I share these observations in case someone else might learn something new or useful from them. Am only a beginner, but think I've got a pretty advanced read on what's going on "down there" (and in our heads too) during these amazing experiences.
So, my previous entry mentioned finally learning how to (basically but undeniably) come on Saturday afternoon/day six. Saturday night (i.e., after many hours of intervening sleep), I learned how to "work it."
Had seven orgasms, five of which kept topping the previous as the most outstanding of my life. Fascinating to have read "each orgasm will have a different character" in the documentation, but then to really experience it for oneself. Frankly, orgasm has not been so interesting to me for a very long time – the last couple of years (with my FleshLight) have been preoccupied with brinkmanship and plateaus. But the lessons and muscle memory of that previous study is paying off now in a couple of significant ways.
First, a "love of brinksmanship" delivers radical new rewards in this hands-off context. With "hands-on brinking," there's always the constant struggle not to tip over the line, but with the Aneros(es), it's really easy not to release. Thus, my earlier orgasms of Sat night were "as soon as possible," but eventually learned that there's no rush. Or rather, a tremendously longer rush! One of them surprised me by feeling like minutes of coming, until finally a slight dip in sensation, and then the enormous release.