Unreal, with no insertion whatsoever…

Okay, so last night, I had another of my six hour sessions (I rarely spend less than that, but not every day anymore), and finally achieved my third super-massive orgasm (after eight or ten days of trying since my first two). I'll write more about those later – think I got a really useful insight to share for those having trouble, but I want to test it again this evening.

But for the moment, the news is my first dry orgasm(s) with absolutely no insertion whatsoever!

Sat down to evaluate a solo masturbation vid that I hadn't gotten to last night. Was just going to check out its quality for possible use tonight. Need to go out and do some things, so despite feeling some craving for the MGX (after spending most my time with the Eupho), just wanted to review the movie quickly and be done for the moment.

Instead, I found my pelvis immediately awakened by the content (Yalta from YoungPorn.net), and quickly found myself wondering, "How far can this go?" It was a 12 minute vid playing at half-speed, so I thought I'd ride it out and see what happened.

Notably, I'm wearing boxer briefs at the moment. I DO think these get in the way. But not too badly, evidently!

Curious sensations

So yesterday, after two or three days of ejaculation abstinence, I was having a no-Aneros session in my computer chair while looking at some porn on the internet. I was having some pretty strong prostate buzzing sensations prior to this, which prompted me to have this session. And boy was I glad I did. Lately for some reason, the involuntaries have been close to non-existent in my no-Aneros sessions which is unusual. And I had no idea why. So I figured since I wasn't getting much response in that department anyway, I'd experiment with just relaxing my anal and PC muscles. And WHAM! The pleasure and energy sensations in my prostate jumped up a notch in a new way than I had experienced before and were oh so delightful! In addition to the involuntaries returning and adding very significantly to the pleasure and build up. I never got past this plateau. But it is a new record for me. And without an Aneros! The only thing I can figure is that maybe the PC and/or anal muscles need to tone up initially with the voluntary contractions. But perhaps once you get to the point where they are in shape and strong. You need to change your strategy to relaxing them instead. Just a hypothesis.

So later that day, I had an Aneros session with my Progasm. And I'm finding that lately these session don't compare much to my no-Aneros sessions. The pleasure is just not as intense, I don't feel the energy sensations, and because of this in frustration I often end up having a super-T. At least this time it was a good super-T! LOL

Prostate cries for orgasm

Well… So much for abstaining from ejaculation. Let me explain. Yesterday I had another morning Aneros session. It was fantastic! But no further breakthrough into finding super-O's. And then through out the day my prostate kept crying for orgasm/pleasure. It's pleasant torture, but it's still torture. So later in the day I did an no-Aneros session while looking at porn on the computer. And got much further to going over the top. I think one of the big differences between an Aneros session, and a no-Aneros session, is that I find I can squeeze voluntary contractions much harder without the Aneros inserted and get amazingly pleasurable results. Where as with an Aneros inserted, I find that harder contractions often have diminishing results. It's the lighter contractions that seem to work better with an Aneros.

So anyway, I got so close in my no-Aneros session that it frustrated the hell out of me. So I went to have another Progasm session to see if I could go further, but no luck. Actually less results than without the Aneros. So I caved in and had a super-T. Unfortunately, it felt more like I was just ejaculating, and not really orgasming. So it was a real let down in the pleasure department. But man, I sure did cum a whole bunch! LOL And at least the cries of my prostate have died down to a more tolerable level since then. I'm gonna try and give myself today off. And then back into the Aneros sessions tomorrow.

Nice results again!

So, I have to remind myself to type up these blogs right after an Aneros session. As I seem to lose a fair amount of the enthusiasm the next day. LOL

Yesterday I had two sessions. The first one was fantastic! The second a lot more milder. I seem to be back on track to not having a super-T at the end of the session. So I'm abstaining from ejaculating. Yesterdays first session was amazing, and I knew prior to starting. I was sitting at my computer, and my whole body felt electric, my nipples were constantly hard and sensitive. It felt like my whole body was charged energetically. I hardly needed any looking at porn to get me ready.

I've found recently that arching my back while laying on my back really helps with feeling pleasure. It's like the P-tab, and the head on the Progasm really hit the right spot in that position. I was able to attain a swollen, very aroused, and very sensitive prostate several times throughout the session. Also the sensitive part on the front side of the anus was really sensitive and pleasurable. Several times I could feel it move upwards towards the prostate. Wow! Boy when you can find a fantasy that really gets you going, it also really makes the world of difference.

As I type this I feel my body getting excited again. I guess I'll be having another session soon. 😀 LOL

A New Use for an Old Porn Standard

Plan to blog much more about this fantastic new experience, but this first entry just wants to share a great arousal discovery I made last night/this afternoon.

It was night 5 last night and day 6 this afternoon of "my Aneros enlightenment." Had napped for a couple of hours (after going ALL night) with the Eupho inserted, and woke up and got back to it.

Throughout my first week, orgasms seemed dubious. Was quite sure I'd been close to a Super-O, effectively finding my way "within its perimeter," but surely hadn't broken through to one. But the "regular" orgasms were much more confusing. Couldn't feel sure if I'd had them or not. Many episodes of extremely heightened arousal seemed to just tucker out, with a sense of relief from the tension but not the euphoria I'd associate with orgasm.

Isn't it interesting how we men are learning to understand the journey of women who haven't discovered their own orgasms yet? We are trying to find our way to an experience we can't imagine, find a potential that's hard-wired into our bodies but with no muscle memory that knows the way. Thus, I think my "are these orgasms?" above correspond very directly with the sexual experience of many young women. (And in both cases, the answer turns out to be no.)

Back in the saddle again! :D

It appears my Aneros lull has ended. I had an amazing session last night! I had the most amount of pre-cum on me that I've ever seen. And I could feel my prostate swell with arousal several different times within the session. I also felt some tingly pleasure in my prostate a few times also. Rather than just around my anus and perineum. That was really nice. I think I experienced some new highs in pleasure during this session.

As to why this lull happened? Depression and personal growth are the two main things. But also I noticed that when I was last having pleasurable sensations from Aneros sensations, I think close to a month ago. I was concentrating on the completely relax approach. And what I've found out recently is that I completely stopped doing any conscious anal and PC contractions both within and outside of an Aneros session. So I recently started doing them again. And just within a few days… Boom! Pleasure again! So for me, it seems that doing the conscious contractions are important.

There was much for me to learn during my Aneros lull though. Masturbation was rare. And when I did, I had to tell myself that it is ok to have pleasure, and that I deserve it. And I had to really practice on focusing on the sensations and any erotic fantasies to allow me to be excited to ejaculate. Sound familiar? LOL Eventually as I did this more and started doing the anal and PC contractions… Sensitivity, pleasure, and desire for it returned.


I bought my Aneros on June 5.

And on Friday the 12. I had a breakthrough.

Well my story starts like this:

My wife had recently got fired from her work and she now enjoys three months of holiday.

She went to Switzerland to visit some of our good friends. The wife told about their new sex toys and my wife was brave and suggested that we should get a dildo to spice up our sex life. And so I went to down town Copenhagen to a very nice shop called 'Lust' and had a long conversation with the hot girl taking care of the shop. Since I had never been i a sex shop before, I was pleasantly surprised. A very good atmosphere, and a woman that could give me really good advice.

The dildo was a huge success, and i trawled the net for other sex toys. And went to Wikipedia and followed the link to 'Anaros'.

The content of the wiki convinced me that I had to try the Aneros. And since my wife was going to Spain to walk to San Sebastian (Pilgrim route) I felt that I had to get the Anaros to train with while she was gone.

So I went to Copenhagen’s SM store (sm shoppen) and had a talk with the woman there. And we kind of agreed that the msx was the right model.


So last night I had another session. It was ok, nothing spectacular. I didn't have much luck with getting my prostate aroused prior to the session from looking at porn. I'm starting to wonder if hard exercise can lower arousal levels. As I started exercising regularly outside again since the weather has become nice, and I'm not in peak shape yet. So I'm usually fatigued and sore. Any thoughts?

What was of interest, is that since it has been eight days since I last ejaculated. I allowed myself to have a super-T at the end of my Aneros session. But the joke was on me, as I was not able to ejaculate, and eventually couldn't even stay erect. I ended the session shortly thereafter. Makes wonder about the exhaustion thing from exercise again. Although I did get some really nice involuntaries from stroking my penis.

Later that night I was able to ejaculate without an Aneros inserted. I was surprised at the large amount of ejaculate that came out. I guess eight days really builds it up! LOL

Guess I'm still writin'…

Two separate practices?

So as it stands now, I feel like I have two separate but related practices going on. One is the standard Aneros session in bed using my Progasm while laying on my back with knees up. The other is sitting in my computer chair, with no Aneros inserted, while viewing or reading porn. And the interesting thing is that the effects/results are somewhat different. In both practices I do not touch my penis, unless I decide to super-T at the end. But I seem to be getting better at not allowing myself to ejaculate for longer amounts of days. My current best is 7 days.

I so far have had more pleasurable "sessions" without an Aneros in my computer chair. I get these amazing energetic sensations going up and down my torso, and the involuntary anal contractions are incredibly powerful and pleasurable feeling. I generally at some point hold a PC and anal contraction combo. Sometimes slight, sometimes hard, that really jump starts the involuntaries and pleasure. I may have just barely had a mini-O this way last week, but I'm not entirely sure. As I have nothing to really compare it against because I have not been able to experience this sensation again. I just know that it was more pleasurable than what I've experienced so far, and it seemed to have to do with the contractions and involunteries.

The R word

So last night was the first recent session that I seriously attempted and approached the technique of laying on my back, knees bent, legs spread, breath, and relax. Yes, the dirty "R" word that those of us who have not achieved super orgasm tend to have a love/hate relationship with. LOL I first heard it from "slipperybugger" the other day, and it made me chuckle, as I pondered the appropriateness of it's use.

I'm doing this because of my recent disappointing revelation that for many months now all I've been doing within my sessions is hands free edging. This happened because I've been laying on my side, and my penis ends up rubbing against the bed, even if ever slightly at times. It was very pleasurable, and probably helped in waking up my prostrate. As the times when I ended up ejaculating, I learned how incredibly pleasurable Aneros assisted super-T orgasms are. To the point, where just plain regular masturbation wasn't all that desirable anymore.

So I went into this session pretty bummed, and with rather low expectations as I knew that it would be un-realistic of me to expect much pleasure initially. Especially as compared to what I had been previously doing with hands free edging.

The interesting thing is that over time I have learned the difference between sexual excitement in my penis, and sexual excitement in my prostate. Two very different things. And I find it so interesting that when my prostate is excited, there is almost no interest or focus of pleasure and excite in my penis unless I happen to touch myself there.