4th session – small progress but not there yet

Last night I decided to go for my 4th session and listen to Mindgasm tutorial as many of you guys suggested.
– I smoke some weed
– Took a nice shower to clean up and relax
– went to bed
– put on my headset and relaxed while putting Aneros in. This time it felt so good that I thought I would finally have THAT session everybody is looking forward to.
– Session lasted approx 2 hours – 2 hours of multiple failed attempts. Ended up touching my penis and cuming with a regular penile orgasm
– On a positive note, I got a better understanding of the 2 muscles and the type of contractions that can help reach our goal

1) Mindgasm tutorial is really helpful and made realized that I was doing it all wrong. I got to learn about the lower an middle muscles

*** I dont know what is 75% of contraction – even my 100% is not clear. Should 100% be really strong to the point it hurt ? How do I measure 25%, 50%, 75% ?
*** it was really hard for me to keep my PC muscle contracted for 30 sec. I felt like at some point it was just my sphincter which was contracted and had to put more strenght to contract PC muscle. Am I doing it wrong ? At every “big squeeze+hold”, my PC muscle would shake while I’m holding it.

Interesting thing started happening after using aneros

I got a helix syn a couple months ago. I’ve used it a fair amount of time with no real success besides a hands free wet orgasm, but still fun. I often put it in before sex and the other day while in the shower having sex i started to get close to orgasm so i pulled out and gave my pc a squeeze and ejaculated once. It wasn’t a full orgasm but still felt good, after that I was able to return to sex and repeat the process another 4-5 times before having a normal orgasm. Has anyone experienced this? Since then I’ve been able to do this without the aneros while masturbating or having sex.

How to progress from involuntaries

Hi there, I’ve been new to this game and over the last 6 months on and off I’ve attempted possibly 10sessions since I first purchased the helix trident syn.

I’ve attempted and tried a number of the tips that are commonly posted here and have made some progress strengthening the PC muscles etc. The stage I am currently at is that I can (without much effort) cause what I believe to be extended periods of involuntary contractions. These involuntary contractions usually lead to periods where I feel very aroused but that is all. If I focus on these involuntaries sometimes (with my eyes closed and focusing on my breathing) I can cause myself to start spinning but not in a dizzying way. These two results of involuntary contractions are the only progress I have made. I’m not sure what I’m doing wrong, what sensations I should be focusing on to try and achieve p-waves.

I’ve also considered the toy isn’t working for me. When I have tried or my girlfriend has used a finger inside me it has felt like my prostate was actually being stimulated and besides being a nice feeling using the toy and having the involuntary contractions I don’t feel it actually stimulate my prostate or any sort of build up of pleasurable feelings in that area. Where exactly should the pleasure or p-waves originate so I understand where to focus and cultivate them?

Any help anyone can give would be most appreciated.

Finally making some progress

I have been thinking of posting here for a while. This is going to be a rambling post so TL;DR

I bought a Helix Syn in September of 2019 after seeing Aneros orgasm videos on the web for years. Decided to finally try it for myself. Used the Syn about twice a week for around one month and got bored with it and stopped. I found that it felt okay but after squeezing my PC muscles for about 10 or 15 minutes I would either doze off or decide to watch gay porn. The Syn did seem to enhance my penile orgasms but not so much that I felt like putting it in just for the enhanced penile orgasms. BTW I have a major, major addiction to gay porn. Or had. I’ll get to that later. Anyway, I would only pop the syn in every now and again 3 or 4 months at a stretch. That changed in January and it was the strangest thing. I got up to go pee one night around 3:30 AM. When I got back in bed I was just laying on my side and was just sort of sleepily squeezing my PC muscles (which I don’t usually do) and I began to think what if the pleasant sensation of peeing occurred further back in my prostate. Then I started to imagine what that would feel like while still squeezing my PC muscles. And that is when it hit. My muscles just started spasming on their own and I had this curious, very pleasurable tingling sensation from around my prostate. It only lasted maybe 5 to 10 seconds but I guess I got hooked. Mind you my Syn was in my dresser drawer, not even in my butt. Decided to start using the Syn again the next night. I’ve been trying to figure it out like a puzzle how to get those same sensations again and I am making real progress. Last night I went for about an hour and ½ and had the involuntary contractions + feelings of impending orgasm and that happened four or five times. With practicing deep breathing and kegels I feel that a progasm is within my grasp. Weirdly (again) about two weeks ago I suddenly lost interest in porn. Not altogether but it is much easier to just shrug it off and not watch any. Something does sort of concern me though. Around the time my interest in porn fell off, it seemed like maybe my libido fell off too. When I try to have penile orgasms now, they aren’t very satisfying almost like I’m not even climaxing. Also, it feels like there is a sort of congested feeling in my prostate.

Involuntaries – medical explanation?

Hi, everyone!

I sent a similar DM to u/butt_munky who gave me some great pointers, but also suggested that I make a general post.

I have been really struggling to figure out what the involuntaries are, as they seem to be crucial to making progress to good feelings with the Aneros. I have some medical training, so have been trying to figure out exactly what these are, to know if I have been getting them or if I need to redirect my training.

If, as some have suggested, I try to hold PC contractions at various levels of intensity, the muscle will eventually fatigue. This is just like trying to hold an arm curl with a dumbbell for a long period of time. The muscle will start to shake because it has run “out of gas,” going into something called “tetany.” It can be pretty exhausting (as with the dumbbell) to hold this level of contraction, and the muscle trembling is not particularly pleasurable. If I really concentrate, I can sometimes force my mind to think that this is pleasurable, maybe with an occasional very brief “zing” of what I assume might be the start of a P-wave. Most writers don’t seem to indicate that their sessions are exhausting.

Aneros Progasm awakened my prostate

23 y/o here. Bisexual so no stranger to receptive anal stuff. Prior to buying an aneros I had been messing around with a vibrating kegel ball, and although it felt great I wasn’t getting prostate orgasms from it. Regardless, I am still aware of the muscles down there and how to get pleasure from playing with my ass.

Last Monday the progasm finally came in the mail. I was so excited because I had been reading up on these forums and the aneros website prior, so I had an idea of what I was doing. Also they say that progasm isn’t best for beginners…I beg to differ!

So Monday night I finally got around to using the aneros. After popping it in it feels extremely pleasurable and filling. I was using it on and off for a couple hours, but then when I finally went to bed the real fun started. I was in bed with the progasm in, and smoked some weed prior. This seemed to be the key. After doing the light contractions and feeling p waves, things began to escalate. My body was shaking and the toy was moving by itself. Then before I knew it, my PC muscles are stuck in the “tug of war”. My whole body was shaking and the pleasure was coming in strong waves. My PC muscles were quivering uncontrollably and the P tab of the toy felt so good pressing into me. This basically continued til I got tired. I was satisfied in achieving a prostate orgasm even if not a super o.

Intense sensation and build up, but not orgasm?

Today I decided to have a relaxing time. I had always tried to chase prostate orgasm, which never succeeded.

But today I think I got to a point I had never been before. I relaxed with some music, while the toy kept pressing the spot perfectly. The only thing I did was squeezing pc muscles tight. Then suddenly my heart ran fast and the anus area got warm. It felt like climbing up the sensation, but didn’t release with an orgasm. Eventually, I had to pee, and gave up. This whole process took about an hour.

I squeezed the pc muscles without releasing, and it was by this move that I think I got to that intense sensation. Is this a right approach?

My first P-waves!

So for context: I’ve lurked a while but decided to make my first post after my first major breakthrough. I owned the helix trident until I lost it on a trip recently like a fool. I never had a great experience with it. Minor sensations, comfort, but nothing crazy. This is entirely due to user error and a poor fit regarding what I need.

Which brings us to Monday. I ordered a progasm and peridise to replace my lost model and was excited to try them out. I warmed up with the peridise by using it manually (just rubbing it on the prostate, not the right way to use it but sue me). This was the first thing that really helped me level up, I wanted a better warm up and I got one. It was easy and felt great.

Then came the progasm. I opted for a YouTube link that hotel guy used for binaural beats, slipped it in, and tried to clear my mind. My plan is usually to do nothing for a while, then start manually operating it with my pc muscles if I feel like it. The do nothing portion was not like my helix sessions at all! Usually, my butt clenches involuntarily and randomly at the beginning of the session. The progasm was so snug that I had more control over what happened, thus no involuntary squeezes. I also felt less sensation at the beginning, which was weird. I felt it helpful to have this new found control because I could also squeeze with more intention.

Are these contractions?

Hey Guys,

So I’ve been using aneros for a couple of years now. Compared from where I started, I feel like I’m finally making some real progress.

I have a variety of models. Sessions usually last 1-2 hours. Recently I’ve been determined and have been abstaining from any ejaculation for over a week now.

Recently, I hit a certain point in my sessions where if I make any sort of movement, my PC muscles tense up super tight. It even happens sometimes when I get distracted for a second by a noise outside.

For example: My last session a few days ago, I was meditating and really starting to feel good. I even started leaking what I think was precum. Out of nowhere I felt an itch on my nose. The second I went to scratch it, my PC muscles tensed up super tight and I lost the “pleasure”feeling that I had.

Was wondering if this has happened to anyone else and if so, what can I do about it?

Involuntaries… what now?

I can usually trigger the involuntary movements pretty easily with a few *flex and holds* however once the involuntary movements start I am not quite sure what to do next. Here’s what I have tried:
1. Maintain the flex – Requires a lot of concentration, some pleasurable sensations to start but they generally fade and I restart the process again
2. Relax the flex – Involuntaries stop and I have to flex harder again to restart
3. Flex harder – Involuntaries get stronger and it feels like the aneros is fucking me but muscles become fatigued

*Flex and hold* = contracting my PC and sphincter muscles at same time and holding the flex