Muscle Memory and Fantasy/Imagery as Orgasmic Triggers

These are excepts from a current thread in which Pan and I discuss these alternate methods based on his first post in Sky_Walker's thread The Five Minutes leading up to a Super-O at

>>>artform wrote: I have found both the Fantasy method and what I have called the Muscle Memory method to be very useful additional arrows in the quiver. But Muscle Memory may be limited to those experienced with yoga or at least successful inner body visualization: being able to mentally connect with a specific body element, isolate and activate it in an unusual way. For example focusing on a wound, visible or internal and actually being able to accelerate its healing.

I used my MGX, when I had temporarily reached a plateau before any Aneros-induced Super-O, and practised having my prostate and its rectal muscle wall cover reach out to contact the tip of the MGX and have them caress it. I called it "polishing the knob". Mine does this hungrily for mrs. a's finger anytime!

Perhaps that was the key, butt it worked with the Aneros and I could then replicate that sensation anytime at will without the Aneros and launch the energies, the Butt Buzz and P-waves, mini-Os and dry-Os and beyond… anytime. The muscles there actually flex gently when I "recall" that memory and the physical stimulus prostate fuse is ignited that easily. Perhaps it's just the trick of an adept with an unusual background. Or, this might be useful for others needing to "do something", just as the Fantasy Method has wide appeal and application.<<<

Trying again for the first time!

Greetings to all. I first must apologize to the Aneros people for
not giving their product a fair shake when I first bought mine about 2 years ago. I tried it out a few times initially without great success and just tucked it away into the assortment of toys I've accumulated. This morning I received an e-mail from Aneros about their new glass product and I decided to revisit this website for a more detailed look around.
I was very surprised to find a chat area, this blog area and many other things I never knew about. So I decided to get my MGX out,clean it up from the dust of inactivity and follow (or try to) the instructions here on site.
I'm a typical Scorpio personality and not long on patience, so after reading some testimonials about instant orgasms I expected the same…didn't happen. I then reread the instructions and followed them closer. I didn't have alot of additional time to give the MGX to work but I did find myself more relaxed than the first time this morning. I did spend more time concentrating on the anal sensations and found more sensations coming to me (nothing orgasmic yet) and when I had to stop and examined my penis I was surprised to find some precum fluid at the head. I thought maybe it was some urine leakage (I have an inflatible penile implant and sometime suffer urine spotting even some while after urinating) but could tell it was definitely precum by the slickness feel to it.
Tonight when I get back home I will devote much more time to doing this experience right and let you know how this rookie fares.

About to explode

Things are stabilizing these weeks. Had a few days pause and now Im back, the first days I went full throtle and achieved nothing.

But yesterday I just slipped peridise and started reading some sex book and found my self floating in pleasure waves, after that, inserted the eupho and mmmm more intense even. I had to put the book down after 20minutes, couldnt read straight.

Tonight same thing, picked up some erotic book and started reading and getting turned on with the eupho inside, I didnt even get to the kinky part of the chapter before the p-waves took over, when they subsided, went to peredise and the ride continued in a different way.

I like how reading something takes my mind out of the aneros toy, and it starts taking life of its own. The problem might be with the possitions.

I lost the count of how many days Ive been on fast but my guess is about 7. I'm like going through some tantric "point of no return" practice. For those not familiar with the practice it consists on building up just before the point of no return, and chanelling the energy upwards through the midline. Its normally recomended to open the heart chakra before all others. Done right you dont really have to make PC contractions that stop the flow, although sometimes they become necesarry and some ejaculation is lost. But its not only about ejaculation, its about keeping the energy of the orgasm. Aneros P-waves and orgasms have helped me reconect with other types of pleasure sensations and releases, and this practice is becoming easier and easier. Once Ive gone through 5 or so orgasms, I no longer have the urge to cum really and my body is pulsating.

The Big Change (3 sub-sessions)

Session #4. (The "Big Change" session) This post is a journal of three 'sub-sessions' that alternated between the Helix (with a 'tab cover') and the SGX. Total time was 135 minutes. 5/15/09

Session #4a: Giving up on contractions Helix. Over an hour

This is probably what most guys manage in Session #1 or #2. I just move at snail speed.

I had planned this as a Friday afternoon adventure but was awakened at 2 a.m. by someone scratching on my arm (wasn't the dog!) So, being an 'all-american' gent I made the wrong assumption and asserted myself (she said, "not now and maybe, not anytime today.") So, there we were at 2 a.m., wide awake with fresh coffee and, sense there's little chance for sex, I'm trying to negotiate a time slot for some solo Helix-play. Also asking whether she wanted me to save some of life's essence to share after the Helix play. Or, should I just finish myself off after the session. Her answer was that my attitude appreared 'too academic' for her to get involved. She definitely didn't want an Aneros discussion and her tone was, 'testy.'

I decided to not 'shoot the wad' and would just enjoy the Aneros ride. Perhaps a couple of house bouquets in the afternoon would put me back in her good graces. (note to any reader under the age of 50: In a few years, skip long-stem roses and go for 'house bouquets.' Easy to get at a drive-through florist and the price is a fraction of what you'd pay for roses.)

Getting Started

I had a major turning point on Session #4 so have lumped the first three sessions together. These sessions didn't move very far through the Wiki list of milestones. But I smoothed out a lot of basics and learned what a contraction was.

Aside from the nuts and bolts of "session management" the big project was getting my wife OK with the idea of 'female orgasms for men' So, she is OK with it but, without penis work, she sees her role as 'non-existant.' Eventually I want her involved in nipple and torso work but that's still several sessions away.

Session #1 (the basics)

SGX then Helix. Pre-lube: 10cc K-Y jelly Tool lube: K-Y jelly 75 min. 5/7/09

For session #1 I skipped the shower/mood-adjustment and focused on running through the 'basics' in the instructions and in the Wiki. The prep was pretty straightforward but I over-did on the amount of rectal rinse. That left several ounces of excess water in my colon which later diluted the K-Y lube. (this, was to become a recurring theme — I just don't discharge the whole 4 ounces). I started doing basic contractions with the SGX to see how it played with my bph. While it did produce a generous amount of pre-cum, I didn't sense any major prostate pressure or stimulation during contractions.

Swapped to the Helix. Sensed definite prostate contact. Anal contractions produced a 'jabbing' feeling. The 'pleasure-to-discomrfort' (P2D) ratio wasn't great but was liveable.

Swirling Vortex of Pleasure

A long delayed update: since my first super-o in January, I had another one in March. This one went a little better since I had no fear going in. I had a third super-o last weekend.

The fact that I've had three super-os in the last four months might say something. You have to be in the right physical and mental state to get them. For me it happens about once a month, giving new meaning to the phrase "that time of month." I think I'd even classify getting into them as forming a state of self-hypnosis within yourself. It's certainly a lot more mental than physical. Most of the sessions last two hours at the most, generally an hour or less.

The one from last weekend was interesting. I was about an hour into having some fabulous mini-os and long lasting p-waves. Things were getting to a state where I was super horny and could guide the MGX so it sat in THE right spot. I was in a super relaxed state and started picturing my midsection as an abstract mass of churning, swirling matter slowing spinning around – like some kind of super erotic galaxy. Soon enough, I was over the edge and into a different kind of super-o. It felt really good, and in a strangely different way than I'd normally associate with the sexual. A swirling vortex of pleasure, if you will!

Dreaming ?

The best session that I have had recently was yesterday.
I had a very pleasureable feeling bouncing back and forwards between
my Prostate and Perinium.
It was not an involuntary as the mgx did not move.
It lasted 20 seconds or so.
That was about it for the session.

About 5 this morning I was having a dream about the woman down the road.
You know what I mean!!!!!

Suddenly it felt as if my Prostate and penis was about to explode.
Boy was that intense.
Just at the point of no return I woke up.

It is the first time that my Prostate has got involved
in what could have been a wet dream.
A good sign or was it just a dream ?

The dream or mental image sounds like the ones involved in the
"5 minutes before a super o " post.

Sweet dreams !

Wonderful session!

So last night was my first time using the advance set Peridise. I started with the smallest one and sat in my computer chair looking at some porn online. I was very much surprised that it was comfortable to sit with it inserted. As that is not the case for either my MGX and Helix which both have their handles removed. I got some nice feelings from it here and there. I guess it will take some practice to discover the subtleties of this model Aneros. I few times my anus involuntarily flexed hard on it and that felt really good. After a while I laid down in my bed with it, and didn't get much response. Switched to the larger model, and not much happened either.

Then I switched to my Progasm, and ohhhhhhhhh boy! I swear this model Aneros never fails to make me feel pleasure. Then I started to have a great session! Lot's of mini-O's and such. It was very satisfying. And I did not feel the need to ejaculate, even though I got close a few times. This was with allowing my penis to gently rub against the bed as I laid on my side. Very enjoyable!

Recent updates

It's been a while since I've logged in here. Had to take some time away to deal with personal issues and life in general.

I continue to practice Aneros sessions. More frequently now than in the last few months. The Progasm is still my Aneros of choice. Every once in while, I'll be curious, and try the MGX or Helix. And they just don't do much for me anymore. I hope it's only temporary. As I do like variety. But the Progasm never fails to make me feel pleasure.

I've started to have more consistent small to medium non-ejaculatory orgasms during sessions. I wouldn't call them super. But I think I'm making progress. I'm always amazed at how the experience changes during the journey.

One thing I've noticed so far, is that the relax and do nothing approach only takes me so far, which is not very far in my mind. Through experimentation, I've discovered that small amounts of penile stimulation helps to get really revved up. But at some point you have to stop doing that or otherwise ejaculate. I've also found that some amount of flexing the PC and anal muscles is very helpful for me. And that I've gotten to points where I'd be clenching both, and have such pleasurable feelings from it that it was almost unbearable, then suddenly both would involuntarily completely relax. And I would then start have some really different yet pleasurable feelings. Kind of orgasmic like, but not really. Makes me wonder if these are the starting point of super-O's.

Aneros arsenal

In the short time I’ve been here (a couple of months) I’ve have managed to acquire four different Aneros models. First was the helix. It’s first few sessions didn’t do much, so I went bigger, way bigger, all the way to the progasm. Well, the progasm didn’t work out very well at all… for me it was much too large, too uncomfortable, it just seemed to sit there and not do much. Back to the helix it was.

Then a couple of weeks later I ordered the MGX. I really liked its shape and length, it hit the prostate quite nicely, but the ribbed stem chafed the ol’ hole and seemed to limit its mobility.

So, it was back to the tried and true helix. Once I got several more sessions under my belt it started to work quite well for me…I went on to have my first super-o with this model.

And lastly in my Aneros arsenal is the eupho. I test rode (I’m a motorcycle guy) the eupho for the first time this morning. First thing I noticed is that it was super mobile and with just the right contraction it hit my prostate’s “on” button dead center. Once I found and held that perfect contraction it was off to super-O city! And the funny thing is, once the eupho was working its magic it didn’t feel like it was moving much at all.

I can’t stop smiling!