THIS might change everything!

Dudes! Dudes. Why have none of you mentioned this before?!

I fall into the category of aneros early adopters. I got a Progasm back when it was one of maybe two models that they made and before there were any other (far, far cheaper) rip off models on the market.

I was crazily excited by the prospect of a prostate orgasm and I knew this was going to be the key to attaining it once again (I’d had some luck doing it manually before). Sadly, I was wildly disappointed. The insertion and removal was great, but the whole idea was to not have to use your hands, right?

Anyway, after lots and lots of mild pleasure just keeping it in, but no real fireworks. Ever. I eventually have up on it and threw it out. : (

BUTT! I just ran across Aneros Vice

They make a slightly thicker, silicone covered, **vibrating** one now?! How is it that no one has mentioned this to me?

Holy carp, I’m freaking out! Has anyone here tried this yet?! Is it awesome? I’ll bet it’s awesome. It’s awesome isn’t it? C’mon, you can tell me. Is it great?


Okay, no. But seriously, has anyone tried this? It looks like they’ve solved every complaint I ever had about my Progasm, so, hopefully needless to say, I’m very excited by this prospect.

Busy March

(This was just posted to my blog at – thought I'd re-post it here, too)

March has been kind of a strange and thrilling month for me, bate-wise. Ever since getting re-wired to have prostate orgasms with the Aneros massagers, all of my bate sessions have been enhanced with those great sensations eminating from my prostate. Some give you a mild, buzzy sensation and waves of pleasure (called p-waves by Aneros fans). Others approximate the feel of a normal orgasm, only you can have them over and over without losing stamina. A few times, however, I can work myself into these full-body orgasms which give your entire body the sensation of having an orgasm – with no cum! These full-body orgasms are called Super-Os by Aneros fans. I usually have these once a month, like clockwork, and most of the time they can be had without any massager inserted.

Oh My! What A “Do-Nothing” Ride!

Oh My! Where to start? I found myself alone in the house for at least two hours so I "planned ahead" for an uninterrupted "ride" on Progasm Jr. I had not really used it much to-date since I usually felt that it "filled me up" a little too much. Tonight was different.

I decided in advance that I would make this session a "do-nothing" session and I just planned to relax with Progasm Jr. nicely snuggled in my you-know-what. I lubed up nicely and took my time with insertion. It is a little more difficult than the helix or eupho. Once in, I just turned over on my stomach and relaxed for about 15 to 20 minutes.

Very relaxing so far…..and I got an almost immediate erection with precum. Not a bad feeling!

But then, something happened to disturb this peaceful ride…..

I began to auto-contract ever so slightly. I could feel the Pro Jr. very slightly "tickling" my prostate with P-waves and I could even feel it with every pulse.

Every now and then, also, I began to experience a powerful abdominal spasm. Oh yeah, the moaning, THE MOANING seemed to be non-stop during this ride. Since I was alone in the house (except for the dogs) I didn't have to muffle my moans and I didn't. The moans became so loud at times that I believe that they actually helped increase the auto-contractions.

“A Wild Eupho Ride”

I thought I would try Progasm Jr for this ride. I lubed-up and inserted it very slowly. However, It became clear that I could not "retain" it (probably due to a "full" upper rectum). So, since I was already nicely "lubed", I went for the Eupho. Here is the ride……..

The Eupho went in very easily (I had extra lube in me from Progasm Jr) and I began to immediately feel very light "tickling" P-waves and something stronger right away. I had some light moaning as well. I continued with the light contractions for perhaps 45 minutes when I felt an orgasm beginning to build (probably just a Dry-O I thought). This seemed too easy with the Eupho and only light contractions. Much to my surprise, it was a Super-O that lasted, I believe, a full 20 MINUTES!

This Super-O began like a recent one, with some involuntary whole-body "shakes" which seemed to come over me "sequentially". These were followed and "intertwined" with whole-body convulsions, also sequential to start. Once I began these, there was no letup FOR A FULL 20 MINUTES! I literally was shaking, twisting and moaning all at the same time. The anal contractions, I believe, became automatic and they went on with the shaking and twisting for the duration of this orgasm. Several times during this orgasm, I distinctly felt my penis erecting hard.


Damn. First time went better than expected.

So I tried my aneros for the first time today- first actual toy I’ve ever owned. I bought the progasm on Amazon, and abstained until it got here. Turned on a warm shower, worked it in there, and just relaxed. After 10 minutes, I started to hold a very light contraction. After a while, the toy seemed like it began to move on its own, rubbing up and down my prostate. It felt reeeaaally good, and I couldn’t contain myself after 20 more minutes, so I TO’ed.

I didn’t know my first time would be so great, especially after reading about the amount of time it takes to adjust to the progasm and how to adjust to the feelings. Anyone else had a particularly awesome first time?

“Eupho – First Ride”

I ordered the Eupho and was eagerly anticipating my first ride. Here it is….

When I first looked at the Eupho, I noticed that although it is about the same length as the Helix which I already have, it has a smaller diameter at the tip (head). My first impression was that this stimulator could not be nearly as powerful as the Helix with which I already have experienced a Super-O! Was I wrong!

Let me explain….

The Eupho goes in just like the Helix. Once in, I did not really notice anything different. However, after about a 10 minutes relaxation period, I started to do some light anal contractions. What I noticed immediately is that there is more movement possible with the Eupho than with the Helix. Also, since the head is smaller, the Eupho "massages" only portions of the prostate at a time. By performing stronger contractions (and even reverse kegels RKs), you stimulate dirrerent parts of the prostate. You can "jump" the Eupho around on the prostate just by varying your contraction technique and get different sensations with every part stimulated. In this way, you are "teasing" the prostate, I feel, and although the feeling may not be initially as robust as that of the Progasm Jr. or even the Helix, it is as if the prostate were slowly being "teased" into an orgasm.

Njoy Pure Plug 2.0 XL or Nexus Revo Intense/Revo 2?

Hey, So I am trying to decide what device to get, I’ve narrowed it down to Njoy Pure Plug 2.0 and or a Nexus Revo Intense/Revo 2. I want powerful direct prostate stimulation and I thought i should ask here. I had an Aneros prostate stimulator in the past (progasm) and I wanted to try something different this time. Being that the Pure plug 2.0 xl and Nexus Revo are pretty close in price, what would you recommend? Is the Nexus Revo line worth the money? Can I get a hand’s free prostate orgasm? A plus I can see from the 2.0 plug is that you can wear it out in public, wear it like a standard butt plug, where as the Revo you have to hold and its quite loud. I’ve never tried a prostate toy that’s powered like the Revo, I kind of want to try it. I wish it was hands free, it looks like you need to hold it in place or sit on it. So which of these two toys should get my money more?

Progasm and small build

After reading about all the dry orgasm/super-o , I ordered a progasm myself as i’m not new to anal stuff.

I’m not sure if due to my small build 5″5 that i’m unable to keep the progasm fully inserted / keeping the k tab pressing against me. I felt good sensations and occasionally I will have 1 (ONE) strong semi voluntary and some involuntary that suck the progasm really in and then that’s it….most of the time it just didn’t go far enough to press the k tab against me.

Also a quick google showed images of how smaller aneros is fitted within the ass and various google searches yielded sites that say the prostate is 2-3inch inside. (Just google image search aneros prostate)

So question is if the progasm has 4.2 inch insertable, wouldn’t it be too long and instead of pressing against my prostate, the head will be pressing against some other parts?

Small Success!!! First Dry Orgasm!!!

I'm not much of an author but I'd like to record my successes in the hopes that I can learn from my rides. Although they are short I hope as others read them they may be helpful.

I few days ago I went for a ride on my Progasm Ice. As before I prepared the room with the lube and towels. I found a video on YouTube that helps me relax (Erotic Hypnosis for an Intense Orgasm). It helps me relax and gets me in the mood. After I'm relaxed and in the mood I inserted the Progasm.

The contractions as always are intense. Forty five minutes go by and all this time I can feel my prostate swell and the toy keeps pushing in and pulls out on it's own. I started teasing my nipples then all of a sudden I felt my prostate swell and pulsate. The feeling was awesome. The next thing I know my dick was getting hard. My balls were swelling up also. I started feeling like I had to ejaculate. Then it started. I started orgasming but not ejaculating. It was a dry orgasm. I rode it through and at the end I did have a lot of precum.
I think the nipple teasing helped push me over the hump.