I’m giving up

After a few years of trying with sort of Aneros toys (Helix, Maximus, Eupho, Progasm, MGX) i’m giving up… My prostate was probably not made for playing… Never anything more than twitching, at the end and because of kegel excercises twitched a lot of muscles close and far from my anus. Maybe I made my nerves too sensitive so now I’m fearing that I damaged them. So bye bye Aneros…

I didn’t even understand what happened

Hey guys, today I had an experience that I have no idea if it’s normal. It was half scary half mind blowing. I’m hoping someone experienced to help me understand what happened. This will be on the longer side of posts but I have to describe what happened as I’ve never seen anything like that in videos.

That being said, I am really new to all sensations, spasms, twitchs and whatever else a prostate massager may give. It’s a whole new world for me. I don’t even know if I had an orgasm (if it was it was several). I didn’t ejaculate for sure. But I don’t know what it was. Here it goes:

I was laying on my back, then I decided to clench my butt and held like that. When I contracted both my PC and sphincter (for what I initially expected to be no more than 30 sec) I started having spasms and my head was trembling (like a time lapse of someone sleeping). Because my butt was clenched I didn’t feel as tired and I could hold my muscles for longer. Soon my whole body was twitching and my hands were shaking vigorously. It felt really good.

but then things got weird.

Do wet prostate orgasms have refractory period? I just had the most INTENSE ORGASM of my life. But it was sadly a wet one :(

I was using an aneros. NOthing else at all. Literally just laying there doing nothing.

I’m wondering wether wet prostate orgasms have refractory?

I think the question would be wether it’s a normal orgasm though or just prostate fluid right?? Because from what I think is that if it’s prostate only fluid then it can be done multiple times?? But if not then I can’t?

It was ridiculously intense tho seriously Whole body was shaking

It was the same orgasm type I get when I manually use something to prostate but this is the first time I done something hands free.

I mean technically tbh I’m not unhappy lol but it’s just how come I can only seem to have these ones?

It built up REALLLLLLLLLY SLOW that’s why it was ridiculously intense

I’m wondering wether I should of relaxed more consciously to not go over the edge? Then would that be classes as a dry orgasm right? Because I feel like maybe I could of done if I was concentrating enough because it built up so slow

My world is changed forever

Holy shit. What I thought were prostate orgasms this whole time were actually fucking mini o’s. I finally understand completely why people go insane for this. I’ve been using aneros for almost a year and tonight I just came for about 20-45 fucking minutes, at intensities I’ve never felt before in my life. I cannot wait until full body and super o’s start happening. Oh. My. God.

What does the packaging looks like if you buy from Aneros’ website directly?

So, i’m looking to buy my first ever Aneros. Amazon doesnt have anything in stock right now in Canada, so i’m looking into Aneros’ own website directly.

How’s their packaging? I tried looking on google/this sub, but there wasn’t much infos about it.
I read somewhere that they had like plain brown boxes with “High Island Health” or something like that on it, is it still the case? Also, does international shipping (US to CAN) add any compromising text on the boxes?
I don’t want to end up with a box written “Prostate massager – sex toys” on it as i’m not living alone and I don’t really want to expose what i’m using to my roommates haha.

I’m not sure if you can ask that kind of question on this sub, but it seemed the best place to do so, since y’all are like the Aneros pros. If this doesn’t belong here, dear mods, feel free to remove my post. Thank you if anyone has an answer (and/or any recommendation of products, while we’re here) :))

Preventing Super Os and ejaculation

Hi everyone!

After some early experimentation with great and bad results at the end of 2020 and a few months hiatus, I feel like I’m definitely “rewired” as I’ve been able to have nice sessions twice a week for the last two months. My biggest problem is that I can’t have long sessions.

The first time I got orgasms with an aneros, I really managed to have an hour long session with a lot of successive orgasms and a super one without any ejaculation using the syn helix. A few weeks after that and a lot of duds, I bought the progasm and I quickly reached a super orgasm and started to get ejaculations. I also bought the peridise and I was still having the same problem. Since I restarted having sessions after my hiatus, I’m still faced with short sessions ending with super orgasms with ejaculations, though I’m achieving a 100% success rate, which I’m quite proud of.

I love super Os (traditional orgasms are still nice but not mind shattering like prostate ones) and aneros are the best sex toys I have – all my dildos and anal plugs are now collecting dust. I would like to know if some of you have faced similar issues and if you have some tips to share with me.

Advice for a noobie

Hi, I have been using Aneros Helix Syn for months now, attempting for a handsfree orgasm – yet so far unsuccessfully. I practice kegels regularly, work out a lot, eat healthy and still not there… Basically, I can feel some sensations when I focus on flexing my prostate, but I am clueless about what to do to actually reach the O. I tried so many tactics on this, relaxing my prostate, flexing my prostate(on various speeds) for 10%, 30%, 50%, 100%, holding it on 100% for 20s(kegels), repeatedly. I abstain from masturbation, I tried using enhancing substances, watching porn, listening to ASMR porn… so it is not about me not being horny enough, my testosterone is through the roof…I just try to follow the sensations whenever they start feeling a bit better but they last just a while before disappearing, but I simply cant reach the end.

Also, I have grade 3 bilateral varicocele clearly visible on both testes, so that might affect my endeavor, too.

Will be glad to hear any advices from more skilled than me and from the pros as well

Thanks a lot

Man, I can’t wait till tonight.

SO much progress in a week. Last night, my dick was drooooling precum during my session. Not only could I feel my prostate with the toy, I started getting that nice warm feeling and lots of dick twitching. I don’t think there was a pgasm but I don’t care, it felt amazing.

If I didn’t have to be up so early this morning, I’d have gone on for hours. But because I did, I put a vibrator right against the toy in my ass and HOLY SHIT did that feel great. When I flexed my PC muscle, it felt like pleasure was flowing into my body. I did this for about 20 minutes. I can see what a lot of guys said to avoid your dick. But because I did need to get some sleep, I finished myself off. The feeling of jerking my dick while the vibrations were jiggling my insides was insane. That was the best cum I had in quite some time.

Can’t wait to lube up and shove the Progasm up there. It’s going to be a long day.

HFO sensations

I’m really trying to be aware of the sensations I feel when a dry HFO builds and then happens. The one feeling that I notice is a tingling feeling radiating down the insides of my legs. It starts in my groin muscles and then radiates down the inside of my legs, through the arches of each foot and ultimately to my big toes.

I think it’s really interesting that’s is so specific as to stay on the inside of my legs/feet. I need to learn about the nerves involved in prostate orgasms.

Aneros and WFH

Glad to find this place, looking forward to participating!

So, my story: I bought the Progasm and a few other prostate toys a while ago but stopped using them a few years back. My libido went to shit and frankly I wasnt getting anywhere with The Big O.

So just before, I was planning on masturbating because I finally had a little while where I’d be the only person in the house. I’ve been wfh since last year, so opportunities for Private Time are minimal. So, before everyone left, I inserted my smaller aneros knockoff in preparation. And, of course, shortly afterwards I jerked off and had a really large cum load, which is always a good thing. Afterward, I took it out and cleaned it.

Then, I came to the thought: What if I started riding my massagers during the work day? Perhaps I could do some kegals and see what comes of it all? So I went back into my little bag of tricks and inserted my Progasm. It’s feeling good when I do kegals and when I rock a bit (although not as comfortable as the knockoff).

Any other pandemic work-from-home types who are trying to get to the Big O while remote reporting?