Good aneros alternatives? Specifically Lelo Loki Wave

I have a helix sin and a progasm, and neither get me anywhere close to what a regular dildo can do. I like the slow, rolling motion and accompanying feeling, which I’m guessing are p-waves, and I’m thinking of trying the Loki Wave by Lelo. It has a come hither motion, and I like that it’s a little larger. Does anyone have sharable experience with one? Or a recommendation besides?

first attempt today! I have some questions about some sensations that i’d love your comments on

Background: I am a total size queen and love anal play with large toys, but my anal pleasure has always been VERY dependent on penile stimulation. The pleasure immediately turns off as soon as I’m not touching my penis. so I decided it would be a good idea to go for a Progasm and do a little re-wiring!

After reading the wiki, i spent a good several minutes just letting my body adjust to having the progasm inside, on my side with a leg lifted. then i started doing some breathing and contractions at various levels, occasionally trying toe breath of fire to see how that felt. I eventually got to what i suppose could be involuntaries, i didn’t really have to try to make the contractions happen as much. that was nice and pleasurable and i could really hone in on it pressing against my prostate. it definitely felt like a step in the right direction, but nothing that felt like it would lead to a Super-O (not that im really worried about getting there yet).

What shocked me was the feeling i got when i tried the do-nothing method. i switched to laying on my front and just sitting there. slowly building was this distant feeling that my body and mind told me was something to chase. it didn’t really grow in intensity, but i definitely felt like it could be the roots of something intense.

has anyone else had a similar experience?

Birthday Aneros Session, March 30, 2016

Hi guys,

Today I am celebrating my 67th birthday. I observed it in part with my first Aneros session in over two months. There are two reasons for this long hiatus between sessions. First, we had a rather cold winter, and second, lingering affects from the flu. I just did not feel up for sessions on cold winter mornings. I felt despondent about thrown into old age.

I decided to have a birthday session, nevertheless as good luck for the coming year in some many ways, especially as to my general health.

The major take away from this morning's session that after long Aneros usage, you never quite forget how so good the various models feel working away in you. I call this Aneros muscle memory.

I used my most favorite Aneros models this morning: Helix Classic, Maximus, Tempo, and Progasm Classic.

Helix Classic for a long time has been a session opener. I began my Aneros journey in early June 2012 with Helix Syn which I believe is a good introduction to anal play for guys totally unfamiliar to that experience as me. I like Helix Classic better because that model provides more direct stimulation. This morning I opened myself up to new sensations from Helix Classic and was richly rewarded.

Next Maximus worked his magic in same fashion. The pleasure grew as the session progressed. With both these models, I began with lying on my side with my legs in sitting fashion, but switched to lying on my back with my butt placed on a pillow. Lying on my back, I've discovered, provided even more direct stimulation to my anal musculature and prostate.

Oh My! What A “Do-Nothing” Ride!

Oh My! Where to start? I found myself alone in the house for at least two hours so I "planned ahead" for an uninterrupted "ride" on Progasm Jr. I had not really used it much to-date since I usually felt that it "filled me up" a little too much. Tonight was different.

I decided in advance that I would make this session a "do-nothing" session and I just planned to relax with Progasm Jr. nicely snuggled in my you-know-what. I lubed up nicely and took my time with insertion. It is a little more difficult than the helix or eupho. Once in, I just turned over on my stomach and relaxed for about 15 to 20 minutes.

Very relaxing so far…..and I got an almost immediate erection with precum. Not a bad feeling!

But then, something happened to disturb this peaceful ride…..

I began to auto-contract ever so slightly. I could feel the Pro Jr. very slightly "tickling" my prostate with P-waves and I could even feel it with every pulse.

Every now and then, also, I began to experience a powerful abdominal spasm. Oh yeah, the moaning, THE MOANING seemed to be non-stop during this ride. Since I was alone in the house (except for the dogs) I didn't have to muffle my moans and I didn't. The moans became so loud at times that I believe that they actually helped increase the auto-contractions.

What Aneros should I buy next?

I have had my progasm ice for almost a year now and I am looking to mix it up a little bit, and maybe get something that moves a little bit more. I have been thinking of the eupho for a while now since I see that moves the most but it also has the most suble feeling from what I understand. The helix has also caught my eye but I feel it is too similar to the progasm. What do you guys think?

An Interesting Session with PS-NEW

This "ride" with PS-NEW was different. I started out just doing 15-20 minutes of total relaxation. Wow! It wasn't 10 minutes when I started to get the 'auto-F' contractions! They started and stopped in a seemingly clock-like pattern. I began moaning almost immediately, put my head under my pillow to contain some of the moans and began to "fall-into" this fantasy…..

I am in a hospital getting a prostate "procedure" using a newly-developed and automated robotic prostate "tool". I am told to lie completely still. It will take about 45 minutes for this "tool" to complete the procedure.

[time passes]

I am able to (mostly) stay still during the entire procedure. However, the 'auto-F' contractions are beginning to intensify and increase in frequency. It felt like the "tool" is beginning to work on my prostate more now. I am feeling more sensations and am moaning more….it feels like I am experiencing a prostate orgasm!

When the 45 minutes were completed, the "tool" was removed and a new "post-treatment" tool (Peridise) was inserted. I was again to remain very still for a minimum of 30 minutes more.

I began to experience significant 'in-out' involuntary movement of this "tool" and was told that this was completely normal and is necessary for the prostate to 'heal' properly after the procedure. Toward the end, it felt like I was building-up to a HFWO. I was told up front that this post-treatment may be a little intense since my prostate was stimulated during the procedure. That was an understatement!

Aneros session for April 1, 2016

Hi guys,

I really wanted an Aneros session today since my session on early Wednesday morning, March 30 went so well. Please remember that I hadn't a session since New Years Day almost three months ago. Wednesday's session unlocked all the good Aneros feelings which regaled me so much previously.

But first I had to run a couple errands this morning. I had my session early this afternoon.

I used the same lineup of models as I did on Wednesday. The four models delivered a prostate and anal massage in auto-fuck. It was uncanny.

I had to take intermissions between Tempo and Progasm because I was becoming fatigued.

In the hours since session which concluded about 2:30 p.m., I had to relax and savor my Aless.

I hope to round the week with another session early Saturday evening.

Repositioning for Success

I’ve been an Aneros user for about six months and made good progress after the first couple of weeks. I’m in my 50’s, professional, active, divorced, went through a stint of online dating where I slept with a lot of very horny, willing women (I thought that only happened to younger men) before settling down with one girlfriend. Anyway, about three weeks in (a dozen sessions or so) I progressively reached the Super-O plateau. Sometimes it’s intense, lasting for a few minutes. Other times it’s less so. Sometimes I get nothing.

It depends on how much time I have and how focused I am. There seem to be a lot of variables. Mood, stress, a lot on the mind, horniness, etc.

Lately it’s been almost impossible to reach the Super-O plateau and I thought about calling it quits after nothing for six sessions. I figured I’d grown out of it. Or gotten too old.

Was I in for a surprise.

My last time I settled in for a two hour session to really work on it. I have an MGX (my favorite), a Progasm Jr. and a Eupho Syn. I use Shea Butter Oil with a personal lube launcher with a coat of vaseline on the Aneros, except for the Eupho, which is silicon. I started on my side, then my back watching some porn, in a dark room with a fan running. A little twitch here and there, but nothing else.

Birthday Aneros Session, March 30, 2016

Hi guys,

Today I am celebrating 67th birthday. I observed it in part with my first Aneros session in over two months. There are two reasons for this long hiatus between sessions. First, we had a rather cold winter, and second, lingering affects from the flu. I just feel up for sessions on cold winter mornings. I felt despondent about thrown into old age.

I decided to have a birthday nevertheless as good luck for the coming year in some many ways, especially as to my general health.

The major take away from this morning's session that after long Aneros usage, you never quite forget how so good the various models feel working away in you. I call this Aneros memory.

I used my most favorite Aneros models this morning: Helix Classic, Maximus, Tempo, and Progasm Classic.

Helix Classic for a long time has been a session opener. I began my Aneros journey in early June 2012 with Helix Syn which I believe is a good introduction to anal play for guys totally unfamiliar to that experience as me. I like Helix Classic better because that model provides more direct stimulation. This morning I opened myself up to new sensations from Helix Classic and was richly rewarded.