Do you use, or transmute this “primal” sexual energy that the aneros generates within your body? If so, into what?
Do you always use this energy in a sexual way? Are there any specific contexts in your life that benefit or suffer from the aneros being part of your life?
Any unexpected (positive?) impact on your social life, or ability to attract a mate?
Does the word “spiritual” come to mind when you reflect on your use of the aneros?
Has it had any influence on the path you have chosen in life?
Based on my experience as an aneros user, on and off since 2010 is that if the built-up sexual energy from a session is not released, it stagnates. I have yet to learn a skillful way to work with this energy.
I say this because my personal “rewiring” journey has been difficult. Since about 2016 I’ve experienced chronic myofascial pain syndrome primarily in the region of my right rhomboid major (i’m right handed, and primarily use my right for masturbation). Also during this time, my right shoulder has given out on me 3 times during workouts, which I’ve just completed 2 years of physical therapy to address.
It wasn’t until 2018 that I found that I had these things in my myscles called trigger points and that they could actually release when pressure was applied to them (it’s an odd “unfolding” sensation). Over these past 2 years I’ve accumulated 3 foam rollers, 2 massage canes, 1 trigger point release ball, and have managed to release most of my trigger points. Read more »