“Super-O With A Bottle of Wine?”

I was up early this morning and got sufficiently aroused through some binaurals. I felt ready for a long-overdue Aneros session. I knew I wanted Helix. I lubed-up with Slippery Stuff Gel, rolled-over on my side and inserted it nice-and-slow. Ohhh! It felt SO GOOD! I quickly began to tense my PC muscles and soon began to feel the distinct auto-f**k contractions. They just wouldn’t stop amid my own anal quivers which I was also providing. OMG! At some point, it felt like I was a bottle of wine and was being fucked by a corkscrew! That is the nearing analogy I can infer. it was an insanely pleasurable feeling! I contracted fully, released and the corkscrew continued to methodically “drill” into my rectum until I am starting to suppress a real moan. I re-positioned myself several times and found myself on my back. I am breathing rhythmically and gyrating my hips in sync. OMG! The corkscrew keeps doing its thing! I turn-over on my stomach and—yes—the Super-O is continuing to build, much stronger now until I experience a full-body orgasm that had me twisting from head to toe. But, after that, I realized that that was all there was to be for this session (after about 30 minutes) so I “popped the cork” and the session was over! (not quite)…..


Second attempt at a Super-T, late 8/4-5/16 session

Hi guys,

Super-T experimentation continues tonight, this time in order with Eupho Classic, Helix Classic, Progasm Classic, and now DeVice. I used this models first on my futon, then standing, and finally seated at my PC with two towels in my chair. Actually the DeVice which I haven’t used in two years is the most comfortable model while sitting. This session is really an exploratory, get-acquainted session in my attempt in achieving a Super-T. I must say that tonight there were glimmers of crescendos toward this goal. I shall persevere from time to time in reaching for a Super-T. But right now I break off. Take care!

Fresh mentality, new milestones.

I’ve been using various models of the Aneros lineup for basically a year now and have made progress, but nothing along the lines of prostate orgasm, let alone super-o. The sessions have become more pleasurable as of late, but many times my own mind will get in the way. Frustration mixed with overthinking have been my own worst enemy until recently.

When I first got involved with prostate stimulation, I read everything I could find regarding the subject: milestones, how to achieve it, how long it takes, what not to do, etc. I had read that you must relax, and I took that to a whole new level. Many times, my anal muscles would ever-so-slowly contract more and more (while adhering to the do-nothing method), but I would try to make that stop by “relaxing”. Little did I know, my body was trying to slowly and incrementally position the device properly against my prostate.

Major breakthrough! With or without Aneros?

Lately, I have been practicing semen retention (18 days now) without any blue balls effect; in fact, it’s been much easier than I thought. I’m doing it simply because ejaculation, however good it has become, is a drain on my system and sets me back as far as mood to explore is concerned. I have also been trying to practice transferring my sexual energy from my genitals to the rest of my body as described by some Taoists in the book ‘Multi-Orgasm Man’.
I have been working my PC muscle pretty hard and regularly. I have been practicing edging and towel bouncing with surprisingly good results.
Last night, I prepared for a session with my Progasm Ice. During my session, while doing light PC contractions and with slow, deep lower abdomen breaths, I experienced some feelings in my penis. These feelings are located just under the cap of the penis, just under the V section where my penis hot-pot is. At this point, instead of trying to grow them (pushing for results) I tried to draw those feelings and transfer them through different parts of my body. I did that by pulling in my perineum and then concentrate on transferring them to, first, my lower body and then up my spine. All this was done with my deep breathing coupled with light contractions while of course fantasizing. I had some level of success in decentralizing some of the sensations as I started feeling twinges in my balls and then lower abdomen and belly.
Unfortunately, time was progressing and I had to call it a night. The feeling were so good, I could’ve stayed all night.

I think I’m getting close to the ‘super o’

Hey everyone, I’ve definitely made a breakthrough with this and I’m mega excited! I’ve started doing contractions now because I felt like nothing was really happening past a certain point. I’d just lie there and be like heurherughgu and make funny faces and feel nice but never get to any place that I felt resembled the chain reaction waves of orgasm as the wiki tells me until I started changing my process up recently.

I lie on my side and I take a deep breath and really lightly contract and hold it for a good 10 seconds or so and twizzle my nipples at the same time. Then I slowly exhale and release the contraction and after a few seconds I inhale again following the same steps as above, I can feel pleasure mounting up more and more every time I do this. After about 2 or 3 of these my dick clamps like it’s having a normal orgasmic contraction, except now it’s started doing it on it’s own, my ass is quivering deep inside and I can feel waves of pleasure in my cock and waves washing over me. I also find that I get massive p waves in my left leg and left foot, it’s a really nice feeling. But tonight it was super intense! I kept on having these orgasmic anal super fast quivers and pc muscle contractions on their own. This is the first time I’ve had a session where I’ve sweat and had to actually hold back groans that were happening on their own (because my walls are basically paper and I live at home AFGHGH). But I’m not sure I could call it a super o yet, going by what I’ve read about strong emotional responses and becoming pure ‘id’. I was still quite aware of my surroundings if I really focus (kinda like normal orgasm) and I wasn’t seeing any colours etc. It still felt REALLY good though. There’s precum everywhere in my sessions now. I’ve also found my p-spot and I can definitely tell where my prostate is now. I also made myself have a mini o from twisting my nipples only. I would mark myself at around:
– Chain reaction Dry-Os (O-zone)
– Very deep orgasm distinctly centered in rectum: anal orgasm

Frustrating lack of involuntaries

When my partner first started using his MGX, he inserted it, thought about something really sexy, and the device basically started doing its thing. Many different muscle groups started to contract in a rhythmic motion, and to this day, all he has to do is think about something sexy, and they will start without anything inserted.

I’ve been using several models for about a year, and the only involuntaries I get are within my sphincter (in a subtle swooshing, circular pattern), which slow down once my body gets used to the foreign object within. What happens next is that my PC muscle will contract in a manner that’s not abrupt, but slowly. Through time, the PC muscle contraction has been increasing slightly in intensity, but I’ve only experienced a p-wave maybe twice, and a build-up once.

I wish there was an x-ray or something whereas I could see if these devices are hitting my prostate properly. It’s getting frustrating, which is counter-productive, so I’m trying to curb that.

I just wish there was a way I could get my insides to involuntarily contract in a manner that would spawn something else. I hope this doesn’t take 30 years to accomplish. *sigh*

ANY advice would be appreciated in getting these involuntary contractions to start.

Involuntaries only happy to certain people?

I just spoke with someone at Aneros who said that not all people get the involuntary contractions, which I thought were imperative to achieving a MMO state. Have some of you had a prostate orgasm using the Aneros, but never have had involuntary contractions?

Also, I keep hearing people say you’re supposed to voluntarily contract your sphincter muscles, and others say you’re suppose to contract your PC muscles (to get things going in there). Which is it? Some people refer to the “do nothing” method, which is nice for a little bit, but then things just sort of die down. I’ve been going at this regularly for a year now and am fighting with impatience.

Any advice is greatly appreciated.

Re-Wiring Reversing?

For the first time in 6 months, I have been away from home, (travelling in our RV) and my Aneros toys; no sessions for 5 days. I am used to having sessions 2 to 4 times weekly so I was sure my re-wiring process would be reversing itself. Does it ever reverse itself?

During the trip, I practiced Aless contractions and abdomen breathing on a regular basis (while driving, eating etc.). The feeling I was experiencing were almost as good as the ones I was feeling with the toys.

One morning in the trip, I woke up (at dawn) with a very hard erection and I just quietly contract my PC muscle with deep abdomen breaths. I was rewarded with an explosion of feelings that were almost orgasmic specially in my glans and this lasted for about a half our until I fell asleep again. This makes me believe these feelings may be similar to the successful Aless sessions described by so many members. If so, the future is looking good!

We returned home yesterday and my prostate was screaming for action. After my wife went to bed, I lubed up and inserted my Helix Syn. The feelings resumed to exactly where I left off 6 days ago.

Friday 6/17/16, Feeling well “fucked” after morning session

Hi guys,

I feel well-fucked after my usual 1.5 hour session with Helix Classic, Maximus, Tempo, and Progasm Classic. I have never had that kind of sex with a gal or guy in my life. Although I am a confirmed bachelor at 67, I have enjoyed masturbation over the years, but my Aneros sessions lately have sent me into orbit.

This morning with each of my models, I first used the “do nothing” technique letting my body take over. Once again, I let the pleasure build as I let each model work in its own way. Letting go and focusing my attention upon Aneros massaging upon my prostate and anal musculature magnified my pleasure. Then with each model, I used the same approach upon my back. The pleasure produced was sending me out of world. Finally with model, still on my back I drew my knees to my chest while performed concentrated Kegels and Reverse Kegels. Wow!

I used same order of techniques and positions this Tempo. Normally I sit at my PC with Tempo inserted and Tempo just rhythmically work away. Tempo worked wonderfully this morning in a new way as described.

Now I have Aless beyond comparative to be treasured for the rest of the day. I love getting fucked by my Aneros buddies! Take care!

Do Nothing Technique & Those Awesome Kegels = Aneros Power & Sweetness, 6/13/16 session *

Hi guys,

Yesterday afternoon, Sunday, we began a stretch of dry weather with lowering humidity. This morning, Monday, we have refreshing cool and sunny weather with low humidity. I got up early as I often do to bathe and bathe. I dressed and took a longer than usual constitutional to enjoy the fine weather.

Upon arriving at my apartment at 7 a.m., I had a session with my favorite models. This morning I decided to use the “do nothing” technique with each of my Aneros models first on my right side and then on my back with a pillow beneath my butt. The “do nothing” technique took over and it seemed the most natural thing in the world. And yes, I threw an occasional Kegel or two just to keep the fire going.

Also I performed the Kegels and Reverse Kegels with these models in a determined fashion as well as Tempo which I ride while sitting at my PC. It is just wonderful!

Now as I type this entry post session, I have Aless power and sweetness like no other, powerful sexual energy from my alive prostate and “well fucked” hole.

Take care!