Just another day at the office

Sometimes, long after all the sessions are complete, when I go to bed I just lay there and start the coaxing of the p-waves. First, I make sure I’m uncovered – no extraneous sensations. Then I find the right gentle contraction – all I know is its not the pc or bc muscle – I think it’s the cremaster muscle or something (Darwin would know) – it’s an outward inward pull push. Then it starts – the nice pressure, the creeping tingling. I don’t get them all over my body, I only get them were it counts, around the crotch. Then my peter starts to cycle up and down. Not throbbing. Pulsating. Just shy of twitching. It can cycle up and down like that for an hour and half – you just kind of have to throw common sense about sleep schedule out the window.

Makes me wish I knew more tricks. Like how to move the tingling around my body – maybe I should try to draw it up. I would not call these “immense pleasure waves”. They are immensely sensational – I don’t know, ‘cause I’ve never felt anything like it before. They are just my poor mans super-o. It is, after all, results. It’s just not orgasmic. It seems like I used to get involuntaries, but not so much anymore – just the good pressure and the p-waves. It’s like when its filling up with blood and the pulse beat follows from your pelvis up your peter (combined with p-wavyeous tingling) – but then it takes on a life of its own, asynchronous to your pulse beat.


So last nights Aneros session I noticed a correlation between when I got really aroused, my prostrate swelled in size, as did my nipples. My nipples became much more erect and sensitive as I played with them. I was surprised to realize this. Too bad it didn't last all that long. Makes me wonder if this is what women feel in their nipples when they are excited.

But it made me also think that perhaps these physical changes and sensations in my prostrate and nipples are the lead up to a super orgasm experience. Anyone care to comment?

Expectations of pleasure?

So the last couple sessions I've had, I ended up having an Aneros assisted super-T at the end of each one. And it made me realize for those of us that have not achieved super-O's yet, how difficult it can be at times to resist the urge to have an ejaculatory orgasm during an Aneros session.

It makes me ponder if this boils down to once again expectations of the session, or just plain over horniness. The sessions I'm having now feel fantastic, but I haven't been able to cross the super-O line yet. It's early on in this new approach, so I'm not complaining by any means. But I recognize how frustrating it is for the pleasure not to peak into orgasm. It's like it is just a constant sexual tease, and no relief. I get the feeling that getting aroused prior to the session perhaps works against me in the sense that maybe it sets up expectations of sexual orgasm relief. Which for now only occurs with ejaculation. I may have to try a few sessions that don't involve any prior arousal.

I don't know…
I may just be rambling… 😛

It's nipple time!

So I had another session today. And am very likely to have another if my prostate keeps making these pleasurable sensations as I sit here typing. So I've had two sessions so far of the relax and do nothing approach. And previous to this, my nipples gradually became sensitive to being touched over the course of a few months. They never used to be sensitive at all.

But since todays session, they've become even more sensitive. And they now also become incredibly erect, which is exciting in itself!!! It is almost hard to believe! But I like it a lot!!! 😀 My favorite technique so far, is a thumb lightly pressing on top of each one and rotating them gently. It seems lighter more subtle manipulation takes the pleasure a lot further. Is this what the women I've dated have been trying to tell me all these years about not trying to "tune in Tokyo" on their nipples? LOL Or using a very light touch on their clitoris. I joke, but I suspect it's true. I guess like anything in my life, I have to experience it personally to learn the lesson.

I've also started getting leg shakes/trembles during the session. In addition, I've noticed with todays session that I unknowingly made what I considered to be a heck of a lot of pre-cum. It's hard to tell though if it is more than usual. Because normally when I used to lay on my side, any pre-cum produced would get soaked up by the towel I lay over the bed. But I thought it was worth mentioning, as I couldn't believe how much was there. The crease where my leg meets my pubic area was drenched! LOL

The R word

So last night was the first recent session that I seriously attempted and approached the technique of laying on my back, knees bent, legs spread, breath, and relax. Yes, the dirty "R" word that those of us who have not achieved super orgasm tend to have a love/hate relationship with. LOL I first heard it from "slipperybugger" the other day, and it made me chuckle, as I pondered the appropriateness of it's use.

I'm doing this because of my recent disappointing revelation that for many months now all I've been doing within my sessions is hands free edging. This happened because I've been laying on my side, and my penis ends up rubbing against the bed, even if ever slightly at times. It was very pleasurable, and probably helped in waking up my prostrate. As the times when I ended up ejaculating, I learned how incredibly pleasurable Aneros assisted super-T orgasms are. To the point, where just plain regular masturbation wasn't all that desirable anymore.

So I went into this session pretty bummed, and with rather low expectations as I knew that it would be un-realistic of me to expect much pleasure initially. Especially as compared to what I had been previously doing with hands free edging.

The interesting thing is that over time I have learned the difference between sexual excitement in my penis, and sexual excitement in my prostate. Two very different things. And I find it so interesting that when my prostate is excited, there is almost no interest or focus of pleasure and excite in my penis unless I happen to touch myself there.

The cycle of pleasure (Ain't life grand)

Ok so it's been awhile since my first super o and I have observed several things during this journey. The first is that I change over time which Aneros toy is my favorite. I started with the Helix and used that for over 1 year with great sensations but no super o. I then bought a Progasm but it ended up in my drawer for more than 6 months. I was thinking it was to large and to tell the truth I was afraid I might break something (and I'm not talking about the Progasm) so into storage it went. But after all it is the tool that pushed me over the edge. I have purchased the Eupho and this little bugger has really shown me what the Aneros toys are all about. Eupho never fails me. This one gets me so hot and sensitive that no matter what toy I use after it I continue to get orgasm after orgasm. It's the key that opens the door. I always start with Eupho. I hardly touch my Helix any more. Another thing I have notice is that I can go 2 or 3 weeks but then a week will come along where where I seem 5 times more sensitive. My orgasms are super intense for no paticular reason. God I love those weeks!! I can't always tell when this will happen it just does. Relaxation seems to be the key. I had a guest here recently and I knew I had to be quiet so I concentrated on being relaxed. WOW, were the results amazing. The Eupho just took over with a life of it's own. It seemed the more I relaxed the more intense it became. Switching to Progasm continued the intensity build. I really love the Eupho. It is my toy of choice. I have also messed with e-stim. I have found e-stim at the end of a session can prolong the session. In my opinion e-stim should be used at very low levels, almost so you can't even feel it. I like to place a pad on my perineum right where my prostate is and the other pad behind one knee. This gives me pumping orgasms with no ejaculate. I like very low power. High power can make me cum but it's not a intimate as the Aneros toy alone. For some reason I feel better not using high power. This has been alot of fun. Believe it or not the intensity keeps getting better and better. My sessions seem to be getting shorter though. I now go over the edge faster but everything seems much more intense. My longest sessions have been about 1 hour lately. I do not complain, I am more satisfied and I seem to be having more WOW sessions. For those who haven't had great results try a Eupho and plenty of lube. LivingLarge (in my own small world)

An update

It has been awhile since my last update. It has also been awhile since what I would call my last 'dry-gasms' (all the sensations of cumming, but without ejaculation) or what I would classify as a 'super-O'. I've had some enjoyable sessions all the same, plus I have found an interesting position that brings good results.

Last night I had my first dream about using the Progasm. What set me off into throes of ecstasy in my dream was hard and fast Kegels (clenching my groin muscles). I then woke up…doing hard and fast Kegels! It didn't develop into anything profoundly pleasurable, but all day I've been looking forward to some alone time. One of my thoughts during my dream was 'so this is the key' so I want to find out if these clenches will have the desired effect.

After reading a bit about the 'slingshot' technique I attempted it but ended up doing something a bit different which was quite fun. Basically I lie on my back, bring up legs and bend my knees with my fee flat on the mattress, then grab my ankles. When the 'leg-gasms' kick in (strong shakes of my leg, which I have quite often if you've seen my clips on xtube) my entire body shudders and in my mind's eye I'm levitating off the mattress. Very pleasurable, but not the Super-O.

Coming clean

From 5/6/09

Ok, this blog entry is based on some personal feedback I exchanged with one of my PM buddies who noticed that my writing style had changed and that I was conspicuously absent from forum, PM and blog discussions. As it is, I am suffering through my moments of Aneros doubt. I did not want to write about it because I pride myself on being an optimistic lighthearted Aneros grinder – willing to joyfully plod through the long Aneros plateaus of non pleasure and no progress just to enjoy the sensations, not loose focus and in the prevail. This is the blog entry I should have written instead of that lame last blog post.

So, in response to a PM about “what’s wrong with you, you don’t seem the same lately, what’s going on are you frustrated” I wrote the following:

Alright you got me pegged. I got nothing else to write. I’ve been writing my “riding off into the Super O sunset” swan song for the forum (in my head) for awhile now. I wrote two or three blog posts before scratching them all in favor of my latest lame blog entry.

I’m just logging the hours before I can tell people to “keep trying for years, look at me, I did, and it’s just so darn worth it”. Blah, blah, blah. I completely understand your previous frustration, and maybe my blog is really just a chronicle of all my futility and blunders. I, however, am more than willing to write the longest blog ever to have never reached a super o!

Swirling Vortex of Pleasure

A long delayed update: since my first super-o in January, I had another one in March. This one went a little better since I had no fear going in. I had a third super-o last weekend.

The fact that I've had three super-os in the last four months might say something. You have to be in the right physical and mental state to get them. For me it happens about once a month, giving new meaning to the phrase "that time of month." I think I'd even classify getting into them as forming a state of self-hypnosis within yourself. It's certainly a lot more mental than physical. Most of the sessions last two hours at the most, generally an hour or less.

The one from last weekend was interesting. I was about an hour into having some fabulous mini-os and long lasting p-waves. Things were getting to a state where I was super horny and could guide the MGX so it sat in THE right spot. I was in a super relaxed state and started picturing my midsection as an abstract mass of churning, swirling matter slowing spinning around – like some kind of super erotic galaxy. Soon enough, I was over the edge and into a different kind of super-o. It felt really good, and in a strangely different way than I'd normally associate with the sexual. A swirling vortex of pleasure, if you will!

Of bicycle saddles, pooping, nipples, and the journey.

So I received my new bicycle saddle a little over a week ago. And some interesting developments have occurred. The very first time I sat on it, I immediately got butt buzz for 10 or 15 seconds, then it went away. "Well that's interesting.", I thought to myself. As I've never had this occur at all from sitting on a bicycle saddle. Then yesterday, was I think my fourth time trying out the seat. I've been incrementally taking longer rides as my sit bones toughen up and feel up to it. A little over halfway in what turned out to be somewhere between a 14 to 16 mile ride, I started getting MAJOR butt buzz like I've never felt before, then it felt like I had to urinate. And then my penis became very sensitive, and I could feel every little rub of it against my underwear as I pedaled. Soon after I started to feel like I was going to ejaculate, I very briefly enjoyed the sensations until it felt like I really was going to "jizz in my pants". Then I immediately pulled my ass off of the saddle to stop anymore of this from happening. The last thing I wanted was to ejaculate and have to ride a number of miles home with a wet spot showing on my crotch! LOL