[advice] I’m lined up to have a massive session tonight but could use some pointers/tips

I was out of town since Friday, sharing a hotel room with family, so I haven't gotten off in about 72+ hrs. I typically ejaculate at least once a day before I get out of bed in the morning, so this is rare for me and my sexual energy has been building and building. This evening I will get the place to myself for a bit, so it's basically the perfect storm to have a monster session. So I'm asking for advice:

During your best session(s) what are some things you did before/during/after the experience that really made a difference in separating it from a normal experience to an amazing one. Things that brought on really hard super os, or rolling orgasms, or multiples with short lag periods, etc.

I'm thinking about things as simple as a hot bath before hand, to more complex things like a very specific body positioning or listening to music or porn. Just about anything that really made a difference for you that I could easily replicate.

I'll be using the helix syn but I also have the progasm, eupho syn, peridise, MGX, and Maximus. I also have some Lelo products and dildos that are fun to use after I've been riding the aneros for a bit.


Q: How do your super-O vary?

Sometimes even when I feel okay they just don't come easily and that in turn makes it even harder. Does it happen to you? What do you do?

What just happened? Was this the Super-O? How do I make multiples happen?

Straight male here with very limited anal play experience, save for the stray tongue or finger from a girlfriend. When instances like that would happen, I noticed I didn't shy away from them, but rather let them happen, which is what got me interested in the Progasm. That being said, I finally picked one up and decided to give it a go. The first time was rather eye opening for me. Once I got past the slight pain of the initial insertion, i settled in and got comfortable. I began to mimic the breathing techniques recommended by another post on here, along with focusing on the toy, the contractions, etc. Eventually after about an hour or so, I started to fell this euphoria come over me. I was tingling, heart racing, breathing quickly. However my brain sort of came back to reality and interrupted this state of bliss and that was that. I called it quits. The next time i decided to try it, I followed the exact same routine and achieved pretty much the exact same result. Same interruption and everything. However, i gave it another go and sort of started spacing out and just relaxing. The sensation started back up and i began to embrace it. Mind you, i'm laying on my side, knees sort of tucked up to my stomach. While this sensation is happening I begin trying to embrace it by thrusting. I'm shaking at this point while thrusting and eventually I can feel almost what a traditional orgasm would feel like when you feel it about to happen…only more intense. I kept going and finally came. hands free. It was great. However, my question is I hear so often about multiples. After that orgasm, I felt like I was absolutely done. Ive reached this 2 or 3 times now and have felt the same way after each session. Any advice?

Aless while wearing a Nutty Buddy Athletic Cup

Hi guys,

While I was never into anal play until early June 2013 when I began my Aneros journey with Helix Syn at age 63, I have had an intense jockstrap and athletic cup fetish since 7th grade when I had wear such items for sports.

Athletic cups have come a long way since the 1960's when I first encountered. They were the old-fashioned triangular, flat top that barely fit a guy's genital anatomy and contained his "junk". Hence they were uncomfortable to wear and many guys didn't wear them putting themselves at risk to serious injury to their gonads.

But since then, there have been contoured cups, called banana cups which were much more comfortable to wear.

Mark Littell, when he retired from playing Major League Baseball in 1982, he turned to coaching MLB teams and was astounded that his players didn't wear a cup, so in 1999 he set about designing an innovative athletic cup. This cup has essentially three chambers. The largest chamber travels from underneath a guy's scrotum to the top about seven inches. This chamber contains his penis. There are dual chambers on either side of the central chamber. The dual chambers contain or cover his two testicles. Also the base of the central chamber reaches underneath his scrotum to his perineum.

Hence the Nutty Buddy Cup offers both protection to a guy's genitalia, his "junk" and comfort, so much so you can wear it for hours and forget you even have it on. Also it "floats" with your every move.

Rewiring: Aneros sessions 10/11 & 10/12/15

Hi guys,

I believe that Aneros rewiring is a process that can continue for as long as a guy works with and enjoys the Aneros. I know that this has been my experience during my three years' Aneros journey. While I enjoy an occasional Super-O now and then, my Aneros sessions in recent months have led me to deeper and more profound subtlety which is more delicious and even powerful!

Saturday I had hoped to have my usual afternoon session, but some things happened that prevented me. I was not happy because apartment staff late Saturday afternoons go off duty for the weekend. Then I went to bed Saturday night earlier than usual. But Sunday morning I awoke at 2 a.m. feeling horny in Aless and hankering for a session. So I had a session from 2:45-5:30 a.m. which was immensely enjoyable with my usual Aneros models. Then I got up and went to church at my accustomed early hour.

What impresses me the last week or so is how Progasm Classic inserts so easily and pleasurably and thus fills me up. My prostate and anal musculature are so happy now to see Progasm Classic and that model is so happy to oblige me of my desires. Just thinking about Program Classic and what he does for me is enough to through me into sweet Aless. Likewise when I deliver a slight touch to my nipples, hairy chests, abs, navel, pubes, scrotum, glans penis, hairy thighs produces Aless, also relaxed breathing.

Transition between plateau and super-O?


so I have been using a few of the aneros toys over the past years and couldn't get anywhere. Lately, after reading a few posts here on reddit, I could get a bit further and it's really beginning to feel awesome. My main issue was that I was clenching a bit too much with my PC and sphincter muscles. That meant that the automatic contractions where too strong and this didn't help. I just had to fine tune my grip to a bit less, just where the muscles would move the toy just a bit but not more.

So, last days I had a couple of good sessions where I got those big nice waves of pleasure all over my body but I'm pretty sure there is more to it.

I would like to know from you guys what kind of transition you observe over your body and muscles when you get into the “super-O” phase. I think I'm at the plateau just before and then my body starts to shake all around and the toy is banging so hard that I loose the sensation.

Should I relax my muscles a bit more so that I don't get that shaking at all, or should I keep the same grip?

What are your experiences?


TLDR: What change in muscle patterns and strenght do you observe between plateau before super-O and during super-O


As I write this I'm still coming down from my first ever Super-O, nerves are still on edge and my hands are a bit jittery. Roughly two years ago I began my journey with the Aneros Helix-Syn. I've had many breaks, and have probably only used it for maybe 3-4 months, at spurts of 2-3 weeks at a time. I'll try to catalog everything that occurred during my session first as I think most people are interested in that. Afterward I'll go into my preparation and events leading up to this. I have a very "engineering" approach to everything I do as such this may be a bit detailed.

I coated the helix syn in a very thin layer of vaseline, the way I accomplish this is by just globbing it on to ensure an even and full coat, wiping my hand off, then removing the excess with a clean hand until it's shiny and slick. Next I internally inserted 5cc (5ml) of astroglide sensitive skin gel. I have a sensitivity issue with glycerin and this is the only water based i could find without it. I then placed a very small amount over the entire length of the toy.

I moved to my bed and loaded up "Dreamgasm" (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jK13_DlgFNo). This is actually one of my least favorite of the 5 in the series, i find some parts annoying, but its also the one I had my now second best experience with. Earbuds in, lights out, roll to my side, pillow between the knees, one under my head, one cuddled in front of me.

Had one crazy orgasm…I want more. Looking for tips

Hey everyone, I'm very new to prostate orgasms…this is actually my first week of trying to accomplish the goal. Anyway, for the last few days while playing with my toy I have been laying on back. I have been using my internal muscles to pull the toy vertically, up and down my body (from head to toe). I have had a few moments here and there where it feels pleasurable, but nothing too crazy. There were maybe one or two moments in which I thought I was coming close to an orgasm.

Yesterday while I was trying to reach that super O again, I realized that moving the toy vertically was not what I needed to do…instead it had to be moved horizontally through my body, from back to front (towards the penis). When I discovered this, I could actually feel the toy pressing against my prostate. The sensations started moving throughout my body. My legs started shaking a little bit, breathing got heavy, but again, it wasn't anything crazy explosive. Anyway, after about an hour of trying, I decided to jerk off and go about the rest of my night.

Well…HO-LY shit! As I was jerking off, I was pressing the toy against my prostate with my internal muscles. As I was about to reach cum, my entire body started shaking. My legs were flaring all over the place, my breathing got ridiculously intense, and I started to moan like I never have before. I had about a 10-15 second orgasm (it looked like I was having a seizure). It was, hands down, the most explosive orgasm I have ever had in my life. I've never felt anything like that before.

Holy shit! I think I finally did it!

This literally just happened. I've been using Aneros products on and off for the better part of a decade, and although I've enjoyed the feeling and had some great super-ts, I've never been able to achieve a full on super-O. Today, that changed. I've been really getting more into of the "hands-off" approach to my sessions for the last few months, and I've come close but never been able to break through. Today I had my third session of the week with my Helix Syn after taking some extra prep time to trim the hedges and clean up real good. I took my time and relaxed thuroughly while inserting, and after taking a few minutes to get adjusted, began breathing deeply and lightly alternating my pc and sphincter. This time however I kept telling myself in my head, "you're not going to super, and that's ok." Also I tried to get a rhythm going so the contractions were happening naturally rather than something I had to actively concentrate on. After just a few minutes I started to get some involuntary buzzing, and slowly that buzzing began to spread throughout my entire body, growing in intensity. At it's peak, my abdominal muscles were fully contracted, and entire body was tingling very strongly. I would relate the feeling to the tingling that happens in your face when you hyperventilate, plus the buzzing numbness you get in your hands after mowing the lawn for a while, but both over my entire body. It kept going like that for probably five minutes or more, I feel like I could have kept it up, but I was getting exhausted at that point, so i let it idle down.