Eupho Syn came yesterday

I'd heard a little about Eupho Syn that intrigued me. Aneros description has a reference about awe inspiring prostate stimulation. I agree. Last night I logged on to chat and began a conversation with Newguy8. Our back and forth heighted my anticipation of what to look for even though I'm pretty experienced right now. So I let our chat stimulate me mentally. I inserted, he instructed, and between me knowing a few tricks and him painting pictures Eupho took control from the moment he touched me.

My experience shows when an Aneros takes control let it, so I let him go for it with abandon. It was as if a freight train was driving Eupho. I did my best to analyze and note what was happening when I did something but, my body sensed how to handle him. What a ride.

My prostate was moving and moving me literally. My secretions reacted and coated everything including me. P-waves hit and I built to a crescendo that was difficult to control, but why control it. The whole conversation/session lasted no more than 30 minutes or so but, it ended with an extremely wet O.

The dance Anesos mentions the Eupho is capable of happens. Eupho has won a high standing in my collection. Eupho and I didn't part ways though, I cleaned up and re-lubed with Shea Butter and we settled in for the night. He let me rest during most of the evening with a gentle feather duster touching of my prostate from time to time during the evening. Slight to moderate tickles now and again. I awoke this morning actually refreshed and super charged for today. Thanks again Newguy8 for the encouragement and thanks Aneros for creating my new friend Eupho Syn.

An easy way towards a new type of TO (involving stimulation of the FRONT side of the prostate).

I have to say that I am surprised by how popular some of my recent threads have been ("priming the prostate" "societal pressure" etc.). Not sure how to feel about this, except to say that I hope my threads have been useful to you all.

Along those lines, I thought that I would mention another phenomenon that I discovered by trial and error. Well… actually there was a fair amount of logic involved – and my intuition just happened to be right. Let me explain.

During a recent session (which I have since duplicated), I got to that familiar point, where I could feel that my prostate was extremely aroused. I had not achieved a Super O yet, but I did get some good P-waves in. By that point, I felt that things were really started to drag on… so I decided to end the session in typical fashion: with a traditional orgasm (TO).

This time, however, I decided to switch up my TO technique a little bit. Whereas I typically reach TO like a normal person (stroking my entire shaft, and the head), I decided to see what would happen if I had a TO that was induced by stimulation of the base of my penis only. Hell, why not? That whole area was already engorged.

My Ride Gets Even Better

I haven't been able to ride my Aneros for at least two days now and this evening I was tired, but I needed a ride. I prepped by showering and douching as normal. Injected lube, and coating my Progasm. I began my session relaxing on my side.

Since I was tired I slowly drifted off to sleep with that wonder'ful' feeling in my anus. Probably at least 30 minutes went by and I was awakened by the Progasm being moved by my sphincter the Progasm was gently massaging my prostate. I slowly began to allow the rhythmic movements of the Progasm to touch and stimulate more and more of my P-spot. Waves began to flow. My experience to date has proved to not fight this movement and to just relax even more while concentrating on the sensations. The P-waves continued and then just as slowly as they built up they resided and I fell back to sleep.

Minutes went by again and memories of my youth began to flood my subconscious of the first time my High School buddy and me realized we were gay and we had to experience each other for the first time. The Progasm again awakened me as my whole body is moving in my bed with more intense P-waves. By now I feel a quiet giggle in my belly that I must let out. It feels good to giggle with the P-waves and a body that is controlled by my Progasm. Again my body slows its involuntary movements allowing me to rest blissfully again.

A Wonderful Session and a Fantasy

I have not done an entry here in quite a while, but I just came off of one of the most exquisite sessions that I have had in a long time. I decided to commit the experience to writing because just yesterday I was chatting with someone in here on the magnetic pull that my desire exerts on my body. When my desire sings in my thoughts I am weak, I cannot ignore it. I have lined my underpants before I sat down to do this entry as I am sure I will be leaking profusely before I am halfway through it.

I have come to realize that my most euphoric, deep and resonant sessions occur when just the right combination of conditions, thoughts and bodily functions come together in a “perfect orgasmic storm” so to speak. Such was the case last night. My sessions over the last few days had been really half hearted and very short. None were more than 30 minutes and I was unable to maintain the mental focus or the erotic inspiration to rise to a pinnacle of sensation. Twice this week my wife coaxed a copious amount of cum from me, once orally and the other when we were in a very intense mutual masturbation session. That masturbation session was two nights ago and it literally drained my balls. Over the last few weeks I have been finalizing my erotic novel to send it to some friends for review and comment. A few nights ago I was editing a part of the story that is in a time and place of a homoerotic exchange between my character and another main character. The narrative describing their sexual liason is particularly steamy. Editing gets me extremely aroused as I can read without stopping too much; as a result I was feeling extremely sexy.

The Aneros autof**k & Aneros surfing

Hi guys,

I had an enjoyable session early yesterday morning using the models above. Every went well through Tempo. However I had a big bowel movement coming on afterwards which forced me to use my bathroom. That event preempted using Progasm Ivory. Nevertheless, I enjoyed sweet Aless for hours afterward. So I was thinking of having an early evening session last night with MGX which I hadn't used in a very long time, followed by Maximus, Tempo, and Progasm Ivory. Some distractions caused me to scrap the additional session, maybe later on today in the early evening.

Right now I am in a very deep afterglow of Aless after having perhaps one of my intense Aneros sessions ever this morning! Damn, I am so horny! Aless sweetness has pervaded my entire sexual apparatus, especially my testicles, penis, perineum, my entire groin or "man area" [as Mark Littell, inventor of the Nutty Buddy athletic cup, calls it], even my whole body and consciousness, but the sexual energy is centered or rooted in my prostate. Doing occasional Kegels pours fuel on this sexual fire in my loins which makes me glad that I am a man!

I will now speak in some detail about the Aneros autof**k which is mentioned in the Aneros Wiki and stated as one of the Aneros milestones. At age 65, I am still a virgin when it comes to fucking. I think I will remain virgin in this primal human experience of procreation. So I have never fucked or been fucked, male or female, in my whole life. STD's such as HIV/AIDS has deterred me from this one human experience, perhaps regretfully.

Starting my journey

First time trying my Helix Syn. I lubed it up really well with liquid, water based lube. It took just a little effort to get relaxed enough to allow it to slide in. It went in with a slow and steady pressure, then all of the sudden, my rectum just grabbed ahold of it sucked it right into place. It was comfortable right from the start, and I tried out a few positions. I had the best feelings while on my back, knees in the air, with a pillow under the small of my back.

I tried to relax and use gentle contractions. I felt some tingling and twinges going on, and every so often, I would get hard. The Aneros pressed on and massaged my prostate fairly well, and by the end of my session, I had a nice pool of Previn on my belly.

No orgasms or p-waves, but I wasn't expecting any. All in all, a comfortable and enjoyable experience.

Aneros edging: Go deeper and deeper!

Hi guys,

I think I have found my Aneros Zone or Zoneros! Getting into the Zone is a technique used by athletes for top flight athletic performance. I had spoken about this, I believe, in July 2013.

I discovered my Aneros Zone a couple weeks ago when I was using Eupho Classic one morning. That Aneros tool pressed against my prostate in such a way that I felt Aneros pleasure surge to the point that I was on the verge of experiencing my very first Super-O. However, I backed off suddenly. That put a damper in this new type of Aneros experience.

This morning it happened once again about a minute after inserted Eupho Classic. This time I went with the sensation in such a way that I entered a surge of pleasure I never experienced book. However, I discovered this morning that doing an anal contraction would bring everything to a quick end. So I let go, rode these waves of pleasure with all my Aneros tools this morning. Just absolutely beautiful!

Riding these waves of surges of Aneros pleasure reminded me so much of riding the waves of ejaculatory inevitability during masturbation, but much more pleasurable and intense. In fact, this morning I do not know I experienced my first Super-O or close to it. But it was absolutely amazing that I was getting into my Aneros Zone, staying there, focusing, and going deeper and deeper!

Less is More

Rewind 5 years. I am on my own in a hotel room, still jet lagged from a long flight. My body clock is all over the place. Wide awake at 3am. Feeling horny, with a sexual longing from the lower part of my body that promises something deeper. As I lay there, I can induce gentle waves of pleasure in my pelvic area. They are beautiful but frustratingly faint. It reminded me of the mysterious sexual feelings I had when I was a young boy laying in bed naked without a care in the world. Then, as now, there was a transcendental element to it. The longing increases and intuitively, I know that a traditional release is not the answer, but I don’t know what is or how to achieve it.

Fast forward 3 years. My situation has changed. I still travel on business but have more time at home. I use it to try and fully understand what my longings were and see if there was anything I could do to satisfy them. Have been married a long time and sex with my wife is frequent and pleasurable, but I knew there was more. Then I found the Aneros. It took some getting used to but following the advice and instructions to relax as best I could, new and wonderful sensations developed and I knew I was on the right track.

Guess that was a Super-O!

* Blank feelings for the first 15 minutes.
* Erotic material started some vibes.
* Kneeling like this produced a Mini-O:
* 20 minutes in, crazy quivering of abdomen, and shaking legs.
* Intense, radiant sensations from pelvis region. Moans, heavy breathing.
* 10 minutes of shaking, and strong sensations.
* Abdomen tenses, pushes Aneros out, then draws it back in.
* Session passes its peak after 35 minutes,

Well, I wasn't expecting the session to be this good. Before the orgasms I was feeling moody, and pissed off. I actually tried doing seven minutes of exercises to relieve tension and relax myself, but…it ended up doing the opposite.

But I figured the whole thing would be a dud in any case — just wanted to have at least 30 minutes so I tick the box on having a session. But no, it ended up being one of the best in recent memory. There wasn't any particular catalyst for making it so great, I think my body and mind happened to open up at the time.
Keeping the mind off the Aneros until time nears the session is important, though.

As you can interpret by the title, I'm still reluctant to accept whether or not I have Super-Os. It could be attributed to my idea of a huge p-wave — which is this surge of adrenaline. That's not a p-wave, as far as I know, but this adrenaline rush has happened when some new sensations occurs. )Much like a first-date, in terms of butterflies( Suffice to say, this feeling is amazing, as it makes the whole experience feel like a roller-coaster ride.

Aneros horniness, session for Aug. 5, 2014

Hi guys,

It has been a long time that I have given a blow-by-blow description of a session. However this morning, I will because Aneros horniness has come upon me full force.

In the mood: That happens almost daily. But since I have been having sessions at least three or fours time a week, it is so easy for me to get in the Aneros mood. Guys who work out have this feeling, this anticipation that an athletic session is in store for them. They feel so happy and satisfied after working out because exercise or athletic activity release in their bodies feel good endorphins! Same thing with an Aneros session. I can forget my worries when I engage in an Aneros autof**k which makes me glad that I am a man!

Specifically I received two powerful stimuli for this morning's session. [1] I received an PM from a good buddy on Aneros who complimented me on my Aneros progress. Matt1008 also is a member on BateWorld where I met him in Sept. 2011. He got me interested in Aneros and the Kegel Exercises then. [2] I heard a news report early this morning which mentioned about 'muscle memory'. Aneros 'muscle memory' is an operant factor when I have Aless. Just thinking about my Aneros models and what do for me causes both Aneros 'muscle memory' and Aless which is so sublime! In Aless, I rehearse in my mind past sessions and think bout future sessions. Both Aless and Aneros muscle muscle are basic components of my horniness for the Aneros!