ed's journey

WOW!!–getting there finally!–started off session on my back with a small wadded towel under my belt line, albolene and swiss navy silicone on my mgx–no arousal–this time i pulled the p-tab up away from my ass to get it as high as i could, stuffed as much of my scrotum as i could under the tab and also buried it deep into my sweet spot–i did the rocking like going upstairs and then put my legs down on the bed, relaxed them as much as i could and held a very slight contraction–after relaxing and breathing very deeply way down in my abdomen, i started to feel twitches in my legs and a buzzing in my ass–this was finally it!–was able to keep it going long enough to get a different feeling around my ass and into my balls–very pleasant–kept it going for a few cycles–was mainly in my ass and balls, but every once in a while it sort of bounced up into my cock–it felt like my cock was filling and perking up, although i think it didn't really change much, it just felt like that a lot–lots of precum too–my ass would buzz and my balls would feel full, with a stroking feeling on my prostate, and then, bam, every once in a while the grip on the mgx would let go and it would bury itself deeply into my ass, but not continue stroking, just the repeat of the buzzing and stroking–now i know that the stroking is controlled by the contractions, but the contractions are controlled by the abdominal breathing, not by the muscles, as they are too gross a control, while the breathing is very fine–feel very confident now that i can continue progressing–finally stopped as i had to piss so bad, even though i had before i started this session

Couples Sessions

With mrs. artform now enjoying the arousal stimulation of the Slightest Touch, and our preferred positions enabling her to simultaneously massage my prostate, we both reach an energetic orgasmic plateau or zone, miniOs, waves, Calm Seas Super Os and more, and enjoy for an hour and a half or two before she ejaculates gloriously. I can now get to the OZone just as easily with the MGX in rather than her massaging and that variety is a great addition for both of us.

I have mastered using the Key Sound silently to both store and trigger chi (qi) energy and particularly, using the Aneros for training, have learned to isolate the muscles around/moving the prostate to gently "polish the knob" or tip of my MGX, triggering orgasmic energy flows. The muscle memory can now be triggered to produce the same effect and sensation of polishing the knob without the MGX in. This has been paralleled by more focused individual control of the anal sphincters and related wall muscles, the perineum muscles, and other specific twitch sites.

However, these are all individual tools or techniques which we have found along the way, focused on our mutual lovemaking and mutual G-spot/prostate ecstasies. We haven't followed the Aneros or KSMO traditional journeys as individuals. We are trying now to begin that as two separate discipline paths for me (Aneros and KSMO) and KSMO for her, both boosted with Slightest Touch, and adding the third Qi Gong, which seems to be the centre of what our bodies are doing in response to this greatly heightened orgasmic energy. Everyday ecstatic bioenergetics? Well not yet since many other life events and activities… but more time on this as soon as possible!

ed's journey

i was at my local sex shop and they had the helix so i bought one–this was not a snap decision like when i bought the progasm while i was waiting for my mgx to arrive–i have read and thought a lot about getting the helix because of all the comments about its greater mobility and more robust massage than the mgx–i figured since i was having such small reactions with the mgx, maybe the helix would be better–anyway i tried it that same day but it was very like the mgx sessions–i figure i need a few days rest before i have another session as i have had many days in a row and quite a few with more than one session–i think i need to recharge and to"rewire"–i can tell right away now by how long it takes for some involuntary shivers to start after insertion whether i will have a profitable session or not–i'm still upbeat–only good things can happen cause nothing much has happened yet–after rereading the forum i see that complete relaxation will stop any motion, even if i imagine it starts motion–i think i have to do a voluntary contraction so slight that it is just about no contraction at all in order to start involuntary ones, that's probably why i thought that i was completely relaxed and why i couldn't relax any more when they started–sure wish though, that they would link together and start me flopping on my bed!!–ede_1943

ed's journey

well, i didn't wait another day after waking up today with some "funny" feelings–i used the condom method with lube inside and out on the condom–i think it gave the mgx more movement–i think that there was some small progress but nothing earth shaking–it didn't help that i got three phone calls during this session–anyway i definitely felt some very small flutters in my legs, above my penis in my lower abdomen, and other various places–nothing that gave me anything exciting, other than to know that something may be happening, although i don't know what–i'm glad to proceed as so many posts have said that something seemingly inconsequential happens before something major–i'm hoping that this is "rewiring"–there is 64 years of rewiring to do–so onward

ed's journey

well my mgx arrived and i've been using it instead of the progasm–it's been very tough going with not much to show–i've tried the breathing with the anal contractions–the held pc contraction–the do nothing and relax for an hour–the try to sleep with it in–i don't touch my penis–i do get a lot of precum but no orgasm feeling or feeling of well being–nothing seems to be working–i thought that i may not be aroused enough at the beginning–i try not to think too much–i try different positions– i took several days off in between sessions–maybe finally something is happening–twice in the morning when i woke up without the mgx in i have felt something new which i can not explain–it sort of feels like a twitch somewhere down in the groin area, although i cannot locate it precisely–i know that it's not my anal group–i feel a slight twitch which i sort of think is in the head of my penis, or sometimes i think it is in my right leg next to my scrotum–sort of like the bump i get when i have the mgx in and i twitch my pc group–but not exactly the same–i cannot make it happen myself–it has to happen by itself–anyway it is nice to finally be getting something unexplained–the first time i woke up to this i did a session but nothing really much happened–today i woke up with the same feeling but i have not had a session yet–i'm trying to put at least two days between sessions and it's too soon yet–maybe tomorrow i'll try it again–hope i awake with the same or a new feeling–my first sessions were every day and hours long–maybe that affected the results, or lack of results–maybe there is some "rewiring" taking place and it needs time to happen–i'm still optimistic–ed

ed's journey

today i thought that i would relax entirely and try to go to sleep to see if anything would happen like some other posts have said has happened to them–in other words, don't try to force anything but just let it happen–well i think that part of my problem may be that i am not aroused enough or at all when i insert the progasm and then nothing happens–so many posts talk about relaxation that i think i overdo it and not only am i relaxed but i am not aroused either–anyway when i get my mgx i will try to get a lot more excited before i do the insertion cause the laid back relaxation technique isn't leading anywhere–ed

ed's journey

this is the fourth day–it's easier to insert the progasm now and feels less invasive but moving it is still a problem–now i really know why i should not have bought it on impulse and should have waited for my mgx to arrive–just noodling around trying to give the various muscle groups a workout and trying to separate them so i can control them individually –will probably wait for mgx which should arrive soon

ed's journey

i am a 64 year old male with everything in working order–i was reading the web about the male g spot when i came across the name of aneros–well, all i can say is that reading the posts and threads, etc i ordered the mgx–while waiting for its arrival i was in a sex shop and asked if they had any aneros massagers–i wanted the helix but all they had was the progasm, and at a good price–i thought about it and said no, went to lunch, thought oh what the hell and went back to buy it, even though i didn't think it would be right for me–i was right–i'm a first time anal play guy and it was not right for me–anyway after a lot of difficulty inserting it i tried to follow the aneros directions and those of the forum–not much happened–i had trouble identifying the different muscle groups i needed to control and had trouble moving the progasm–mostly i tried to relax and then tried a few contractions but didn't know an anal from a pc contraction–but i will try again another day


I use my MGX for BPH (Benign Prostatic Hyperlasia) therapy when I need relief from the narrowing and urgency as baseline Aneros use.

Rewiring and exploring the sensations and orgasm levels through Aneros use have been quite a ride through 2007. I added KSMO (Key Sound Multiple Orgasms) quite soon after starting with Aneros. The two methods together unleashed a lot of energy flows and mrs. artfom and I have had some wonderful times with all this.

Early here in the Aneros Forum I gave some of my background and particularly the experiences in my youth that I called Intellectual Orgasms. Recently a fellow member of the KSMO Forum challenged me to compare that experience with Crown Centred Orgasms in the Tao traditions and techniques and I did pursue Tao with some successes in the early 1990s. For a variety of reasons I let that practice lapse for about a decade and a half. Now I need to step back and clarify what has been happening, from what previous rewiring and where I am headed next.

I hope anyone and everyone with any resonant experiences or questions will help me through this rethinking and I look forward to that as I continue with Aneros and the other disciplines/opportunities.

As we rewire, so shall we be reconnected.

Big Submarine

I got the Maximus recently to round out my collection. The only one I don’t have now is the SGX which I don’t plan to buy. I was curious to know whether I would feel anything different with the slightly larger size as compared to the MGX. The Maximus is in the middle of the range size-wise between the Progasm and the other smaller models. I knew from the similar design of the MGX that it would dive in pretty deep and I wasn’t disappointed. I call it the Big Submarine while the MGX is the Little Submarine. Perhaps the SGX could be called the Tiny Submarine!

Since I have used the Progasm before, inserting the Maximus only required a little more patience and waiting for my muscles to relax than when inserting the smaller models. Once inserted though, it dives right in and really presses into the perineum. Unlike when I first bought my MGX though, I didn’t feel any pain from the pressure. It felt very comfortable and full but not as full as the Progasm. I also liked how the diameter of the stem where it meets the base is small like the MGX. This seems to provide more gripping power and less likely that it will be expelled.

I laid on my right side as usual and felt the twitching of my left pectoral muscles. This is usually a precursor to the pelvic contractions that I experience. When the contractions started, they were strong and fast and lasted about a half a minute before dying down. I didn’t feel as much post-contraction tingling as I have in the past but it was still there.