Chapter 2

Chapter 2
With the erotic image of me penetrating him fueling chains of ecstatic sensation in my anal canal I resisted inserting my cock into his trembling opening. Suddenly I felt a need to engage intimately with him, to savor his erotic essence and taste the steaming thick eruption of his passion in my mouth; I wanted to consume and taste the cream of his desire. There is no other way for me to express my intimacy with a man that to take his manhood into my mouth as he releases a flood of hot semen on my tongue. Although my mind was lasciviously imagining my cock in his spasming anal canal as he savored the sensation of my prong filling him I resisted saving penetration for the crescendo of this meeting.

So I pulled away from him and turned so that I was facing him as I rolled him onto his back. Bending his knees and parting his legs, I knelt between them at the altar of his male sexuality and prepared to take the sacrament of his orgasmic nectar. Lowering my lips to the most sensitive part of his sexual anatomy I kissed his sulcus, the firm cleft under his cock head. I kissed it and licked it tenderly and repeatedly making his cock lurch and drool fat drops of crystal clear precum onto his belly. As I teased the ridge of his firm smooth cleft with my tongue I gathered my own precum on my middle finger; it was being coxed to drool from my own cock by what I was doing to him. With my other hand I pulled on the Aneros in his anus, extricating it with a wet plop onto the bed. Freed of the probing device his anus gently trembled between echo contractions.

“The Call Of The Eupho: A Wild Ride!”

Since I have not had an Aneros session in almost 2 weeks, I have been getting my stim through other means, usually porn or erotic auditory stim. Early this AM, I began to search for and listen to erotically-stimulating music. One in particular which I liked was called “Erotic Massage”. It was about an hour long. I had the time, I settled-in for a nice relaxing ‘listen’, set the volume very low and began to sink-into the relaxing melody. I didn’t realize it at the time but this audio track must have contained some very-carefully embedded ‘tones’ which were very stimulating. Not so much as for a penile erection (I know the feeling well) but it was a more ‘all-over’ erotic feeling. I became very aroused ALL OVER MY BODY. I felt the need to caress my nipples and torso and other parts of my body. Yes I was feeling it in my groin and had a mostly-full erection (about 3/4 I believe). But near the end, I felt ready for sex! Since it was early AM, and I was still feeling unfulfilled and horny, I decided to go for an Aneros session (for which I have longed for a while). My body was ready.

I retreated to my bedroom, selected the Eupho (somehow I knew this was the one), lubed-up and laid on my usual right side position.

Lingamans Story Chapter 1

As I approach 100 entries and 51,000 views in Lingamans blog I decided it was time for a change. Everything in this blog to date expresses experiences I have had. As many of my friends here know I love erotic writing, both reading it and writing it. So with the interest of changing things here and exercising one of my loves I am shifting this blog to my erotic fiction. Obviously even fiction is inspired by a writers experiences, feelings and desires so there is a lot of me in the work I will be presenting here. It is intended to inform, arouse and encourage you as readers and as members of the Aneros brotherhood. So to my friends and brothers in orgasm here … enjoy.

Chapter 1

Like many people I have been on a few forums on line in the last 12 years or so. I joined this one 10 years ago. I have seen the members of this forum come and go just as I have on many other forums. Senior members are active and then they fall away as the novelty wears off or the need they had of the forum fades or is replaced by something else in their life. I always feel a sense of loss when I longer see people that I chatted with every day no longer a part of my life. Sharing this feeling of loss I had with a few senior practitioners few years ago in the Aneros chat room we all agreed that the role and purpose of the Aneros Forum was different and that we couldn’t afford to lose senior members. Yes it was a place for beginners to get help and we glad to offer advice and assistance to achieve MMO, but we also agreed that the seniors in this forum had phenomenal wisdom; wisdom that doctors, sex counselors and professional sex workers did not have a clue about.

“A Reflection: Stepping Back For The Bigger Picture”

[I took a brief break from Aneros and felt the need for some reflection]

While in the shower this AM, I began to get a thousand things pop into my head regarding my Aneros usage and other Aneros ‘voyagers’ and all other things sexual. Here are some of my ‘random’ thoughts in no particular order…….


It seems that upon first glance, all of our Aneros use is only about pleasuring ourselves. That is partially true; however, in the bigger scheme of things, we are expressing our ‘manhood’ and our sexuality as males. We will gladly ‘share’ our manhood with our significant other any time, any place. We will even ‘share’ it with ourselves!

Our male sexuality is just one facet of our existence as males but it is a vitally important one. As males, we derive so much pleasure from sexual activities that it is almost second-natured for us, like breathing. It is not that we are ‘turned-on’ all the time (according to women), it is in our very being.

At the end of the day, we are fulfilled as males when we are allowed to express our sexuality in the way that pleases us, whatever that may be (provided it is not against the law!) That would include any forms of self-pleasure such as Aneros and other male ‘toys’.

Our existence as males would be unfulfilled if it were not for sex in all its myriad forms. Thank God for sex!

first attempt today! I have some questions about some sensations that i’d love your comments on

Background: I am a total size queen and love anal play with large toys, but my anal pleasure has always been VERY dependent on penile stimulation. The pleasure immediately turns off as soon as I’m not touching my penis. so I decided it would be a good idea to go for a Progasm and do a little re-wiring!

After reading the wiki, i spent a good several minutes just letting my body adjust to having the progasm inside, on my side with a leg lifted. then i started doing some breathing and contractions at various levels, occasionally trying toe breath of fire to see how that felt. I eventually got to what i suppose could be involuntaries, i didn’t really have to try to make the contractions happen as much. that was nice and pleasurable and i could really hone in on it pressing against my prostate. it definitely felt like a step in the right direction, but nothing that felt like it would lead to a Super-O (not that im really worried about getting there yet).

What shocked me was the feeling i got when i tried the do-nothing method. i switched to laying on my front and just sitting there. slowly building was this distant feeling that my body and mind told me was something to chase. it didn’t really grow in intensity, but i definitely felt like it could be the roots of something intense.

has anyone else had a similar experience?

“Eupho Dance & HOWO”

What a session! First, a little background. I had been ‘dosing’ on some penis stimulation binaurals for about 45 minutes so I was hard, wet and horny. Since it still was early AM, I decided to “do” a quick non-stimulating ‘session’ with my Eupho and maybe finish-off with an ejaculation later-on. What could be the harm? As it turned out, plenty! Let me explain……

I lubed-up, got the Eupho where it belonged and turning over on my favorite right side position, I relaxed and waited. Well, about 3 minutes in, the Eupho made up its own mind that IT was going to “finish-me-off” whether I liked it or not. So for the next 40 minutes or so, it was a quiet march for me to the ‘edge–of–the-cliff’! Let me further explain……

“A New Way To The Super-O?”

[Please do not read ahead of the story as it contains a spoiler. Some readers may find this story to be slightly disturbing.]

I have been having difficulty achieving a whole-body "Super Orgasm" in my Aneros sessions and it felt like I hit a "brick wall" in my progress. I have the Eupho and I like it, but so far, I have been unable to progress to anything resembling a Super-O!

I was intrigued when I found out about a "new" technique to help guys like me achieve this important milestone. It involves a combination of relaxation meds and hypnotic orgasmic suggestion. The best part of this is that it is FREE! Apparently, this technique is in the "trial" stage and volunteers were needed to "validate" the process!

This special "session" was to be held in a local "clinic" not far from where I live. I made arrangement to participate. I was to be prepared to spend the night and to bring my favorite Aneros model and some lube. I like my Eupho so I brought it along with Boy Butter.

I showed-up on a Saturday night about 8PM. This was to be an "overnight" session. There were about three other guys there also participating but I didn't know any of them. We all met in a "conference room" beforehand and the "moderator" explained to us how this "session" was going to work. We would go to one of the clinics' "private rooms" (which were set-up like small bedrooms each with a bed, table, light). We were to get relaxed (I generally do my Aneros sessions in the nude), and insert the Aneros as we normally do.

Birthday Aneros Session, March 30, 2016

Hi guys,

Today I am celebrating my 67th birthday. I observed it in part with my first Aneros session in over two months. There are two reasons for this long hiatus between sessions. First, we had a rather cold winter, and second, lingering affects from the flu. I just did not feel up for sessions on cold winter mornings. I felt despondent about thrown into old age.

I decided to have a birthday session, nevertheless as good luck for the coming year in some many ways, especially as to my general health.

The major take away from this morning's session that after long Aneros usage, you never quite forget how so good the various models feel working away in you. I call this Aneros muscle memory.

I used my most favorite Aneros models this morning: Helix Classic, Maximus, Tempo, and Progasm Classic.

Helix Classic for a long time has been a session opener. I began my Aneros journey in early June 2012 with Helix Syn which I believe is a good introduction to anal play for guys totally unfamiliar to that experience as me. I like Helix Classic better because that model provides more direct stimulation. This morning I opened myself up to new sensations from Helix Classic and was richly rewarded.

Next Maximus worked his magic in same fashion. The pleasure grew as the session progressed. With both these models, I began with lying on my side with my legs in sitting fashion, but switched to lying on my back with my butt placed on a pillow. Lying on my back, I've discovered, provided even more direct stimulation to my anal musculature and prostate.

Oh My! What A “Do-Nothing” Ride!

Oh My! Where to start? I found myself alone in the house for at least two hours so I "planned ahead" for an uninterrupted "ride" on Progasm Jr. I had not really used it much to-date since I usually felt that it "filled me up" a little too much. Tonight was different.

I decided in advance that I would make this session a "do-nothing" session and I just planned to relax with Progasm Jr. nicely snuggled in my you-know-what. I lubed up nicely and took my time with insertion. It is a little more difficult than the helix or eupho. Once in, I just turned over on my stomach and relaxed for about 15 to 20 minutes.

Very relaxing so far…..and I got an almost immediate erection with precum. Not a bad feeling!

But then, something happened to disturb this peaceful ride…..

I began to auto-contract ever so slightly. I could feel the Pro Jr. very slightly "tickling" my prostate with P-waves and I could even feel it with every pulse.

Every now and then, also, I began to experience a powerful abdominal spasm. Oh yeah, the moaning, THE MOANING seemed to be non-stop during this ride. Since I was alone in the house (except for the dogs) I didn't have to muffle my moans and I didn't. The moans became so loud at times that I believe that they actually helped increase the auto-contractions.

“Wired For Pleasure”

My recent experiences with erotic hypnosis and especially binaural beats have put excess stress on my heart and since I have had an episode of irregular heartbeat in the past (caused by excess caffeine) and have recently experienced some again, I feel it is best that I curtail my Aneros usage and binaural beats for an indefinite period of time….

That said, I have "renewed" my passion for my wife and we have had several great episodes lately. No details but suffice it to say that things have been progressively building up to a sexual explosion. I feel wonderful!

I worried that I would be deprived of my Aneros sessions. That all changed this morning. Let me explain……..


Following a blissful night with my wife, I awakened early like I usually do and went on the computer to catch-up. While online, I began to experience a warm "glow" —hard to explain— it seemed to be a sexual "energy" that I began to feel and it was enveloped in the sexual passion I feel for my wife. It was a raw, sexually-charged, wonderful, delicious feeling and I am looking forward to more erotic encounters with her. I finished up with my online session, had a little pre-breakfast like I usually do and then went back to my bed (we sleep in different beds due to our "snoring").