“A Toothpick?—- You Must Be Kidding!”

Oh my!! Just when I thought I experienced it all, this “session” had me blasting-off into orbit! Let me try to explain how it happened……
I was up fairly early. I had a strong erection just before getting up so I know I was quite aroused. I went to my favorite sofa and proceeded to dose on a binaural for multiple orgasms (no ejaculation). It was about an hour long; I finished it but frankly I did not experience much this time. Oh well……
I then started to look for some erotic lounge music and proceeded to listen. Now I normally don’t point the finger at the music selection for my success during sessions but this one really did it for me (on YouTube): “EROTIC FLUIDS – MAKING LOVE & Relaxing Romantic Sensual music❀ ,SEX MUSIC MIX BUDDA LOUNGE” It was a full 2 hours long (and I am still listening as I type this!)

Anyway, while listening, I got the urge to just concentrate on my perineum and scrotum during this session. So I got naked, tensed-up my scrotal “package” and proceeded with a slow tantric massage “down-there”. Realize that I did not really have an erection (yet) from this but it was so sensual and satisfying. Then, something quite unexpected happened……

I thought to myself: if my fingers can be so arousing, can I possibly get the same amount of pleasure from……A TOOTHPICK?

Involuntaries only happy to certain people?

I just spoke with someone at Aneros who said that not all people get the involuntary contractions, which I thought were imperative to achieving a MMO state. Have some of you had a prostate orgasm using the Aneros, but never have had involuntary contractions?

Also, I keep hearing people say you’re supposed to voluntarily contract your sphincter muscles, and others say you’re suppose to contract your PC muscles (to get things going in there). Which is it? Some people refer to the “do nothing” method, which is nice for a little bit, but then things just sort of die down. I’ve been going at this regularly for a year now and am fighting with impatience.

Any advice is greatly appreciated.

Semi-noob questions.

I tried the aneros about a decade ago in my 20s & things didn’t go great, but now that I’m in my 30s, I decided to give anal stimulation another try.

Long story short, I got another & had a successful prostate orgasm [I believe]. I felt a wave wash over my entire body followed by what felt like a 2 minute orgasm followed by ejaculation.

The ejaculation was different than normal. It looked like it was mostly precum [clear mostly]. Was it? Are multiple orgasms possible?

I’m very glad to have given it another shot. Any insights that might makes things more enjoyable?

“Semen Retention: This Ain’t Easy, Guys!”

I kind-of stumbled onto semen retention due to several personal factors: my recent experience with DE, discovering tantric sex and just no ejaculations for a week. I am on a new pathway now. It is now eight days and I feel I can go farther. However, IT IS NOT EASY! Let me explain…….

First off, my body is ‘adjusting’ to this newfound absence from ejaculation. Yes, the tantric sex sessions are extremely stimulating but since there is no expectation of climax, there has to be a sense of orgasm without ejaculation. This would be similar to an Aneros session! Have I experienced an orgasm yet? I don’t know for sure….probably not.


Every day that passes now brings a new awareness of greater sexual stimulation (I’m climbing the mountain again and before long, I should be at the top, if I can hold-out until then!) Yes, there are some erections but not as many as you may think. I have done a fair amount of reading on the subject of semen retention over the past week and it definitely seems to “fit the bill” as far as my sexual progress is concerned. Some guys may be saying…..how can not ejaculating be considered progress? Well, it seems that the release of semen in males is draining in more than one way. By retaining semen, the energy is transferred or “transmuted” into other areas of the body. For example, it has been discovered that testosterone level increases, mental focus becomes sharper and sexual stamina is greatly increased since there is no ejaculation expected. At this point, however, I am making no advances toward experiencing multiple orgasms without ejaculation. That takes a great deal of control and I believe there are some risks involved. So for now, I’ll just stick with basic tantric cuddling which I like a lot. If I will happen to go-off during one of these sessions (through grinding or partial penetration) well, that will be it and I will start a new ‘clock’! I will not purposely ‘kill the mood’ in order not to ejaculate! I’m not that foolish!

“Ultimate Aless Orgasm: Where Did This Come From? “

Happy Birthday Goldenboy!

I was awakened in the early AM with a (nocturnal) erection that was very strong and lasted at least 45 minutes. I decided to check-out some PC items like I usually do. Listening for a while to erotic music, binaurals, etc. but nothing seemed to be “clicking”. So after about 30 minutes or so, I decided to pack-it-up and return to bed. I thought perhaps I could do a few contractions and lure myself back to sleep. Wow! What happened next blew my mind! Let me explain…….


When I got back into bed, I decided to perform some light kegels and REVERSE kegels. I kept this up for a while and it felt so good. I continued to feel the waves of pleasure starting to build and I thought that I may experience something more….I feel paralyzed from the imminent pleasure and can’t move.

Chapter 7

It was difficult to leave the retreat campus that morning. The preceding days had been an eye opening – cock hardening cavalcade of sex acts and experiences that left me craving more. Moreover it was a demonstration of the mystery of the gender basis of my arousal. It clearly showed that my response to sexual ovation by men and by women is equal but can change from one to the other in hours. There are days when images of erections will inspire my own cock to turn to steel and ooze. The fantasies that drive my MMO’s at those times might be of oral sex on a guy’s cock or spooning a sexy guy’s ass in bed. Sinking into a fantasy of homoerotic sex will launch the chains of gripping pleasure that I crave.

Yet there are other times when it is the feminine mystique that entices me. At those times mental images of my lady’s downy vulva stirs a desire in me that not only makes my cock go rigid and ache with lust but also makes my prostate spasm with pleasure. The last several years my wife has been able to cast a spell over me whenever she wants, her feminine karma can wash away any homoerotic thoughts of cocks from my mind. I honestly believe in karma. Whether it is our time together or it is that we are so attuned to each other, I pick up on her most intimate mental inclinations without even thinking about it. she is a woman whose karma is very powerful, at least to me it is. I hope it isn’t to other men, although in fantasy the idea intrigues me.

Chapter 6

Mid morning I left them as they showered and cleaned up from the nights activities. Compared to sexual activity with a woman, sex between three guys means three guys spewing cum. And then considering that each of us came several times, the bed was covered in semen. The opportunity to go back to my own room and clean up was very appealing. So after a soft relaxing shower I decided to go outside and spread a blanket on the grass and doze in the sun.

The intense session with the two guys left me wasted and drained. I was exhausted. After arriving back in my room I drank glass after glass of water, I was totally dehydrated from the cum spew I had done the night before. I spent the first hours after I got cleaned up drinking water and sleeping in the sun on that soft blanket spread on the lawn in the yard. Lying with the warm sun licking my body was mesmerizing, lulling me into peaceful serene slumber. I dozed on and off for the better part of the day.

Yet oddly enough while my body was exhausted and relaxed, my arousal was roaring like an inferno. My balls felt like they had run a marathon, yet in spite of my fatigue, my cock stiffened and lengthened as it was warmed by the cress of the suns warmth and sweet sexy memories. Drifting in and out of soft naps as I lay there, I was keenly aware that my cock was stone hard and my anus was tingling and quivering. An orgasmic knot had developed deep in my asshole from the extended sex of the last few days. My prostate was erect and buzzing. My libido had been ignited and would not be extinguished.

More on Kegels and Reverse Kegels, 5/27/16 morning session

Hi guys,

The last couple Aneros sessions I continued refining my Kegels and Reverse Kegels with my favorite models of Helix Classic, Maximus and Progasm Classic, but with a new twist. Now I have discovered recently that I can insert Helix Classic and Maximus with ease on my back with my butt on a pillow. I have taken the insertion process to a higher level with my legs folded right up to my chest. My anus is then exposed fully for insertion. Both Helix and Maximus are even sucked into my anal canal. This one position makes contact with my models much more direct with my prostate which produces pleasure unimaginable. I still have to lie on my right side to insert Progasm Classic correctly, but that is OK.

Also in this position, I can perform both Kegels and Reverse Kegels with ease. The result is even more pleasure. What I am trying to do know is surrender this pleasure and even P-waves and mini-O’s that may ensue, and opening myself up to Super-O’s and MMO’s that may come my way. Also while performing the Kegels and Reverse Kegels with Aneros, I enjoy going autopilot and focusing on subtle actions and pleasures!

My Aless, as I type this entry, is so sweet, actually erotic energy. Is this “a new type of orgasm” that the old text of Aneros Directions for Use of the recently retired aneros.com web site spoke so eloquently about?

Take care,


Aneros session for Saturday morning, April 22, 2016, Kegels and Reverse Kegels

Hi guys,

This morning I had a most satisfying session with my favorite models: Helix Classic, Maximus, Tempo, and Progasm Classic.

My routine these days in sessions is that with Helix Classic, Maximus, and Progasm Classic is to insert those models while lying on my right side. I allow myself a few minutes to accommodate each of those models and then switch on my back with my butt on a pillow. That is when the real “action” takes place. But recently that there is greater contact when I bring my knees up to my chest. Here in this position, I do a few Kegels and Reverse Kegels that my buddy HopefulMMOer has spoken much about. Kegels and Reverse Kegels with Aneros real fuel intense P-waves, mini-O’s, dry O’s, etc., ingredients which may trigger a Super-O, and even MMO’s! What was so exciting about this morning, besides working with Kegels and Reverse Kegels with these three aforementioned Aneros models is that I focused upon subtle “actions” and sensations giving rise to subtle, yet rich and intense pleasure!

Yet, Tempo has his important place in all my sessions too. I can sit at my PC with Tempo inserted and do the Kegels and Reverse Kegels as well as other actions described above.

Now while typing this blog entry, I savoring the afterglow of Aless. I am Kegeling and Reverse Kegeling. If I want to, I can achieve a Super-O and much, much more which I intend to do on this rainy Saturday!