis during a session, but I've been getting fantastic results from gently rubbing or stroking the underside of the penis, then concentrating on anal contractions as the penis hardens. Let the penis soften a bit, then repeat. This sends me into beyond blissful waves of pleasure which are probably classified as mini-os (but not quite super-os, not that I'd know). At it goes on and I get closer to traditional orgasm, these waves get more and more intense. It's amazing.

Mistress Aneros MGX is my new love! :D

Hey People,

I just had a fantastic session! I started with the MGX and got some incredible sensations from it. So I thought I'd switch to the Helix, which is the model I normally prefer. But it wasn't doing anything for me. The MGX is the model I like the most now. It seems that the ribbed stem provides exquisite anal stimulation. And because it is slimmer, and not so aggressively curved, it is much more agile, and moves in and out me very easily when the involuntary anal contractions really get going. I believe the term for what it is doing is auto-fucking.

It seems I have started to figure out what brings on mini and dry-O's without it turning into a super-T. Here's what I figured out. Until my prostrate is sufficiently aroused and swollen. My penis is ultra sensitive, and prone to erections. So I have to avoid stimulating it. I tried laying on my back again. But the position is not the most ideal for me because the sensations are not as intense, it requires much more muscles strength to flex my PC and anal muscles, and involuntary anal contractions don't seem to occur as easily or as intensely as on my side. So I switched back to laying on my side, and made sure not to allow my lower torso to twist crotch side down, so to eliminate the majority of problems of inadvertently stimulating my penis.

A Week

My MGX arrived 3 days ago.
The Helix has had the most use because it arrived first.
I feel that the MGX with its more pointed front hits the spot.
The position that gives the most sensation is seated in a soft chair.

While seated with the Mgx last night I hit the jackpot for the first time.
While seated I can wiggle my hips slowly which teases the tip across my prostate.
After about an hour of occasional wiggeling and walking up and down the stairs
I felt the feelings get stronger.

At first I thought I was urinating or passing some fluid.
I thought all is washable so I carried on.
I dont think I was moving or I was afraid to move(in case I broke the magic spell).
After 20 to 30 seconds the sensation stopped.
I was flaccid during this experience.

Next my erection built and built.
When fully erect I started to orgasm.
Holy Cow !
I was not a normal pump, pump, pump orgasm.
It was a slow and sustained orgasm which lasted 30 to 40 seconds.
It was a feeling unlike any other I have ever experienced.

The times are just a guess as time does not matter or count when you are in Aneros country.
I thought I would have a mess to clean up but no, completly dry apart from 2 drops of pre cum.
Suprised ? You bet !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.
I will be there again tonight hoping.
I dont know what type of orgasm it was. A UFO ?(Unidentified F****** Orgasm) LOL

Cast Off

Well it is indeed a strange world.
4 weeks after ordering the Helix and 2 days after ordering the MGX the Helix arrives this morning.
Also an e mail telling me the MGX has been dispatched.

Upon opening the package i was pleased to see the Helix was smaller than I had imagined it to be. I was a bit worried that it would be too big.

So I did the day,s business as quickly as possible.
I told the wife I need about 2 hours of quiet for my forst try.
Gave her some money to get her nails done.

In this part of the world there is a wash down hose by the toilet.
Very useful for a flush out inside.
Shower and lube with KY.

Set the cd going with Hypnareosession.
The Helix slid in nicely, very surprised.

I set my sights low but the burden of expectation will always be with you.
You would have to be a pretty remarkable person to expect a zero result and be happy with that outcome.

There is a lot going on the first time out both physically and mentally.

Trying to follow Alanas instructions is demanding.
Breathing, imagine an ember, projecting images.
Trying to stay relaxed.
It did help having the cd.

The physical outcome was some small drops of clear fluid
and some shaking of my legs.
I had three bouts of shaking, one of which was quite strong.
Also an itching feeling inside.

Second attempt

Well here I am , 26 days after ordering the Helix.
Still no delivery, the retailer is awaiting delivery.
What to do ?
The waiting is very frustrating.
I read all the new posts and think what about me.
I had another scout around the net.
I found another retailer who has the MGX in stock at a reasonable price.
I took the plunge and ordered it.
The wife was a bit sniffy about this.
Looks as if I will end up being a duel model owner.
Hopefully the MGX will be here by the end of next week.
I listen to the Hypnareosession cd on a night and it sends me to sleep.
Guess you are not supposed to use it unassisted.

Wednesday Weirdness

Great week. Had an excellent three hour session Monday with the MGX. It climaxed with about an hour of really intense p-waves and dry-os. Although now, looking at the wiki, I think I might possibly be having super-os. They feel like full fledged orgasms, but they're not full body encompassing or taking me over the moon as I've seen described. Whatever they are, it's fantastic! Strangely I've never had any involuntary muscle movements.

An odd thing about this session is that it was so intense, it made me kinda disoriented the rest of the day. You know the feeling of butterflies in the stomach? This was butterflies going crazy in the stomach, intestines, colon, penis, etc. That along with shortness of breath and a more pronounced heartbeat. Really strange and exciting.

That out of the way, I decided to do sessions twice a week, after my Monday and Thursday showers. Thursday couldn't come fast enough, however. My prostate was all aflutter on Wednesday. Finally I couldn't stand it and put the larger Peridise in. Bizarrely, the sensations stopped. Once it was removed, the feelings came back! It felt so good when rubbing my "sweet spot."