Oh my!! Just when I thought I experienced it all, this “session” had me blasting-off into orbit! Let me try to explain how it happened……
I was up fairly early. I had a strong erection just before getting up so I know I was quite aroused. I went to my favorite sofa and proceeded to dose on a binaural for multiple orgasms (no ejaculation). It was about an hour long; I finished it but frankly I did not experience much this time. Oh well……
I then started to look for some erotic lounge music and proceeded to listen. Now I normally don’t point the finger at the music selection for my success during sessions but this one really did it for me (on YouTube): “EROTIC FLUIDS – MAKING LOVE & Relaxing Romantic Sensual music❀ ,SEX MUSIC MIX BUDDA LOUNGE” It was a full 2 hours long (and I am still listening as I type this!)
Anyway, while listening, I got the urge to just concentrate on my perineum and scrotum during this session. So I got naked, tensed-up my scrotal “package” and proceeded with a slow tantric massage “down-there”. Realize that I did not really have an erection (yet) from this but it was so sensual and satisfying. Then, something quite unexpected happened……
I thought to myself: if my fingers can be so arousing, can I possibly get the same amount of pleasure from……A TOOTHPICK?