I'm surfing again…

I was prompted to recall memories from my youth this evening, which I hadn't thought about in a very long time. In the late 70's, I got into a bit of a surfing kick and spent one summer on the beaches of Newquay in Cornwall learning to surf. For most of the first week or so, all I did was try and stay upright, and failed. But when frustration was begining to set in, I got it and surfed a wave all the way to the beach, and this wave was huge, 12 maybe even 15……..inches high, but I stood on the board and rode it all the way in. For the rest of the holiday, I was calling everyone Dude with a new found enthusiasm. (I did ride bigger waves later on!!)

Progasm Mod

rook's_ride_03 [– Modifying a Program for a guy with moderate bph]
6 ft. / 180lb / 45gm prostate / MBTI=ESTJ / 8 mos. journey

Disclaimer: 'rook' is not a medical professional, has no credentials or experience in the field of Proctology and has only six months experience using Progasm for prostate massage. High Island Health has a skilled team of experts in massager design. These people seem to know what they are doing and probably understand the medical hazards in design of prostate massagers. They no doubt have extensive knowledge about the range of adult male prostate and procto characteristics and qualities.

Any modifications to an Aneros tool involve unknown risks and could cause either temporary or permanent bodily damage. Simply put, once you undertake any modification, you are on your own.

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I'm not 'average' in my physical qualities. I have an enlarged prostate, and probably less rectal elasticity/resiliency that the average Forum participant but my pelvic floor musculature is pretty good. Put another way, your mileage [u]WILL[/u] vary.

Is this supposed to be funney…?

I don’t know if it’s suppose to make you laugh, but some of the feelings I’m beginning to get are. Well, chuckles really, but I can’t help it, literally, I cannot stop the chuckles when the tingly feelings start. Maybe I’m ticklish inside too, I'm ticklish just about everywhere else.
These effects are still pretty brief, only a couple of seconds, but hey, I’m not complaining.
Still experimenting, lying on my right side seems to be the one at the moment, it feels like there is good contact inside. Tried it on my back, knees up and feet flat on the bed, and there is a definite feeling of there being more space available, but when I contract, I get the feeling that the head of the Aneros is moving down towards the end of my spine, and away from the prostate. Still need to practice muscle control, but the spasms are beginning to come, when they do get going, they are starting to trigger off these other feelings, and they are starting to move further into my body, my abdomen at the moment.

Recently had another good look through the forum and blogs, and got to realising how fantastic it was to see men talking about all the things that get talked about on here. Women have been doing it for years – part of their liberation and ‘re-birth’ I think during the 60’s and 70’s – but it’s wonderful to find a place where men are doing the same. Just wonder how open and frank we would still be if we were all in the same room together and not hidden behind computer monitors!!!

Anal experimentation with a beautiful woman.

That's right! Today was the day! Who thought it'd come so soon? Surely not I.

Amber (The girlfriend, remember?) and I were laying in my bed, I had gotten naked and she stripped down to just her panties. We were just relaxing, talking. I was most definitely horny. Not using my Helix the night before or that morning had built up some serious anticipation. I was giving her a back massage, she would occasionally give my member some attention, a brush here, a caress there. She moved a bit lower and gave my scrotum and perineum their share. That really got me going. Lots of kissing, panting and heavy breathing, but then the action stopped there. Damn! She had some homework to do. So she got up, got on my computer, and started at it. I just laid there and began to do some contractions. Throughout the day I was again feeling those flutters, I really am not sure if they are the Echo Effects, since I feel them both without my Helix inserted and with. Anyways. I was a little upset, as she could tell, since we only had a few hours together and she would be spending them doing homework, so she decided that it could be done later that night, so we could have some fun together! 😉

Receiving My Aneros and My First Two Sessions

Thought I should write a few logs on my sessions.

Well for starters, I'm sorta pretty good at knowing when my packages are coming into the mail. So last Saturday, I was pretty sure I would be getting something from "HLH." So for most of the morning and bits of the afternoon, I was extremely anxious. I really wanted to keep this private(That's actually why I enjoy this forum, I can still discuss my experiences and still be anonymous).

Once the mail carrier began doing his rounds, I knew I had to intercept this package. I felt like ages for the guy to get to my home. Once he stopped in front of my home, I when out like I was looking for my mail.

He says to me, "I bet you were expecting this!"

I completely froze and I thought, "Does this guy know what I'm going to do with the stuff in this box?"

He assumes that my silence means that I wasn't, even though I had been impatiently waiting for my Aneros.

After he walks away, I quickly rush my package into my bedroom and open it all up.

A few hours later, I finally find some time to try out my new Aneros. I've never done any sort of anal play, so I was extremely nervous.

My Peridise experience

Hi Guys,
I haven't posted for quite a while but have been visiting the site regularly,so thought it was about timeI started a blog.I've used the Aneros now for about three years with many many out of this world experiences that have truthfully changed my life.I started with the MGX and then purchased the Progasm,both of which have sent me on exquisite journeys of extreme pleasure which have got better and better with each session.
Recently I purchased the Peridise and waited in excitement for it to arrive.I knew when I ordered the two Peridise models that they were smaller than the other Aneros models and of obviuos different design with no abutment tab to press on the sweet spot,but when I opened them I was surprised how small thy were but OMG what a punch they provided.
I prepared my self with lube and inserted my new friend.It almost fell into my anus because it is so slim.Then I settled down to see what would happen.With my MGX and Progasm I almost immediately felt the pressure in my anus and on my sweet spot but with the Peridise the feeling was different,it was a subtle almost tickling sensation which carried on for about 10 minutes gradually increasing in intensity.I was really enjoying myself when things suddenly changed,all of a sudden I had the most exquisite feeling inside my arse.It felt like my prostate suddenly became detatched and started wrapping itself around the Peridise.This was the strangest,most beautiful feeling that I'd never felt before with the other models.I was then launched into the most intense anal orgasm I'd ever experienced,OMG I was seeing flashing lights my face contorted in this un presidented pleaure,my whole insides were actually moving around.It felt so undescribably beautiful,and it wouldnt let me go,more and more intense until I thought my whole insides were going to ejaculate out of my arse.WHAT AN EXPERIENCE.I love my MGX and My Progasm and they give me awesome orgasms but I use the two peridise models almost every day now.They are like a drug to me,my arse just craves them and as soon as they are in I know I'm going to have the most intense anal orgasms which just go on and on without stopping .Maybe I'm having anal and prostate and full body orgasms all at the same time,I just go into another world.Afterwards I'm so satisfied and afterwards my anus muscles ache with the intense contractions.
I'd love to hear from any guy that has had similar ecstasy using the Peridise.

A New Decade

At the start of a new decade I find myself wavering between two extremes to understand the Aneros Effect (1). Is but a catalyst, eventually this phenomenon of increasing / developing levels of body / mind bliss becomes self-sustaining without the catalyst – which begs the question what exactly is happening – is the prostate and the complexity of nerve endings once massaged by Aneros appropriately or eventually a learned set of subtle muscle contractions (analogous to riding a bike, kind of muscle memory auto-take over) doing the equivalent of sticking probes in the brain at the appropriate location and feeling you've encountered Universal mind – the prostate being in Artform's sense some kind of centre to a second brain and the probe being literally the Aneros. This is the perspective of a kind of pragmatic biology explanation.
(2). Is the Aneros a technological amplifier, a tuner in for the human being to a Universally accessible continuous orgasmic / bliss energy frequency and represents some kind of physic breakthrough for everyone on the planet?

Perhaps best just to go on the journey 🙂

So Artform suggested blogging about my experience of combining attempts to "click amygdalae forward" and usage of Aneros (focussed at present on use of Peridise advanced set, just ordered Eupho). This started on early morning of 30th December 2009 – along with the combination two other factors may have been playing a part here – approaching full moon and having a soup at lunchtime with corriander (Tiphereth tip on increasing libido here – http://www.aneros.com/forum/tips-to-increase-libido-t4207.html – ingestion of a few corriander seeds I have felt in the past amplifies orgasmic activity).

…and so it begins.

Curiosity is an odd thing, not only is it fatal to felines (poor kitties), it can send you down paths you didn’t even know existed.
I am approaching my 50th year of life and have been coming to the conclusion that so far things have been very boring, so have begun looking at things outside my normal boundaries.
Anything to do with my ‘backdoor’ has always been considered exit only until about 6 months ago. What was it about anal sex that was so popular? During periods of self pleasure, curiosity reared its head and I began to dip in a finger, badly – and painfully – at first, but then I did get a finger in almost to the knuckle and touched something that caused an odd sensation.
I was also beginning to dip my toes into meditation and looking at Tantra where I learnt about extended male orgasms and dry orgasms. I’ve been on my own for a few years now and masturbation was getting, well…boring, just a means of satisfying an occasional urge, but these new possibilities sounded worth looking into. Then I heard of prostate massagers, but considered them nothing more than a male dildo.
Christmas was approaching and decided I was going to treat myself. I ended up on an adult web store and there were those massagers again, so curiosity made me click the link. There were videos of experts extolling the virtues of those weird looking things, sexual bliss unlike anything experienced before, dry orgasms, the super’O’, and they were good for you.
What made me choose an Aneros over the other makes, I’m not sure, but curiosity had got the better of me and I placed my order for an MGX and some lubricant (made 3 miles from where I live!). I did not expect it to arrive until sometime between Christmas and New Year, so I was very surprised when it arrived at my door the very next day – Christmas Eve. I debated whether to leave it for Christmas day, but the fun of presents is discovering what was inside, and I knew exactly what was inside this parcel.
It is an odd looking gadget and I was very apprehensive about using it, but oddly very excited as well, looking forward to all these wonderful things that were going to happen. Some hours later I decided now was the time. I followed the instructions on the pack, lay on my side and lubed up. Getting it in was easy enough but nothing felt right, apart from a few attempts with a finger, this was the first time anything had gone in my anus. After 10 minutes I had to take it out and go to the toilet. I was a bit disappointed.
On my own on Christmas day and late in the afternoon tried again with the same result. Very late on Christmas night I found the Aneros site and was startled by what I discovered, not just a manufacturers site promoting their wares but an entire new world. I realised very soon that massagers are not an alternative to the hand but a door to something I didn’t know existed. I was fascinated. I read blogs and posts and got chatting to others and the wiki is essential reading for newbies.
Yesterday, I took heed of this new information and tried again. With no expectations or wanting things to happen, I practiced breathing, contracting, meditating…for 40 minutes! Nothing did happen but I knew I was on the right path, there was a positive feel this time. I only stopped because I was falling asleep, but I knew what I had to do next time.
Next time was going to be tonight, but I’ve spent the last 5 hours trawling through the posts and the blogs, writing this, re-writing this, and I’m falling asleep again.

Ten sessions, two dry-O, variation and kitchen appliances

I now have had myself ten sessions with an Aneros over a period of 52 days. At least I think it is 10… There has been mostly Helix but also mixed in some Beginner Peridise; once with the larger and twice with the smaller. Each session has lasted 3 to 5 hours and they seem to play out differently each time. Many have been nice but calm. Some sessions I have fallen asleep with the toy (and always wake up cold), many times I have a bathroom break.

The eight session was a week ago during the night starting at one o'clock and not ending before six (sex, we say) in the morning. I prepared myself watching some good porn for quite a while seated in the armchair and then lubed for a moment with my faithful rod of beads. Having tried watching porn during one earlier session, I found out in the forum that I could try a slideshow of more or less naked women instead, giving more room for my aroused mind. I also added some relaxing 1-hour CD music, which I restarted three times during the night.

This was the first session after my Peridise debut, and the improvement was very noticeable. My involuntaries with the Helix had been rare before Peridise, but now they came way easier and also returned over and over during the entire session. After laying on my back for an hour enjoying these, I restarted the CD and turned on my left side instead, with my legs in a more restful position.


i've used the aneros a few times now and, the most i have had at of it, is a gentle sensation, which lasted for about ten seconds, nothing has happened since and need help, the online instructions are to simplistic and need help to see if im inserting it correctly, how much lube do i use etc.
p.s. after i get annoyed using this, i tend to jerk off, and must admit there is much more there, then if using nothing at all, if u know wat i mean