Does anyone else watch porn while using the aneros?

I have seen a bunch of people say not to watch porn during your session. However my mind seems to wander a lot especially after a while of using my aneros. I found that keeping a video going on my phone and looking at it to get to close to what I think is a prostate orgasm and as I see feel myself drifting off to be helpful. Does anyone else do this? I have only tried once and it seemed to be helpful but I am not sure if I will be hitting a wall that allows for prostate orgasms but not a super o. Although if I continued I feel like I might have had a super o.

This session was the first in a while that I even watched porn before, normally I just get aroused with breathing and nipple play.

What do I do when whole body tenses up?

I am at a point where I if I leave my aneros in for a while my legs and weirdly my face tenses up. Do I keep them in the same position and still just focus on my breathing? Or do I try and move them. I tried moving them and I feel like I started getting the squirming I have seen other people get. I am wondering if I should wait longer with them tensed until the squirming happens without me consciously doing it.

Also, has anyone else had the face tense before? Like it almost hurts so move my eyebrows. Everything is feeling good so I am definitely continuing on and improving just wondering if someone faced this and if they did something to make it better.

I’m Stuck, But I’d Like to Offer My Progress.

Hi there, I’m a lurker but I’ve decided to share my progress in hopes of getting some advice in what to do next in order to progress. This could also help others too.

So far the most successful method I’ve done is this:

1.) Put it in and relax completely, not even PC contractions. Remember to breathe deeply and with each exhale let go of all tension.

2.) I keep doing it until it feels like I don’t have a toy up my butt. I heard some get a sort of “tickle” in that general area. I don’t get a tickle but more of a noticeable change in feeling.

3.) Now this is when I start playing with my PC muscles. For me, I keep the same rhythm of breathing deeply and slowly, with each inhale I slowly contract then hold. Then with each exhale I slowly relax. After doing this 10-20 times I’ll relax from a contraction and start getting mild involuntary contractions.

4.) Once I get there I just hold the level of contraction that started the involuntaries. I found that playing with my nipples here had great results.

5.) Now here’s where I’m stuck. Once I’m holding that contraction the involuntaries start to feel better and better. The problem is that once they get to a certain point, my PC muscles start contracting like crazy, and I don’t know whether to just let it happen or to try and relax back down to the point that started them. I’ve tried both, and the feelings never got any better. I’m yet to have a prostate orgasm, that I’m sure of.

My recent discoveries leading to HFDO, and the surprising results of am “upgrade” to a Progasm

Tldr, recently finally figured out some Aneros secrets and upgraded to a larger model that rocked me, but I still wouldn’t necessarily replace the smaller one, it wasn’t necessarily better, but a good difference.

The following was a lot voice to text trying to explain what I was feeling so I could use it as a guide later on, but when editing to make sense of it, I realized it was journalistic and informative, so I thought I would share.

A quick about me, I bought the Aneros Trident (MGX) many years ago after seeing a post on Reddit about the male gspot, and it seemed legit, so I ordered one. I enjoyed using it, bought a slew of different toys, found one kind of U shaped silicone toy that worked one time for a cum spurting, black out and wake up after, crazy prostate orgasm many years ago and my journey since then has been some good jerking off or sex sessions with some anal attention, and have not been able to find that magic again. It was a lot of intense rubbing, and after that all my attempts left me feeling like I had been pushing too hard, or not getting there and feeling like I was no longer interested and stopping.

My wife and I occasionally indulge in some pegging, and that’s kind of where my revitalized Aneros journey began anew.

How to get a prostate orgasm with the Helix Sun?

I’m a beginner when it comes to Aneros play, so I’m not really sure what to do. If I have it in while I masturbate normally, it feels great, but I heard about a hands-free prostate orgasm. How do I reach this with my Helix? Please be as detailed as possible, or if there are any specific steps with breathing or muscle contraction please share


Need help progressing :)

Hello guys,

So basically every time I get that pleasure mounting and going further ( I do it with only lightly contracting my sphincer muscles and deep breathing, nothing more) I end up with my ass muscles like spasming and then I get nowhere – really dont know what to do once you get there? Then it will eventually build up again once I ‘rest’ for a moment and start again. But still cannot progres further & get something like orgasm feeling or wet orgasm. Must admit it feel very nice and Im pleased so far but maybe theres something extra you need to do?

The position is lying on the bed but in position like you sit cross-legged (but legs not crossing, your feet need to touch each other) . That really changed my progress and pleasure from aneros, so definitely recommend trying if youre still finding your position.

Hope everything is clear but English is not my native language, feel free to ask 🙂

3rd session – was I on the right track?

Just had my third aneros session, with a progasm. Yeah I know it’s not the best for a beginner but I liked the size of it. Anyway, my first two sessions nothing happened at all and I didn’t even know if it was hitting my prostate or not, so I was a bit disappointed and maybe thought it wasn’t the right one for me, I was also aware that there’s a common experience of not feeling anything. So this time I did a bit more reading and tried to take it as slow as possible. I was on my side originally as it says in the user guide and just started flexing as slowly as possible. I was just relaxing and taking my time with it, then suddenly I was getting a rush of adrenaline, my dick was getting hard and my breathing was getting faster, and I started getting some horny thoughts. It was exciting but it subsided. It happened again and subsided. Next I laid on my front, and managed to get that feeling again, but my body was starting to convulse almost on its own and I started thrusting as well. I wanted to chase that feeling again, it felt like a buildup to an orgasm but nothing happened in the end. Interestingly enough I didn’t get any fluid or precum from my dick throughout the entire session, or the “pee” feeling, I got up and had a piss halfway through but didn’t know if that had anything to do with the session. Would like to know your thoughts and if this is what it’s supposed to feel like.

Had first HFWO and possibly a mini o (not in that order) – my thoughts

Don’t be afraid to skip a step if it’s not working for you, i.e. focusing on breath. The “do nothing” is a good start to *beginning* pleasurable feelings, but if today taught me anything, it’s that it is super important to contract at times. Also: listen to your penis. He knows when it’s time. One of my biggest pitfalls seems to have been spending too much time searching for porn and opening a bunch of tabs – Aneros sessions aren’t the best time to be reading hentai. Remember: we are prostate monks of the Order of Aneros, and you gotta be patient and trust your xp bar to be filling itself, even if you can’t see it. Don’t be too focused, but don’t be to distracted. And stop thinking about what other people say to focus – use those as a foundation for finding *what feels good* and when you know what feels good, stop thinking so much. Also, the mini o felt pretty similar to the wet o, so be careful where you’re aiming.

Just bought my BF an aneros Helix trident syn. What now?

So, I (F23) just bought my boyfriend (M23) an Aneros Helix trident syn. I have not given it to him yet, but am planning to give it to him soon. He doesn’t really know that much about Aneros or any prostate super O, dry O etc things, so how could I introduce him to this info, so he doesn’t just brush off my gift to him as a ”small butt plug” but as something more.
He is comfortable with my fingers in his butt and doing some prostate play, and he finds it pleasurable and his orgasms are stronger but he doesn’t find it amazingly crazy pleasurable.

So my question is. Where should I tell him to study/find info about all the tecniques and things he can do with this new toy of his.
Also what ways are there that we can use the Aneros Helix together? Could I give him a guided meditation moment with the Helix in his butt, telling him to breath and use his PC muscles, can we just have piv with the Helix in him, bj with it in him? What are some beloved couples activities with it?

Thank you and sorry if my English is a bit off, not a native speaker 🙂

My first success?

I’ve been experimenting with my Helix Trident Syn for about 3 months now with some underwhelming results, up until tonight that is. I was watching scary movies at night with some friends when I thought I would practice some kegels to see if I could get myself in the mood for later. At this point I truly was not seeking a pleasurable outcome from these exercises because I was around other people, and I think that is exactly why I was able to feel something new. I finally stopped chasing after it, and that’s when I found it.

I was practicing the standard breathing techniques for about 30 minutes at this point when I started to feel a pulse under the base of my penis and around my perineum. A warmth started to develop and it felt like something grabbed a hold of me and my muscles started contracting violently on their own. I had already begun to orgasm before I was able to force myself to stop, and it took me a couple of minutes to calm myself down and stop leaking.

I’ve always had a hard time understanding if I was targeting the right muscles during my contractions, especially after so long of nothing. Is it normal to feel pressure under the base of my penis as well as my perineum, or is that considered to be stimulating the penis directing and something to be avoided?