1st attempt

Hello everyone

I had a some awakenings this past years through some life experience and I definitely had quite a big boost going through craniosacral work and rolfing. Basically a lot of emotional release, whole body highs etc… Since those episodes I have been experiencing full body orgasms and the ability to cicle and move and expand something in my body which I am not yet aware what it is or what it dose. Reading the aneros forum and some KSMO post, what people where talking about seemed familiar. So I went ahead and orderd a helix, after two weeks a progasm, and now peredise is on its way.

I dont know how I fist heard about aneros, but it stayed in the back of my head until I started to run into information and testimonials that gave me indications that this was a valid route for me to take. Although Ive experimented with the anal root on my own at points, Ive always been very turned down.

My experience

I have to say that the progasm isnt doing too much compared to the helix, but I guess it will have its place and its time! Although come to think of it, it dose reach some spots that the helix dosent, I miss the movement from helix.

Very first experiences (3 sessions)

I've experimented with anal play a bit in the past, but have never been completely satisfied with it. In the short span of a few days, the Aneros has changed my entire outlook on sexuality and linked together a number of unlikely experiences in my life that until now simply seemed odd or unexpected. I'll elaborate after first describing the past couple of days.

Based on recommendations I gleaned from the Aneros forum, I placed an order for the Helix. However, anticipation got the better of me while waiting the few days for it to arrive, so I looked up a local retailer and picked up the MGX to get some instant gratification, so to speak.

My first session was a learning experience to say the least. The MGX was comfortable, and acceptable to me given my limited past experiences. Following instructions and the advice I've been reading, I relaxed and began becoming familiar with the sensations of my new friend. I eventually began experimenting with some contractions, and it was not long before I noticed a strong yet intangible reaction when fully contracted. I could not identify anything particularly pleasurable inside, but the P-tab was definitely doing something for me. Finding the "sweet spot" for the P-tab definitely goes a long way in getting pleasure. (As an aside, I found the pressure from the MGX P-tab to be a bit severe, and ended up adding some cushion in the form of a soft cloth.)

1st Month

Background: Male, mid 40’s, married with children.

June 2008 – While cruising a web site for couples, I read a couple of threads on tantric sex. One of the threads talks about prostate massage leading to great orgasms for men. A simple Google search on prostate massage leads to a variety of web sites – one of them is for Aneros.

I read the forums and do some product research. My wife and I have a fun relationship, but we do not have a tremendous amount of adult toy play experience. We have previously purchased only one adult toy in the past, a g-spot/p-spot vibrator. I tried it a couple of times solo but I found it awkward to use and didn’t get a lot of enjoyment out of it. It has been on the shelf for a long time.

The Aneros ‘hands free’ feature sounds attractive. Internet reviews point to mixed results. Aneros forum users, however, seem to form a small tight knit cult product following. I make a choice, it’s the Helix.


Early Post of Youth Experiences

For me, Aneros and KSMO quickly became almost inseparable in my practice. Here is my almost year-old introductory post in the KSMO Forum, quoting from a thread posting I had made to a thread here that was subsequently removed for other reasons. As promised recently in current threads here, I am placing this background in the blog. Hope this is helpful.

"As a newbie here, and relatively so in the Aneros Forum, I am energized and curious about combining these two practices. A little like Pan, I have chronic pain and yet have been able to develop a number of techniques to override or evade it to a degree.

I am married for almost 40 years and we have two sons in their mid-20s. Now empty-nesters, my wife and I are exploring our post-parenting sex interests and that has included a successful voyage into her ejaculatory orgasm potential and the flowing waters of the goddess. We have just begun listening to the 4 CD KSMO library and are in very early practising of the KS. We will do some posting in the Couples chat area when they are focused on mutuality.

Prostate centred sex has been part of my world since the earliest teen explorations of my body and sexual responses. I used model missiles for anal stimulation and then to massage my prostate as a teen. Parallel to that, I experienced, without any prostate, anal, penile or any other physical stimulation, vigorous, whole body, orgasmic experiences with vivid visualizations that I call Intellectual Orgasms. I described them on the Aneros Forum as follows:

Aneros arrived! 1st session

I received my Aneros today, and when I opened the package I was immediately impressed with the product – it seems very sturdy and well-made. The instructions that were included seemed to be fairly skimpy, and am glad that I was able to get more info off of the Aneros site.

After reading many posts on the Aneros forum regarding the tail modification, I decide to remove the tail (which was harder to do than I thought it would be – the plastic is very sturdy) and then filed the area I cut with a very fine file, until it seemed smooth like the rest of the Helix.

I was anxious to try out the Aneros right then and there, but decided to wait until I had some uninterrupted time to myself. I took a shower, applied baby powder to my perineum and lubed my ass and the aneros with the only lube I had handy (astroglide), and inserted the Helix. It went in a lot easier than I thought it would, and the p-tab seemed to hit just the right spot.

I finally ordered an Aneros

One day I was surfing porn videos on xtube.com and saw a few videos of aneros users, and I was immediately intrigued.

I have already read the book "ESO: Extended Sexual Orgasm" and have been practicing edging on and off over the past couple of decades. I have also always been very aware of how my sphincter and anus feels when I am sexually aroused and also when I am ejaculating, and have practiced using my PC/Kegel muscles for awhile as well.

Another thing that I like to do, when I am aroused, is gently squeeze the head of my penis between my thumb and the first knuckle of my pointer finger, waiting about 2 seconds between each squeeze. While doing this I feel three "spasms" in my penis and sphincter. The first spasm happens in my penis which is then quickly followed by my anus constricting and then my penis flexing again. These are not huge spasm, but enough to feel really good. I don't have to be hard, just slightly aroused, for this pleasure to take place.

Originally I ordered a MGX, but right after I ordered I logged in to the aneros forum and found a poll that indicated that men had better luck with the Helix, so I canceled my order for the MGX and ordered a Helix instead. I just checked the tracking, and it should be here on Monday or Tuesday. I will try it when I get it and report my results from that session here in my blog.


I use my MGX for BPH (Benign Prostatic Hyperlasia) therapy when I need relief from the narrowing and urgency as baseline Aneros use.

Rewiring and exploring the sensations and orgasm levels through Aneros use have been quite a ride through 2007. I added KSMO (Key Sound Multiple Orgasms) quite soon after starting with Aneros. The two methods together unleashed a lot of energy flows and mrs. artfom and I have had some wonderful times with all this.

Early here in the Aneros Forum I gave some of my background and particularly the experiences in my youth that I called Intellectual Orgasms. Recently a fellow member of the KSMO Forum challenged me to compare that experience with Crown Centred Orgasms in the Tao traditions and techniques and I did pursue Tao with some successes in the early 1990s. For a variety of reasons I let that practice lapse for about a decade and a half. Now I need to step back and clarify what has been happening, from what previous rewiring and where I am headed next.

I hope anyone and everyone with any resonant experiences or questions will help me through this rethinking and I look forward to that as I continue with Aneros and the other disciplines/opportunities.

As we rewire, so shall we be reconnected.

Parting words

Do to the number of requests I’ve received I’ve decided to leave this forum, so here are my parting thoughts.

The Aneros is a toy.
Yes some of you use it for prostate health, but the main focus of this forum is using it for pleasure, which makes it a sex toy.

The Aneros is not the Holy Grail of prostate massagers. I know this is an Aneros Forum, but its still sickening to listen to people almost worshiping it. Stop making your posts sound like your making a paid infomercial.

All models are not the same; out of the box the Progasm is the only Aneros product that worked for me. Modified I also like the Helix. So if yours isn’t working for you after 3 months max. Try something else and yes some other brands work just as well.

If you haven’t achieved a super O within 12 months, something is wrong. Either there is something wrong with you or you need to find a different path.

I really liked Darwin’s idea about the Aneros men’s club, but it missed the mark. It should be the men’s sexual awareness clinic where guys can help other guys achieve their sexual potential and would include using the Aneros. I have helped a friend achieve the super O and it was almost as exciting for me as it was for him. Someone else has recently asked me to help him reach the super O, so who knows, I hope mentoring will catch on.