Prostate cries for orgasm

Well… So much for abstaining from ejaculation. Let me explain. Yesterday I had another morning Aneros session. It was fantastic! But no further breakthrough into finding super-O's. And then through out the day my prostate kept crying for orgasm/pleasure. It's pleasant torture, but it's still torture. So later in the day I did an no-Aneros session while looking at porn on the computer. And got much further to going over the top. I think one of the big differences between an Aneros session, and a no-Aneros session, is that I find I can squeeze voluntary contractions much harder without the Aneros inserted and get amazingly pleasurable results. Where as with an Aneros inserted, I find that harder contractions often have diminishing results. It's the lighter contractions that seem to work better with an Aneros.

So anyway, I got so close in my no-Aneros session that it frustrated the hell out of me. So I went to have another Progasm session to see if I could go further, but no luck. Actually less results than without the Aneros. So I caved in and had a super-T. Unfortunately, it felt more like I was just ejaculating, and not really orgasming. So it was a real let down in the pleasure department. But man, I sure did cum a whole bunch! LOL And at least the cries of my prostate have died down to a more tolerable level since then. I'm gonna try and give myself today off. And then back into the Aneros sessions tomorrow.

Nice results again!

So, I have to remind myself to type up these blogs right after an Aneros session. As I seem to lose a fair amount of the enthusiasm the next day. LOL

Yesterday I had two sessions. The first one was fantastic! The second a lot more milder. I seem to be back on track to not having a super-T at the end of the session. So I'm abstaining from ejaculating. Yesterdays first session was amazing, and I knew prior to starting. I was sitting at my computer, and my whole body felt electric, my nipples were constantly hard and sensitive. It felt like my whole body was charged energetically. I hardly needed any looking at porn to get me ready.

I've found recently that arching my back while laying on my back really helps with feeling pleasure. It's like the P-tab, and the head on the Progasm really hit the right spot in that position. I was able to attain a swollen, very aroused, and very sensitive prostate several times throughout the session. Also the sensitive part on the front side of the anus was really sensitive and pleasurable. Several times I could feel it move upwards towards the prostate. Wow! Boy when you can find a fantasy that really gets you going, it also really makes the world of difference.

As I type this I feel my body getting excited again. I guess I'll be having another session soon. 😀 LOL

Multiples and Marathons

I share these observations in case someone else might learn something new or useful from them. Am only a beginner, but think I've got a pretty advanced read on what's going on "down there" (and in our heads too) during these amazing experiences.

So, my previous entry mentioned finally learning how to (basically but undeniably) come on Saturday afternoon/day six. Saturday night (i.e., after many hours of intervening sleep), I learned how to "work it."

Had seven orgasms, five of which kept topping the previous as the most outstanding of my life. Fascinating to have read "each orgasm will have a different character" in the documentation, but then to really experience it for oneself. Frankly, orgasm has not been so interesting to me for a very long time – the last couple of years (with my FleshLight) have been preoccupied with brinkmanship and plateaus. But the lessons and muscle memory of that previous study is paying off now in a couple of significant ways.

First, a "love of brinksmanship" delivers radical new rewards in this hands-off context. With "hands-on brinking," there's always the constant struggle not to tip over the line, but with the Aneros(es), it's really easy not to release. Thus, my earlier orgasms of Sat night were "as soon as possible," but eventually learned that there's no rush. Or rather, a tremendously longer rush! One of them surprised me by feeling like minutes of coming, until finally a slight dip in sensation, and then the enormous release.

A New Use for an Old Porn Standard

Plan to blog much more about this fantastic new experience, but this first entry just wants to share a great arousal discovery I made last night/this afternoon.

It was night 5 last night and day 6 this afternoon of "my Aneros enlightenment." Had napped for a couple of hours (after going ALL night) with the Eupho inserted, and woke up and got back to it.

Throughout my first week, orgasms seemed dubious. Was quite sure I'd been close to a Super-O, effectively finding my way "within its perimeter," but surely hadn't broken through to one. But the "regular" orgasms were much more confusing. Couldn't feel sure if I'd had them or not. Many episodes of extremely heightened arousal seemed to just tucker out, with a sense of relief from the tension but not the euphoria I'd associate with orgasm.

Isn't it interesting how we men are learning to understand the journey of women who haven't discovered their own orgasms yet? We are trying to find our way to an experience we can't imagine, find a potential that's hard-wired into our bodies but with no muscle memory that knows the way. Thus, I think my "are these orgasms?" above correspond very directly with the sexual experience of many young women. (And in both cases, the answer turns out to be no.)

Why do so many have such poor results?

I cannot understand why there is so much failure out there. When I use my maximus I always get the most intense super O every time. It does not seem possible not to get a super O every time out! I am a staight male and anal play for me was very limited for many years by not having the right partner to explore with. I am married and straight sex seemed to be fine. Somehow I slowly and surprising got interested in my own back door and had to work with my wife to accept what I got into. I tried on my own to insert things but it really didn't do anything for me. When I came across the aneros, it sparked my curiosity and I eventually bought one. It took several months of playing with it discreetly without my wife's knowledge. I would have sex with her with it in without telling her and got away with it for a while. When I was in my trial period I figured out several things. First, lying in bed and contracting was not a good way to use it. I found that it almost never gave enough stimulation to achieve the "goal." What made me achieve my first superO was when I was wearing it one night, found myself walking around with it in due to doing routine things around the house. When a friend came by unexpectedly I had to sit in a chair with it in for a while. It felt really uncomfortable at first but after a while I got use to it. After my friend left and I got up to walk him to the car I was standing and talking and I started to shift my weight from one leg to the other. When he left and I came back in, I contracted my muscles and all of a sudden I felt something strange and awesome. The more I contacted the more intense it started to feel. This feeling started growing and growing. I walked over to the couch and lyed dowm and for the next 30 minutes I started to feel the effects of what this toy can do. By the time I was done I was exhausted and exhausted the next day also. I found that not lying around, but being up and about with the aneros in was the way to get it going. Everytime I use it now, I would put it in to go out to dinner, or go on and errand. It seemed to me that physical walking and standing or sitting got it going. For instance, when I drive my car and I have in, I get the most intense feelings and orgasms while I'm driving. Please be advised that it is hard to drive and have this in, but it is a nice bumpy car ride that gets it going for me. So physical movement by walking and contracting rather than laying down is a better way to get off. Even riding a bicycle is great also. These kind of movements is what creates the better stimulation to begin the jouney to a superO. The greater the vigorous stimulation, the easier to achieve a lasting super O. I wish I had more time to into further detail but I have to cut this short for now. I hope this helpful and ask questions if anyone wants further insite.

dreaming the dream O

This is my first entry on this site. Although I have been blogging on the Ksmo site. Just finished session couple hours ago. Inserted helix lubed and stimed. Erection was not long, helix took over, a couple of milk drops. IT was 3:30pm good for a nap, just got in from work. Partner out sunning reading trying to finish a book. Ksmo'd and slipped into the zone so I knew this had potential. Wave on wave of blissful o's drifted into a dream. I was on a pedestal covered with white sheets enjoying the blissful waves. I felt a little chilled and pulled up one of the sheets around my shoulders. I drifted again but I was stirred by some energetic spasms in my legs. I realized at that point I was lying on my bed with NO sheets at all! The recognition brought an inner smile wouldn't dare disturb the zone I was in. Had no Idea what time it was, my partner can in the bdrm and announced it was 7pm. This was the first session past 1.5 hrs., I had read that it can takes atleast that long in the beginning. I have been active since the 1st of the year. Needless to say that this was a great affirmation of the guidance that is available here and with Jack at I'm sitting here at 9:30pm my perineum is gently pulsing the beat, as the waves continue through out my body. What a time to be alive!

Progasm is what I should have got all along

So a new Stag Shop opened up near my house and I decided to support the local economy and fulfil my own wanting of a progasm. The clerk was very friendly in directing me towards the prostate stimulators and sang high praise of the aneros line of products. I mentioned how I enjoyed my own Helix but was somewhat frustrated by its inconsistency in producing enjoyable sessions. She seemed a little surprised by this but I said hopefully the progasm will be better for me. Oh great job on the packing btw, its the clear plastic stuff, but its held together by two buttons of plastic that hold it together like a sandwich. Just pop them open to get access, no scissors required! I got the clear ice one that was released recently and brought it home immediately to try it out. Its probably the most beautiful looking thing that I'll ever put up my butt.

Well, I can say that I was very happy to find the progasm being so much thicker and heavier, something I always felt was missing from the helix. The k-tab seems like a cool new edition, and I knew exactly the feeling they were trying to elicit by adding it and I'm grateful.

Aneros can trigger erotic memories

I like to express myself in writing as well. When in intense sessions with the Aneros or Aneros Peridise I would come to having a lot of sexy thoughts, memories, emotions, and feelings. This would often bring me back to some erotic memories of when I was a child or teenager. When a person had their first orgasm or had sex for the first time it was the most exciting. Well the Aneros tends to bring back some of the excitement. For me it tends to make the nostalgia of it all more vivid and almost like I am having the same excitement as I did at the time. The Aneros really taps into the brain somehow. Remember the brain is the most powerful sex organ. It brought back many erotic memories that I didn't remember prior to the sessions. During some of my sessions I would recall of how I liked to sleep naked at times when I was a kid. I think I was maybe seven or something. I remember lying in my sleeping bag at night in my bedroom. I used to get on all fours in a doggy style position and look back toward my crotch. I could see a little bit of my figure in the dark since the hall light was a shining in a bit and I had the opening of my sleeping bag open a bit where light was coming in. I would study how my balls would hang down low and then end up moving up closer to the body in a bunched up ball. I would look at my penis hanging there. I've always been a "grower" not a "show-er" and still am. I noticed it would get much bigger (erection) and then back to small (flaccid). It would sometimes get hard by me fondling my penis or just staring at it. It felt so erotic and "naughty" to be naked. It was fun! I recall rubbing my hands all over my butt cheeks and loving the soft and silky feel of the inside of the sleeping bag rubbing against my bare butt. I've always remembered when I was four how I would play with my penis and wondered why it got hard and wouldn't go back down. lol. I used to stare at it when it was hard in amazement and had these undescribable thoughts, emotions, and feelings which were something shy of being horny. I remember at that age sitting naked in an indian style in the closet and staring at my erection standing tall like a tower and it made me feel so powerful, masculine, and in charge for some reason. I liked the feeling of it being hard and my penis being all big, tall, and strectched out. It would last for a long time and I wanted that, that feeling, and that moment to last forever. Aneros has brought me closest to that level of excitement.

Back in the saddle again! :D

It appears my Aneros lull has ended. I had an amazing session last night! I had the most amount of pre-cum on me that I've ever seen. And I could feel my prostate swell with arousal several different times within the session. I also felt some tingly pleasure in my prostate a few times also. Rather than just around my anus and perineum. That was really nice. I think I experienced some new highs in pleasure during this session.

As to why this lull happened? Depression and personal growth are the two main things. But also I noticed that when I was last having pleasurable sensations from Aneros sensations, I think close to a month ago. I was concentrating on the completely relax approach. And what I've found out recently is that I completely stopped doing any conscious anal and PC contractions both within and outside of an Aneros session. So I recently started doing them again. And just within a few days… Boom! Pleasure again! So for me, it seems that doing the conscious contractions are important.

There was much for me to learn during my Aneros lull though. Masturbation was rare. And when I did, I had to tell myself that it is ok to have pleasure, and that I deserve it. And I had to really practice on focusing on the sensations and any erotic fantasies to allow me to be excited to ejaculate. Sound familiar? LOL Eventually as I did this more and started doing the anal and PC contractions… Sensitivity, pleasure, and desire for it returned.

Circulating Energies with Your Partner without Including Genital Contact

A couple of days ago, mrs. a and I awoke in the early morning and were feeling sensual and were caressing… general body caressing…

I could feel my energies flowing with erotic overtones but instead brought my left foot up under the ball of one of mrs. a's feet. I felt some energy flow there and asked if she did too. Yes. So I slid my hand down to enable me to touch one of her finger tips with one of mine. It just started… We were now circulating the energies mutually in loops fingers to toes through our bodies!!!

No muscle spasms, but the gentlest of Calm Seas-Os floating bliss while these energies coursed through us and we shared these amazing effects. We both felt energized during and for much of the day following.

If I had to say, I would say we were mostly feeling the effects ascribed to Chi, the Life Force, but there were clearly echoes/elements of Jing and Shen there too…

Doing more research on this and will report back…

Back again! July 14/09

I just added the following post to a thread in the KSMO Complementary Practices Forum section on the subject of John Gregorek's CHAKRAS App for the IPhone and IPod Touch: