Curious sensations

So yesterday, after two or three days of ejaculation abstinence, I was having a no-Aneros session in my computer chair while looking at some porn on the internet. I was having some pretty strong prostate buzzing sensations prior to this, which prompted me to have this session. And boy was I glad I did. Lately for some reason, the involuntaries have been close to non-existent in my no-Aneros sessions which is unusual. And I had no idea why. So I figured since I wasn't getting much response in that department anyway, I'd experiment with just relaxing my anal and PC muscles. And WHAM! The pleasure and energy sensations in my prostate jumped up a notch in a new way than I had experienced before and were oh so delightful! In addition to the involuntaries returning and adding very significantly to the pleasure and build up. I never got past this plateau. But it is a new record for me. And without an Aneros! The only thing I can figure is that maybe the PC and/or anal muscles need to tone up initially with the voluntary contractions. But perhaps once you get to the point where they are in shape and strong. You need to change your strategy to relaxing them instead. Just a hypothesis.

So later that day, I had an Aneros session with my Progasm. And I'm finding that lately these session don't compare much to my no-Aneros sessions. The pleasure is just not as intense, I don't feel the energy sensations, and because of this in frustration I often end up having a super-T. At least this time it was a good super-T! LOL

A Senior Citizen's Progress

I turned 70 years in February this year.

For many years I have been interested in the concept of males enjoying the benefits of multiple orgasms and first signed up for Jack Johnson’s KSMO seminar in 2004. Unfortunately, I have never been able to practice the Key Sound conscientiously. However, I have over the years developed some skill in the practice of ‘edging’. This I am able to do more or less continuously for up to an hour. (I didn’t even know it had a name until I came across this site)! By the way, I have also, for several years been doing daily exercises of my PC muscles, and this has greatly helped recent events.

Meanwhile, a couple of months ago, during a routine checkup, my physician declared that I have a slightly enlarged prostate and described some rather unpleasant remedies for it. This drove me to do some research on the internet, and hence, I arrived at the Aneros site.

I first bought the SGX and MGX models, which received their initial use in late June. I have so far had four sessions with the SGX and about half a dozen with the MGX. Whilst I quickly found both models comfortable and that they both provided pleasant sensations, the MGX quickly became my favourite. (I have also tried the Eupho just once, but I am clearly not ready for its subtleties just yet)!

Multiples and Marathons

I share these observations in case someone else might learn something new or useful from them. Am only a beginner, but think I've got a pretty advanced read on what's going on "down there" (and in our heads too) during these amazing experiences.

So, my previous entry mentioned finally learning how to (basically but undeniably) come on Saturday afternoon/day six. Saturday night (i.e., after many hours of intervening sleep), I learned how to "work it."

Had seven orgasms, five of which kept topping the previous as the most outstanding of my life. Fascinating to have read "each orgasm will have a different character" in the documentation, but then to really experience it for oneself. Frankly, orgasm has not been so interesting to me for a very long time – the last couple of years (with my FleshLight) have been preoccupied with brinkmanship and plateaus. But the lessons and muscle memory of that previous study is paying off now in a couple of significant ways.

First, a "love of brinksmanship" delivers radical new rewards in this hands-off context. With "hands-on brinking," there's always the constant struggle not to tip over the line, but with the Aneros(es), it's really easy not to release. Thus, my earlier orgasms of Sat night were "as soon as possible," but eventually learned that there's no rush. Or rather, a tremendously longer rush! One of them surprised me by feeling like minutes of coming, until finally a slight dip in sensation, and then the enormous release.

Back in the saddle again! :D

It appears my Aneros lull has ended. I had an amazing session last night! I had the most amount of pre-cum on me that I've ever seen. And I could feel my prostate swell with arousal several different times within the session. I also felt some tingly pleasure in my prostate a few times also. Rather than just around my anus and perineum. That was really nice. I think I experienced some new highs in pleasure during this session.

As to why this lull happened? Depression and personal growth are the two main things. But also I noticed that when I was last having pleasurable sensations from Aneros sensations, I think close to a month ago. I was concentrating on the completely relax approach. And what I've found out recently is that I completely stopped doing any conscious anal and PC contractions both within and outside of an Aneros session. So I recently started doing them again. And just within a few days… Boom! Pleasure again! So for me, it seems that doing the conscious contractions are important.

There was much for me to learn during my Aneros lull though. Masturbation was rare. And when I did, I had to tell myself that it is ok to have pleasure, and that I deserve it. And I had to really practice on focusing on the sensations and any erotic fantasies to allow me to be excited to ejaculate. Sound familiar? LOL Eventually as I did this more and started doing the anal and PC contractions… Sensitivity, pleasure, and desire for it returned.


At last. We managed to be able to have a night of sex. And the first shared experience of using the Aneros.

My wife came home last Friday, and due to circumstance we haven't had the time and energy to have any love sessions. Well that's not entirely true, but its limited how advanced you get in the morning when your children are in the living room…

Well over the last many days we had been kissing and fondling during day time to warm up and get ready for when the children slept, but… Then we too were ether too tired or had other things to take care of.

But at last. Sunday I went to watch a game of skater hockey, and have some training myself. When I got home my wife was about to visit a friend to have dinner there. So I took care of the kids putting them to bed. And then what do you do when you have a couple of hours to kill? Yes that’s right. Around midnight I when to rinse myself and got lubed up. And just as I placed Aneros in position I hear my wife in the living room. I greet her and we kiss and we immediately feel that we must have each other. So k prepares herself, and I warm up in bed with contractions, and I can feel I’m close to having an O already. When K enters I tell her that I'm wearing Anaros for the occasion. Well we make love, but it takes some getting used to that Aneros have this long tail, so it gets a bit uncomfortable with her on top, so I pull Aneros out. And here the new sex lesson starts. I ask her to lube her finger and to put it up my ass, and I show her where the prostate is placed. She massages it and it feels very good. Then I ask her to put Aneros back. I start getting rhythmic contractions and K is touching my balls and breasts. I come in a wonderful way, while I’m telling her what’s going on in my body. I whish all sex education could be this fun.

Super-O’s, vanished like a fart in a windstorm

Here I was goin’ along fat, dumb and happy, super-O’s almost every session, was beginning to think I had this Aneros stuff down pat. All I had to do is insert my eupho, breathe deeply and relax for around 15-minutes, start a small contraction and I was in pleasure city. Then IT happened, the last 4 or 5 sessions….NOTHING! Sure, the Aneros felt nice and I got a few involuntaries, but what the hell happened to my prostate? Did it go on a walkabout? Or go on strike? Move to a more upscale neighborhood, something with a view perhaps?

When I first started on this journey I managed to find the Aneros superhighway almost immediately. Now it seems as though I’ve somehow taken the wrong off ramp and am wandering around lost in the desert somewhere. Hopefully I’ll soon find my way back to that superhighway….


Trying again for the first time!

Greetings to all. I first must apologize to the Aneros people for
not giving their product a fair shake when I first bought mine about 2 years ago. I tried it out a few times initially without great success and just tucked it away into the assortment of toys I've accumulated. This morning I received an e-mail from Aneros about their new glass product and I decided to revisit this website for a more detailed look around.
I was very surprised to find a chat area, this blog area and many other things I never knew about. So I decided to get my MGX out,clean it up from the dust of inactivity and follow (or try to) the instructions here on site.
I'm a typical Scorpio personality and not long on patience, so after reading some testimonials about instant orgasms I expected the same…didn't happen. I then reread the instructions and followed them closer. I didn't have alot of additional time to give the MGX to work but I did find myself more relaxed than the first time this morning. I did spend more time concentrating on the anal sensations and found more sensations coming to me (nothing orgasmic yet) and when I had to stop and examined my penis I was surprised to find some precum fluid at the head. I thought maybe it was some urine leakage (I have an inflatible penile implant and sometime suffer urine spotting even some while after urinating) but could tell it was definitely precum by the slickness feel to it.
Tonight when I get back home I will devote much more time to doing this experience right and let you know how this rookie fares.

11 month anniversary (updated 6/22)

Nothing new or super – but I have retained a heightened prostate feeling since the last full moon. I'm able to feel the 'tension' whenever I choose to focus on it – lurking and pulsing around.

Here’s an excerpt of what I wrote the day after the Full Moon: I had a fantastic session. The best of the month. The fun part is that I have established an evening session during Full Moons with my SO and it turns out she really delights in making me jump around for a half hour or so. It’s during couple time that I can see the effects of rewiring first hand: The 20 fold increase in overall body sensitivity, the way her touches set me off uncontrollably, the evident body reactions and consequent struggle to relax, the altered breathing patterns, the amplified ‘wow factor’ of traditional orgasms – she can totally feel what’s going on and gets off on it too.

A new (Anerosless) contraction exercise is fun but yielding no new feelings. I do it because I think it maintains a certain level of prostate excitement. It goes like this: There is a muscle, seemingly right next to the prostate that I can contract rhythmically and quickly. Sort of as fast you can say “num, num, num, num”. What particular muscle this is, I haven’t a clue. But I can keep going for a while and it is fun to do in airplanes or driving around in cars and when lying down or smoking cigars (I feel a little haiku coming on!). And then you relax completely. And then you do it again. Sometimes, after the ‘relax completely’ phase, I get a couple of involuntary contractions.

Grinding Away

I haven’t really had a bad session since starting the KSMO. One thing the KSMO really helps with is with the discipline to only use the Aneros three times a week. The Peridise is my weapon of choice since it produces results with a minimum of effort and a maximum of mobility.

I have 4 different kinds of sessions 1) Aneros 2) KSMO 3) The session I like to have when I lay down in bed at night and my prostate starts throbbing and I just relax and focus without either Aneros or KSMO and 4) My favorite, but least frequent, sessions with my SO. Not included are general spousal sex sessions which end in ejaculation and kick off another cycle of arousal building.

All these sessions result in intense sensations that I don’t know how they can keep going without release. And oh how sensitive my nipples have become! The general cycle of orgasm starts out with arousal building with session types 1, 2 and 3 and end when the wife wants it to or I need a good nights sleep – ‘cause otherwise, as the days pass by, the little walnut keeps me awake longer and longer.

Still, despite the constant cycle of arousal building, intense sensations and p-waves there have been no breakthrough moments of mini-o’s, dry-o’s or super-o’s.

Logging out

Im just recovering from a five hour marathon which Ive decided marks the end of my little honeymoon with myself in the quest for the mistery, the orgasm, the new plane, whatever… Ive been 24 days hitting aneros and self-tantra on an average of 1.5 sessions a day. Now is the time to take a break and settle into a moderate approach, I feel the door has been unlocked.