
Hey Buster –

Thanks for your letter. I've started to read some of your posts and have found them very similar to my experience. I haven't gone all the way through your journey, so I don't know if you've had the Super -O yet, but so far your posts are interesting.

As for me, I had another session last night. During the day, I'd been squirming, and had this full filling in the prostate area. Add to this, being horny for the last few days and I had all I needed to get into a Aneros session.

I broke up with my girlfriend about 8 months ago – and I dearly miss the regular sex. In fact, some of these memories are what have propelled me during various sessions, and made them enjoyable.

Last night, I did something different. While reading some erotica on the computer, I lubed up and inserted the MGX. I immediately got a shot of energy in the neather regions and felt warm all over. I work this for about 15 minutes, then decided to retire to the bed room. One thing I noticed about sitting in a chair – is that the device is puched into the prostate gland and creates a different sensation. At first this was pleasurable, but later, when I was laying on my side, and the device was gently pulled in and pushed out, another set of sensations came forth.

But Wait! That's not all you get!

First a big thank you is due to B Mayfield, Buster, Darwin, Onthepath, Rumel,grateful and many others too numerous to mention! I have been meaning to do this for about a week but all my free time has gone into rewiring courteous of my Helix and MGX. I am fully addicted and have been averaging about 2.5 sessions per day, whenever I have had a free hours time. Too much you say….not for the full addicted.

After working my way through full body muscle contractions and a host or other detours, I was finally able to get anal contractions going about 4 days ago.

But Wait! That’s not all you get!

I have been to the edge in several sessions and have had a nice taste of the p waves but not the Super O and it still alludes me. I have put a days rest in between sessions several times but my addiction won’t let me do more than that. I’m working every other day so I just have too much free time.

But Wait! That’s not all you get! Call tonight and you get …..


I began my Aneros journey with the purchase of the MGX in mid February of this year. This blog was launched following my reading of Buster's blog charting his amazing path. Thank you, Buster for such an open and helpful record. I begin this because I believe reading Buster's path has helped me break through. Time will tell if I am mistaken. After reading that Buster had been having Super Os for a few months before he recognized it, my whole perception of this process was altered. As I was reading the last few months of his entries I was noticing the whole time I was reading that I was getting some great sensations without an Aneros device in me. I began thinking about what wonderful sensations they were in and of themselves. I wondered how things would be if I stopped trying for a climax and just enjoyed the ride. I know that this recommendation has been there all along from a number of you, but I didn't understand how to apply the advice until today. I decided to have a session and chose my Eupho. The whole thing was different when I wasn't trying to "get there". I experienced MMOs once about a month back and have been trying to experience that again – too hard. After sitting there (or really half laying on my back wth my head and shoulders propped up) I began noticing that the feelings I had previously been running right over were really quite intense if I just sank into them. As I continued to do this they just kept feeling better and better (or, more accurately, I kept feeling them more fully and more fully). I will characterize what I felt after I have a few more sessions like this under (or below) my belt, but the main thing I wanted to capture and communicate to those it may help is that I am thinking now that the journey is more abour permeation than it is about apprehending something. It seems that sinking into and allowing myself to be affected by what I am feeling is more the key. As I did this, the feelings began to expand and include more of me, running through most of my body and causing me to feel very free and physically/spiritually loved. It reminds me of prayer, where the most rewarding and fulfilling times are when I am truly seeking the Giver as the Gift. Rather than going to the Giver for the gift. It's about appreciating where I am and what I am being given and not pushing things. I have fallen way short as I try to communicate the freedom I just entered into, but I am pretty sure now that the Super O, or whatever, does not matter now. I am anticipating that I will soon be able to experience what will qualify to be labeled Super Os, but the most important thing is that this path to pleasure and gratitude can not be taken from me. It is now a way that I know. It seems to apply to much more than Aneros sessions. I will keep reporting as I continue. Thanks to all of you generous posters here. grateful

At a plateau

Hey guys. I've had my MGX for a few weeks and I seem to be at a plateau. I have no problems with insertion, relaxing, and have even had some nice warm sensations starting in my gut and radiating out. But most of the time this ends up with a really nice 'regular' orgasm. The Super O has been ellusive. I've read all the instructions and have tried everything I can think of to get better results, but I feel stuck. Any advice?


This is another one of those catch up posts.

I had an incredible session with the MGX not too long ago. I was lying on my stomach, flopping like a fish, and my head was lifting off of the bed. When that wasn't happening, my buttocks were contracting hard and fast. The MGX was moving in and out of me so much I ended up expelling it. That was a first for me in that position. While it was pounding into me I thought I felt the ribs a little bit, but I'm not sure. As before, the contractions stopped immediately as soon as it was expelled. My buttocks were a bit sore the next day!

I also fixed the issue with the MGX grabbing the hair on my perineum. I used a washcloth to clean the area and then I dried it. I then got my electric razor and used the hair trimmer to give myself a haircut down there. I've tried shaving down there once before, but I didn't like the itchiness afterwards. The perineum haircut worked so well that I also gave my pubic area a haircut. That helps when I masturbate with my hand and with the Fleshlights that I own. I'm of average size when erect, but I can get downright tiny when I'm flaccid. At times it seems that my pubic hair is longer than my penis! Now I can more easily keep the lube on my penis rather than on my pubic hair.

First Super T

Well, after complaining about how I didn't like masturbating with the Aneros, I finally had myself a Super T and it was awesome!

I had had a couple of edging sessions the previous day without the Aneros and without ejaculating. Edging feels wonderful but it's hard to stop. I want to feel it just one more time!

Since I like edging, I thought I'd re-read B Mayfield's post on the Super T and once again, I was inspired! I lubed up and inserted the MGX since it dives right in and has less of a chance of being expelled. It also applies just the right amount of pressure on the prostate for masturbation – less than the Helix, but more than the Eupho. I was on the bed kneeling and alternating between that and a sitting position on the back of my legs. As soon as I got close to ejaculating, I'd stop and do a few contractions with the Aneros. I did this several times. I then started trying to shift into a position where I would be lying flat on my back, all the while keeping on the edge or just below it. That's part of my feeble attempt at trying to retrain my body so I can ejaculate while lying down. Usually when I do that, the feeling goes away so I have to go back to the kneeling position so I can get myself worked back up again. I finally got to the point when I was lying down that I knew I was about to ejaculate, so I stopped stroking and resumed contractions with the Aneros. The orgasm and ejaculation were intense. I had several strong spurts with lots of semen. I hadn't ejaculated like that in ages. But the fun wasn't over.

Subsequent Sessions

This is Part 2 of my catch-up posts. I bought the Helix and Eupho package in early July of 2006 so I’ll discuss what I experienced after the first few months of use. Please see my earlier post about my initial sessions.

Bought the MGX
I bought the MGX in December of 2006. I was curious whether the ribs on it would provide additional stimulation to my anus. The Helix and Eupho don’t have those ribs so they only provide minimal stimulation. I had read some posts where some users liked the ribs initially but found them to be annoying later. However, I had to see for myself since each person’s likes and dislikes are different.

When I first inserted it, I really felt it dig into my perineum and it started hurting just like when I first began with the Helix. I was surprised by this since the days of me having perineum pain with the Helix and Eupho were long gone. That being the case, I was glad that I didn’t purchase the MGX first. I can only imagine the pain that a newbie would feel having never used an Aneros before. After a while, this too subsided so it didn’t bother me anymore. Another thing I didn’t like about the MGX is that the larger tab caused it to grab the hairs on my perineum. I didn’t have that problem with the Helix and Eupho with their smaller tabs.

Can't wait!!!

Hi, I'm Shaun, 18 years old from UK.

Just ordered the Aneros MGX last night and eagerly awaiting its arrival! I have known about the aneros products for a few years now and decided to take the plunge.
I have done a bit of anal play before and always responded well to it so I'm hoping this will be the same.
Just looking at the pictures of the aneros and reading the testimonials and other peoples' blogs makes me tingle all over with pleasure and anticipation! I am prepared to take my time and enjoy all the subtle feelings that everyone describes.
Haven't had an orgasm in a few days now! Thats a long time for an 18 year old! I'm waiting until it arrives and I can have my first session.

Watch this space, I'll keep you posted! I hope you guys will enjoy reading about my journey; I'll certainly enjoy the journey and writing about it!


Got the MGX today

ok, I took a shower, relaxed, did as the instructions stated.
All I heard was the sound of the fan, the gentle sounds of the outdoors.
Contracting my PC. Did this for about 20-25 minutes… what is that sound?? it is me breathing heavy.. really getting into it.. wow!!! This is great! No big "O" yet. Cannot wait until I get better control over my muscles and breathing. I'll keep you posted.

baby steps

I got the Helix Holiday pack yesterday and tried out the MGX with only a brief glimmer of a pleasant sensation from a part of my body I'd not felt that sensation from before….

But today I tried out the Helix. Gave myself a cleanout followed by a nice warm shower. After watching a little porn, retired to my bedroom and pushed in the Helix. I lay down on my back, with my knees in the air. I concentrated on my breathing and contracting my muscles in rhythm. I did this for a while and then I got a taste of something good. I clenched the Helix in tight and then it happened….

The involuntary contractions kicked in! I could feel it rocking back and forth without my intervention – things were building up inside of me, my hips started to buck, and started to pant – but I could not hold the "clench" for long enough, when I released it, I lost momentum.

I tried again to find that break-point where the "involuntaries" would start again, but could only find it one more time before I ended my session – not before I had to re-lube the Helix. Same as before, I could only hold it for a little while.

I think I will need to slowly build up the stamina down there – but I am happy with my progress so far – baby steps before I can run with this thing!