The Joyous Benefits and Art of Soft (and Semi-Soft) Penis Sex with your Female Partner: Part 1

This topic has come up, so to speak, both here and at KSMO in threads and chats repeatedly over the last few months. The most notable and significant response for me is the unanimous, again to date it has been unanimous, and highly enthusiastic comments by women about their preference for a man who can be a skilful lover in more ways than the hard driving pylon, ejac and doze, apparently regardless of whatever clever and satisfying conventional foreplay leads up to the classic.

The following is Part 1 of a range of techniques that Mrs. a, my dear wife, and I have responded to and embraced enthusiastically as our "mutual prostates journey together" has developed and grown so radically, so deeply lovingly and mutually energizing beyond any expectations, and so out of this world experientially.

Male/Female/Yin/Yang Energies Balancing Intercourse

After mutual caressing, slowly and gently, with a bit of finger assist if necessary, enter your partner's vagina with your flaccid penis. Both deeply relaxing, stay still and feel the contact and sense of connection. Do not thrust. Do not move, even gently. Stay still. Do not thrust. You and your partner may begin to sense micro-"electricity" moving in each direction between you, through you genitals. This may take considerable time and repeated attempts before you start to perceive this mutual energy flow.

This is you receiving female/yin energies and your partner receiving male energies, until your systems achieve an energies balance, which you will each probably feel as subtly but deeply, and peacefully, invigorating.

One Year Anniversary Musings

Well fellow anal adventurers, I am now entrenched in year two of the journey. I wonder how many of us there are out there who have committed a year plus to this undertaking with out ever achieving any of the o’s; super, dry or mini?

When you have been on this trip as long as I have, you stop classifying your “progress” by wiki definitions. I have reclassified myself as a “grinder”: a long term user who experiences incremental progress and tends to have a good time just wandering the path. The grinder is not desperate. We already have some measure of success in our lives and because of that we must integrate Aneros use into our existing relationships.

Brian Mayfield made a comment once about how Aneros users (sooner or later) hit the “snow ball effect” where all sorts of sensations just start cavalcading together. I don’t know when the avalanche will hit; I just know I have to keep logging the time until it does.

Before I began using this product and joined this forum I thought I knew what pleasure was. I thought I was pretty in touch with my body. This process has awakened not just my prostate but my perception of what sensations my body is possible of producing and translating. My traditional orgasms are many times more pleasurable than before. This little device has helped open up numerous erogenous zones. It has rejuvenated my sexual relationship with my wife – the importance of a few rousing kick starts over the years cannot be underestimated. In addition, the forum discussions here have provided many thought provoking threads in which to help me think through my ever changing world view. This whole experience has been a big net plus.

A Senior Citizen's Progress

I turned 70 years in February this year.

For many years I have been interested in the concept of males enjoying the benefits of multiple orgasms and first signed up for Jack Johnson’s KSMO seminar in 2004. Unfortunately, I have never been able to practice the Key Sound conscientiously. However, I have over the years developed some skill in the practice of ‘edging’. This I am able to do more or less continuously for up to an hour. (I didn’t even know it had a name until I came across this site)! By the way, I have also, for several years been doing daily exercises of my PC muscles, and this has greatly helped recent events.

Meanwhile, a couple of months ago, during a routine checkup, my physician declared that I have a slightly enlarged prostate and described some rather unpleasant remedies for it. This drove me to do some research on the internet, and hence, I arrived at the Aneros site.

I first bought the SGX and MGX models, which received their initial use in late June. I have so far had four sessions with the SGX and about half a dozen with the MGX. Whilst I quickly found both models comfortable and that they both provided pleasant sensations, the MGX quickly became my favourite. (I have also tried the Eupho just once, but I am clearly not ready for its subtleties just yet)!

dreaming the dream O

This is my first entry on this site. Although I have been blogging on the Ksmo site. Just finished session couple hours ago. Inserted helix lubed and stimed. Erection was not long, helix took over, a couple of milk drops. IT was 3:30pm good for a nap, just got in from work. Partner out sunning reading trying to finish a book. Ksmo'd and slipped into the zone so I knew this had potential. Wave on wave of blissful o's drifted into a dream. I was on a pedestal covered with white sheets enjoying the blissful waves. I felt a little chilled and pulled up one of the sheets around my shoulders. I drifted again but I was stirred by some energetic spasms in my legs. I realized at that point I was lying on my bed with NO sheets at all! The recognition brought an inner smile wouldn't dare disturb the zone I was in. Had no Idea what time it was, my partner can in the bdrm and announced it was 7pm. This was the first session past 1.5 hrs., I had read that it can takes atleast that long in the beginning. I have been active since the 1st of the year. Needless to say that this was a great affirmation of the guidance that is available here and with Jack at I'm sitting here at 9:30pm my perineum is gently pulsing the beat, as the waves continue through out my body. What a time to be alive!

Circulating Energies with Your Partner without Including Genital Contact

A couple of days ago, mrs. a and I awoke in the early morning and were feeling sensual and were caressing… general body caressing…

I could feel my energies flowing with erotic overtones but instead brought my left foot up under the ball of one of mrs. a's feet. I felt some energy flow there and asked if she did too. Yes. So I slid my hand down to enable me to touch one of her finger tips with one of mine. It just started… We were now circulating the energies mutually in loops fingers to toes through our bodies!!!

No muscle spasms, but the gentlest of Calm Seas-Os floating bliss while these energies coursed through us and we shared these amazing effects. We both felt energized during and for much of the day following.

If I had to say, I would say we were mostly feeling the effects ascribed to Chi, the Life Force, but there were clearly echoes/elements of Jing and Shen there too…

Doing more research on this and will report back…

Back again! July 14/09

I just added the following post to a thread in the KSMO Complementary Practices Forum section on the subject of John Gregorek's CHAKRAS App for the IPhone and IPod Touch:

Muscle Memory and Fantasy/Imagery as Orgasmic Triggers

These are excepts from a current thread in which Pan and I discuss these alternate methods based on his first post in Sky_Walker's thread The Five Minutes leading up to a Super-O at

>>>artform wrote: I have found both the Fantasy method and what I have called the Muscle Memory method to be very useful additional arrows in the quiver. But Muscle Memory may be limited to those experienced with yoga or at least successful inner body visualization: being able to mentally connect with a specific body element, isolate and activate it in an unusual way. For example focusing on a wound, visible or internal and actually being able to accelerate its healing.

I used my MGX, when I had temporarily reached a plateau before any Aneros-induced Super-O, and practised having my prostate and its rectal muscle wall cover reach out to contact the tip of the MGX and have them caress it. I called it "polishing the knob". Mine does this hungrily for mrs. a's finger anytime!

Perhaps that was the key, butt it worked with the Aneros and I could then replicate that sensation anytime at will without the Aneros and launch the energies, the Butt Buzz and P-waves, mini-Os and dry-Os and beyond… anytime. The muscles there actually flex gently when I "recall" that memory and the physical stimulus prostate fuse is ignited that easily. Perhaps it's just the trick of an adept with an unusual background. Or, this might be useful for others needing to "do something", just as the Fantasy Method has wide appeal and application.<<<

Grinding Away

I haven’t really had a bad session since starting the KSMO. One thing the KSMO really helps with is with the discipline to only use the Aneros three times a week. The Peridise is my weapon of choice since it produces results with a minimum of effort and a maximum of mobility.

I have 4 different kinds of sessions 1) Aneros 2) KSMO 3) The session I like to have when I lay down in bed at night and my prostate starts throbbing and I just relax and focus without either Aneros or KSMO and 4) My favorite, but least frequent, sessions with my SO. Not included are general spousal sex sessions which end in ejaculation and kick off another cycle of arousal building.

All these sessions result in intense sensations that I don’t know how they can keep going without release. And oh how sensitive my nipples have become! The general cycle of orgasm starts out with arousal building with session types 1, 2 and 3 and end when the wife wants it to or I need a good nights sleep – ‘cause otherwise, as the days pass by, the little walnut keeps me awake longer and longer.

Still, despite the constant cycle of arousal building, intense sensations and p-waves there have been no breakthrough moments of mini-o’s, dry-o’s or super-o’s.

Just another day at the office

Sometimes, long after all the sessions are complete, when I go to bed I just lay there and start the coaxing of the p-waves. First, I make sure I’m uncovered – no extraneous sensations. Then I find the right gentle contraction – all I know is its not the pc or bc muscle – I think it’s the cremaster muscle or something (Darwin would know) – it’s an outward inward pull push. Then it starts – the nice pressure, the creeping tingling. I don’t get them all over my body, I only get them were it counts, around the crotch. Then my peter starts to cycle up and down. Not throbbing. Pulsating. Just shy of twitching. It can cycle up and down like that for an hour and half – you just kind of have to throw common sense about sleep schedule out the window.

Makes me wish I knew more tricks. Like how to move the tingling around my body – maybe I should try to draw it up. I would not call these “immense pleasure waves”. They are immensely sensational – I don’t know, ‘cause I’ve never felt anything like it before. They are just my poor mans super-o. It is, after all, results. It’s just not orgasmic. It seems like I used to get involuntaries, but not so much anymore – just the good pressure and the p-waves. It’s like when its filling up with blood and the pulse beat follows from your pelvis up your peter (combined with p-wavyeous tingling) – but then it takes on a life of its own, asynchronous to your pulse beat.


After an initial success with the aneros and taking some time off Im back with mistress aneros. I bought myself eupho and probe lubricant which I saw a lot of recomedations for mmmm cant wait to try it all out.

I havent had a lot of progress lately with mind blowing orgasms, rather the contratry, the peak moments are backing up a little bit. But Im extremly happy with the discovery of this world of orgasm (slowly doing KSMO too). One thing that surprised me the other day is that I got turned on and started slowly manualy pulling peridise in and out and to my surprise got a very short but very strong orgasm, like a hammer. There are orgasms all over the body waiting to be unlocked.

My experience is being more internal.
– Im four days into a ejaculatory fasting, and doing some traditional tantric (pc squeeze) here and there, and the aneros. The energy inside of my seems to be building up.
– My state of mind is becoming plesant. My emotions are starting to unwind themselves. Im having a natural high all day, mellow but present.
– Orgasmic waves (or whatever you want to call them) are coming and going through my body all day.
– I definitely have feelings of Kundalini awakening. Ive had them before by accident but through this practice and training I seem to be able to take hold of the process and am able to play and build up the energies of the body
– Im generally more at ease with myself and my libido and erections have incresed (I have a bit of ed and low libido btw)
– Things seem new. Im becoming more playful and loving with people. Going back to being a younger more inocent and vulnerable me.
– Its easier and more natural not to judge things and not to criticise and feel jealousy towards others.
– A lot of these sensations are sublte but present non the less

The R word

So last night was the first recent session that I seriously attempted and approached the technique of laying on my back, knees bent, legs spread, breath, and relax. Yes, the dirty "R" word that those of us who have not achieved super orgasm tend to have a love/hate relationship with. LOL I first heard it from "slipperybugger" the other day, and it made me chuckle, as I pondered the appropriateness of it's use.

I'm doing this because of my recent disappointing revelation that for many months now all I've been doing within my sessions is hands free edging. This happened because I've been laying on my side, and my penis ends up rubbing against the bed, even if ever slightly at times. It was very pleasurable, and probably helped in waking up my prostrate. As the times when I ended up ejaculating, I learned how incredibly pleasurable Aneros assisted super-T orgasms are. To the point, where just plain regular masturbation wasn't all that desirable anymore.

So I went into this session pretty bummed, and with rather low expectations as I knew that it would be un-realistic of me to expect much pleasure initially. Especially as compared to what I had been previously doing with hands free edging.

The interesting thing is that over time I have learned the difference between sexual excitement in my penis, and sexual excitement in my prostate. Two very different things. And I find it so interesting that when my prostate is excited, there is almost no interest or focus of pleasure and excite in my penis unless I happen to touch myself there.